1,542 research outputs found

    Analytical pair correlations in ideal quantum gases: Temperature-dependent bunching and antibunching

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    The fluctuation-dissipation theorem together with the exact density response spectrum for ideal quantum gases has been utilized to yield a new expression for the static structure factor, which we use to derive exact analytical expressions for the temperature{dependent pair distribution function g(r) of the ideal gases. The plots of bosonic and fermionic g(r) display "Bose pile" and "Fermi hole" typically akin to bunching and antibunching as observed experimentally for ultracold atomic gases. The behavior of spin-scaled pair correlation for fermions is almost featureless but bosons show a rich structure including long-range correlations near T_c. The coherent state at T=0 shows no correlation at all, just like single-mode lasers. The depicted decreasing trend in correlation with decrease in temperature for T < T_c should be observable in accurate experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, minor revisio

    Reducing the size and number of linear programs in a dynamic Gr\"obner basis algorithm

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    The dynamic algorithm to compute a Gr\"obner basis is nearly twenty years old, yet it seems to have arrived stillborn; aside from two initial publications, there have been no published followups. One reason for this may be that, at first glance, the added overhead seems to outweigh the benefit; the algorithm must solve many linear programs with many linear constraints. This paper describes two methods of reducing the cost substantially, answering the problem effectively.Comment: 11 figures, of which half are algorithms; submitted to journal for refereeing, December 201

    Approximate well-supported Nash equilibria in symmetric bimatrix games

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    The ε\varepsilon-well-supported Nash equilibrium is a strong notion of approximation of a Nash equilibrium, where no player has an incentive greater than ε\varepsilon to deviate from any of the pure strategies that she uses in her mixed strategy. The smallest constant ε\varepsilon currently known for which there is a polynomial-time algorithm that computes an ε\varepsilon-well-supported Nash equilibrium in bimatrix games is slightly below 2/32/3. In this paper we study this problem for symmetric bimatrix games and we provide a polynomial-time algorithm that gives a (1/2+δ)(1/2+\delta)-well-supported Nash equilibrium, for an arbitrarily small positive constant δ\delta

    New algorithms for approximate Nash equilibria in bimatrix games

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    We consider the problem of computing additively approximate Nash equilibria in non-cooperative two-player games. We provide a new polynomial time algorithm that achieves an approximation guarantee of 0.36392. Our work improves the previously best known (0.38197¿+¿e)-approximation algorithm of Daskalakis, Mehta and Papadimitriou [6]. First, we provide a simpler algorithm, which also achieves 0.38197. This algorithm is then tuned, improving the approximation error to 0.36392. Our method is relatively fast, as it requires solving only one linear program and it is based on using the solution of an auxiliary zero-sum game as a starting point. The first author was supported by NWO. The second and third author were supported by the EU Marie Curie Research Training Network, contract numbers MRTN-CT-2003-504438-ADONET and MRTN-CT-2004-504438-ADONET respectively

    An Empirical Study of Finding Approximate Equilibria in Bimatrix Games

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    While there have been a number of studies about the efficacy of methods to find exact Nash equilibria in bimatrix games, there has been little empirical work on finding approximate Nash equilibria. Here we provide such a study that compares a number of approximation methods and exact methods. In particular, we explore the trade-off between the quality of approximate equilibrium and the required running time to find one. We found that the existing library GAMUT, which has been the de facto standard that has been used to test exact methods, is insufficient as a test bed for approximation methods since many of its games have pure equilibria or other easy-to-find good approximate equilibria. We extend the breadth and depth of our study by including new interesting families of bimatrix games, and studying bimatrix games upto size 2000×20002000 \times 2000. Finally, we provide new close-to-worst-case examples for the best-performing algorithms for finding approximate Nash equilibria

    Polylogarithmic Supports are required for Approximate Well-Supported Nash Equilibria below 2/3

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    In an epsilon-approximate Nash equilibrium, a player can gain at most epsilon in expectation by unilateral deviation. An epsilon well-supported approximate Nash equilibrium has the stronger requirement that every pure strategy used with positive probability must have payoff within epsilon of the best response payoff. Daskalakis, Mehta and Papadimitriou conjectured that every win-lose bimatrix game has a 2/3-well-supported Nash equilibrium that uses supports of cardinality at most three. Indeed, they showed that such an equilibrium will exist subject to the correctness of a graph-theoretic conjecture. Regardless of the correctness of this conjecture, we show that the barrier of a 2/3 payoff guarantee cannot be broken with constant size supports; we construct win-lose games that require supports of cardinality at least Omega((log n)^(1/3)) in any epsilon-well supported equilibrium with epsilon < 2/3. The key tool in showing the validity of the construction is a proof of a bipartite digraph variant of the well-known Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture. A probabilistic argument shows that there exist epsilon-well-supported equilibria with supports of cardinality O(log n/(epsilon^2)), for any epsilon> 0; thus, the polylogarithmic cardinality bound presented cannot be greatly improved. We also show that for any delta > 0, there exist win-lose games for which no pair of strategies with support sizes at most two is a (1-delta)-well-supported Nash equilibrium. In contrast, every bimatrix game with payoffs in [0,1] has a 1/2-approximate Nash equilibrium where the supports of the players have cardinality at most two.Comment: Added details on related work (footnote 7 expanded

    Approximate Well-supported Nash Equilibria below Two-thirds

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    In an epsilon-Nash equilibrium, a player can gain at most epsilon by changing his behaviour. Recent work has addressed the question of how best to compute epsilon-Nash equilibria, and for what values of epsilon a polynomial-time algorithm exists. An epsilon-well-supported Nash equilibrium (epsilon-WSNE) has the additional requirement that any strategy that is used with non-zero probability by a player must have payoff at most epsilon less than the best response. A recent algorithm of Kontogiannis and Spirakis shows how to compute a 2/3-WSNE in polynomial time, for bimatrix games. Here we introduce a new technique that leads to an improvement to the worst-case approximation guarantee

    A Direct Reduction from k-Player to 2-Player Approximate Nash Equilibrium

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    We present a direct reduction from k-player games to 2-player games that preserves approximate Nash equilibrium. Previously, the computational equivalence of computing approximate Nash equilibrium in k-player and 2-player games was established via an indirect reduction. This included a sequence of works defining the complexity class PPAD, identifying complete problems for this class, showing that computing approximate Nash equilibrium for k-player games is in PPAD, and reducing a PPAD-complete problem to computing approximate Nash equilibrium for 2-player games. Our direct reduction makes no use of the concept of PPAD, thus eliminating some of the difficulties involved in following the known indirect reduction.Comment: 21 page

    A beta-herpesvirus with fluorescent capsids to study transport in living cells.

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    Fluorescent tagging of viral particles by genetic means enables the study of virus dynamics in living cells. However, the study of beta-herpesvirus entry and morphogenesis by this method is currently limited. This is due to the lack of replication competent, capsid-tagged fluorescent viruses. Here, we report on viable recombinant MCMVs carrying ectopic insertions of the small capsid protein (SCP) fused to fluorescent proteins (FPs). The FPs were inserted into an internal position which allowed the production of viable, fluorescently labeled cytomegaloviruses, which replicated with wild type kinetics in cell culture. Fluorescent particles were readily detectable by several methods. Moreover, in a spread assay, labeled capsids accumulated around the nucleus of the newly infected cells without any detectable viral gene expression suggesting normal entry and particle trafficking. These recombinants were used to record particle dynamics by live-cell microscopy during MCMV egress with high spatial as well as temporal resolution. From the resulting tracks we obtained not only mean track velocities but also their mean square displacements and diffusion coefficients. With this key information, we were able to describe particle behavior at high detail and discriminate between particle tracks exhibiting directed movement and tracks in which particles exhibited free or anomalous diffusion

    Is there a reentrant glass in binary mixtures?

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    By employing computer simulations for a model binary mixture, we show that a reentrant glass transition upon adding a second component only occurs if the ratio α\alpha of the short-time mobilities between the glass-forming component and the additive is sufficiently small. For α≈1\alpha \approx 1, there is no reentrant glass, even if the size asymmetry between the two components is large, in accordance with two-component mode coupling theory. For α≪1\alpha \ll 1, on the other hand, the reentrant glass is observed and reproduced only by an effective one-component mode coupling theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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