768 research outputs found

    Experimental evaluation on the applicability of necrobiome analysis in forensic veterinary science

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    Despite the wide usage of animals as models in forensic studies, the investigations of fundamental legal questions involving domesticated and nondomesticated animals were always given marginal attention compared to "human forensic," and only recently the interest in the discipline is increasing. Our research focuses on the effect of the fur coat on the activity and development of microbial decomposers. In order to test this variable never assessed before, rabbit carcasses were used and results show that: (i) distinct and significant temporal changes in terms of metabolic activity and taxa distribution can be tracked over the decomposition process; (ii) the richness and the diversity of the bacterial communities does not significantly vary over time, but it does not mean that the species Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) do not change; (iii) the presence/absence of the fur on the carcasses does not significantly affect either the bacterial communities' functional activity or the diversity intra- and intercommunity, neither at phylum nor at family resolution; (iv) the functional activity and the ecological diversity of the bacterial communities are significantly affected by the body region, while the relative abundance is not. Obtained data confirm previous observations and provide new insight in the Forensic Veterinary field in terms of equally using them in order to derive a statistical model for the PMI estimation. As a future perspective, a contribution to the Forensic Entomology approach will be given in legal investigations when domestic or wild animals are involved, regardless of the presence of a hair layer

    Forrageiras de verão.

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    Flapless Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Guided Implant Surgery with Contextual Transcrestal Sinus Lift Augmentation Using New Bone Compactor Tools

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    In the present paper, the authors present a case report of premolar edentulism in the upper jaw treated through a guided flapless oral implant surgery with contextual crestal sinus lift, performed with a system of manual screw-tapered bone expanders (B&B Dental, San Benedetto, BO, Italy). The surgery was planned by means of dedicated software, through which the data obtained from the CBCT and from intraoral scanner impression were matched, with consequent production of a surgical template. The proposed surgical procedure is minimally invasive, very simple, and fast and ensures good comfort for the patient by avoiding the elevation of mucoperiosteal flaps and uncomfortable malleting maneuvers. In addition, the presented method shows a good degree of correspondence between the ideal position of the implant in the planning phase and the actual one detectable after the surgery

    Do longer sequences improve the accuracy of identification of forensically important Calliphoridae species?

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    Species identification is a crucial step in forensic entomology. In several cases the calculation of the larval age allows the estimation of the minimum Post-Mortem Interval (mPMI). A correct identification of the species is the first step for a correct mPMI estimation. To overcome the difficulties due to the morphological identification especially of the immature stages, a molecular approach can be applied. However, difficulties in separation of closely related species are still an unsolved problem. Sequences of 4 different genes (COI, ND5, EF-1\u3b1, PER) of 13 different fly species collected during forensic experiments (Calliphora vicina, Calliphora vomitoria, Lucilia sericata, Lucilia illustris, Lucilia caesar, Chrysomya albiceps, Phormia regina, Cynomya mortuorum, Sarcophaga sp., Hydrotaea sp., Fannia scalaris, Piophila sp., Megaselia scalaris) were evaluated for their capability to identify correctly the species. Three concatenated sequences were obtained combining the four genes in order to verify if longer sequences increase the probability of a correct identification. The obtained results showed that this rule does not work for the species L. caesar and L. illustris. Future works on other DNA regions are suggested to solve this taxonomic issue

    BRS Resteveiro: nova cultivar de inverno para solos hidromórficos.

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    a tailored maintenance management system to control spare parts life cycle

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    Abstract The maintenance of complex production systems became increasingly crucial to ensure the competitiveness of companies and service level to their clients. Because of product customization the number of mechanical and electrical components and functional groups of manufacturing lines enhanced with their complexity. To face this concern, the physical and logical design of such systems is typically partitioned among several groups of engineers and designers. Consequently, a holistic awareness of the whole project is lacking and the maintenance of such systems becomes even more challenging. In view of this, new tailored support-decision tools able to manage and control the life cycle of spare parts from their design, throughout the run time, and to their failure and replacement are necessary. This paper illustrates an original maintenance management system (MMS) resulting by the combination of different computerized tools able to integrate the information flow behind the life cycle of a generic component. The proposed system supports coordination among groups of engineers and practitioners through graphic user interfaces (GUIs) and performance i.e. cost, reliability, dashboards, which lead decision-making from the design phase to the planning of maintenance tasks along the life of the manufacturing line. These tools are validated with a real-world instance from the tobacco industry which allows assessing how components belonging to the same functional group may differently behave over their life cycle. The results suggest that the holistic awareness on the whole manufacturing system provided by the proposed MMS can support task design and schedule of maintenance actions providing the reduction of more than 20% of the total cost and time for maintenance actions. The practical example shown contributes to shed light on the potentials of new paradigms for maintenance management in the industry 4.0