2,579 research outputs found

    Measurement of the moisture content of the granulated sugar by infrared transphotometry

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    The moisture content of granulated sugar is a critical parameter for its transformation into cubes. To the best of our knowledge there is no easy-to-use method for the determination of this parameter. Toresolve this, a new method using infrared transphotometry technique based on the attenuation of an infrared radiation through a sample of sugar, was developed and tested in our laboratory. Using linear regression analysis it was observed that the transphotometer response varies linearly (r2 > 0.996) with the moisture content of sugar. The results obtained by this new method compares very well (ANOVA, p=5%) with other known classical, but laborious and expensive methods of moisture determination

    16x125 Gb/s Quasi-Nyquist DAC-Generated PM-16QAM Transmission Over 3590 km of PSCF

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    We report on a transmission experiment over high-performance pure silica core fiber (PSCF) of 16 Nyquist wavelength-division-multiplexed (Nyquist-WDM) channels at a symbol rate of 15.625 GBaud, using polarization-multiplexed (PM) 16 symbols quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM), resulting in a per-channel raw bit rate of 125 Gb/s. The channel spacing is 16 GHz, corresponding to 1.024 times the symbol rate. The interchannel crosstalk penalty is drastically reduced through the confinement of the signal spectrum within a near-Nyquist bandwidth, achieved with digital filtering and digital-to-analog converters (DACs) operating at 1.5 samples/symbol. The optical line is a recirculating loop composed of two spans of high-performance PSCF with erbium-doped fiber amplifiers only. The transmission distance of 3590 km at a target line bit-error rate (BER) of 1.5 10^-2 is achieved at a raw spectral efficiency (SE) of 7.81 b/s/Hz. Assuming a commercial hard forward error correction with 20.5% redundancy, capable of handling the target BER, the net SE is 6.48 b/s/Hz, the highest so far reported for multithousand kilometer transmission of PM-16QAM at ≄ 100 Gb/s per channel. These results demonstrate the feasibility of very high SE DAC-enabled ultra-long-haul quasi-Nyquist-WDM transmission using PM-16QAM with current technologies and manageable digital signal processing complexit


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    This paper aims to assess the effect of Community Development Programmes on households’ empowerment in Gasabo District of Kigali City, Rwanda. The level and the speed of economic growth in Rwanda are determined largely by community development programmes. Although, to achieve the goals of economic development in long run postulated in the vision 2020, several programmes have been implemented to improve families’ livelihoods mainly Rwandans’ in rural areas. The study sample size of households of 322 were employed. This research was employed both quantitative and qualitative techniques in data collection process, analysis presentation and discussion of findings. Basis on descriptive method employed, the findings show that the mean household size is 4.371 approximated to 4 persons per household with a standard deviation of 1.791 approximated to 2. The smallest family had 1 member and the largest had 11 members. This implies that households with big family size were more likely to participate in community development programmes to increase their income. Based on household revenues from agriculture production, handcraft and income from salaried employees among others, the results show also that total annual expenditure is less than total annual income. The study argues that households who had participated in any community development programme had increased their livelihoods. Based on the empirical results, the study is recommending the local government, have to give consideration to community development programmes, as well as encourage family planning both urban and rural areas so as to serve as rooter of social economic development and must also enhance their management ability and bring effort to reach the poor people in order to eradicate poverty and promote the welfare of the society

    Insulin secretion from human beta cells is heterogeneous and dependent on cell-to-cell contacts

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    Aims/hypothesis: We assessed the heterogeneity of insulin secretion from human isolated beta cells and its regulation by cell-to-cell contacts. Methods: Insulin secretion from single and paired cells was assessed by a reverse haemolytic plaque assay. The percentage of plaque-forming cells, the mean plaque area and the total plaque development were evaluated after 1h of stimulation with different secretagogues. Results: Not all beta cells were surrounded by a haemolytic plaque under all conditions tested. A small fraction of the beta cell population (20%) secreted more than 90% and 70% of total insulin at 2.2 and 22.2mmol/l glucose, respectively. Plaque-forming cells, mean plaque area and total plaque development were increased at 12.2 and 22.2 compared with 2.2mmol/l glucose. Insulin secretion of single beta cells was similar at 12.2 and 22.2mmol/l glucose. Insulin secretion of beta cell pairs was increased compared with that of single beta cells and was higher at 22.2 than at 12.2mmol/l glucose. Insulin secretion of beta cells in contact with alpha cells was also increased compared with single beta cells, but was similar at 22.2 compared with 12.2mmol/l glucose. Delta and other non-beta cells did not increase insulin secretion of contacting beta cells compared with that of single beta cells. Differences in insulin secretion between 22.2 and 12.2mmol/l glucose were observed in murine but not in human islets. Conclusions/interpretation: Human beta cells are highly heterogeneous in terms of insulin secretion so that a small fraction of beta cells contributes to the majority of insulin secreted. Homologous and heterologous intercellular contacts have a significant impact on insulin secretion and this could be related to the particular architecture of human islet

    Contrat de performance avec une administration sanitaire provinciale : cas du Nord Kivu en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo.

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    Introduction : De nombreuses expĂ©riences de financement basĂ© sur les performances sont documentĂ©es au niveau des hĂŽpitaux et centres de santĂ©, mais pas sur les administrations sanitaires. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude dĂ©crit une expĂ©rience de contrat de performance au niveau de l’administration sanitaire provinciale du Nord Kivu, en RD Congo. MĂ©thodes : Cette Ă©tude a recouru Ă  la triangulation de trois mĂ©thodes : (i) une analyse documentaire, (ii) l’analyse des donnĂ©es d’interviews d’acteurs clĂ©s sur leur perception de la stratĂ©gie, (iii) l’analyse des donnĂ©es d’utilisation des services curatifs et prĂ©ventifs dans la province. RĂ©sultats : Le contrat de performance a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©gociĂ© entre les cadres de l’administration sanitaire provinciale, l’administration centrale et les partenaires. Les trois parties prenantes se sont rĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es Ă  huit fonctions jugĂ©es pertinentes pour l’administration sanitaire provinciale. Ces fonctions sont liĂ©es Ă  la gouvernance provinciale du systĂšme sanitaire et Ă  l’appui sociotechnique et logistique aux districts sanitaires (zones de santĂ©). Les engagements nĂ©gociĂ©s tous les trois mois ont variĂ© en fonction du contexte et des besoins de soutien des zones de santĂ©. Le niveau de rĂ©alisation des engagements et le score de fonctionnalitĂ© de l’administration sanitaire provinciale ont Ă©voluĂ© respectivement de 75,3% Ă  87,3% et de 67% Ă  82%, entre 2007 et 2009. L’utilisation des services curatifs et prĂ©ventifs au niveau de la province s’est Ă©galement amĂ©liorĂ©e : l’utilisation des services curatifs est passĂ©e de 0,40 NC/habitant Ă  0,65 NC/habitant entre 2007 et 2009. En revanche peu d’amĂ©liorations de la qualitĂ© des soins ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es. Cette stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© perçue par les acteurs impliquĂ©s comme s’étant bien intĂ©grĂ©e Ă  d’autres stratĂ©gies au niveau provincial et ayant renforcĂ© leur mise en oeuvre, notamment le financement basĂ© sur les performances au niveau des centres de santĂ© et hĂŽpitaux. Conclusion : Le contrat de performance peut s’avĂ©rer utile au niveau d’une administration sanitaire provinciale d’un pays Ă  faible revenu pourvu qu’il soit mis en oeuvre dans une perspective globale. Cette perspective impose de prendre en compte certains dĂ©fis notamment une articulation avec les fonctions pertinentes de l’administration sanitaire provinciale et une flexibilitĂ©

    Electrical Storm in the Absence of a Structural Heart Disease in a Young Girl

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    A 14-year-old girl presented to the emergency department (ED) with a history of three episodes of seizure-like activity and no comorbidities at 2 am. The first episode had occurred at 6 am, the second at 12 pm and the third two hours before presenting to the ED. Each episode lasting less than 5 minutes, was associated with the limb and spinal rigidity and extension, the up-rolling of eyeballs and urinary incontinence. The patient reported no history of fever, recent trauma, previous febrile seizures, prodromal symptoms, tongue bite, headache or physical excretion before the episodes. No postictal confusion or tonic-clonic movements and significant family history were also reported. The initial examination found her to be conscious, oriented and hemodynamically stable, and the results of her systemic examinations were normal without any significant positive findings. Evaluation of the patient initiated with the provisional diagnosis of new-onset seizures, followed by performing a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head, which was normal and ruled out any intra-cranial pathology. The results of the blood test involving serum electrolytes, calcium and magnesium were also normal. Abrupt polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) was identified on the monitor (figure 1) as a few second-episodes of posturing and stretching of the body with no peripheral and central pulses during the examination in the ED. The patient came around after undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately followed by defibrillation at 200 J and reverting the rhythm to sinus. The patient had recurrent episodes of pulseless polymorphic VT, which required ten times of defibrillation for one hour and antiarrhythmic drug therapy with IV bolus of 300 mg and then again 150 mg amidaraone, and then infusion of 1 mg of magnesium sulfate diluted in 10 ml of D5W and also administration of 1 mg/kg of lidocaine. The patient was electively intubated and ventilated under deep sedation, and transferred to the cardiac care unit (CCU). The two-dimensional echocardiography findings were revealed normal-sized heart chambers and good left ventricular function. Blood levels of high-sensitivity troponin I and CK-MB were also in their normal range. Despite performing repeated defibrillation and anti-arrhythmic therapy, the patient showed repeated episodes of pulseless VT. She was therefore referred to a higher-level center to be administered with left stellate ganglion block (LSGB). She withstood the procedure, and discharged from the hospital after a ten-day follow-up. An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was later planned for the patient, and she continued with taking oral antiarrhythmic drugs
