2,678 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and treatment of hereditary angioedema with normal C1 inhibitor

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    Until recently it was assumed that hereditary angioedema is a disease that results exclusively from a genetic deficiency of the C1 inhibitor. In 2000, families with hereditary angioedema, normal C1 inhibitor activity and protein in plasma were described. Since then numerous patients and families with that condition have been reported. Most of the patients by far were women. In many of the affected women, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy containing estrogens, and pregnancies triggered the clinical symptoms. Recently, in some families mutations in the coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor) gene were detected in the affected persons

    RTK: efficient rarefaction analysis of large datasets

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    Motivation: The rapidly expanding microbiomics field is generating increasingly larger datasets, characterizing the microbiota in diverse environments. Although classical numerical ecology methods provide a robust statistical framework for their analysis, software currently available is inadequate for large datasets and some computationally intensive tasks, like rarefaction and associated analysis. Results: Here we present a software package for rarefaction analysis of large count matrices, as well as estimation and visualization of diversity, richness and evenness. Our software is designed for ease of use, operating at least 7x faster than existing solutions, despite requiring 10x less memory. Availability and implementation: C ++ and R source code (GPL v.2) as well as binaries are available from https://github.com/hildebra/Rarefaction and from CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/). Contact: [email protected], [email protected]

    Storage of correlated patterns in a perceptron

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    We calculate the storage capacity of a perceptron for correlated gaussian patterns. We find that the storage capacity αc\alpha_c can be less than 2 if similar patterns are mapped onto different outputs and vice versa. As long as the patterns are in general position we obtain, in contrast to previous works, that αc1\alpha_c \geq 1 in agreement with Cover's theorem. Numerical simulations confirm the results.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX ioplppt style, figures included using eps

    Exact off-shell Sudakov form factor in N=4 SYM

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    We consider the Sudakov form factor in N=4 SYM in the off-shell kinematical regime, which can be achieved by considering the theory on its Coulomb branch. We demonstrate that up two three loops both the infrared-divergent as well as the finite terms do exponentiate, with the coefficient accompanying log2(m2)\log^2(m^2) determined by the octagon anomalous dimension Γoct\Gamma_{oct}. This behaviour is in strike contrast to previous conjectural accounts in the literature. Together with the finite terms we observe that up to three loops the logarithm of the Sudakov form factor is identical to twice the logarithm of the null octagon O0\mathbb{O}_0, which was recently introduced within the context of integrability-based approaches to four point correlation functions with infinitely-large R-charges. The null octagon O0\mathbb{O}_0 is known in a closed form for all values of the 't Hooft coupling constant and kinematical parameters. We conjecture that the relation between O0\mathbb{O}_0 and the off-shell Sudakov form factor will hold to all loop orders.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Bird Community Responses to Rest-Rotation Grazing in Western Canada\u27s Grasslands

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    Western Canada’s native grasslands support high levels of avian diversity including both resident and migrant species. Many grassland specialist bird populations, however, are in serious decline due to widespread habitat loss resulting from agricultural conversion and adverse land management. As the primary use on remaining grasslands, cattle grazing largely determines the availability and quality of bird species’ habitat, depending on the timing, intensity, and frequency of livestock use. While adaptive multi-paddock grazing (AMP, a short duration, high-intensity grazing system that prioritises plant recovery between grazing events) is growing in popularity, comprehensive assessments of bird diversity in relation to AMP grazing practices are largely lacking. As part of a larger grazing management study, we examined how AMP grazing practices influence the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of bird species, compared to neighbouring (n-AMP) properties managed with more conventional grazing practices. In addition to the AMP/n-AMP contrast, we used rancher survey information to test for the influence of specific grazing practices over and above biophysical effects. Bird communities were surveyed at 309 point count locations across 38 ranches (set up as matched pairs) using visual and acoustic detection. Overall, we identified 96 bird species, of which 81 species were recorded on AMP-grazed ranches compared to 84 species on grasslands under n-AMP grazing, ranging from 10-32 species per ranch. We observed a considerable grazing management signal on species abundance and diversity including significant associations between some threatened species and n-AMP grazing. Moreover, AMP grazing, and specifically the use of higher rest-to-grazing ratios early in the growing season (prior to August 1), was associated with phylogenetically more clustered bird communities. Overall, this study highlights the potential of specialized rotational grazing systems to alter the composition and phylogenetic diversity of grassland bird communities. In conclusion, we stress the importance for prioritisation of strategic management plans to safeguard and restore North America’s grassland bird communities

    Limit on Lorentz and CPT violation of the bound Neutron Using a Free Precession 3He/129Xe co-magnetometer

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    We report on the search for Lorentz violating sidereal variations of the frequency difference of co-located spin-species while the Earth and hence the laboratory reference frame rotates with respect to a relic background field. The co-magnetometer used is based on the detection of freely precessing nuclear spins from polarized 3He and 129Xe gas samples using SQUIDs as low-noise magnetic flux detectors. As result we can determine the limit for the equatorial component of the background field interacting with the spin of the bound neutron to be bn < 3.7 x 10^{-32} GeV (95 C.L.).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Potomac Fever Update

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    Pole-to-Pole Connections : Similarities between Arctic and Antarctic Microbiomes and Their Vulnerability to Environmental Change

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    Acknowledgments JK acknowledges the Carl Zeiss foundation for PhD funding, the Marie-Curie COFUND-BEIPD PostDoc fellowship for PostDoc funding, FNRS travel funding and the logistical and financial support by UNIS. JK and FK acknowledge the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Antarctic Funding Initiative AFI-CGS-70 (collaborative gearing scheme) and logistic support from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) for field work in Antarctica. JK and CZ acknowledge the Excellence Initiative at the University of Tübingen funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Research Foundation (DFG). FH, AV, and PB received funding from MetaHIT (HEALTH-F4-2007-201052), Microbios (ERC-AdG-502 669830) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). We thank members of the Bork group at EMBL for helpful discussions. We acknowledge the EMBL Genomics Core Facility for sequencing support and Y. P. Yuan and the EMBL Information Technology Core Facility for support with high-performance computing and EMBL for financial support. PC is supported by NERC core funding to the BAS “Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation” Team. MB was funded by Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse and PUT1317. DRD acknowledges the DFG funded project DI698/18-1 Dietrich and the Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship (PIRSES-GA-2011-295223). Operations in the Canadian High Arctic were supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), ArcticNet and the Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP). We are also grateful to the TOTAL Foundation (Paris) and the UK NERC (WP 4.3 of Oceans 2025 core funding to FCK at the Scottish Association for Marine Science) for funding the expedition to Baffin Island and within this context Olivier Dargent and Dr. Pieter van West for sample collection, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through project LIMNOPOLAR (POL200606635 and CGL2005-06549-C02-01/ANT to AQ as well as CGL2005-06549-C02-02/ANT to AC, the last of these co-financed by European FEDER funds). We are grateful for funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland), funded by the Scottish Funding Council (HR09011) and contributing institutions. Supplementary Material The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2017.00137/full#supplementary-materialPeer reviewedPublisher PD