1,638 research outputs found

    Verification of model of calculation of intra-chamber parameters in hybrid solid-propellant rocket engines

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    On the basis of obtained analytical estimate of characteristics of hybrid solid-propellant rocket engine verification of earlier developed physical and mathematical model of processes in a hybrid solid-propellant rocket engine for quasi-steady-state flow regime was performed. Comparative analysis of calculated and analytical data indicated satisfactory comparability of simulation results

    Energy and propulsion optimization of solid-propellant grain of a hybrid power device

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    A method of distribution of an additional solid-phase component (oxidizer) providing uniformity of grain burning for the purpose of evaluation and optimization of energy and propulsion parameters of hybrid solid-propellant motor is proposed in the paper

    Domain-Oriented Reduction of Rule-Based Network Models

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    The coupling of membrane-bound receptors to transcriptional regulators and other effector functions is mediated by multi-domain proteins that form complex assemblies. The modularity of protein interactions lends itself to a rule-based description, in which species and reactions are generated by rules that encode the necessary context for an interaction to occur, but also can produce a combinatorial explosion in the number of chemical species that make up the signaling network. We have shown previously that exact network reduction can be achieved using hierarchical control relationships between sites/domains on proteins to dissect multi-domain proteins into sets of non-interacting sites, allowing the replacement of each β€œfull” (progenitor) protein with a set of derived auxiliary (offspring) proteins. The description of a network in terms of auxiliary proteins that have fewer sites than progenitor proteins often greatly reduces network size. We describe here a method for automating domain-oriented model reduction and its implementation as a module in the BioNetGen modeling package. It takes as input a standard BioNetGen model and automatically performs the following steps: 1) detecting the hierarchical control relationships between sites; 2) building up the auxiliary proteins; 3) generating a raw reduced model; and 4) cleaning up the raw model to provide the correct mass balance for each chemical species in the reduced network. We tested the performance of this module on models representing portions of growth factor receptor and immunoreceptor-mediated signaling networks, and confirmed its ability to reduce the model size and simulation cost by at least one or two orders of magnitude. Limitations of the current algorithm include the inability to reduce models based on implicit site dependencies or heterodimerization, and loss of accuracy when dynamics are computed stochastically

    Fano hypersurfaces and Calabi-Yau supermanifolds

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    In this paper, we study the geometrical interpretations associated with Sethi's proposed general correspondence between N = 2 Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds with integral \hat{c} and N = 2 nonlinear sigma models. We focus on the supervarieties associated with \hat{c} = 3 Gepner models. In the process, we test a conjecture regarding the superdimension of the singular locus of these supervarieties. The supervarieties are defined by a hypersurface \widetilde{W} = 0 in a weighted superprojective space and have vanishing super-first Chern class. Here, \widetilde{W} is the modified superpotential obtained by adding as necessary to the Gepner superpotential a boson mass term and/or fermion bilinears so that the superdimension of the supervariety is equal to \hat{c}. When Sethi's proposal calls for adding fermion bilinears, setting the bosonic part of \widetilde{W} (denoted by \widetilde{W}_{bos}) equal to zero defines a Fano hypersurface embedded in a weighted projective space. In this case, if the Newton polytope of \widetilde{W}_{bos} admits a nef partition, then the Landau-Ginzburg orbifold can be given a geometrical interpretation as a nonlinear sigma model on a complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifold. The complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifold should be equivalent to the Calabi-Yau supermanifold prescribed by Sethi's proposal.Comment: 24 pages, uses JHEP3.cls; v2: minor corrections, references adde

    Features of seishe initiation in the water area near Poronaisk (Sakhalin Island)

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    The results of studying potential sources of seiche excitation energy in the water area near Poronaisk (Sakhalin Island) using natural measurement data in 2008–2009 are presented. Time series data with a duration of about three months were collected by two autonomous sea-level recorders at one-second sample rate. Spectral analyses of time series made possible to conclude that wave processes with periods from 2 to 7 hours can be classified as seiches. Possible seiche periods calculated by numerical methods are very close to the periods of seiches detected in the Terpeniya Bay. The calculated envelopes of wave processes showed a good coincidence of the peaks of seiches with a period of 7 hours and wind waves, which confirms the transfer of energy from atmospheric disturbances to the seven-hour seiche. Seiche period of 3.5 hours is shown to be equal to the period of tidal harmonic 4M7. Thus, the resonance pass of energy transmission from tidal harmonic to seiche was revealed taking into account high for marine waters q-factor equal to 11.9 at the period of 3.5 hours. The highest seiches at a period of 2.7 hours are observed on the 6-8 day after maximum of daily tide with a period of 24.68 hours, which is close to the period of lunar tide harmonic M1. The analyses of excitation factors of seiches with 2-hour period showed that the excitation energy, or at least a part of it, is provided by atmospheric disturbances. Thus, the increasing of seiche height occurs during the winds of southern directions in the Terpeniya Bay

    Self-Consistent Field study of Polyelectrolyte Brushes

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    We formulate a self-consistent field theory for polyelectrolyte brushes in the presence of counterions. We numerically solve the self-consistent field equations and study the monomer density profile, the distribution of counterions, and the total charge distribution. We study the scaling relations for the brush height and compare them to the prediction of other theories. We find a weak dependence of the brush height on the grafting density.We fit the counterion distribution outside the brush by the Gouy-Chapman solution for a virtual charged wall. We calculate the amount of counterions outside the brush and find that it saturates as the charge of the polyelectrolytes increases
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