136 research outputs found

    Integrated polymers (PVCi/PMATRIFE) microring resonators for low power tunable ïŹlters

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    International audienceIn this paper we present optical and thermo-optical characterization results of integrated ïŹlters based on micro-ring resonators fabricated with a couple of polymers ''PVCI/PMATRIFE''. Their high index contrast (Dn 0.15 at the wavelength of 1550 nm) allows to make small size waveguides with cross sections of 1.5 1.5 mm2. The study of the impact of different gaps on the extinction ratio and FWHM (full width at half maximum) of ïŹlters leads to a better design. First experiments of thermal tunability of the microring ïŹlter using a thermo-electric cooler (TEC) are also reported giving a 5 nm shift of the dropped wavelength for a temperature change of 40 K. The fabrication of gold electrodes on microrings is reported and the electrical power required for the tuning of the drop wavelength of 0.0055 nm/1 mW show that with an optimized electrode design the consumption will be low

    Stratégies de réalisation de guides polymÚres pour la modulation électro-optique à haut débit

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    National audienceDe nouveaux polymĂšres Ă©lectro-optiques, sont mis en Ɠuvre pour rĂ©aliser des guides selon deux types d'ingĂ©nierie de matĂ©riaux. L'une consiste Ă  utiliser un polymĂšre non-linĂ©aire greffĂ© et rĂ©ticulable et l'autre utilise un matĂ©riau hĂŽte, ayant une tempĂ©rature de transition vitreuse Ă©levĂ©e. Nous prĂ©sentons ici, les difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es lors de la rĂ©alisation des guides et les stratĂ©gies dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour aboutir, avec ces nouveaux matĂ©riaux, Ă  des guides optiques monomodes

    Caractérisation interférométrique du coefficient électro-optique de guides polymers intégrés

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    session affiches A7 " Instrumentation, Caractérisation et Capteurs " [A7.4]National audienceNous présentons ici une méthode de caractérisation de modulateurs électro-optiques en polymÚres par l'intermédiaire d'un Mach-Zehnder fibré. Les résultats obtenus par modulation de phase, dans une fibre optique soumise à des contraintes piézoélectriques, témoignent de la faisabilité de la méthode et montrent qu'une caractérisation avec une résolution satisfaisante est possible au moyen d'un procédé expérimental simple

    Évaluation du dernier programme Leader (2007-2013) en Auvergne et Bourgogne : entre logiques de routinisation et risque de capture agricole

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    Loin des images d’Épinal vĂ©hiculĂ©es habituellement au sujet du programme Leader, souvent mis en avant pour son caractĂšre innovant et territorialisĂ©, les exercices d’évaluation ex ante et intermĂ©diaires menĂ©s dans les RĂ©gions Auvergne et Bourgogne ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un dispositif toujours Ă©cartelĂ© entre dĂ©veloppement agricole et rural et confrontĂ© Ă  une gestion bureaucratisĂ©e en raison du cadre contraignant des cofinancements europĂ©ens et nationaux et des logiques de professionnalisation Ă  l’Ɠuvre parmi les professionnels de l’animation. Ces Ă©volutions ne relĂšvent pas seulement de traits propres Ă  ce programme, mais d’une tendance plus gĂ©nĂ©rale : la dĂ©finition par dĂ©faut d’un dĂ©veloppement rural infĂ©odĂ© aux agglomĂ©rations Ă  la fois pour des raisons institutionnelles (suppression du label de Pays), Ă©conomiques (essor de l’économie rĂ©sidentielle urbaine qui irrigue les espaces ruraux) et sociologiques (diffusion de reprĂ©sentations plus centralisatrices).Far from the idealized images usually conveyed on the subject of the Leader program, which is often promoted for its innovative and territorialized character, the ex ante and intermediate evaluation studies carried out in the Auvergne and Burgundy regions have revealed a system that is still torn between rural and agricultural development and confronted with bureaucratic management. This is due to the restrictive framework of European and national co-financing as well as an increase in the professionalization of project liaisons. The evolutions are not only the product of features unique to this program, but also of a general tendency towards defining rural development by default and in reference to urban areas. The reasons for this can be institutional (with the low recognition of “Pays”), economic (development of the residential economy that consists in releasing the flow of urban wealth in rural areas), and sociological (broadcasting more centralizing representations)

    Évaluation du dernier programme Leader (2007-2013) en Auvergne et Bourgogne : entre logiques de routinisation et risque de capture agricole

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    Loin des images d’Épinal vĂ©hiculĂ©es habituellement au sujet du programme Leader, souvent mis en avant pour son caractĂšre innovant et territorialisĂ©, les exercices d’évaluation ex ante et intermĂ©diaires menĂ©s dans les RĂ©gions Auvergne et Bourgogne ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un dispositif toujours Ă©cartelĂ© entre dĂ©veloppement agricole et rural et confrontĂ© Ă  une gestion bureaucratisĂ©e en raison du cadre contraignant des cofinancements europĂ©ens et nationaux et des logiques de professionnalisation Ă  l’Ɠuvre parmi les professionnels de l’animation. Ces Ă©volutions ne relĂšvent pas seulement de traits propres Ă  ce programme, mais d’une tendance plus gĂ©nĂ©rale : la dĂ©finition par dĂ©faut d’un dĂ©veloppement rural infĂ©odĂ© aux agglomĂ©rations Ă  la fois pour des raisons institutionnelles (suppression du label de Pays), Ă©conomiques (essor de l’économie rĂ©sidentielle urbaine qui irrigue les espaces ruraux) et sociologiques (diffusion de reprĂ©sentations plus centralisatrices).Far from the idealized images usually conveyed on the subject of the Leader program, which is often promoted for its innovative and territorialized character, the ex ante and intermediate evaluation studies carried out in the Auvergne and Burgundy regions have revealed a system that is still torn between rural and agricultural development and confronted with bureaucratic management. This is due to the restrictive framework of European and national co-financing as well as an increase in the professionalization of project liaisons. The evolutions are not only the product of features unique to this program, but also of a general tendency towards defining rural development by default and in reference to urban areas. The reasons for this can be institutional (with the low recognition of “Pays”), economic (development of the residential economy that consists in releasing the flow of urban wealth in rural areas), and sociological (broadcasting more centralizing representations)

    Photopolymérisation et modulation d'indice de réfraction en holographie

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    5 pagesNational audienceLes systĂšmes ici mis en Ɠuvre en tant que support d'enregistrement holographique reposent sur la mise en commun des compĂ©tences, d'une part, du LPIM dans le domaine des photoamorceurs et des supports d'enregistrement holographique, et celles, d'autre part, du laboratoire Foton. Les systĂšmes photoamorceurs considĂ©rĂ©s sont composĂ©s de trois Ă©lĂ©ments : un colorant et deux co-amorceurs (un donneur d'Ă©lectron et un accepteur d'Ă©lectron). Le systĂšme SFH+-NPG-ClHABI est, aprĂšs optimisation des formulations, celui qui conduit aux meilleures performances holographiques, tant du point de vue rendement final de diffraction que de la vitesse de formation du rĂ©seau, tout en se stabilisant rapidement Ă  son maximum

    Free Radical Copolymerization of 2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl a-Fluoroacrylate and tert-Butyl a-Trifluoromethylacrylate: Thermal and Optical Properties of the Copolymers

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    International audienceThe radical copolymerization of 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl a-fluoroacrylate (FATRIFE) with tert-butyl a-trifluoromethylacrylate (MAF-TBE) initiated by tertbutyl 2,2-dimethylperoxypropanoate was investigated in acetonitrile solution. A series of poly(FATRIFE-co-MAF-TBE) copolymers were synthesized with MAF-TBE compositions, determined by 19F NMR, ranging from 12 to 44 mol %. MAF-TBE incorporation was less than 50 mol % as this monomer underwent no radical homopolymerization. The obtained copolymers exhibited number-average molecular weights and polydispersity indexes ranging from 1.5 3 104 to 9.6 3 104 g/mol and from 1.5 to 3.1, respectively. The reactivity ratios were determined by the Kelen-Tuš dos method (rFATRIFE Œ 1.71 6 0.01 and rMAF-TBE Œ 0 at 74 8C) leading to random copolymers and alternating copolymers when the MAF-TBE molar ratio in copolymer is close to 50 mol %. Thermal and optical properties of the resulting polymers were examined. Glass transition temperatures of copolymers were varying from 89 to 108 8C. Modifying the compositions of these copolymers allowed a precise control over the refractive index measured at 633, 1320, and 1550 n

    Micro-resonators based on integrated polymer technology for optical sensing

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    International audienceResearch on sensors has experienced a noticeable development over the last decades especially in label free optical biosensors. However, compact sensors without markers for rapid, reliable and inexpensive detection of various substances induces a significant research of new technological solutions. The context of this work is the development of a sensor based on easily integrated and inexpensive micro-resonator (MR) component in integrated optics, highly sensitive and selective mainly in the areas of health and food. In this work, we take advantage of our previous studies on filters based on micro-resonators (MR) to experiment a new couple of polymers in the objective to use MR as a sensing function. MRs have been fabricated by processing SU8 polymer as core and PMATRIFE polymer as cladding layer of the waveguide. The refractive index contrast reaches 0.16 @ 1550 nm. Sub-micronic ring waveguides gaps from 0.5 to 1 ”m have been successfully achieved with UV (i-line) photolithography. This work confirms our forecasts, published earlier, about the resolution that can be achieved. First results show a good extinction coefficient of ~17 dB, a quality factor around 104 and a finesse of 12. These results are in concordance with the theoretical study and they allow us to validate our technology with this couple of polymers. Work is going on with others lower cladding materials that will be used to further increase refractive index contrast for sensing applications

    Matériaux polymÚres pour la création de guides optiques

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    5 pagesNational audienceUn des objectifs de travail au laboratoire Foton est l'amĂ©lioration du confinement de la lumiĂšre dans les microstructures polymĂšres, de par leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques (indices de rĂ©fraction optimisĂ©s, transparence Ă  la longueur d'onde choisie) et chimiques (compatibilitĂ© des matĂ©riaux de cƓur et de gaine, stabilitĂ© dans le temps), ainsi que par la rĂ©duction des pertes intrinsĂšques et extrinsĂšques des guides. Pour cela, la dĂ©termination des propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques des polymĂšres utilisĂ©s lors de la crĂ©ation d'un guide optique et l'optimisation des interfaces mises en jeu sont deux directions de travail privilĂ©giĂ©es, sachant que les structures polymĂšres sont rĂ©alisĂ©es en photolithographie conventionnelle par masquage dans l'UV Ă  365 nm sur un substrat de silicium, suivi d'une gravure RIE

    Physical and Optical Properties of Poly(3-AlkylThiophene) with a View to the Fabrication of a Highly Nonlinear Waveguide

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    Publisher: Bentham (ISSN: 1874-088X)International audienceIn order to take advantage of the very high nonlinear susceptibility of conjugated polymer materials, Poly(3-AlkylThiophene)s, P3AT, were synthesized in the laboratory. The physical, thermomechanical and linear optical propertiesof synthesized P3AT have been investigated and the first experimental attempts at creating nonlinear optical waveguides and determining their characteristics are presented. After synthesizing P3AT, the relationships between polymer chain characteristics and mechanical properties are investigated to see if the polymer is suitable for optical waveguide process technology. We also examine the optical attenuation of the synthesized material, a crucial factor in anticipating the relative opacity of the future component. For the first time we present the absorption spectrum of 3-Octylthiophenemolecules in the Near Infra-Red (NIR) region that suggests optical losses for the material are about 0.6 dB.cm-1 at 1550 nm. Next we examined several waveguide structures such as ridge, buried and Strip Loaded WaveGuides (SLWG) based on P3AT material. For the buried waveguides, we have observed the signal transmission and in our opinion the low optical transmission of P3AT ridge and SLWG could be attributed to extrinsic losses (mainly scattering) due to both the remaining insoluble products in the polymer and to the poor adhesion between optical layers
