19 research outputs found

    Checklist of liverworts of the Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Murmansk Province, Russia)

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    This new list of hepatics for the Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve (LSNBR), one of the largest reserves in European Russia, consists of 173 species. Here are summarized all available data on the diversity of liverworts of LSNBR, including approximately 2500 specimens collected by the author. The liverwort flora is the richest amongst those of large State Nature Reserves of the European part of Russia. Eight taxa of liverworts are known in Murmansk Province from the LSNBR only: Frullania tamarisci, Lejeunea cavifolia, Lophoziopsis excisa var. elegans, Mannia triandra, Reboulia hemisphaerica, Oleolophozia perssonii, Nowellia curvifolia, Scapania calcicola. The liverwort diversity varies slightly between different LSNBR Mountains: in Salnye Tundry Mts there were recorded 139 species, in Chuna-tundra Mts – 133, in Monche-tundra Mts – 124, in Nyavka-tundra – 112. The territory gives a good representation for protection and sustainable development of rare hepatic species – fifteen species are red-listed in Europe, four liverworts are included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and thirty one taxa are protected in Murmansk Province.

    Checklist of mosses of the Pasvik State Nature Reserve (Murmansk Region, Russia)

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    The list of mosses of the Pasvik State Nature Reserve (Pasvik Reserve) consists of 197 species. Here we summarize all available data on the diversity of mosses of the Pasvik Reserve, including approximately 800 specimens collected by the authors. Stereodon pallescens and Tayloria serrata are in the Murmansk Region only known from the Pasvik Reserve. Seven species are red-listed in the Murmansk Region (Bryum cyclophyllum, Buxbaumia aphylla, Encalypta streptocarpa, Psilopilum laevigatum, Tayloria serrata, Tayloria splachnoides and Tetrodontium repandum). Tetrodontium repandum is included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and Tayloria splachnoides is red-listed in Europe. The Pasvik Reserve gives a good possibility for the protection of rare mosses

    Recently resurrected for European liverwort flora – Frullania calcarifera Steph., new addition for the Crimean Peninsula

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    Frullania calcarifera is a long forgotten taxon, which originally has been described by F. Stephani in 1887 from Portugal, but largely overlooked since that time due to its synonymization with F. tamarisci s.str. Based on both molecular and morphological data, F. calcarifera is here for the first time recorded for the Crimean liverwort flora. A morphological description and figures are provided and differentiation, ecology and distribution are discussed

    Checklist of liverworts of the Pasvik State Nature Reserve (Murmansk Region, Russia)

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    Liverworts flora of the Pasvik State Nature Reserve (Pasvik Reserve) consists of 103 species, 5 subspecies and 2 varieties. We have summarized all available data on the diversity of liverworts of the Pasvik Reserve, including approximately 650 specimens collected by the authors. Calycularia laxa and Oleolophozia perssonii are reported for the second time from Murmansk Region. The territory is quite representative for protection and sustainable development of rare liverworts species – we found new localities for four red-listed European species (Barbilophozia rubescens, Haplomitrium hookeri, Lophozia ascendens and Nardia japonica), three liverworts included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (Haplomitrium hookeri, Nardia breidleri and Oleolophozia perssonii) and 12 red-listed in the Murmansk Region

    New findings of rare aphyllophoroid fungi from the Murmansk Region, eastern Fennoscandia (North-West Russia)

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    The present paper provides new information on the distribution of three rare aphyllophoroid fungi (Haploporus odorus (Sommerf.) Bondartsev & Singer, Skeletocutis lilacina A. David & Jean Keller, Trametes trogii Berk.) in East Fennoscandia. Their distributions and ecological features are discussed.

    The liverwort flora of Karelian part of the Vodlozersky National Park (Russia)

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    An updated list of liverworts in the Karelian part of Vodlozersky National Park is presented, containing 52 species. Twenty-three species were recorded in the National Park for the first time. Heterogemma capitata was found in Karelia for the first time; Calypogeia fissa and Tritomaria exsecta were reported for the second time in the region. The observations of the three species form the northern limit of their global range. New localities are reported for five Karelian red-listed species (Calypogeia suecica, Geocalyx graveolens, Pellia endiviifolia, Scapania apiculata, Syzygiella autumnalis)

    Diversity and distribution of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes on aspen (Populus tremula) in the middle boreal forests of Republic of Karelia (Russia)

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    The distribution of epiphytic bryophyte and lichen species growing on aspen in the middle boreal forests was studied in southern Karelia (Russia). These forests varied in time-since-disturbance from 80 to 450 years. Two hundred twenty two species of epiphytes, including 178 lichens, 32 mosses and 12 liverworts, were recorded on 192 aspen trees in forests over 24 ha, in the Karelian part of the Vodlozero National Park, Kivach Strict Nature Reserve, Kizhi Sanctuary and Petrozavodsk City. Arthonia biatoricola, A. excipienda and Biatoridium monasteriense were collected in Karelia for the first time. Eighteen rare species (lichens Anaptychia ciliaris, Arthonia vinosa, Bryoria nadvornikiana, Chaenotheca gracilenta, C. stemonea, Lecidea albofuscescens, Lobaria pulmonaria, Melanelixia subaurifera, Nephroma bellum, N. laevigatum, Phaeocalicium populneum, Ramalina thrausta, Rostania occultata, Scytinium subtile, Usnea barbata, mosses Neckera pennata, Plagiomnium drummondii and liverwort Lejeunea cavifolia) listed in the Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia (2007) were found. Relationships between epiphytic lichen and bryophyte species richness and certain environmental variables (at different trunk heights above ground and time-since-disturbance) were evaluated. Lichens and mosses on aspen trunks often occupy different ecological niches. Cover and diversity of bryophytes was high on trunk bases, while the number of lichen species and their cover were higher at a height of 1.3 m above ground level. The total number of lichen species on aspen increased on average from 40 to 60 species per ha with increasing time-since-disturbance from 100 to 450 years. A stabilization in lichen species number was observed at about 200 years since disturbance. No significant correlation was determined between bryophyte diversity on aspens and the time-since-disturbance.

    CRIS – service for input, storage and analysis of the biodiversity data of the cryptogams

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    Here we describe Cryptogamic Russian Information System (CRIS), a web service cataloguing the biodiversity of cryptogams: cyanobacteria, fungi (including lichens), and bryophytes. CRIS incorporates a wide spectrum of data types, allowing for greater ease of use. It is possible to print the labels for herbarium collections, to input literature references, media files, etc., using CRIS which has a flexible interface and specific technical abilities. Currently, CRIS contains ~ 90,000 herbarium records, including 67,861 records of bryophytes, 12,486 records of lichens and 3,800 records of cyanobacteria. Data analysis of the different taxonomic groups is provided below. Perspectives and directions for the future development of CRIS are discussed