572 research outputs found

    Explained by the theory of prospect against risk sensivity on firm level

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    Risk ve getiri arasındaki ilişki, geçmişten bugüne birçok araştırmacı tarafından incelenmekte olan konuların başında gelmektedir. Geleneksel finans teorileri açısından ele alınan ilişki beklenen fayda teorisine alternatif olarak Kahneman ve Tversky tarafından geliştirilen beklenti teorisi açısından incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı firma düzeyindeki risk-getiri duyarlılığının beklenti teorisiyle incelenip açıklanmasıdır. Firmanın risk-getiri duyarlılığını beklenti teorisiyle açıklamak için Panel Data analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu modele ilişkin veriler, Borsa İstanbul'da işlem gören sınai sektöründeki firmaların 2003-2012 yılları mali tablolarından elde edilmiştir. Bu yıllara ait 12 aylık veriler ele alınmıştır. İlk olarak, mali tablo verilerinden yararlanılarak öz sermaye karlılığı ve risk hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Daha sonra çeşitli test ve analizler yardımıyla firmaların riske karşı duyarlılıkları ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak firmaların risk alarak büyümeyi tercih ettikleri gözlemlenmiştir.Risk and return relationship is the most attractive subject for the researcher now as like in the past. Traditional finance theories discussed in terms of the relationship, as an alternative to expected utility theory developed by Kahneman and Tversky been discussed, in terms of expectancy theory.The aim of this study, to determine and explain the sensivity on firm level with prospect theory.We were used to Panel Data analyses to explain the firms' risk-return sensitivity with the Prospect Theory. The data on this model, Borsa İstanbul stock- exchange traded companies in the industrial sector in the years 2003-2012 were obtained from the financial statements. We discussed about 12 monthly data. Firstly, the profitability of the financial statements of equity and risk calculations were made using the data. After that, with the help of the various tests and analyses of companies measured their sensitivity to risk. As a result,observed that firms prefer to grow by taking risks


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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of core stabilization training on drag-flick and shot performance in young hockey players. For this purpose, 20 super league level hockey players participated in the study as subjects. The subjects were divided into two equal groups as experimental and control. While core training and hockey training were applied together for 8 weeks to the experimental group; the control group only continued their routine hockey training. Shot and drag flick tests were applied to the groups one day before and one day after the 8-week period. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 program. After testing for normality and homogeneity, independent samples t-test was performed for between groups, and paired samples t-test was performed for pre-post-tests of each group. When the results were examined, there were significant changes in the hit and drag flick parameters in favor of the post-tests between the pre-post tests in the experimental group in which core training was applied (p<0.05), while the significant changes in the control group were not evaluated because they were in favor of the pre test. Despite these results, there was no significant difference in the measured features between the groups (p>0.05) As a result, it can be said that core training has positive effects on drag flick and shot performance in hockey players.  Article visualizations

    Critical Thinking about Urban Studies Linked with Thermodynamic Terms

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    8th International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems, TechSys 2019 -- 16 May 2019 through 18 May 2019 -- -- 155190The interaction of urban science with psychology, biology, ecology, and technology creates a rich diversity. Thermodynamics and information theory are among the methods of analysis used to understand urban systems. These methods have a variety of options, and their decision-making processes are complex. Definitions related to the concept of city vary depending on the approach of social science disciplines such as urban science, sociology, geography, economy and public administration. Geographic Information System (GIS) enables the creation of interactive maps of the urban system's transformation processes. Thus, city maps have gained qualifications for the examination of the possible changes and future scenarios. The relationship between city and thermodynamics has been developed with implementations such as energy, sustainability, system approach, spatial analysis, aesthetic evaluation methodologies, urban growth, and urban models. The thermodynamic interpretation of implementations provides concrete data such as heat map of the cities, and energy potential. The interpretation of entropy at the intersection of thermodynamics and information theory gives different perspectives to the concepts such as coding, redefining aesthetics and urban growth. The studies which relates urban issues and entropy concept are very different in approach and content from each other. This situation has also created a ground for meaning shifts. The aim of this study is to critically discuss the methods, concepts, and theories of urban studies related to the thermodynamic terms. As a method, the studies on the approaches of the concepts of thermodynamics in urban planning and urban design will be evaluated with a literature review. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Understanding Aesthetic Experiences of Architectural Students in Vertical and Horizontal Campuses: A Comprehensive Approach

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    The typological features of university campus areas are shaped according to their locations in the city. Campuses in city centers carry great potentials for students’ cultural, intellectual and artistic activities, especially for those from the faculty of architecture and design, with close relations to the city. In big metropolitan cities, it is hard to reserve land for campuses therefore they emerge as vertical settlements. On the other hand, campuses built on the periphery mainly feature horizontal planning characteristics due to the availability of land. The aim of this paper is to develop an approach for measuring architecture students’ aesthetic experience of vertical and horizontal campuses in relation to the sense of place theory. Recently, emerging technologies in cognitive science, such as brain imaging techniques, activity maps, sensory maps, cognitive mapping and photo-projective method etc., have enabled advanced measurement of aesthetic experience. In this exploratory research, using the ‘photo-projective method’, students will be asked to interpret and draw ‘cognitive maps of the places that they are happy to be (defined place) or to see (landscape) on the campus. Based on students’ impressions and experiences, it will be possible to compare aesthetic experience on vertical and horizontal campus. Thus, a comprehensive approach for improving campus design according to users’ aesthetic experiences and sense of place rather than building technology, law, development and finance-driven obligations will be introduced

    The role of teachers' psychological capital in their work engagement: Öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayelerinin işe tutkunluklarındaki rolü

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    This study aims to reveal determine the role of teachers' psychological capital in their work engagement. Population of this study consists of 2798 teachers that was working at the Uşak Province at the educational year of 2022-2023 and study’s sample is 314 teachers that were chosen by convenience sampling.“Psychological Capital” and “Work Engagement Scale” are used to collect data in this study. According to the results of the study, teachers' psychological capital levels are very high and job engagement levels are high. While the psychological capital and job engagement levels of the teachers do not differ according to the variables of gender, number of teachers and working time in the same school, they differ according to the variables of seniority and educational status. As the years of seniority of the teachers increased and their educational status increased, their psychological capital and job engagement levels were found to be higher. While teachers' psychological capital levels do not differ according to school level, their work engagement levels differ. The level of work engagement of primary school teachers is higher than that of secondary and high school teachers. In the study, there is a significant, positive, medium level of correlation between teachers' perceptions of psychological capital and work engagement in the school. On the other hand, while teachers' perceptions of optimism, trust and hope predict their work engagement; Self-efficacy, extroversion and psychological strenght did not predict perceptions. (Extended English summary is at the end of this document)   Özet Araştırmada, öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayelerinin işe tutkunlukları üzerindeki rolünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma evrenini, Uşak ilinde 2022-2023 eğitim öğretim yılında görev yapan öğretmenler, örneklemini ise, kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yöntemiyle ulaşılan 314 öğretmen oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verileri “Psikolojik Sermaye Ölçeği” ve “Çalışmaya Tutkunluk Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermaye düzeyleri çok yüksek, işe tutkunluk düzeyleri ise yüksektir. Öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermaye ve işe tutkunluk düzeyleri cinsiyet, öğretmen sayısı ve aynı okulda çalışma süresi değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmaz iken, kıdem yılı ve mezuniyet durumu değişkenine göre farklılaşmaktadır. Öğretmenlerin kıdem yılı arttıkça ve mezuniyet durumu yükseldikçe psikolojik sermayeleri ve işe tutkunluk düzeyleri yüksek bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlerin psikolojik ve sermaye düzeyleri, okul düzeyine göre farklılaşmazken, işe tutkunluk düzeyleri farklılaşmaktadır. İlkokul öğretmenlerinin işe tutkunluk düzeyi, ortaokul ve lise öğretmenlerine göre daha yüksektir. Yine araştırmaya göre öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayeleri ile işe tutkunluk algıları arasında anlamlı, pozitif yönlü, orta düzeyde ilişki vardır.  Bununla birlikte öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayelerine yönelik psikolojik sermayelerine yönelik iyimserlik, güven ve umut algıları işe tutkunluklarını yordarken; öz yeterlilik, dışadönüklük ve psikolojik dayanıklılık algıları yordamamaktadır

    Do the teachers' organizational trust levels predict their academic optimism?

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    This research was conducted to determine the relationship between teachers' organizational trust levels and academic optimism perception about their schools. The research is in relational screening model. The sample of the study consisted of 299 teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in Uşak province. In the study, simple random sampling was employed. The data were collected by The Organizational Trust Scale and the Organizational Trust in Colleagues Scale and School Academic Optimism Scale. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic mean, one way variance analysis, Pearson Product Moment Coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used. According to the results of the study; It is observed that teachers who work in primary school and secondary schools have high levels of trust in the organization and teachers who work in high schools have a moderate level of trust in the organization. The level of teachers’ trust in the administrator working in all school levels is moderate. Again teachers’ perceptions about academic optimism of their schools is high in all school levels. In the research, the school academic optimism levels  of primary school teachers was found higher than that of high school teachers. A significant relationship between teachers’ trust in the organizational and the level of school academic optimism was found only in secondary schools. While there is a low positive relationship between the teachers’ trust in the administrator and school academic optimism levels  in primary school, there is a moderate positive relationship in secondary and high schools. While primary  teachers'  trust  in the administrator does not predict school academic optimism levels; level of trust of secondary and high schools teachers to administrators predicts about school academic optimism levels of their schools


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    In this study, the authors aim to identify the competencies of science teachers based on the opinions of experts in the field. The Delphi technique was used to attain consensus among experts on science education through 3 rounds with 13 experts from 13 different universities. In the first round of the Delphi technique, open-ended questions sent to the expert group, which were created after a detailed literature review about teacher competencies. Descriptive analysis was applied for the qualitative data obtained at the end of first round. As a result of the analysis, a 5-point Likert-type questionnaire consisting of 172 items in 10 categories was prepared. The questionnaire was sent to the experts in the second round. The experts indicated their participation levels for each item. The data obtained at second round were analyzed by quantitative methods. In the third round, the results of the analysis from the second round were sent to the experts and they were asked to re-evaluate their responses in the previous round by considering other experts’ opinions. By the conclusion of the third round, 161 items referring to competencies of science teachers were identified and categorized into competencies for the science curriculum, competencies to improve students’ cognitive characteristics, competencies to improve students’ affective characteristics, competencies to improve students’ psychomotor abilities, competencies for the objectives of the science curriculum, competencies for the content of the science curriculum, competencies for the learning-teaching process in science, competencies for evaluation in science, competencies for instructional technologies, and competencies for effective communication.  Article visualizations

    Acute carpal tunnel syndrome caused by tenosynovial effusion due to calcium pyrophosphate deposition

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    Acute carpal tunnel syndrome mostly occurs secondary to trauma. While storage diseases may cause symptoms of progressive nerve compression on a chronic basis, in some cases, they may present with acute onset symptoms. 77 years old female patient without known history of any rheumatic and chronic diseases was admitted to our clinic with pain and numbness. After physical examination and further interventions, surgery was performed with a pre-diagnosis of acute carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient was referred to the rheumatology department when the pathological examination of the samples taken during surgery was consistent with pseudogout