37 research outputs found

    Efeitos do treino de flexibilidade e força funcional na precisão em teste de handebol

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    A presente investigação buscou avaliar os efeitos do treinamento funcional resistido (TFR) e de flexibilidade na precisão do arremesso de 9 metros de 10 jogadoras de handebol. Para tal, delineou-se pesquisa quase-experimental, de medidas repetidas, pré-pós intervenção, tendo como estímulos: 30 segundos de alongamento ou 2x10 repetições de pullover na bola. Foram avaliadas: 1) reprodutibilidade, por meio do CCI; 2) consistência interna do teste, a partir do alfa de Cronbach; 3) mudanças no rendimento segundo tipo de intervenção, através de análise de variância. Pontua-se que os treinamentos não proporcionaram mudanças significantes no escore do teste de 9m; no entanto, 60% das atletas melhoraram seus resultados com o TFR e 50% delas pioraram com o treino de flexibilidade

    Zukunft Haldenlandschaft im Aachener Revier : 10 Haldenentwürfe von Studierenden

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    Microbial β-glucosidases have been used for the enhancement of wine aroma. Nevertheless, few enzymes are active in the conditions of winemaking. In this work, the production of a β-glucosidase by an Aureobasidium pullulans strain (Ap-β-gl) isolated from grape ecosystems was evaluated. The maximum enzymatic synthesis using submerged fermentation was after 96 h of growth in complex media containing 20 g/L of cellobiose as the sole carbon source. The crude enzyme (Ap-β-gl) showed optimal pH at 5.5 and two peaks of optimum temperature (at 45 and 70 C). It showed a wide range of pH stability, stability at low temperatures, and tolerance to ethanol, showing suitable characteristics for winemaking conditions. The hydrolysis of glycosidic terpenes by Ap-β-gl was studied, and its ability to efficiently release free terpenols was demonstrated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The enzymatic treatment notably increased the amount of monoterpenes, showing good prospects for its potential application for the development of aroma in wines. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    RESUMO Este artigo descreve as atividades realizadas para a estruturação do Programa de Uso Público dos parques a serem implantados como estratégia de compensação ambiental da construção do Trecho Sul do Anel Viário Metropolitano (Rodoanel). O trabalho teve como objetivo compatibilizar as aspirações de lazer das comunidades com as ações de conservação ambiental dos parques. Apresentam-se informações sobre as práticas de lazer das comunidades carentes do entorno de dois parques desse projeto: o parque municipal de Itapecerica da Serra e o Parque Municipal de Embu das Artes. Baseado nisso, apresenta-se também algumas estratégias para estruturação de um programa de uso público para unidades de conservação inseridas numa área metropolitana. Palavras-chave: Lazer. Unidades de Conservação. Parques. Uso Público. Plano de Manejo. ABSTRACT This paper describes the activities undertaken to structure the use public program of parks to be deployed as a strategy of environmental compensation of the building Metropolitan Ring Railway, around São Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. The study aimed to reconcile the recreational aspirations of the communities with the activities of parks environmental conservation. Information on leisure practices of poor communities around the two parks of this project: Itapecerica da Serra and Embu das Artes municipals parks were presented. Based on this, some others strategies were also presented for structuring a use public program for protected areas in metropolitan zones. Keywords: Leisure. Protected Areas. Parks. Public Use. Master Pla

    Industrial sustainability of microbial keratinases: production and potential applications

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    ReviewKeratinases are proteolytic enzymes with a particular ability to cleave peptide bonds in keratin, and in other proteins. Due to their broad-spectrum of activity, keratinases are considered viable substitutes for chemical and thermal treatments of proteinrich industrial by-products. Among these protein residues, special attention has been given to keratinous materials (feathers, hair, horns, etc.), which disposal through harsh conditions methods, such as acid/alkaline hydrolysis or incineration, is not considered ecologically safe. Microbial keratinolytic enzymes allow for keratin degradation under mild conditions, resulting in keratin hydrolysates containing undamaged amino acids and peptides. In this review article, we offer perspectives on the relevance of these unique biocatalysts and their revolutionary ascent in industries that generate keratin-rich wastes. Additionally, we share insights for applications of keratinases and protein hydrolysates in agriculture, animal feed, cosmetics, phamaceuticals, detergent additives, leather processing, and others. Due to the scientific importance of keratinases and their potential use in green technologies, searching for bacterial and fungal species that efficiently produce these enzymes may contribute to the sustainability of industriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Metal Ions, Chemical Agents and Organic Compounds on Lignocellulolytic Enzymes Activities

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    Lignocellulolytic enzymes have been extensively studied due to their potential for industrial applications such as food, textile, pharmaceutical, paper, and, more recently, energy. The influence of metal ions, chemical agents, and organic compounds on these enzyme activities are addressed in this chapter, based on data available in the scientific literature

    Sensory characteristics and chemical composition of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) smoked with the presence and absence of the carapace

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    Abstract - Objective of this study was to evaluate the smoking process in pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) prepared with and without the shell, through the proximal composition and sensory characteristics. Thus, we used 60 tails (abdomen) shrimp with individual average weight of 16.67 g, were divided into two treatments, with and without shell. After curing, they were evaluated sensorily, portions 30 tasters, using a simple stimulation method and 90 g samples were stored (-15 °C) for later analysis proximal composition. The smoked shrimp showed average values ​​of crude protein (28.93%), moisture (62.15%), lipids (1.30%) and ash (8.14%) higher compared to the shrimp in natura (88.72%, 10.36%, 0.43% and 0.92%, respectively). There was no effect of the presence or absence of the shell in the proximal composition of smoked shrimp (p <0.05). Regarding the sensory evaluation, the tasters showed preference to shrimp samples with no shell, through the grades given in the sensory analysis. Among the characteristics evaluated were no differences (p <0.05) in appearance and flavor. The smoking process positively changed the proximal composition of shrimp and were approved by the tasters.The objective of this study was to evaluate the smoking process in pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) prepared with and without the shell, through the proximal composition and sensory characteristics. Thus, we used 60 tails (abdomen) shrimp with individual average weight of 16.67 g, were divided into two treatments, with and without shell. After curing, they were evaluated sensorily, with 30 tasters, using a simple stimulation method and 90 g samples were stored (-15 ºC) for later analysis of proximal composition. The smoked shrimp showed average values of crude protein (28.93%), moisture (62.15%), lipids (1.30%) and ash (8.14%) higher than shrimp in natura (88.72%, 10.36%, 0.43% and 0.92%, respectively). There was no effect of the presence or absence of the shell in the proximal composition of smoked shrimp (p < 0.05). Regarding the sensory evaluation, the tasters showed preference to shrimp samples with no shell, through the grades given in the analysis. Among the characteristics evaluated were no differences (p < 0.05) in appearance and flavor. The smoking process positively changed the proximal composition of shrimp and were approved by the tasters

    Farinha de ossos de peixe como fonte de cálcio e fósforo em rações para pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo

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    O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão de farinha de ossos de peixe seco como fonte de fósforo e cálcio em dietas para tilápias do Nilo. Foram utilizadas 400 pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo com peso médio inicial de 0,03 g distribuídas em 20 aquários com volume de 30 L e alimentadas com as dietas experimentais por 26 dias. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos (0; 1,52; 3,06; 4,57 e 6,09% de farinha de ossos de peixe) e quatro repetições. A inclusão da farinha de ossos de peixe foi realizada em substituição do fosfato bicálcico. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros de desempenho zootécnico: ganho em peso, taxa de crescimento especifico e sobrevivência. Não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos sobre os parâmetros de desempenho avaliados. Conclui-se que a farinha de ossos de peixe pode ser utilizada como fonte de cálcio e fósforo em dietas de pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo em substituição total ao fosfato bicálcico sem promover prejuízo ao crescimento dos animais

    Sucroquímica: síntese e potencialidades de aplicações de alguns derivados químicos de sacarose

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    The interest on the use of sucrose as raw material increased in the last years. In this work, the synthesis and applications of sucrose derivatives as esters, ethers, and other products are discussed in a concise manner aiming to presenting the sucrochemistry as a promising field in organic chemistry from a rather accessible, low-priced, ecological, and renewable source.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP