92 research outputs found

    Zmiany w obrazie ultrasonograficznym i obrazie rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu u noworodków leczonych metodą selektywnej hipotermii

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    Introduction: Hypoxic ischemic insults during labor remain an important cause of brain injury in term and near-term neonates. Selective cerebral hypothermia is a potentially neuroprotective rescue therapy. Ultrasonography (US) andnmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are routinely used to visualize intracranial changes in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injuries. Aim of the study: We attempted to describe all pathological findings on US and MRI in the brains of our patients following selective cerebral hypothermia. Materials and methods: Twenty-nine neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) following therapeutic cooling were assessed with cranial ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The findings were compared with the clinical outcome. Results: Over one-fourth (27.6%) of the examined infants had a normal brain on MRI (with only 17.2% on US). Involvement of the basal ganglia and thalami was one of the most frequent findings in our material (9/29 = 31% on MRI, and 7/29-24.1% on US). Cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage was detected on MRI in as many as 7 (24.1%) and cerebellar parenchymal hemorrhage in 4 (13.8%) infants. The loss in the gray-white matter differentiation (‘fuzzy brain’), usually transient on US, was observed in 79.3% of the neonates. Diffusion restriction in the callosal splenium (13.8%) and hyperechoic thalami and basal ganglia were strictly correlated to a significantly higher incidence of severe developmental delay. Conclusion: Abnormalities on MRI and US were observed in 75% of newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with therapeutic hypothermia.Wstęp: Uraz niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwienny jest częstą przyczyną okołoporodowego uszkodzenia mózgu u noworodków, u których potencjalną, neuroprotekcyjną metodą leczenia jest selektywna hipotermia. Ultrasonografia (USG) i rezonans magnetyczny (MRI) są rutynowymi metodami obrazowania mózgu u noworodków ze zmianami niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwiennymi. Cel pracy: Podjęłyśmy próbę opisania wszystkich zmian patologicznych wykrytych w badaniu USG i MRI mózgu u noworodków, które leczone były metodą selektywnej hipotermii. Materiał i metoda: Przezciemiączkowe badanie ultrasonograficzne (USG) oraz badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (MR) wykonano u 29 noworodków z encefalopatią niedotlenienieniowo-niedokrwienną (ENN) po zastosowaniu terapeutycznej hipotermii. Wyniki badań porównano z oceną kliniczną. Wyniki: U ponad jednej czwartej badanych dzieci (27,6%) badanie MR mózgu było prawidłowe (w badaniu USG tylko u 17,2%). Zajęcie jąder podstawy i wzgórz było jednym z najczęstszych znalezisk w naszym materiale (9/29= 31% w MR i 7/29 = 24.1% w USG). Krwawienie śródmózgowe wykryto w MR aż w 7 przypadkach (24,1%), a śródmóżdżkowe w 4 (13,8%). Brak zróżnicowaniu istoty szarej i białej (“fuzzy brain”), zwykle przemijające w obrazie USG, obserwowano u 79,3% noworodków. Restrykcja dyfuzji wody w płacie ciała modzelowatego (13,8%) oraz hiperechogeniczność wzgórz i jąder podstawy mózgu ściśle korelowały z istotnie częstszym występowaniem znacznego opóźnienia rozwoju. Wnioski: Nieprawidłowy obraz MRI i US występuje u 75% noworodków z encefalopatią niedotlenieniowoniedokrwienną leczonych metodą selektywnej hipotermii

    The incidence of alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) deficiency alleles in population of Central Poland — preliminary results from newborn screening

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    Wrodzony niedobór alfa-1 antytrypsyny, jest jedną z trzech najczęstszych chorób genetycznych rasy kaukaskiej, wiąże się z istotnie wyższym ryzykiem rozwoju postępujących chorób płuc, zwłaszcza przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc. Dane na temat częstości występowania tego niedoboru w populacji polskiej są niepełne, brakuje badań wykonanych w dostatecznie dużych i przekrojowych grupach populacyjnych. W pracy zaprezentowano wstępne wyniki badania przesiewowego realizowanego w populacji noworodków z Mazowsza. Analizę genotypu metodą real-time PCR i stężenia alfa-1 antytrypsyny metodą nefelometryczną we krwi pobranej na bibułę (DBS) wykonano w grupie 658 noworodków. Allele zmutowane PI*Z i PI*S wykryto u 28 dzieci, odpowiednio 2,8% i 1,5%. Ich obecność korespondowała z istotnie niższym stężeniem białka A1AT we krwi. Szacowana częstość występowania alleli niedoborowych wynosi dla PI*Z — 13,7/1000 (95% CI 5,8–21,5), dla PI*S — 7,6/1000 (95% CI 1,7–13,5), natomiast częstość występowania głównego genotypu deficytowego ZZ 1/5345. Badanie jest kontynuowane.Inherited alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (A1ATD) is listed among the three most common genetic disorders in Caucasians. It considerably increases the risk of progressive obstructive lung diseases, mostly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data on the A1ATD prevalence in Poland are scarce, no studies with large enough groups representative for whole Polish population have been performed. Here, we present the preliminary data on the incidence of A1AT main deficiency alleles from the newborn screening in Mazovia (Central Poland) region. Real-time PCR genotyping and A1AT blood concentration measurement by nephelometry were performed from the dry blood spots (DBS) samples of 658 newborns. Deficiency alleles PI*Z i PI*S were present in 28 children, respectively in 2.8% and 1.5%. Their existence corresponded with significantly lower A1AT blood concentration. Estimated incidence of deficiency alleles was 13,7/1000 (95% CI 5.8–21.5) for PI∗Z and 7.6/1000 (95% CI 1.7– 13.5) for PI∗S. The calculated prevalence for the main deficiency genotype ZZ was 1/5345. The study is on-going

    Polish growth charts for preterm infants — comparison with reference Fenton charts

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    Objectives: Proper infant classification, particularly a preterm infant, as small or large for gestational age, is crucial to undertake activities to improve postnatal outcomes. This study aimed to assess the usability of the Fenton preterm growth charts to evaluate the anthropometric parameters of Polish preterm neonates. Material and methods: In this single-center, retrospective study data extracted from the medical documentation of preterm neonates born 2002–2013 were analyzed. Body weight, body length, and head circumference were evaluated and used to develop growth charts, which were compared with the reference Fenton growth charts. Results: This study included 3,205 preterm neonates, of whom 937 were born before 30 weeks of pregnancy. Overall, 11.04%, 3.3%, and 5.2% of neonates were below the 10th percentile on the Fenton charts for birth weight, body length, and head circumference, respectively. Only 26 (6.67%) of 390 analyzed anthropological parameters differed significantly between the study and the Fenton groups. Statistically significant differences between the study and the Fenton populations were found only in body length for both sexes, and in head circumference for female neonates. Conclusions: The growth charts developed in this study for a population of Polish preterm neonates corresponded to the Fenton charts in terms of birth weight but differed in terms of body length and head circumference. Our findings suggest the need to evaluate growth charts for Polish preterm newborns

    Sequential sonographic features in neonatal renal vein thrombosis

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    Objectives: Renal vein thrombosis in newborns is a rare but serious and acute disease. Clinical representations of RVT can vary from discrete symptoms to life-threatening conditions. Therefore imaging, and in particular sonography, plays an important role in the diagnosis of RVT in neonates. Gray-scale, color and spectral/power Doppler ultrasound are all used in the diagnosis of RVT. Material and methods: We present retrospective sequential ultrasonic imaging of three patients (two term and one preterm infant) with findings characteristic of RVT. Results: Initial ultrasound diagnostic features include: renal enlargement, echogenic medullary streaks, lack of the flow pattern characteristic of arcuate vessels and subsequently loss of corticomedullary differentiation, reduced echogenicity around pyramids and echogenic band at the extreme apex of the pyramid. Higher resistance index or less pulsatile venous flow on the affected kidney are helpful Doppler signs. Conclusions: Knowledge and identification of specific features of each phase of the evolution of RTV seems essential to prompt diagnosis. We would like to highlight the evolution of specific sonographic features in each subsequent phase of RVT

    Multiple brain abscesses caused by citrobacter koseri in a preterm neonate : case report

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    Background: Brain abscesses are very rarely diagnosed in neonates, but if present, they are associated with a high risk of severe complications and mortality. In neonates, brain abscesses can be detected on transfontanelle ultrasonography, in which they appear as hyperechogenic lesions surrounded by a hypoechogenic border. Case Report: We present a female neonate, born in the 28th week of gestation, with birth weight of 950 grams, who was born in an ambulance by spontaneous vaginal vertex delivery. No signs of infection were present until the 35th day of hospitalization, when a sudden and serious deterioration in the patient's condition was observed due to late-onset sepsis. Cranial US, performed on the 40th day of life, revealed hyperechogenic lesions with a hypoechogenic halo in the right frontal lobe, which could correspond to brain abscesses. These lesions were caused by Citrobacter koseri septicaemia, identified by transfontanelle ultrasonography, and confirmed on magnetic resonance imaging. The patient recovered and was discharged on the 91th day of life (39 PCA) with a recommendation of permanent neurological surveillance. Conclusions: Ultrasonography of the central nervous system can reveal inflammatory changes and developing brain abscesses. In neonates, magnetic resonance imaging should be performed as the method of choice for confirming brain abscesses

    Nadziąślak u noworodka z ciąży bliźniaczej – opis przypadku

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    We present a case of a female neonate, born at 36 weeks of gestation from a monochorionic, diamniotic spontaneous twin pregnancy, with congenital epulis, 2.5 cm in size, protruding from the oral cavity. Histopathology revealed a typical granular cell lesion. The other twin, also female, was prenatally diagnosed with congenital heart defect: pulmonary stenosis. The tumor was typically located in the maxillary alveolar ridge and unidirectional. The child underwent a successful surgery on the first day after birth. The course of the procedure and recovery was uneventful.Przedstawiamy noworodka płci żeńskiej urodzonego w 36 tygodniu ciąży z ciąży jednokosmówkowej, dwuowodniowej bliźniaczej z zapłodnienia naturalnego z rozległym nadziąślakiem jamy ustnej o wielkości 2,5cm. Histopatologicznie guz o typowej ziarnistokomórkowej budowie. U bliźniaka drugiego z tej ciąży (noworodek płci żeńskiej) prenatalnie rozpoznano wadę serca w postaci zwężenia zastawki pnia płucnego. Lokalizacja guza była typowa, dotyczyła części pośrodkowej szczęki i guz wzrastał jednokierunkowo. Dziecko pomyślnie zniosło zabieg operacyjny wykonany w pierwszej dobie życia

    Doppler tissue imaging assessment of myocardial velocities and atrioventricular time intervals in term newborn infants during the neonatal period

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    Wstęp i cel: Przy użyciu echokardiograficznej metody doplera tkankowego oceniono zmiany ruchu miokardium dla leweji prawej komory oraz czasy przewodzenia przedsionkowo-komorowego u noworodków donoszonych w pierwszym miesiącu życia.Metody: Badania wykonano u 20 zdrowych noworodków urodzonych miedzy 37.–41. tygodniem ciąży. Pomiar prędkości miokardium wykonywano w projekcji koniuszkowej, w osi długiej serca, jako obraz 4 jam serca kodowany kolorowym doplerem tkankowym. Odczytywano zapis cyklu serca przedstawionego za pomocą trzech fal: fala skurczowa (Sm; kiedy płatki zastawki wędrują w kierunku koniuszka serca), fala wczesnej fazy rozkurczowej (Em; kiedy pierścień zastawki oddala się od koniuszka serca) oraz fala związana z fazą skurczu przedsionków (Am). Ponadto wykonano pomiary następujących czasów: czas Am-IV (od początku fali Am do początku fali IV); czas Am-Sm (od początku fali Am do początku fali Sm); czas IV-Am (odpoczątku fali IV do początku kolejnej fali Am); czas Sm-Am (od początku fali Sm do początku następnej fali Am). Zmierzono też czas skurczu izowolumetrycznego (IVCT) i czas rozkurczu izowolumetrycznego (IVRT). Wszystkie pomiary wykonano u każdego noworodka 3-krotnie: 1. pomiar — bezpośrednio po urodzeniu w 1. dobie życia, 2. pomiar — w 3. dobie życia oraz 3. pomiar — na koniec okresu noworodkowego w 28. dobie życia.Wyniki: We wszystkich pomiarach wartości średniej prędkości ruchu miokardium w zakresie fal Em, Am i Sm były wyższedla komory prawej niż dla komory lewej. Zmianę istotną statystycznie odnotowano dla komory prawej w zakresie czasów: Am-IV i Am-Sm (między dobą 1. a 3.), p < 0,02; IV-Am (miedzy dobą 1. a 28.), p < 0,005; Sm-Am (miedzy dobą 1. a 28.), p < 0,01. Dla komory lewej zmianę istotną statycznie wykazano w zakresie czasów: Am-IV (między dobą 1. a 28.), p < 0,05 oraz Sm-Am (między dobą 1. a 28.) p < 0,01. Średnie wartości IVCT i IVRT pozostawały stałe we wszystkich pomiarach dla komory prawej. Natomiast dla komory lewej zarówno w zakresie IVCT i IVRT wykazano różnicę istotną statycznie między1. i 28. dobą życia (p < 0,01).Wnioski: Zaobserwowane różnice w średnich wartościach prędkości miokardium i w średnich wartościach czasów przewodzenia odzwierciedlają zmiany w hemodynamice układu sercowo-naczyniowego charakterystyczne dla okresu noworodkowego.Background: In both term and premature neonates, changes in the systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV) reflect the degree of neonatal myocardial immaturity and the co-existence of foetal circulation as wellas the presence of concurrent diseases.Aim: To evaluate the changes in values of systolic and diastolic LV and RV function using pulse tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in 20 healthy term newborn infants from birth to the 28th day of life.Methods: Ventricular peak myocardial velocities were recorded during early diastole (Em wave), atrial contraction (Am wave), and systole (Sm wave). TDI derived atrioventricular (AV) intervals were measured as the period from atrial contraction (Am) to isovolumic contraction (IV), from Am to ventricular systole (Sm), from Sm to the following Am, and from IV to the following Am. The first measurements were taken as soon as possible after birth, the second on the third day, and the final one onthe 28th day of life.Results: The diastolic myocardial velocities recorded in the RV were higher than those in the LV. Statistically significant differences were observed for time intervals in the RV: Am-IV and Am-Sm (day 1–3), p < 0.02; IV-Am (day 1–28), p < 0.005; Sm-Am (day 1–28), p < 0.01. Statistically significant differences for time intervals were also evident in the LV: Am-IV (day1–28), p < 0.05; and for Sm-Am (day 1–28), p < 0.01. Mean isovolumetric contraction time (ICT) and isovolumetric relaxationtime (IRT) intervals remained stable for all measurements recorded in the RV. However, a statistically significant difference was evident for both ICT and IRT intervals in the LV between days 1 and 28 of life (p < 0.01).Conclusions: 1. Cardiac TDI is feasible in the neonate. 2. In neonates, the diastolic and systolic function recorded in the RVwas better than that in the LV. This may reflect the ‘persistent’ foetal status of this ventricle in the first day of life. 3. The differences observed in conduction times also reflect the haemodynamic changes which occur in the circulatory system of the neonate in the first month of life. 4. Further investigation of a larger population of neonates throughout the whole neonatal period is indicated

    Antenatal corticosteroids and respiratory distress syndrome — the first Polish national survey

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    Objectives: Our retrospective study aimed to evaluate the rate and the appropriate use of antenatal corticosteroid therapy, and their effect on the incidence and treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and its complications. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of clinical practice in Poland was performed using standard investigating tools: a questionnaire on the frequency of using antennal corticosteroids in the selected centers, as well as neonatal data. A total of 987 newborns at ≤ 32 weeks of gestation, treated in 54 centers (including 42 tertiary and 12 secondary referral centers) over a period of 6 months in 2013, were deemed eligible. The study group consisted of 749 newborns whose mothers received antenatal steroids. The non-steroid group included 238 newborns. Results: Antenatal corticosteroids were administered to 75.89% of the neonates from the study group, with 79% and 21% receiving one and two courses, respectively. Children whose mothers received prenatal steroids presented with less extensive radiographic changes typical of RDS, and less often required surfactant therapy (70% vs. 78%; p = 0.0143). In the group of children undergoing antenatal steroid therapy, the percentage of BPD was lower (13.27% vs. 18.63%) (p = 0.0881). The mortality rates were 20.91% and 10.81% in controls and the study group, respectively (p = 0.0001). Conclusions: The percentage of antenatal steroid use in secondary and tertiary referral centers in Poland is unsatisfactorily low (76%). Antenatal corticosteroids demonstrated high efficacy in decreasing severe forms of RDS, less need for surfactant therapy, and reduced BPD and mortality rates.

    Regresja zmian torbielowatych w obrazie MR mózgu u dziecka z noworodkową encefalopatią niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwienną, poddanego hipotermii leczniczej

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    The authors present the first case of regression of cystic lesions on brain MRI in a newborn after therapeutic hypothermia in Poland. Multicystic encephalopathy is the most severe form of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and its regression is described very rarely in the literature. Magnetic resonance imaging is an accepted, optimal method of evaluation of the brain and establishing prognosis in children with HIE. After normal pregnancy an emergency cesarean section was performed at 37 weeks gestation due to the markers of intrauterine hypoxia on CTG. The condition of the newborn was serious: 3 ,5, 7, 8 points according to Apgar score in 1st, 3nd, 5th and 10th minute of life, respectively. The infant required resuscitation. The cooling procedure lasted 72 hours. The first MRI study was performed at the age of 3 weeks and revealed cavities in the frontal and parietal lobed. The Evans index was 0.33. The second MRI investigation was carried out at the age of 5 weeks. The cavitary appearance did not change, the Evans index decreased to 0.32. The child underwent third MRI at the age of 2 years 4 months. No cystic lesions were found. There were signs of gliosis in their place and focal corticalsubcortical atrophy. The Evans index was 0.28 (within the normal limits). The neuropsychological status of the child at the age of 2.5 years is normal and brain MRI reveals strikingly mild lesions as compared to cavitary injury reported at the age of 3 and 5 weeks. The presented case shows that severe hypoxic-ischemic lesions such as cavities in an infant after cooling procedure do not necessarily mean poor prognosis, as with time even such lesions may regress. Therefore, even after the MRI diagnosis of multicystic encephalopathy the prognosis should be made with care.Autorki przedstawiają pierwszy w Polsce przypadek regresji zmian torbielowatych w obrazie MR mózgu u noworodka poddanego hipotermii leczniczej. Encefalopatia wielotorbielowata jest najcięższą postacią zmian niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwiennych i ustąpienie zmian jest opisywane niezwykle rzadko. Rezonans magnetyczny jest uznaną, optymalną metodą oceny stanu mózgowia, prognozowania dalszego rozwoju dziecka z ENN i określania rokowania. Noworodek z prawidłowej ciąży I został urodzony cięciem cesarskim w 37 tygodniu ciąży ze wskazań nagłych wobec wykładników kardiotokograficznych niedotlenienia wewnątrzmacicznego. Stan dziecka był ciężki, punktacja wg Apgar 3 ,5, 7, 8 odpowiednio w 1., 3., 5. i 10. minucie życia. Noworodek wymagał resuscytacji. Był poddany procedurze chłodzenia przez 72 godz. Pierwsze badanie MR wykonano w 3. tygodniu życia i uwidoczniono jamy wypełnione płynem w płatach czołowych i ciemieniowych. Wskaźnik Evansa wynosił 0,33. Drugie badanie MR wykonano w wieku 5 tygodni. Obraz jam nie uległ zmianie, wskaźnik Evansa zmniejszył się do 0,32. Trzecie badanie MR wykonano w wieku 2 lat i 4/12 i nie uwidoczniono jam. W ich miejscu widoczna była glioza i odcinkowy zanik korowo-podkorowy. Wskaźnik Evansa wyniósł 0,28 (w granicach normy). Stan neuropsychologiczny dziecka w wieku 2,5 lat nie odbiega od normy, a obraz MR mózgu wykazuje uderzająco niewielkie zmiany w stosunku do stwierdzanych w wieku noworodkowym. Prezentowany przypadek pokazuje, że ciężkie zmiany niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwienne w postaci jam u dziecka po leczeniu hipotermią nie muszą rokować źle, ponieważ z upływem czasu nawet zmiany jamiste mogą ulec regresji. Zatem nawet po stwierdzeniu w obrazie MR cech encefalopatii wielotorbielowatej rokowanie odnośnie przeżycia i dalszego stanu neurorozwojowego dziecka powinno być stawiane ostrożnie

    Infections and risk-adjusted length of stay and hospital mortality in Polish Neonatology Intensive Care Units

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    Background: The objectives of this study were to analyze the impact of infections on prolonging hospital stay with consideration of underlying risk factors and determining the mortality rates and its association with infections. Methods: An electronic database developed from a continuous prospective targeted infection surveillance program was used in the study. Data were collected from 2009 to 2012 in five Polish tertiary academic neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The length of stay (LOS) of 2,003 very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates was calculated as the sum of the number of days since birth until death or until reaching a weight of 1,800 g. Results: The median LOS for neonates with infections was twice as high as for neonates without infection. LOS was significantly affected by the overall general condition of the neonate, as expressed by both gestational age and birth weight as well as by the Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB) score; another independent factor was presence of at least one infection. Risk of in-hospital mortality was significantly increased by male sex and vaginal birth and was lower among breastfed neonates. Deaths were significantly more frequent in neonates without infection. Conclusions: The general condition of VLBW infants statistically increase both their risk of mortality and LOS; this is in contrast to the presence of infection, which significantly prolonged LOS only