92 research outputs found

    ANNEX IV. Metodología para elaboración de cuentas híbridas SEEA-W

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    El proyecto SYWAG ha acometido la tarea de elaborar para la cuenca del Guadalquivir en el periodo 2004-2012 las tablas del Sistema de Cuentas Ambientales y Económicas del Agua (SCAE-Agua, SEEA-Water en inglés) y extraer indicadores de las mismas. El sistema SCAE-Agua ha sido preparado por la División de Economía y Asuntos Sociales de las Naciones Unidas en colaboración entre otros con EUROSTAT. SCAE-Agua proporciona el marco conceptual para la organización coherente y consistente de la información hídrica y económica y como marco básico el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales 1993 (SCN 1993), que es el sistema estándar para la compilación de estadísticas económicas y de los indicadores económicos derivados, entre los que destaca el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB).0329/2013/671250/SUB/ENV.C (DG ENV: Comisión Europea

    The Economic Analysis of Water Use in the Water Framework Directive Based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water: A Case Study of the Guadalquivir River Basin

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    This paper develops a methodology for the economic analysis of water use proposed by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (SEEA-Water) standard tables. Our proposal satisfies the requirements for the economic characterization set out in Article 5 of the WFD. A case study in the Guadalquivir river basin shows a similar characterization in the baseline scenario to previous studies, including apparent water productivity. The main contribution of our research, however, is the proposal of a methodology that would enhance comparability and knowledge-sharing between regions, countries, and sectors both in the European Union and worldwide

    Water Productivity under Drought Conditions Estimated Using SEEA-Water

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    This paper analyzes the impact of droughts on agricultural water productivity in the period 2004–2012 in the Guadalquivir River Basin using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (SEEA-Water). Relevant events in this period include two meteorological droughts (2005 and 2012), the implementation of the Drought Management Plan by the basin's water authority (2006, 2007 and 2008), and the effects of irrigated area modernization (water-saving investment). Results show that SEEA-Water can be used to study the productivity of water and the economic impact of the different droughts. Furthermore, the results reflect the fact that irrigated agriculture (which makes up 65% of the gross value added, or GVA, of the total primary sector) has considerably higher water productivity than rain-fed agriculture. Additionally, this paper separately examines blue water productivity and total water productivity within irrigated agriculture, finding an average productivity of 1.33 EUR/m3 and 0.48 EUR/m3, respectively

    Metodología para el cálculo de variables hidrológicas. Proyecto SYWAG (System of Water Accounting in Guadalquivir River Basin)

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    Metodología para el cálculo de variables hidrológicas. Proyecto SYWAG (System of Water Accounting in Guadalquivir River Basin

    Toward Semantic Mobile Web 2.0 through Multiagent Systems

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    In this paper, a solution for semantic annotation of Consumers Generated Content, based on the actions of a multiagent system, is presented. This solution is designed in the context of an spin-off which was born from Minerva project for mobile services1. Our proposal aims to build a Mobile Web 2.0 platform for the dissemination of interesting events, captured by users through mobile phones. The multiagent system creates an agent for each event, which suggests and manages several semantic features linked to an Ontology related to events.Junta de Andalucía 2C/040 WeTeV

    Análisis coste-beneficio de la modernización de regadíos. Caso del Guadalquivir

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    Este trabajo presenta una aplicación del análisis coste-beneficio a la política de modernización de regadíos en la Demarcación del Guadalquivir 1995-2015. La estimación de costes incluye la inversión pública y privada en equipos e infraestructura y el aumento de emisiones de CO2 mientras que los beneficios incluyen aumento de la productividad del agua, mejora de la garantía, reducción de la contaminación difusa, aumento de la captura de CO2, y aumento del empleo. Considerando adicionalmente el efecto multiplicador de la actividad agraria (1,4) el resultado final es una relación 4,1:1 de beneficios a costes determinando por tanto una considerable rentabilidad social

    Economía y sostenibilidad del agua

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    Programa de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de EmpresasLínea de Investigación: Métodos Cuantitativos en GestiónClave Programa: DAECódigo Línea: 5The main aims of my thesis can be summarized in two parts. On one hand, it is to integrate the Water Framework Directive (WFD) economic analysis with the environmental accounting developed by Sytem of Environmental Economic Analysis Central Framework (SEEA-CF), and specifically in SEEA-Water (UNSD 2012). SEEA-Water has been developed by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat with the support of other institutions (EUROSTATamong them). It provides a conceptual framework for organizing hydrological and economic information in a coherent and consistent manner. The system has its origin in economics, but also includes physical information. The hybrid nature of the accounts gives the analyst the opportunity to study both dimensions.This will allow the harmonization of EU member states water economic analysis create an standard tool that, if adopted widely, would allow international comparison of the state of water resources and specifically for European policy, it would facilitate Member States' WFD reporting to the European Commission. On the other hand, the objective is to analyse and compare the sustainability of the integral water cycle in the Spanish River basins and to determine the dimensions that may be enhanced to improve Basin¿s sustainability in order to fulfil the objectives and requirements set by the WFD on basin management. Even though the concept of sustainability has been traditionally associated with the triple bottom line (TBL) framework, composed by economic, environmental and social dimensions, the analysis enlarges sustainability by including governance and participation issues. A multicriteria decision analysis approach is proposed to aggregate all sustainability dimensions. Data for each BWA has been obtained from the hydrological plans for the second planning cycle (2015-2021). Experienced stakeholders participated in the evaluation process. Results show a classification of the Spanish basins according to their sustainability and the performance of each basin in every particular dimension. It also illustrates the importance of each indicator in contributing to sustainability, being a starting point to improve water management in Spanish basins for future planning cycles.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Economía, Métodos Cuantitativos e Historia EconómicaPostprin

    Enabling and limiting factors for business development of the Circular Bioeconomy. Empirical analysis for the case of Andalusia

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar los factores habilitantes y limitantes para el desarrollo empresarial de iniciativas de éxito en el ámbito de la bioeconomía circular (BEC) en Andalucía. La metodología seguida para su realización ha consistido en la selección de una muestra de empresas andaluzas con líneas de negocio basadas en actividades de BEC, en la realización de entrevistas extensas a las personas gestoras para la identificación de los factores habilitantes y limitantes de tales líneas de negocio y en la agregación de la información cuantitativa recogida para la realización de un análisis descriptivo global y sectorial. Los principales resultados que se desprenden de dicho análisis es que los factores habilitantes que han fomentado el desarrollo de estas iniciativas han sido principalmente el ‘Compromiso ético con el medio ambiente’, seguido de cerca por el ‘Conocimiento tecnológico específico’ y la ‘Rentabilidad privada’. Por su parte, aquellos factores que han actuado como limitantes han sido, en primer lugar, la ‘Burocracia’, seguida por la ‘Normativa reguladora de la actividad’ y, en igualdad de importancia, por las ‘Necesidades financieras’ y por las ‘Barreras tecnológicas.The present work aims to analyze the enabling and limiting factors for the successful business development in the field of circular bioeconomy (CBE) in Andalusia. The analysis relies on a survey of a selection of successful Andalusian companies with business lines based on CBE activities, based on extensive interviews to firm managers to identify the enabling and limiting factors of such business lines, and in the aggregation of the quantitative information collected to derive a basic global and sectoral descriptive assessment. The main results that emerge from this analysis is that on the one hand, the enabling factors that have fostered the development of these initiatives have been mainly the 'Ethical commitment to the environment', closely followed by 'Specific technological knowledge' and 'Private profitability'. On the other hand, the factors that have acted as limiting factors have been, in the first place, the 'Bureaucracy', followed by the 'Regulations related to the activity' and, in equal level of importance, the 'Financial needs' and the 'Technological barriers'