928 research outputs found

    Government ownership and the cost of debt : evidence from government investments in publicly traded firms

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    Contrary to public perceptions and despite the worldwide success of state privatizations, over the past decade governments have acquired more assets through stock purchases (US969billion)thantheyhavesoldthroughshareissueprivatizationsanddirectsales(US 969 billion) than they have sold through share issue privatizations and direct sales (US 765 billion). In fact, governments and stateowned entities have been such active stock-market investors that they now own approximately one-fifth of global stock-market capitalization

    Innovations as a tool for providing cyber security and increasing the efficiency of banking system

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    Objective: to research innovative technologies as a means of protecting important information; to reveal the relationship between information security and improving the performance of banks.Methods: the problem of banks’ counteraction to cyberattacks was researched with systematic approach and a method of statistical analysis.Results: under the development of information and communication technologies, the problem of theft, modification, and forgery of information has acquired the greatest importance. Cyberattacks threaten the loss of personal data and can affect both the functioning of financial and commercial organizations, and the economy of the state as a whole. In this article, cyber threats are viewed as a priority problem of banks under widespread digitalization. The main trends in the field of cyber risks are identified; the dynamics of cyber attacks is studied. The activities carried out in Russia to prevent cybercrime are considered. The main reasons for cyber threats in the banking sector are systematized, including the human factor. Conclusions are made that in order to prevent cyberthreats it is necessary to introduce banking innovations based, among other things, on the positive foreign experience of applying the process-oriented approach, BigData technologies, blockchain, and biometric identification of customers.Scientific novelty: a set of measures was developed to introduce banking innovations and reduce cyber threats, including the development of cyber insurance.Practical significance: the proposed recommendations can be used in the practical activities of government agencies and banking professionals when making decisions in the field of cybersecurity

    Experience of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Republic of Tatarstan in the Prevention of Internal epidemiological Risks During the Preparation and Holding of the FIFA World Cup-2018

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    Objective of the study was to describe the organization of epidemiological surveillance over internal risks associated with the intensification of natural-focal diseases in the Republic of Tatarstan, analysis of the measures taken to prevent natural focal diseases during the preparation and holding of the FIFA World Cup-2018. Materials and methods. The data from surveys and forecasts as regards the numbers of small mouse-like rodents as carriers and arthropod vectors of natural-focal diseases, epizootic and epidemiological situation reports in the Republic of Tatarstan and information on infectious and parasitic disease morbidity rates in the Republic of Tatarstan, presented by the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Tatarstan over 2015-2018 were utilized for analysis. Results and conclusions. The natural conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan are favorable for the circulation of pathogens of natural-focal diseases, which carriers are mammals (primarily small rodents) and birds, and vectors - blood-sucking arthropods: Ixodidae ticks, mosquitoes. The results of circulation monitoring of natural focal infection pathogens in the ambient environment made it possible to conclude that during the FIFA World Cup-2018, the epidemic risk of occurrence of natural-focal diseases would remain high. Considering the existing and forecasted internal risks, priorities were identified in the organization of preventive measures aimed at minimizing epidemiological risks in relation to natural-focal infections during the preparation and holding of the FIFA World Cup 2018. The chosen preventive strategy made it possible to prevent the infection with natural-focal infectious diseases among the population and ensure a stable epidemiological situation during the FIFA World Cup-2018

    Antiproliferative activity of a new derivative from the class of N-glycoside of indolo [2,3-a] pyrrolo [3,4-c] carbazoles

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate an antiproliferative activity of a new, Russian derivative of N-glycoside substituted indolocarbazole 6-amino-12-(α-L-arabinopyranosyl)indolo [2,3-a] pyrrolo [3,4-c] carbazole-5,7-dione (LCS-1208) on models of transplantable tumors of mice and on human tumors in Balb/c nude mic

    Инновационная работа с детьми-сиротами как фактор успешной адаптации

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    Найважливішою проблемою держави, суспільства, соціологічної науки залишається поширеність соціального сирітства і його наслідків. У статті розглядаються істотні проблеми, що перешкоджають інтеграції випускників сирітських установ у суспільство та основи інноваційної роботи з дітьми-сиротами як чинник їх успішної адаптації.By the major problem of the state, societies, sociological science there is prevalence of social orphanhood and his consequences. Important problems which hinder integration of graduating students of orphan establishments in society and bases of innovative work with children-orphans as a factor of their successful adaptation are examined in the article.Важнейшей проблемой государства, общества, социологической науки остается распространенность социального сиротства и его последствий. В статье рассматриваются важные проблемы, которые препятствуют интеграции выпускников сиротских учреждений в общество и основы инновационной работы с детьми-сиротами как фактор их успешной адаптации


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    N-acetyltransferase, an enzyme involved in the metabolic inactivation of drugs like isoniazide, some sulfonamides and others is well-known to he under polymorphic genetic control. The acetylation phenotype of the patients may serve as an important guide in foretelling the therapeutic efficacy or tolerahility of a particular drug. In the present study we investigated the distribution of the acetylaiion phenotypes in a group of 100 healthy volunteers of both sexes using sulfadimidine as a substrate. The distribution was found to follow a bimodal pattern, as aspected, with a slight predominance of the "slow" acetylators - in 58 % of the cases, a finding similar to literature data from neighbouring and other European countries. In the men's group the distribution was approximately the same as that in the whole group whilst in the women's one the "rapid" inactivators prevailed. This work represents the first modest attempt in Bulgaria for phenotyping the population according to the individual acetylaiion status