84 research outputs found

    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference: summary of sessions EX/C and ICC

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    An overview is given of recent experimental results in the areas of innovative confinement concepts, operational scenarios and confinement experiments as presented at the 2010 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Important new findings are presented from fusion devices worldwide, with a strong focus towards the scientific and technical issues associated with ITER and W7-X devices, presently under construction

    Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity

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    Comparative studies of mortality in the wild are necessary to understand the evolution of aging; yet, ectothermic tetrapods are underrepresented in this comparative landscape, despite their suitability for testing evolutionary hypotheses. We present a study of aging rates and longevity across wild tetrapod ectotherms, using data from 107 populations (77 species) of nonavian reptiles and amphibians. We test hypotheses of how thermoregulatory mode, environmental temperature, protective phenotypes, and pace of life history contribute to demographic aging. Controlling for phylogeny and body size, ectotherms display a higher diversity of aging rates compared with endotherms and include phylogenetically widespread evidence of negligible aging. Protective phenotypes and life-history strategies further explain macroevolutionary patterns of aging. Analyzing ectothermic tetrapods in a comparative context enhances our understanding of the evolution of aging.Animal science

    Huisarts en/of jeugdarts

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    Stability and in vitro activity of nystatin and its γ-cyclodextrin complex against Candida albicans

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    gamma-Cyclodextrin (gamma-CD) was found to form an inclusion complex with nystatin. In the presence of gamma-CD, cells of Candida albicans absorbed less nystatin than in its absence. The gamma-CD/nystatin complex had no or insignificant antimicrobial activity. Upon diffusion into a gamma-CD-free medium the antibiotic was released from the complex and inhibited growth of the test organism. The stability of nystatin and the gamma-CD complex was studied using both a microbiological and a spectrophotometric assay. The stability of nystatin in aqueous preparations was improved by gamma-CD complexation. Degradation of pure nystatin did not follow first-order kinetics. The loss of antimycotic potency was more rapid than the decrease in concentration calculated from the spectrophotometric data for the pure antibiotic as well as its gamma-CD inclusion complex

    [Adenotonsillectomy in children only under exceptional circumstances],Adenotonsillectomie bij kinderen: neen, tenzij

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    Contains fulltext : 47389.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)More and more evidence is becoming available that throws doubt on the value of adenotonsillectomy in children with frequent throat infections or hypertrophic tonsils and adenoids. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy have a limited range of indications. Objective symptoms such as the size of the tonsils and subjective symptoms of obstruction and sore throat are not always related to each other. Children with only moderate symptoms should not be operated on

    [The practice guideline 'Acute cough' from the Dutch College of General Practitioners; a response from the perspective of general practice]

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    Contains fulltext : 58902.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)The practice guideline 'Acute cough' from the Dutch College of General Practitioners stresses the fact that a cough of less than 3 weeks' duration seldom heralds serious pathology. However, for sound reassurance of patients presenting with a cough of short duration, the general practitioner needs to know much about the signs and symptoms connected to low-prevalence serious pathology in these patients. The practice guideline distinguishes upper and lower respiratory tract infections and defines serious lower respiratory tract infection. The diagnostic value of symptoms and laboratory findings like a sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein in order to make such distinctions, is not explained in detail. Antibiotics are reserved for serious lower respiratory tract infection with the exception of acute bronchitis, croup and bronchiolitis, which can be treated without antibiotics. Recommendations for treatment of acute bronchiolitis with bronchodilators or corticosteroids, and croup with corticosteroids are based on consensus. This practice guideline can be considered as a clear and valuable piece of work for all physicians in primary and secondary care

    [Adenotonsillectomy in children only under exceptional circumstances]

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    More and more evidence is becoming available that throws doubt on the value of adenotonsillectomy in children with frequent throat infections or hypertrophic tonsils and adenoids. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy have a limited range of indications. Objective symptoms such as the size of the tonsils and subjective symptoms of obstruction and sore throat are not always related to each other. Children with only moderate symptoms should not be operated on

    Ziekten in de huisartspraktijk

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    Item does not contain fulltextIn 1971 werd de eerste continue morbiditeitregistratie in Nederland gestart, de CMR-Nijmegen. Sindsdien leggen de huisartsen uit de vier deelnemende praktijken alle gezondheidsstoornissen vast die de patiënten uit deze praktijken doormaken en die bij hen zijn vastgesteld door de eigen huisarts, waarnemend huisartsen, praktijkassistenten en medisch specialisten. Uitgaande van dit inmiddels zeer grote en rijke databestand beschrijven de CMRartsen in dit boek meer dan 150 ziekten en aandoeningen. Zij bespreken klinisch beeld, beloop, prognose en behandeling in relatie tot de epidemiologische kenmerken van deze ziekten en aandoeningen. Centraal staan de veranderingen in de frequentie van vóórkomen in de loop van de registratieperiode en de incidentie- en prevalentiecijfers naar leeftijd en geslacht. Deze worden, waar relevant, aangevuld met gegevens over het vóórkomen naar jaargetijde en sociaal-economische klasse. In deze vijfde druk van Ziekten in de huisartspraktijk zijn de registratiegegevens van 1985 tot en met 2006 opgenomen en de nieuwste inzichten verwerkt. Bovendien zijn de teksten aangescherpt en gestroomlijnd met de inhoud van de NHGstandaarden.390 p