146 research outputs found

    Ascending non-Newtonian long drops in vertical tubes

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    We report on theoretical and experimental studies describing the buoyancy-driven ascent of a Taylor long drop in a circular vertical pipe where the descending uid is Newtonian, and the ascending uid is non-Newtonian yield-shear-thinning and described by the threeparameter Herschel-Bulkley model, including the Ostwald-deWaele (OdW) model as a special case for zero yield. Results for the Ellis model are included to provide a more realistic description of purely shear-thinning behaviour. In all cases, lubrication theory allows obtaining the velocity pro les and the corresponding integral variables in closed form, for lock-exchange ow with a zero net ow rate. The energy balance allows deriving the asymptotic radius of the inner current, corresponding to a stable node of the di erential equation describing the time evolution of the core radius. We carried out a series of experiments measuring the rheological properties of the uids, the speed and the radius of the ascending long drop. For some tests, we measured the velocity pro le with Ultrasound velocimetry technique. The measured radius of the ascending current compares fairly well with the asymptotic radius as derived through the energy balance, and the measured ascent speed shows a good agreement with the theoretical model. The measured velocity pro les also agree with their theoretical counterparts. We have also developed dynamic similarity conditions to establish whether laboratory physical models, limited by availability of real uids with de ned rheological characteristics, can be representative of real phenomena on a large scale, such as exchanges in volcanic conduits. The Appendix contains scaling rules for the approximated dynamic similarity of the physical process analysed; these rules serve as a guide for the design of experiments reproducing real phenomena

    Extração de DNA genômico de nematóides entomopatogênicos na Embrapa Trigo.

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    Ascending non-Newtonian long drops in vertical tubes

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    We report on theoretical and experimental studies describing the buoyancy-driven ascent of a Taylor long drop in a circular vertical pipe where the descending fluid is Newtonian, and the ascending fluid is non-Newtonian yield shear thinning and described by the three-parameter Herschel–Bulkley model, including the Ostwald–de Waele model as a special case for zero yield. Results for the Ellis model are included to provide a more realistic description of purely shear-thinning behaviour. In all cases, lubrication theory allows us to obtain the velocity profiles and the corresponding integral variables in closed form, for lock-exchange flow with a zero net flow rate. The energy balance allows us to derive the asymptotic radius of the inner current, corresponding to a stable node of the differential equation describing the time evolution of the core radius. We carried out a series of experiments measuring the rheological properties of the fluids, the speed and the radius of the ascending long drop. For some tests, we measured the velocity profile with the ultrasound velocimetry technique. The measured radius of the ascending current compares fairly well with the asymptotic radius as derived through the energy balance, and the measured ascent speed shows a good agreement with the theoretical model. The measured velocity profiles also agree with their theoretical counterparts. We have also developed dynamic similarity conditions to establish whether laboratory physical models, limited by the availability of real fluids with defined rheological characteristics, can be representative of real phenomena on a large scale, such as exchanges in volcanic conduits. Appendix B contains scaling rules for the approximated dynamic similarity of the physical process analysed; these rules serve as a guide for the design of experiments reproducing real phenomena

    The teacher-baby responsiveness in a nursery school

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar indicadores de responsividade interpessoal educadora-bebê em uma turma de berçário, com base no conceito de responsividade materna, oriundo da teoria do apego. Este conceito foi ampliado e integrado às noções da área sociocognitiva, tais como práticas educativas e habilidades comunicativas. O estudo foi realizado em um berçário, constituído por 4 bebês, com idades entre 5 e 14 meses, e a educadora responsável pela turma. As crianças e a educadora foram filmadas em interação grupal. As descrições das filmagens foram classificadas de acordo com o Protocolo de observação da interação educadora-bebê. A análise das descrições gerou três principais categorias de comportamento das crianças (choro, exploração/jogo social e conflito/disputa por atenção) analisadas em termos da sua relação com o comportamento da educadora (responsividade interpessoal). Foram identificados comportamentos verbais distribuídos em quatro categorias: Perguntas, Comentários, Comandos e Outros Comportamentos verbais. Os comportamentos não verbais foram classificados em três tipos gerais: Contato Físico, Relação com Objetos e Ausência de Interação. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que a educadora mostrou indicadores de responsividade que parece ser facilitada, entre outros fatores, pela razão adulto-criança, ainda que os bebês fossem de diferentes faixas etárias.This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of teacher-baby communication in a nursery school. By doing this, our goal was to identify whether the teacher's interactional style shows indicators of responsiveness that, according to the literature on communication, are related to both social and language development. Four babies between 5 and 14 months old and their teacher participated in the study. An observational study was conducted with both the children and the teacher being filmed in a situation of group interaction. The videos were coded by two independent coders based on the child's and teacher's behaviours. Three main child's categories were generated: crying, exploration/play and conflict/struggle for attention. The teacher's verbal categories were: questions, commentaries, commands and other verbal behaviours. The nonverbal behaviours were: physical contact, relations with objects and absence of interaction. The results showed indicators of teacher's responsiveness to the child's bids for attention and suggest that the quality of social interaction seems to be dependent on the adult/baby ratio in the classroom

    Point-of-care testing allows successful simultaneous screening of sickle cell disease, HIV, and tuberculosis for households in rural Guinea-Bissau, West Africa

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    Diagnosis of noncommunicable genetic diseases like sickle cell disease (SCD) and com municable diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or tuberculosis (TB) is often difficult in rural areas of Africa due to the lack of infrastructures, trained staff, or capacity to involve families living in remote areas. The availability of point-of-care (POC) tests for the above diseases offers the opportunity to build joint programs to tackle all conditions. We report successful simultaneous screening of SCD, HIV, and TB utilizing POC tests in 898 subjects in Fanhe, in rural Guinea-Bissau. Adherence was 100% and all diagnosed subjects were enrolled in care program

    Cd19 cell count at baseline predicts b cell repopulation at 6 and 12 months in multiple sclerosis patients treated with ocrelizumab

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    Background: The kinetics of B cell repopulation in MS patients treated with Ocrelizumab is highly variable, suggesting that a fixed dosage and time scheduling might be not optimal. We aimed to investigate whether B cell repopulation kinetics influences clinical and radiological outcomes and whether circulating immune asset at baseline affects B cell repopulation kinetics. Methods: 218 MS patients treated with Ocrelizumab were included. Every six months we collected data on clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) activity and lymphocyte subsets at baseline. According to B cell counts at six and twelve months, we identified two groups of patients, those with fast repopulation rate (FR) and those with slow repopulation rate (SR). Results: A significant reduction in clinical and radiological activity was found. One hundred fifty-five patients had complete data and received at least three treatment cycles (twelve-month follow-up). After six months, the FR patients were 41/155 (26.45%) and 10/41 (29.27%) remained non-depleted after twelve months. FR patients showed a significantly higher percentage of active MRI scan at twelve months (17.39% vs. 2.53%; p = 0,008). Furthermore, FR patients had a higher baseline B cell count compared to patients with an SR (p = 0.02 and p = 0.002, at the six-and twelve-month follow-ups, respectively). Conclusion: A considerable proportion of MS patients did not achieve a complete CD19 cell depletion and these patients had a higher baseline CD19 cell count. These findings, together with the higher MRI activity found in FR patients, suggest that the Ocrelizumab dosage could be tailored depending on CD19 cell counts at baseline in order to achieve complete disease control in all patients

    Dominancia lateral en estudiantes de primaria de institución educativa nacional - Nuevo Chimbote, 2015

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la dominancia lateral en estudiantes de primaria de una Institución Educativa nacional de Nuevo Chimbote 2016. El tipo de investigación fue descriptiva de diseño no experimental ya que no se manipuló deliberadamente la variable y transaccional porque se recolectó la información en un solo momento. La población de estudio fue de 143 estudiantes. El instrumento que se utilizó para recoger información fue el Test de Harris (1969). Los resultados muestran que los niños de primer grado tienen una dominancia mal afirmada en un 95,8% mientras que hay un 4,2 de diestros completo. El 51% de los estudiantes de 6 años realizan 7 a 9 pruebas con la mano derecha y un 40.8% son diestros; 4, 1% utilizan la mano izquierda, mientras que los niños de 7 años el 46,6% son diestros y un 42.2% realizan 7 a 9 pruebas con la mano derecha y un 8, 8% utilizan la mano izquierda.Trabajo de investigació

    Percepção dos Cuidadores versus Presença de Dificuldades Alimentares Pediátricas: um estudo transversal

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    Avaliar a percepção de cuidadores de crianças com dificuldades alimentares pediátricas (DAPs) a respeito dos problemas de alimentação de seus filhos. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado na internação pediátrica com crianças abaixo de 14 anos e seus cuidadores em um hospital público no Sul do Brasil. Coletaram-se dados de prontuário além da aplicação de um questionário. Para avaliar a presença de DAPs foi utilizado o diagnóstico no prontuário. Aprovado pelo comitê de ética da instituição (CAAE nº 65500222300005327). Resultados: Avaliou-se 148 duplas de indivíduos, sendo 54% das crianças menores de 2 anos. As DAPs estavam presentes em 36 (22,8%) dos pacientes avaliados, contrastando aos 40(25,3%) identificados por seus cuidadores. Entre os diagnosticados, 7(19,4%) dos cuidadores negaram a presença de DAP. Desses, 34 (94,4%) já haviam sido internados anteriormente, dos quais 50% tiveram acima de 5 reinternações. Todos os 36(100%) utilizaram sonda para alimentação em algum momento da vida e em 24(66,6%) dos casos foi devido à DAP. Atualmente, 5(13,9%) alimenta-se exclusivamente via oral, 16(44,4%) utiliza via completar (enteral e/ou parenteral) à oral e 15(41,6%) somente via enteral e/ou parenteral. Conclusão: Nota-se discrepância na percepção dos cuidadores em relação ao diagnóstico de DAPs, demonstrando necessidade de investir em educação para identificação e manejo adequado. Fato reforçado pelo alto número de reinternações e uso de vias complementares para alimentação nessas crianças