94 research outputs found

    Stellar Objects of Extragalactic Origin in the Galactic Halo

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    We identified globular clusters and field stars of extragalactic origin and investigated their chemical, physical, and kinematical properties. This objects as supposed was captured by the Galaxy at different times from debris of the dwarf satellite galaxies disrupted by its tidal forces. The results are follows. (1) The majorities of metal-poor stellar objects in the Galaxy have an extragalactic origin. (2) The masses of the accreted globular clusters decrease with the removal from the center and the plane of the Galaxy. (3) The relative abundances of chemical elements in the accreted and genetically connected stars are essentially distinguished. (4) The accreted field stars demonstrate the decrease of the relative magnesium abundanses with an increase in sizes and inclinations of their orbits. (5) The stars of the Centaurus moving group were born from the matter, in which star formation rate was considerably lower than in the early Galaxy. On the base of these properties was made a conclusion that with the decrease of the masses of the dwarf galaxies in them simultaneously decrease the average masses of globular clusters and the maximum masses of supernova SNe II. Namely latter fact leads to the decrease of the relative abundances of \alpha-elements in their metal-poor stars

    Star Formation History in the Galactic Thin Disk

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    The behavior of the relative magnesium abundances in the thin-disk stars versus their orbital radii suggests that the star formation rate in the thin disk decreases with increasing Galactocentric distance, and there was no star formation for some time outside the solar circle while this process was continuous within the solar circle. The decrease in the star formation rate with increasing Galactocentric distance is responsible for the existence of a negative radial metallicity gradient in the thin disk. At the same time the relative magnesium abundance exhibits no radial gradient. It is in detail considered the influence of selective effects on the form of both age - metallicity and age - relative magnesium abundance diagrams. It is shown that the first several billion years of the formation of the thin disk interstellar medium in it was on the average sufficiently rich in heavy elements ( = -0.22), badly mixed (\sigma_[Fe/H] = 0.21), and the average relative magnesium abundance was comparatively high ( = 0.10). Approximately 5 billion years ago average metallicity began to systematically increase, and its dispersion and the average relative magnesium abundance - to decrease. These properties may be explained by an increase in star formation rate with the simultaneous intensification of the processes of mixing the interstellar medium in the thin disk, provoke possible by interaction the Galaxy with the completely massive by satellite galaxy

    Two populations among the metal-poor field RR Lyrae stars

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    We compute the spatial velocity components and the galactic orbital elements for 209 metal-poor ([Fe/H]<1.0)([Fe/H] < -1.0) RRLyrae (ab) variable stars in the solar neighborhood using proper motions, radial velocities, and photometric distances available in the literature. We observe abrupt changes in the stellar spatial and kinematical characteristics when the peculiar velocities relative to the local standard of rest cross the threshold value, Vpec280V_{\rm pec}\approx 280 \mbox{km s1^{-1}}. This provides evidence that the general population of metal-poor RRLyrae stars is not uniform, and includes two spherical subsystems occupying different volumes in the Galaxy. Based on the agreement between typical parameters of corresponding subsystems of field RRLyrae stars and of the globular clusters, studied by us earlier, we conclude that metal-poor stars and globular clusters can be subdivided into two populations, but using different criteria for stars and clusters. We suppose that field stars with fast motion and clusters with redder horizontal branches constitute the spheroidal subsystem of the accreted outer halo, with is approximately two times larger in size than the first subsystem. It has absolutely no metallicity gradients, most of its stars have eccentric orbits, many stars display retrograde motion in the Galaxy, and their ages are comparatively low, supporting the hypothesis that the objects in this subsystem have an extragalactic origin.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 8 pages, 3 figure

    Stars of extragalactic origin in the solar neighborhood

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    We computed the spatial velocities and the galactic orbital elements using Hipparcos data for 77 nearest main-sequence F-G-stars with published the iron, magnesium, and europium abundances determined from high dispersion spectra and with the ages estimated from theoretical isochrones. A comparison with the orbital elements of the globular clusters that are known was accreted by our Galaxy in the past reveals stars of extragalactic origin. We show that the relative elemental abundance ratios of r- and \alpha- elements in all the accreted stars differ sharply from those in the stars that are genetically associated with the Galaxy. According to current theoretical models, europium is produced mainly in low mass Type II supernovae (SNe II), while magnesium is synthesized in larger amounts in high mass SN II progenitors. Since all the old accreted stars of our sample exhibit a significant Eu overabundance relative to Mg, we conclude that the maximum masses of the SNII progenitors outside the Galaxy were much lower than those inside it are. On the other hand, only a small number of young accreted stars exhibit low negative ratios [Eu/Mg]<0[Eu/Mg] < 0. The delay of primordial star formation burst and the explosions of high mass SNe II in a relatively small part of extragalactic space can explain this situation. We provide evidence that the interstellar medium was weakly mixed at the early evolutionary stages of the Galaxy formed from a single proto-galactic cloud and that the maximum mass of the SN II progenitors increased in it with time simultaneously with the increase in mean metallicity.Comment: Accepted for 2004, Astronomy Letters, Vol. 30, No. 3, P.148-158 15 pages, 3 figure

    Green Investment Promotion Policies as a Regulatory Direction for the Green Finance Market

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    In recent years, the topic of green finance has received great attention in the world. It is also gaining popularity in Russia, both in scientific discourse and in practical work. The global investment and financial system is also deeply involved in this process. ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors, which take into account the three pillars of sustainable development (environmental, social and corporate governance responsibility), formed the basis of the concept of “responsible/green investment.” Many financial markets around the world now have a strong interest in sustainable development. With good government support, securities markets can play a huge role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals related to green investment. In 2016–2017, 132 countries, which account for 82% of all harmful emissions, at the state level adopted a number of national initiatives in the field of green financing development. In the implementation of environmental, climatic and socially significant projects, independent specialized experts assess their compliance with green finance principles and standards. In addition, they are subject to special requirements for disclosure and isolation of cash flows. Countries that do not participate in the formulation of rules and standards in this not yet regulated market will eventually be forced to accept the conditions of play formed without their participation. The work emphasizes that green finance is an important factor for sustainable development. The subject of the study is green investment as one of the key elements characterizing the balanced socio-ecological-economic development of the country. The objective of the study is responsible/green financing of the national economy, viewed in the context that balanced sustainable development is the fundamental objective of macroeconomic policies of the State. The methodological basis of the study was the general scientific methods and techniques. The empirical basis of the study was statistics on the green investment market. The formation of a green investment market is an important factor contributing to the balanced development of the country as part of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

    Government Support for Green Investment (Renewable Energy)

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    The article discusses the trends in the use of renewable energy sources and the possibility of financing them according to market and budget schemes. Today, the issue of green financing is very relevant and is being discussed all over the world at the highest level, since the main advantage of such energy is its inexhaustibility and environmental cleanliness. The use of renewable energy does not change the energy balance of the planet, which is very important in the framework of the concept of sustainable development and for the transition of national economies to a reduced level of dependence on hydrocarbons. These qualities served as the reason for the rapid development of renewable energy abroad and in Russia. From a practical point of view, the transition to sustainable development means a fundamental change in business and management processes in order to stop the destruction of key ecosystems, the depletion of non-renewable resources and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Sustainable development has ceased to be an exclusively academic concept and is becoming mainstream in the world of business and investment, which requires the development of management tools, both market and administrative-state type

    Formation of Galactic Systems in Light of the Magnesium Abundance in Field Stars.III.the Halo

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    We analyze the relations between the relative magnesium abundances, metallicities, and Galactic orbital elements for halo stars. We show that the relative magnesium abundances in protodisk halo stars are virtually independent of metallicity and lie within a fairly narrow range while presumably accreted stars demonstrate a large spread in relative magnesium abundances up to negative [Mg/Fe]. The mean metallicity of magnesium-poor ([Mg/Fe]<0.2 dex) accreted stars has been found to be displaced toward the negative values when passing from stars with low azimuthal velocities to those with high ones at \Delta[Fe/H]=0.5dex. The mean apogalactic radii and inclinations of the orbits also increase while their eccentricities decrease. As a result negative radial and vertical gradients in relative magnesium abundances are observed in the accreted halo in the absence of correlations between the [Mg/Fe] ratios and other orbital elements, while these correlations are found at a high significance level for genetically related Galactic stars. We surmise that as the masses of dwarf galaxies decrease, the maximum SNII masses and hence, the yield of \alpha-elements in them also decrease. In this case, the relation between the [Mg/Fe] ratios and the inclinations and sizes of the orbits of accreted stars is in complete agreement with numerical simulations of dynamical processes during the interaction of galaxies. Thus the behavior of the magnesium abundance in accreted stars suggests that the satellite galaxies are disrupted and lose their stars en masse only after dynamical friction reduces significantly the sizes of their orbits and drags them into the Galactic plane. Less massive satellite galaxies are disrupted even before their orbits change appreciably under tidal forces.Comment: accepted 2006, Astronomy Letters, Vol. 32 No. 8, P.545, 18 pages, 6 figure

    Regional Supply Chain Structure and Centralization of the Economy of Russia

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    This paper deals with the influence of the regional supply chain structure of the Russian economy on its evolution towards a market or plan. This influence is analyzed with the help of a two-sector model of the economic system. The logic of the two-sector model presupposes dividing the economy into resource-abundant and resource-insufficient sectors. The movement of the economy towards the market or towards the plan is determined by the proportion between these sectors. If we take the resource-abundant sector as a given, then the growth of the resource-insufficient causes the downturn of market institutions and the actualization of the plan institutions. Using the empirical material, the paper explores such elements of the resource-insufficient sector of Russia's regions as the presence of unprofitable enterprises, the production of social benefits, innovations, armament and investments. It is revealed that the actual distribution of these elements of the resource-insufficient sector by regions of Russia provides structural conditions for the functioning of the Russian economy in the market mode. However, if we consider the selected elements of the resource-insufficient sector not in fact, but in relation to a certain social norm, Russia, in the regional context, features a sharp gap and dispersion in innovation and production of social benefits. If these elements of the regional supply chain structure are brought into line with the norm, then taking into account the specific Russian infrastructure and the capital intensity factor, this will lead to a sharp increase in investments, and consequently a resource-insufficient sector. The growth of the resource-insufficient sector will, in accordance with the theoretical logic of the two-sector model, activate the plan institutes. Given that the Russian economy is the largest in the EEU, this will entail either the drift of the economy of the EEU towards the plan, or activate the processes of disintegration