290 research outputs found

    Application of 3D human pose estimation for motion capture and character animation

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    Abstract. Interest in motion capture (mocap) technology is growing every day, and the number of possible applications is multiplying. But such systems are very expensive and are not affordable for personal use. Based on that, this thesis presents the framework that can produce mocap data from regular RGB video and then use it to animate a 3D character according to the movement of the person in the original video. To extract the mocap data from the input video, one of the three 3D pose estimation (PE) methods that are available within the scope of the project is used to determine where the joints of the person in each video frame are located in the 3D space. The 3D positions of the joints are used as mocap data and are imported to Blender which contains a simple 3D character. The data is assigned to the corresponding joints of the character to animate it. To test how the created animation will be working in a different environment, it was imported to the Unity game engine and applied to the native 3D character. The evaluation of the produced animations from Blender and Unity showed that even though the quality of the animation might be not perfect, the test subjects found this approach to animation promising. In addition, during the evaluation, a few issues were discovered and considered for future framework development

    Biodiversity of herbaceous vegetaton in abandoned and managed sites under protecton regime: a case study in the Central Forest Reserve, NW Russia

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    The aim of the study is to characterise herbaceous vegetation (meadows andruderal communities) remaining after several decades of protection and compareit to the vegetation of currently managed local sites in the Central Forest Reserve, Tver Oblast, Russia. Cluster analysis of the communities was based on 209 relevés, while their ecological features were analysed using phytoindicationassessment. Te analyses revealed four types of herbaceous communities: managed mesic meadows, abandoned mesic meadows, tall-herb meadowsweet communities and ruderal tall-herb communities. Tese four types differ in management, floristic composition and ecological conditions as well as in coenotic and functional group shares (including forbs, graminoids and woody species). The occurrence of these species groups determines the current state of the herbaceous communities. Our study revealed that mesic meadows have retained all the key meadow features for more than 25 years without any management, although their area has shrunk and shares of coenotic and functional groups have changed. The observed herbaceous communities encompass around 40% of the reserve flora including four red list species and 16 alien species

    Industrial Cooperation in Siberia at the End of the New Economic Policy (1926—1929)

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    The state of the trade cooperation in Siberia in 1926-1929 is described in the article. Such aspects as organizational building, economic development and regional specificity in the context of the transformation of associations of small industrial producers into an independent cooperative system is analyzed. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the emergence and priority areas of activity of the Siberian Trading Union. The relevance of the study is due both to the ongoing discussion about the assessment of the state of industrial cooperation on the eve of the “great turning point”, as well as its scale and role in the development of the region. The author formulates her own approach to assess the socio-economic processes in small-scale industrial production. It is concluded that the overall result of the organizational and economic development of the Siberian trading cooperation in recent years of the new economic policy was its transformation into a force that could influence the further development of associations of handicraftsmen and artisans, but protectionist measures increased the dependence of artels on state bodies in terms of financing. supply, sales organization and created the prerequisites for the nationalization of the industrial cooperation of Siberia. The main sources of work were materials from the funds of the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the State Archives of the Novosibirsk Region, the State Archives of the Altai Territory, some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time

    Micromechanical Behavior of Fiber Networks

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    Abstract Paper is used in a wide range of applications, each of which has specific requirements on mechanical and surface properties. The role of paper strength on paper performance is still not well understood. This work addresses the mechanical properties of paper by utilizing fiber network simulation and consists of two parts. In the first part, we use a three-dimensional model of a network of fibers to describe the fracture process of paper accounting for nonlinearities at the fiber level (material model and geometry) and bond failures. A stress-strain curve of paper in tensile loading is described with the help of the network of dry fibers; the parameters that dominate the shape of this curve are discussed. The evolution of network damage is simulated, the results of which are compared with digital speckle photography experiments on laboratory sheets. It is concluded that the original strain inhomogeneities due to the structure are transferred to the local bond failure dynamics. The effects of different conventional and unconventional bond parameters are analyzed. It has been shown that the number of bonds in paper is important and that the changes in bond strength influence paper mechanical properties significantly. In the second part, we proposed a constitutive model for a fiber suitable for cyclic loading applications. We based the development of the available literature data and on the detailed finite-element model of pulp fibers. The model provided insights into the effects of various parameters on the mechanical response of the pulp fibers. The study showed that the change in the microfibril orientation upon axial straining is mainly a geometrical effect and is independent of material properties of the fiber as long as the deformations are elastic. Plastic strains accelerate the change in microfibril orientation. The results also showed that the elastic modulus of the fiber has a non-linear dependency on a microfibril angle, with elastic modulus being more sensitive to the change of microfibril angle around small initial values of microfibril angles. These effects were incorporated into a non-linear isotropic hardening plasticity model for beams and tested in a fiber network in cycling loading application model, using the model we estimated the level of strains that fiber segments accumulate at the failure point in a fiber network. The main goal of this work is to create a tool that would act as a bridge between microscopic characterization of fiber and fiber bonds and the mechanical properties that are important in the papermaking industry. The results of this work provide a fundamental insight on mechanics of paper constituents in tensile as well as cyclic loading. This would eventually lead to a rational choice of raw materials in paper manufacturing and thus utilizing the environment in a balanced way. Sammanfattning Papper används i många applikationer som ställer krav på dess mekaniska egenskaper och ytegenskaper. Dock är det fortfarande oklart hur det mekaniska beteendet påverkas av papperets styrka. Fibernätverksmodellering används här för att undersöka pappers mekaniska egenskaper. Arbetet består av två delar. I den första delen används en tredimensionell fibernätverksmodell för att beskriva brott i papper. Modellen tar hänsyn till olinjäriteter på fibernivå (material modell och geometri) och bindningsbrott. En spänning-töjning kurva av papper i dragbelastning beskrivs med hjälp av det nätverket bestående av torra fibrer; de parametrar som dominerar formen på denna kurva diskuteras. Utvecklingen av nätverksbrott simuleras och jämförts med digital speckle fotografering experiment på labbark. Man drar slutsatsen att de ursprungliga inhomogeniteter i töjningen på grund av strukturen överförs till de lokala bindningsbrott dynamiken. Effekter av olika konventionella och okonventionella bindningsparametrar analyseras. Det har visat sig att antalet bindningar i papper är viktigt och att även små ändringar i bindningsstyrka påverkar pappers mekaniska egenskaper avsevärt. I den andra delen utvecklas en konstitutiv modell som tar hänsyn till cyklisk belastningshistoria. En fibermodell baserad på tillgängliga litteraturdata och en detaljerade finit element modell av massafibrer föreslås. Modellen används för att visa hur olika parametrar påverkar de mekaniska egenskaper hos massafibrerna. Vid axiell belastning visade det sig att förändringen av mikrofibrillorientering främst var en geometrisk effekt, och därmed var oberoende av materialegenskaperna, så länge deformationen var elastisk. Plastiska töjningar påskyndar förändringen i mikrofibrillorientering. Resultaten visade också att elasticitetsmodulen hos fibern har ett icke-linjär beroende av mikrofibrillvinkeln, samt att elasticitetsmodulen är mer känslig för en förändring av mikrofibrillvinkel vid små initialvärden för mikrofibrillvinkeln. Dessa effekter formuleras som en icke-linjärt isotropt hårdnande plasticitetsmodell för balkar. Modellen testades i ett fibernätverk under cyklisk belastning, där en uppskattning av töjningsnivån på fibersegment vid fibernätverksbrott gjordes. Målet har varit att skapa ett verktyg som kan ge en förståelse mellan mikroskopiska mätningar på fibrer och bindningar och mekaniska egenskaper av paper. Resultatet ger ett unikt verktyg som kan användas i pappersindustrin för att ge en fördjupad förståelse av pappersmekaniken både under statisk och cykliskt dragbelastning. Detta skulle kunna användas för att bättre optimera råvaran i tillverkningsprocessen, och därmed minska pappersindustrins miljöpåverkan. Preface The work presented in this thesis has been carried out at In addition to the appended paper, the work has resulted in the following publications: Influence of paperboard structure and processing conditions on forming of complex paperboard structures Stres

    Suomalaisten uskomustarinoiden yliluonnolliset olennot ja niiden nimityksien alkuperä

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    Pro gradu -tutkielmani tarkoitus on tutkia suomalaisten yliluonnollisia olentoja ja niiden nimitysten alkuperää. Keskeiset tutkimuskysymykset ovat: Mihin yliluonnollisiin olentoihin Suomen kansa uskoi muinaisuskon ja vanhimman kansanuskon aikaan? Millaisia nämä olennot olivat kansan uskomuksissa ja uskomustarinoissa? Ja mikä on näiden olentojen nimityksien etymologia? Tutkimukseni sijoittuu muinais- ja kansanuskon ja etymologisen tutkimuksen rajalle. Olen kerännyt suomalaisten yliluonnollisten olentojen nimitykset Lauri Simonsuuren kokoomateoksesta Myytillisiä tarinoita. Teos sisältää melkein 900 uskomustarinaa. Uskomustarinoiden, muinais- ja kansanuskon teoreettisten lähteiden, etymologisten sanakirjojen ja muiden lähteiden perusteella olen laatinut kuvaukset jokaisesta olennosta. Kerron näissä kuvauksissa uskomuksista, jotka liittyvät olentoon, nimitysten alkuperästä ja pohdin olentojen ja joidenkin nimitysten alkuperää ja kulttuurikerrostumaa, johon olento kuuluu. Olen sijoittanut kaikki nämä tiedot tiivistettyinä taulukkoon (liite 1). Taulukon perusteella olen laskenut eri kriteerien kannalta olentojen ja nimitysten määrän. Tutkimukseni tulos on yhtenäinen kuva suomalaisten uskomustarinoiden yliluonnollisista olennoista ja niiden nimityksien alkuperästä. Nimityksiä on yli kaksinkertainen määrä olentoihin verrattuna. Kaikista olennoista haltijoita on eniten. Haltijoilla, kummittelevilla olennoilla, jättiläisillä, maahisilla ja paholaisella on eniten nimityksiä. Kaikista nimityksistä yhdyssanoja on eniten. Jakamattomia sanoja, johdoksia ja sanaliittoja on myös aika paljon. Nimityksiä, jotka sisältävät vierasperäisen elementin, on vähemmän kuin omaperäisiä nimityksiä, ja täysin vierasperäisiä nimityksiä on vähän. Vierasperäisten nimitysten joukossa on eniten lainoja ruotsista. Suurin osa yliluonnollisten olentojen nimityksistä syntyi myöhäiskantasuomalaisena aikana tai sen jälkeen. Eniten olentoja liittyy maanviljelyskulttuurin aikaan. Olentojen joukossa on paljon kansainvälisiä olentoja. Joidenkin nimityksien alkuperä on tuntematon tai kiistanalainen, mikä luo mahdollisuuksia jatkaa aiheen tutkimista. Tämän lisäksi on mahdollista tutkia naapuri- ja sukukansojen yliluonnollisia olentoja ja niiden nimityksiä ja vertailla tuloksia tutkimukseni tuloksiin. Tällainen vertailu voi esimerkiksi paljastaa joitakin käännöslainoja.Siirretty Doriast

    Denationalization and Rent in Small Industry of Siberia during Transition from War Communism to New Economic Policy (1921-1923)

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    Study of the processes of denationalization and rent in small industry of Siberia during transition from war communism to new economic policy allows to more fully reveal the essence of the NEP and Bolsheviks’ purpose in relation to smallholders, to show the implementation of these NEP areas in Siberia, to highlight its features. The main sources of study were the published papers of the regional Soviet and party institutions, as well as materials from the holdings of Russian state archive of economy and the State archive of the Novosibirsk region, part of which were introduced in the scientific usage for the first time. The article gives a brief description of the state of artisan production in the region in 1921. The conclusion is made about presence of conditions for the restoration of small industry. The process of denationalization, its dates and objects are analyzed. The return of the cooperative industry is discussed. The peculiarities of the lease campaign, its scope, prospects and role in the Siberian economy are revealed. Priority methods of the policy of denationalization and rent are described. Attention to regional approaches in their implementation from 1921 to 1923 is paid. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite some positive aspects in the implementation of the data in the NEP areas, they were limited and in the beginning of the new economic policy often continued to coexist with the military and Communist methods of management in the Siberian small-scale industry

    Современные возможности диагностики туберкулеза у пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекцией

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    The problem of the steady growth of HIV-associated tuberculosis has become increasingly urgent in recent years in Russia. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is particularly difficult at the stage of severe immunodeficiency. Objective. to evaluate the effectiveness of the T-SPOT ® method.TB in the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection in patients with HIV infection. Materials and methods. in the period for 2019-2020, the T-SPOT®.TB results were analyzed in 396 patients. The criteria for inclusion in this study were the age of 18 years and older, the diagnosis of HIV infection, follow-up at the AIDS center. Results. in the group with a positive T-SPOT®.TB and changes on the computed tomogram, the verified diagnosis of tuberculosis was 90.7% of the group with both signs and 75.5% of those with a positive result T-SPOT®.TB. The group with a positive result T-SPOT®.TB and no changes on the CT scan is 16.8% of those with a positive result T-SPOT®.TB,such patients were diagnosed with „latent tuberculosis infection”. Conclusion. T-SPOT®.TB can be used in the diagnostic complex of monitoring patients with HIV infections — as a screening method that allows not only to verify the diagnosis, but also to detect latent tuberculosisProblema creşterii constante a tuberculozei asociate cu HIV a devenit din ce în ce mai urgentă în ultimii ani în Rusia. Diagnosticul tuberculozei este deosebit de dificil în stadiul imunodeficienţei severe. Obiectiv. Evaluarea eficacităţii metodei T-SPOT®.TB în diagnosticul infecţiei cu tuberculoză la pacienţii cu infecţie HIV. Materiale si metode. În perioada 2019-2020, rezultatele T-SPOT®.TB au fost analizate la 396 de pacienţi. Criteriile pentru includerea în acest studiu au fost vârsta de 18 ani şi peste, diagnosticul infecţiei cu HIV, monitorizarea la centrul SIDA. Rezultate. În grupul cu T-SPOT®.TB pozitiv şi modificări ale tomogramei computerizate, diagnosticul verificat de tuberculoză a constituit 90,7% din grupul cu ambele semne şi 75,5% dintre cei cu rezultat pozitiv T-SPOT®.TB. Grupul cu un rezultat pozitiv T-SPOT®.TB şi fără modificări ale scanării CT constituie 16,8% dintre cei cu un rezultat pozitiv T-SPOT®.TB, astfel de pacienţi au fost diagnosticaţi cu „infecţie cu tuberculoză latentă”. Concluzie. T-SPOT®.TB poate fi utilizat în complexul de diagnosticare şi monitorizare a pacienţilor cu HIV infecţie — ca metodă de screening care permite nu numai verificarea diagnosticului, ci şi detectarea tuberculozei latenteПроблема неуклонного роста ВИЧ-ассоциированного туберкулеза становится все более актуальной в последние годы в России. Диагностика туберкулеза особенно затруднена на стадии выраженного иммунодефицита. Цель исследования, оценить эффективность метода T-SPOT®.TB в диагностике туберкулезной инфекции у пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекцией. Материалы и методы, В период за 2019-2020 гг.. обследовано 396 пациентов, состоящих на учете в СПИД-центре. Критериями включения в данное исследование были возраст 18 лет и старше, диагноз ВИЧ-инфекция, диспансерное наблюдение в СПИД-центре. Результаты. Установлено, что в группе с положительным T-SPOT®.TB и изменениями на КТ верифицированный диагноз туберкулеза составил 90,7% от группы с наличием обоих признаков и 75,5% из лиц с положительным результатом T-SPOT®.TB. Среди лиц с положительным результатом T-SPOT®.TB. отсутствие изменений на КТ составило 16,8%, таким пациентам поставлен диагноз «латентная туберкулезная инфекция». Заключение. в диагностическом комплексе наблюдения пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекций T-SPOT®.TB может использоваться как скрининг метод, позволяющий в последующем не только верифицировать диагноз, но и выявить латентный туберкуле

    «Поворот к мессенджерам»: кейс Сахалинской области

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    В статье описывается специфика социальных практик и пользовательского поведения в мессенджере WhatsApp, сложившихся в Сахалинcкой области. Автор предполагает, что исследуемый кейс репрезентирует новый для Дальнего Востока феномен, который предлагает обозначать как «поворот к мессенджерам» (messenger turn). Появление мессенджеров способствовало преодолению «цифрового неравенства», а коммуникация в мессенджерах стала важным средством медиапотребления и локальной кооперации, породив специфические для региона пользовательские практики. Работа на о. Итуруп в военных городках Горячие Ключи и Горное показала, что мессенджеры играют большую роль в практиках жизнеобеспечения в условиях территориальной изоляции и товарного дефицита. Автор также предполагает, что в военных городках общение в мессенджерах приобретает специфическое значение ввиду почти полного отсутствия публичных пространств. Такой характер использования именно мессенджеров обусловлен сочетанием технических особенностей мессенджер-клиентов и условий связи в регионе. В академической литературе эта тема еще не получила достаточного освещения, но некоторые публицистические статьи и другие открытые источники дают основания полагать, что подобные паттерны в отношении мессенджеров можно наблюдать в других регионах Сибири и Дальнего Востока со схожей инфраструктурой связи, как, например, Якутия и Камчатка

    The First Steps of the Siberian Industrial-Cooperative Construction in the Context of the Transition to a New Economic Policy (1921-1923)

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    Brief description of the situation with the trade cooperation of Siberia by the beginning of 1921 is given in the article. Its organizational construction and regional peculiarities are analyzed in transition to the new economic policy. The activity of the Siberian regional artisanal union is considered. The question is raised about the struggle for influence on industrial cooperation. The causes of the crisis and the collapse of the Sibartelsoyuz system are investigated. The author comes to the conclusion about the inertia of the military-economic methods of guiding the cooperative production of handicraftsmen and artisans throughout the period under review. It is noted that the system of direct state administration in this sphere persisted until 1923. It shows the inability of Sibartelsoyuz to lead the cooperation, because of which the crisis of the artisanal system continued. The main sources of work were materials from the funds of the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archive of Economics and the State Archives of the Novosibirsk Region, some of which were first introduced into scientific use

    Специфіка міжособистісної залежності жінок, які постраждали від домашнього насильства

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    Бородуліна В.В. Специфіка міжособистісної залежності жінок, які постраждали від домашнього насильства / В.В. Бородуліна // Актуальні напрями практичної психології і психотерапії : матеріали VIII Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. молодих вчених, студентів та аспірантів (м. Харків, 16 груд. 2020 р.). - Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. - С. 33 - 36.В статті висвітлюється специфіка міжособистісної залежності жінок, які постраждали від домашнього насильства. В статье освещается специфика межличностной зависимости женщин, пострадавших от домашнего насилия. The article highlights the specifics of interpersonal dependence of women who have suffered from domestic violence