45 research outputs found

    Effects of mixed saline and alkaline stress on the morphology and anatomy of pisum sativum l.: the role of peroxidase and ascorbate oxidase in growth regulation

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    The effects of hyperalkaline, thermo-mineral water from Slatina on the morphology and anatomy of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.), were examined after eleven days of treatment with a mixture of tap water and Slatina water in 3:1 (T1) and 1:1 ratios (T2). Complete growth arrest of seedlings was observed in the Slatina water (T3). The alkalinity of external media was recovered to pH 8 within four days only in T1 and T2. Analysis of morphological parameters (the length of the main root, root application zone, number of lateral roots) indicated that the thermo-mineral water either promoted (T1) or inhibited (T2) the formation of lateral roots and plant growth. Comparative histological and anatomical analyses showed that inhibition of lateral roots was accompanied by an increase in the xylem and phloem. These changes in root morphology were accompanied by an increase in the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD: E.C. and peroxidase (POD: E.C in the soluble fraction, whereas the activities of ascorbate oxidase (AAO: E.C. bound to the cell wall and ionic POD decreased. The lower ratio of Slatina water in the hydroponic solution contributed to a more developed mesophyll with significantly higher AAO activity in the leaves and the induction of ionic POD isoforms. Besides alkalinity and excess NaCl, we suggest that a specific combination of metals (e.g. Ca and Mg) might be responsible for subtle changes in the cell area and xylem development, leading to dramatic changes in root anatomy

    Regulacija ulazne i emitovane energije iz plastenika

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    In both controlled spaces and plastic greenhouses it is essential to maintain the optimum conditions for undisturbed development of growing plants. Energy of the sun radiation reaching plastic greenhouses changes considerably in the course of the day. This energy is basically smaller than potential radiation energy because of: ionization and absorption of gas in atmosphere appearance of clouds and atmosphere pollution, changes in air density caused by atmosphere pressure, changes in angle of light rays fall on transparent part of plastic greenhouse and so on. All these changes bring about substantial variations on climate conditions in plastic greenhouses and cause negative conditions for plants development. Thereby it is very important to regulate automatically the energy entering into and emitting out of plastic greenhouses. One way of automatic or manual regulation of both entering and emitting energy is the transmission through Polaroid foils. Here are considered two possibilities of entering solar energy regulation into plastic greenhouse as well as prevention of energy emission out of plastic greenhouses. The first possibility is by Polaroid foils, and the second one is by liquid crystals. The quantity of transmitted energy into plastic greenhouse depend on Polaroid foils position in the first case and on potential (voltage) discrepancy in the second case.U kontrolisanim prostorima kao i u plastenicima je veoma bitno održavati optimalne uslove za nesmetani razvoj gajenih biljaka. Energija zračenja Sunca koja dopire do plastenika znatno se menja u toku dana. Ona je znatno manja od potencijalne energije zračenja zbog jonizacije i apsorpcije gasova u atmosferi, te pojave oblaka i zagađenosti u atmosferi, zatim promene gustine vazduha zbog delovanja atmosferskog pritiska, promene ugla padanja svetlosnih zraka na prozirni deo plastenika i td. Sve ove promene uslovljavaju znatna variranja klimatskih uslove u plastenicima čime se stvaraju nepovoljni uslovi za razvoj biljke. Zbog toga je veoma važno da se ulazna i emitovana energija iz plastenika automatski reguliše. Jedan od načina automatske ili ručne regulacije kako dozračne, tako i emitovane energije je transmisija energije kroz polaroidne folije. Razmatrane su dve mogućnosti regulacije ulazne solarne energije u plastenik, kao i sprečavanje isijavanja energije iz plastenika. Prvi način je pomoću polaroidnih folija a drugi način je pomoću tečnih kristala. Količina transmitovane energije u plastenik kao i količina isijane energije iz plastenika zavisila bi od položaja polaroid folija u prvom slučaju, a od razlike potencijala (napona) u drugom slučaju

    Suzbijanje korova osvetljenjem plastenika svetlovodima

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    In this paper is given the suggestion that one plant parts of plant or more plants should be lighted with light from light cable from light source, light would be brought by light cable and only certain parts of plant should be lighted in this way of lightening growing plants weed plants could not have enough quantities of light for their survival and normal development, so they could not be significant endonger for growing plants.Odavno se u rasadnicima, naročito ranog cveća i povrća, koristilo veštačko osvetljenje i zagrevanje tla. U svakom slučaju da je neophodno osvetljenje prilagoditi što je moguće bliže sunčevoj svetlosti, određene jačine i odgovarajućeg spektra. U radu je dat predlog da se osvetle pojedine biljke delovi biljke ili više biljaka sa svetlošću iz svetlovoda. Znači, od svetlosnog izvora bi se svetlost do biljaka dovodila svetlovodom i na biljci osvetljavala samo određena mesta. Na ovaj način osvetljavanja kulturnih biljaka, korovske biljke ne bi mogle imati dovoljne količine svetlosti za svoj opstanak i normalan razvitak te ne bi mogle u znatnoj meri da ugrožavaju kulturne biljke

    Regulacija ulazne i emitovane energije iz plastenika

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    In both controlled spaces and plastic greenhouses it is essential to maintain the optimum conditions for undisturbed development of growing plants. Energy of the sun radiation reaching plastic greenhouses changes considerably in the course of the day. This energy is basically smaller than potential radiation energy because of: ionization and apsorption of gas in atmosphere, appearance of clouds and atmosphere pollution, changes in air density caused by atmosphere pressure, changes in angle of lightrays fall on transparent part of plastic greenhouse and so on. All these changes bring about substantial variations on climate conditions in plastic greenhouses and cause negative conditions for plants development. Thereby it is very important to regulate automatically the energy entering into and emitting out of plastic greenhouses. One way of automatic or manual regulation of both entering and emitting energy is the transmission through polaroid foils. Here are considered two possibilities of entering solar energy regulation into plastic greenhouse as well as prevention of energy emission out of plastic greenhouses. The first possibility is by polaroid foils, and the second one is by liquid crystals. The quantity of transmitted energy into plastic greenhouse depend on polaroid foils position in the first case, and on potential (voltage) discrepancy in the second case.U kontrolisanim prostorima kao i u plastenicima je veoma bitno održavati optimalne uslove za nesmetani razvoj gajenih biljaka. Energija zračenja Sunca koja dopire do plastenika znatno se menja u toku dana. Ona je znatno manja od potencijalne energije zračenja zbog jonizacije i apsorpcije gasova u atmosferi, te pojave oblaka i zagađenosti u atmosferi, zatim promene gustine vazduha zbog delovanja atmosferskog pritiska, promene ugla padanja svetlosnih zraka na prozirni deo plastenika i td. Sve ove promene uslovljavaju znatna variranja klimatskih uslove u plastenicima čime se stvarju nepovoljni uslov za razvoj biljke. Zbog toga je veoma važno da se ulazna i emitovana energija iz plastenika automatski reguliše. Jedan od načina automatske ili ručne regulacije kako dozračne, tako i emitovane energije je transmisija energije kroz polaroidne folije. Razmatrane su dve mogućnosti regulacije ulazne solarne energije u plastenik, kao i sprečavanje isijavanja energije iz plastenika. Prvi način je pomoću polaroidnih folija, a drugi način je pomoću tečnih kristala. Količina transmitovane energije u plastenik kao i količina isijane energije iz plastenika zavisila bi od položaja polaroid folija u prvom slučaju, a od razlike potencijala (napona) u drugom slučaju

    Alchemilla Vulgaris L. kao potencijalni izvor prirodnih antioksidanata

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    The aim of this study was to examine the total phenolic and flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Alchemilla vulgaris aerial parts, as a potential source of natural antioxidants. The obtained results showed that extract has high total phenolic content (590,22 mg GAE/g), wheras flavonoid content was lower (12,58 mg RU/g). Antioxidant activity was determined in vitro by DPPH· and ABTS+· reagents. The IC50 values of DPPH (5,40 μg/ml) and ABTS+· scavenging capacities (60,10 μg/ml) of methanol extract showed that tested extract has extremely strong antioxidant activity.Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti, kao i količine ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida u metanolnom ekstraktu biljke A. vulgaris L., kao potencijalnog izvora prirodnih antioksidanata. Ispitivani ekstrakt poseduje visok sadržaj ukupnih fenola (590,22 mg GA/g), dok je koncentracija flavonoida znatno manja (12,58 mg RU/g). Antioksidativna aktivnost je ispitivana in vitro DPPH i ABTS+· metodom, a IC50 vrednosti ukazuju da ispitivani ekstrakt pokazuje izuzetno visok stepen antioksidativne aktivnosti u poređenju sa referentnim fenolnim jedinjenjima, što ukazuje na mogućnost primene ekstrakta A. vulgaris u prehrambenoj industriji

    Dropwort (Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.): potential role as antioxidant and antimicrobial agent

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts of Filipendula hexapetala Gilib. aerial parts (FHA) and roots (FHR) and their potential in different model systems, as well as antimicrobial activity. According to this, a number of assays were employed to evaluate the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of F. hexapetala extracts. In addition, the antioxidant activity assays in different model systems were carried out, as well as pH, thermal and gastrointestinal stability studies. The phenolic compounds contents in FHA and FHR were also determined. The results showed that F. hexapetala extracts had considerable antioxidant activity in vitro and a great stability in different conditions. The extracts exhibited antimicrobial activity against most of the tested bacterial and fungal species. Also, the extracts contain high level of phenolic compounds, especially aerial parts extract

    Stabilnost ekstrakta korena suručice i efekat na sprečavanje lipidne oksidacije u mesu

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    Nowadays, consumers are demanding more natural foods, obliging the industry to include natural antioxidants in foods and synthetic antioxidants have been rejected because of their carcinogenicity. Natural antioxidants have been used instead of synthetic to retard lipid oxidation in foods to improve their quality and nutritional value. The aim of this work was to evaluate pH and termal stability, and effect on lipid oxidation in meat-model system of methanolic extract of Filipendula hexapetala Gilib. Results suggest that the stability of the extract is expressed in a variety of pH and thermal conditions. The root extract of F. hexapetala exerted a concentration-dependent antioxidant activity in a meat model system, lower than synthetic antioxidant BHT.Danas je u ishrani zastupljen veliki broj prirodnih proizvoda, tako da prehrambena industrija sve više koristi prirodne antioksidante, a sintetički antioksidanti se izbacuju iz upotrebe zbog njihove kancerogenosti. Prirodni antioksidanti se koriste umesto sintetičkih da uspore oksidaciju lipida, poboljšaju kvalitet i nutritivnu vrednost namirnica. Cilj ovog rada bio je određivanje pH i termalne stabilnosti, kao i efekta na lipidnu oksidaciju u mesu metanolskog ekstrakta korena biljke Filipendula hexapetala Gilib. Rezultati ukazuju da je stabilnost ekstrakta izražena u različitim pH i termalnim uslovima. Ekstrakt korena F. hexapetala pokazao je koncentraciono-zavisnu antioksidativnu aktivnost u meso model-sistemu, nešto nižu u odnosu na sintetički antioksidant BHT

    The biological activities of roots and aerial parts of Alchemilla vulgaris L

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    The phytochemical composition, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, cytotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of fruit extracts of Opuntia dillenii were studied. The phytochemical composition was evaluated using HPLC, GC-MS and UV–Vis spectrophotometry. Spectrophotometrical methods were used to estimate the antioxidant potential. Antimicrobial activity was determined using a microdilution method. The cytotoxic effects of the extracts were evaluated using the MTT assay. In vitro DNA-protective activity against hydroxyl radicalinduced DNA damage was also determined. The results showed that polar extracts of O. dillenii had a significant amount of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, whereas non-polar extracts had mostly terpenoids and fatty acid derivatives. Moreover, several extracts showed good antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, with low cytotoxicity and significant DNA-protective effects. These results showed that the extracts of O. dillenii have promising bioactivity and further studies on the potential application in different areas of food and health might be beneficial

    Corrigendum to “The ameliorating effect of Filipendula hexapetala extracts on hepatorenal toxicity of cisplatin” [J. Funct. Foods 18(A) (2015) 198–212]

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    The authors regret that in Fig. 3 inadvertently was incorporated two photographs of the same tissue preparation of group VII (Fig. 3VII and X). They would like to inform that this wrong figure did not change the results of their study. The accurate representative photograph of kidney sections of experimental animals from group X (Fig. 3X in Fig. 3) is given below. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.This correction refers to [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2015.07.004]Journal of Functional Foods (2017), 28: 326-32