14 research outputs found

    Missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) in children up to 5 years old in 19 MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres-supported health facilities: a cross-sectional survey in six low-resource countries

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    Community child health; Epidemiology; Public healthSalud infantil comunitaria; EpidemiologĂ­a; Salud pĂșblicaSalut infantil comunitĂ ria; Epidemiologia; Salut PĂșblicaObjective To describe missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) among children visiting MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres (MSF)-supported facilities, their related factors, and to identify reasons for non-vaccination. Design Cross-sectional surveys conducted between 2011 and 2015. Setting and participants Children up to 59 months of age visiting 19 MSF-supported facilities (15 primary healthcare centres and four hospitals) in Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritania, Niger, Pakistan and South Sudan. Only children whose caregivers presented their vaccination card were included. Outcome measures We describe MOV prevalence and reasons for no vaccination. We also assess the association of MOV with age, type of facility and reason for visit. Results Among 5055 children’s caregivers interviewed, 2738 presented a vaccination card of whom 62.8% were eligible for vaccination, and of those, 64.6% had an MOV. Presence of MOV was more likely in children visiting a hospital or a health facility for a reason other than vaccination. MOV occurrence was significantly higher among children aged 12–23 months (84.4%) and 24–59 months (88.3%) compared with children below 12 months (56.2%, p≀0.001). Main reasons reported by caregivers for MOV were lack of vaccines (40.3%), reason unknown (31.2%) and not being informed (17.6%). Conclusions Avoiding MOV should remain a priority in low-resource settings, in line with the new ‘Immunization Agenda 2030’. Children beyond their second year of life are particularly vulnerable for MOV. We strongly recommend assessment of eligibility for vaccination as routine healthcare practice regardless of the reason for the visit by screening vaccination card. Strengthening implementation of ‘Second year of life’ visits and catch-up activities are proposed strategies to reduce MOV

    Epidemiological characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 cases: mortality inequalities by socio-economic status, Barcelona, Spain, 24 February to 4 May 2020

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Epidemiologia; SituaciĂł socioeconĂČmicaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; EpidemiologĂ­a; Estatus socioeconĂłmicoCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Epidemiology; Socio-economic statusBackground: Population-based studies characterising outcomes of COVID-19 in European settings are limited, and effects of socio-economic status (SES) on outcomes have not been widely investigated. Aim: We describe the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases, highlighting incidence and mortality rate differences across SES during the first wave in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Methods: This population-based study reports individual-level data of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases diagnosed from 24 February to 4 May 2020, notified to the Public Health Agency of Barcelona and followed until 15 June 2020. We analysed end-of-study vital status and the effects of chronic conditions on mortality using logistic regression. Geocoded addresses were linked to basic health area SES data, estimated using the composed socio-economic index. We estimated age-standardised incidence, hospitalisation, and mortality rates by SES. Results: Of 15,554 COVID-19-confirmed cases, the majority were women (n =9,028; 58%), median age was 63 years (interquartile range: 46–83), 8,046 (54%) required hospitalisation, and 2,287 (15%) cases died. Prevalence of chronic conditions varied across SES, and multiple chronic conditions increased risk of death (≄3, adjusted odds ratio: 2.3). Age-standardised rates (incidence, hospitalisation, mortality) were highest in the most deprived SES quartile (incidence: 1,011 (95% confidence interval (CI): 975–1,047); hospitalisation: 619 (95% CI: 591–648); mortality: 150 (95% CI: 136–165)) and lowest in the most affluent (incidence: 784 (95% CI: 759–809); hospitalisation: 400 (95% CI: 382–418); mortality: 121 (95% CI: 112–131)). Conclusions: COVID-19 outcomes varied markedly across SES, underscoring the need to implement effective preventive strategies for vulnerable populations

    Reactogenicity to the mRNA-1273 Booster According to Previous mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination

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    COVID-19-vaccination; Adverse reactions; Booster doseVacunación de COVID-19; Reacciones adversas; Dosis de refuerzoVacunació de COVID-19; Reaccions adverses; Dosi de reforçThe objective of this study was to assess the local and systemic adverse reactions after the administration of a COVID-19 mRNA-1273 booster between December 2021 and February 2022 by comparing the type of mRNA vaccine used as primary series (mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2) and homologous versus heterologous booster in health care workers (HCW). A cross-sectional study was performed in HCW at a tertiary hospital in Barcelona, Spain. A total of 17% of booster recipients responded to the questionnaire. The frequency of reactogenicity after the mRNA-1273 booster (88.5%) was similar to the mRNA-1273 primary doses (85.8%), and higher than the BNT162b2 primary doses (71.1%). The reactogenicity was similar after receiving a heterologous booster compared to a homologous booster (88.0% vs. 90.2%, p = 0.3), and no statistically significant differences were identified in any local or systemic reactions. A higher frequency of medical leave was identified in the homologous booster dose group vs. the heterologous booster dose group (AOR 1.45; 95% CI: 1.00–2.07; p = 0.045). Our findings could be helpful in improving vaccine confidence toward heterologous combinations in the general population and in health care workers

    The frequency of defective genomes in Omicron differs from that of the Alpha, Beta and Delta variants

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    Evolution; Genetics; Molecular biologyEvoluciĂł; GenĂštica; Biologia molecularEvoluciĂłn; GenĂ©tica; BiologĂ­a molecularThe SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant emerged showing higher transmissibility and possibly higher resistance to current COVID-19 vaccines than other variants dominating the global pandemic. In March 2020 we performed a study in clinical samples, where we found that a portion of genomes in the SARS-CoV-2 viral population accumulated deletions immediately before the S1/S2 cleavage site (furin-like cleavage site, PRRAR/S) of the spike gene, generating a frameshift and appearance of a premature stop codon. The main aim of this study was to determine the frequency of defective deletions in prevalent variants from the first to sixth pandemic waves in our setting and discuss whether the differences observed might support epidemiological proposals. The complete SARS-CoV-2 spike gene was deeply studied by next-generation sequencing using the MiSeq platform. More than 90 million reads were obtained from respiratory swab specimens of 78 COVID-19 patients with mild infection caused by the predominant variants circulating in the Barcelona city area during the six pandemic waves: B.1.5, B.1.1, B.1.177, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron. The frequency of defective genomes found in variants dominating the first and second waves was similar to that seen in Omicron, but differed from the frequencies seen in the Alpha, Beta and Delta variants. The changing pattern of mutations seen in the various SARS-CoV-2 variants driving the pandemic waves over time can affect viral transmission and immune escape. Here we discuss the putative biological effects of defective deletions naturally occurring before the S1/S2 cleavage site during adaption of the virus to human infection.This study was partially supported by Pla EstratĂšgic de Recerca i InnovaciĂł en Salut (PERIS) – DirecciĂł General de Recerca i InnovaciĂł en Salut (DGRIS), Catalan Health Ministry, Generalitat de Catalunya; the Spanish Network for the Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016/0003) from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Centro para el Desarrollo TecnolĂłgico Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, grant number IDI-20200297; Grant PI19/00301 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and Gilead’s biomedical research project GLD21/00006. We gratefully acknowledge the authors, originating and submitting laboratories of the sequences from GISAID’s EpiCov Database on which this research is based

    Characteristics of 24 SARS-CoV-2-Sequenced Reinfection Cases in a Tertiary Hospital in Spain

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    SARS-CoV-2; Clinical features; ReinfectionSARS-CoV-2; CaracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas; ReinfecciĂłnSARS-CoV-2; CaracterĂ­stiques clĂ­niques; ReinfecciĂłBackground: Since the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the main concern is whether reinfections are possible, and which are the associated risk factors. This study aims to describe the clinical and molecular characteristics of 24 sequence-confirmed reinfection SARS-CoV-2 cases over 1 year in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). Methods: Patients with > 45 days between two positive PCR tests regardless of symptoms and negative tests between episodes were initially considered as suspected reinfection cases from November 2020 to May 2021. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was performed to confirm genetic differences between consensus sequences and for phylogenetic studies based on PANGOLIN nomenclature. Reinfections were confirmed by the number of mutations, change in lineage, or epidemiological criteria. Results: From 39 reported suspected reinfection cases, complete viral genomes could be sequenced from both episodes of 24 patients, all were confirmed as true reinfections. With a median age of 44 years (interquartile range [IQR] 32–65), 66% were women and 58% were healthcare workers (HCWs). The median days between episodes were 122 (IQR 72–199), occurring one-third within 3 months. Reinfection episodes were frequently asymptomatic and less severe than primary infections. The absence of seroconversion was associated with symptomatic reinfections. Only one case was reinfected with a variant of concern (VOC). Conclusion: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 reinfections can occur in a shorter time than previously reported and are mainly found in immunocompetent patients. Surveillance through WGS is useful to identify viral mutations associated with immune evasion.This research was supported by CIBER -Consorcio Centro de InvestigaciĂłn BiomĂ©dica en Red- (CB 2021), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn and UniĂłn Europea – NextGenerationEU

    A single-dose strategy for immunization with live attenuated vaccines is an effective option before treatment initiation in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Multiple sclerosis; Infections; VaccinationEsclerosi mĂșltiple; Infeccions; VacunaciĂłEsclerosis mĂșltiple; Infecciones; VacunaciĂłnBackground: Mumps-Measles-Rubella (MMR) and Varicella zoster vaccines (VAR) are live attenuated vaccines, usually administered in a two-dose scheme at least 4 weeks apart. However, single-dose immunization schemes may also be effective and can reduce delays in immunosuppressive treatment initiation in patients with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) who need to be immunized. Objectives: To evaluate the immunogenicity of a single-dose attempt (SDA) versus the standard immunization scheme (SIS) with VAR and/or MMR in pwMS. Methods: Retrospective observational study in pwMS vaccinated against VAR and/or MMR. We compared seroprotection rates and antibody geometric mean titers (GMTs) between the two strategies. Results: Ninety-six patients were included. Thirty-one patients received VAR and 67 MMR. In the SDA group, the seroprotection rate was 66.7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 53.3–78.3) versus 97.2% (95% CI: 85.5–99.9) in the SIS (p < 0.001). For the seroprotected patients, GMTs were similar for both schemes. Conclusion: An SDA of VAR and/or MMR vaccines could be sufficient to protect almost two-thirds of patients. Testing immunogenicity after a single dose of VZ and/or MMR could be included in routine clinical practice to achieve rapid immunization.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project PI19/01606 and co-funded by the European Union and ECTRIMS clinical fellowship awarded to RenĂ© Carvajal from 2021 to 2022

    A year living with SARS-CoV-2: an epidemiological overview of viral lineage circulation by whole-genome sequencing in Barcelona city (Catalonia, Spain)

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    Catalonia; SARS-CoV-2; Molecular epidemiologyCataluña; SARS-CoV-2; EpidemiologĂ­a molecularCatalunya; SARS-CoV-2; Epidemiologia molecularHerein, we describe the genetic diversity of circulating SARS-CoV-2 viruses by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in Barcelona city (Catalonia, Spain) throughout the first four pandemic waves. From weeks 11/2020–24/2021, SARS-CoV-2-positive respiratory samples were randomly selected per clinical setting (80% from primary care or 20% from the hospital), age group, and week. WGS was performed following the ARTICv3 protocol on MiSeq or NextSeq2000 Illumina platforms. Nearly complete consensus sequences were used for genetic characterization based on GISAID and PANGOLIN nomenclatures. From 2475 samples, 2166 (87%) were fully sequenced (78% from primary care and 22% from hospital settings). Multiple genetic lineages were co-circulating, but four were predominant at different periods. While B.1.5 (50.68%) and B.1.1 (32.88%) were the major lineages during the first pandemic wave, B.1.177 (66.85%) and B.1.1.7 (83.80%) were predominant during the second, third, and fourth waves, respectively. Almost all (96.4%) were carrying D614G mutation in the S protein, with additional mutations that define lineages or variants. But some mutations of concern, such as E484K from B.1.351 and P.1 lineages are currently under monitoring, together with those observed in the receptor-binding domain or N-terminal domain, such as L452R and T478K from B.1.617.2 lineage. The fact that a predominant lineage was observed in each pandemic wave suggests advantageous properties over other contemporary co-circulating variants. This genetic variability should be monitored, especially when a massive vaccination campaign is ongoing because the potential selection and emergence of novel antigenic SARS-CoV-2 strains related to immunological escapement events.This work was supported by Spanish Network for the Research in Infectious Diseases: [Grant Number REIPI RD16/0016/0003]; Centro para el Desarrollo TecnolĂłgico Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business [Grant Number IDI-20200297]; DirecciĂł General de Recerca i InnovaciĂł en Salut (DGRIS); European Development Regional Fund (ERDF) “A way to achieve Europe” by Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases [REIPI RD16/0016/0003]

    The Dipeptide Monoester Prodrugs of Floxuridine and Gemcitabine—Feasibility of Orally Administrable Nucleoside Analogs

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    Dipeptide monoester prodrugs of floxuridine and gemcitabine were synthesized. Their chemical stability in buffers, enzymatic stability in cell homogenates, permeability in mouse intestinal membrane along with drug concentration in mouse plasma, and anti-proliferative activity in cancer cells were determined and compared to their parent drugs. Floxuridine prodrug was more enzymatically stable than floxuridine and the degradation from prodrug to parent drug works as the rate-limiting step. On the other hand, gemcitabine prodrug was less enzymatically stable than gemcitabine. Those dipeptide monoester prodrugs exhibited 2.4- to 48.7-fold higher uptake than their parent drugs in Caco-2, Panc-1, and AsPC-1 cells. Floxuridine and gemcitabine prodrugs showed superior permeability in mouse jejunum to their parent drugs and exhibited the higher drug concentration in plasma after in situ mouse perfusion. Cell proliferation assays in ductal pancreatic cancer cells, AsPC-1 and Panc-1, indicated that dipeptide prodrugs of floxuridine and gemcitabine were more potent than their parent drugs. The enhanced potency of nucleoside analogs was attributed to their improved membrane permeability. The prodrug forms of 5Âą-L-phenylalanyl-l-tyrosyl-floxuridine and 5Âą-L-phenylalanyl-L-tyrosyl-gemcitabine appeared in mouse plasma after the permeation of intestinal membrane and the first-pass effect, suggesting their potential for the development of oral dosage form for anti-cancer agents

    Local and Systemic Adverse Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Comparing Two Vaccine Types and Occurrence of Previous COVID-19 Infection

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    The aim of this study was to assess adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, comparing the BNT162b2 or the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines and the presence and seriousness of a previous COVID-19 infection. We conducted a cross-sectional online survey of vaccinated healthcare workers at a tertiary hospital in Barcelona (Spain). Thirty-eight percent of vaccine recipients responded to the questionnaire. We compared the prevalence of adverse reactions by vaccine type and history of COVID-19 infections. A total of 2373 respondents had received the BNT162b2 vaccine, and 506 the mRNA-1273 vaccine. The prevalence of at least one adverse reaction with doses 1 and 2 was 41% and 70%, respectively, in the BNT162b2 group, and 60% and 92% in the mRNA-1273 group (p &lt; 0.001). The BNT162b2 group reported less prevalence of all adverse reactions. Need for medical leave was significantly more frequent among the mRNA-1273 group (12% versus 4.6% p &lt; 0.001). Interestingly, respondents with a history of allergies or chronic illnesses did not report more adverse reactions. The frequency of adverse reactions with dose 2 was 96% (95% CI 88&ndash;100%) for those with a history of COVID-19 related hospitalization, and 86% (95% CI 83&ndash;89%) for those with mild or moderate symptomatic COVID-19, significantly higher than for participants with no history of COVID-19 infections (67%, 95% CI 65&ndash;69%). Our results could help inform vaccine recipients of the probability of their having adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines