9 research outputs found

    Ustanak Franje II. RĆ”kĻŒczija i vjerski sukobi u Ugarskoj

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    U ovom radu pisac analizira uzroke koji su doveli do ustanka Franje II. RĆ”kĻŒczija (1703.-1711.) s posebnim osvrtom na vjersko pitanje kao jedan od ključnih momenata koji su pridonijeli razbuktavanju Ustanka. Odnos RĆ”kĻŒczijeva tabora prema protestantima bio je jedan od ključnih momenata koji su mogli odlučiti o uspjehu ili neuspjehu Ustanka, ali isto tako i odnos prema erdeljskim Rumunjima i Srbima (Racima) iz južne Ugarske. RĆ”kĻŒczijev neuspjeh da na pravi način rijeÅ”i vjersko pitanje, kao i političko i socijalno, jedan je od uzroka konačnog neuspjeha Ustanka

    Croatian Ethnogenesis: A Review of Component Stages and Interpretations (with Emphasis on Eurasian/Nomadic Elements)

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    U članku se pokuÅ”ava iznijeti neke parametre vezane uz nomadski element ili moguće naznake nomadskoga elementa u hrvatskoj etnogenezi. Najprije se komentira sam etnogenetski koncept te se sugerira radna definicija etnogeneze, a potom se daje pregled glavnih komponenata za koje se smatra da su odigrale neku ulogu u hrvatskoj etnogenezi. Identificiraju se elementi koji se na neki način mogu smatrati nomadskima ili takvima koji odražavaju utjecaje iz euroazijske stepe te se spominju povijesni izvori koji potvrđuju ili impliciraju nazočnost euroazijskih nomadskih skupina na hrvatskome prostoru, uz naznaku relativne učestalosti arheoloÅ”kog materijala. Autori se zatim osvrću na poglede prijaÅ”njih i sadaÅ”njih hrvatskih i stranih autora o hrvatskoj etnogenezi, posebice s obzirom na Ā»euroazijsku vezuĀ«, te podrobnije predstavljaju iransku teoriju o podrijetlu Hrvata. Na kraju ukratko izlažu najnovije genetičke analize (DNK) suvremene hrvatske populacije.In the paper, the authors present certain parameters dealing with the nomadic element, or possible indications of it, in Croatian ethnogenesis. First, a comment is given on the ethnogenetic concept itself, and a working definition of ethnogenesis is suggested. Second, the major components that are considered to have had a role in Croatian ethnogenesis are listed. This discussion is followed by an identification of those elements that could somehow be considered nomadic, or else representative of influences from the Eurasian steppe region. Mention is made of historical sources that confirm or imply the presence of Eurasian nomad groups in the Croatian area, and the relative frequency of archaeological material is noted. The authors analise views of previous and present Croatian and foreign authors on Croatian ethnogenesis, especially in regard to the ā€œEurasian connectionā€. In this part of the discussion, the Iranian theory of Croat origins is presented in more detail. Finally, the authors briefly address recent genetic (DNA) analyses of the contemporary Croatian population

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    The Roma in Hungary: The Situation and Perspectives on the Threshhold of the 21st Century

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    Autor u ovom članku razmatra položaj romske manjine u danaÅ”njoj Mađarskoj. Na početku se daje kratak pregled u kojem se sažima povijest Roma u cijeloj Europi od njihova dolaska, s osobitim obzirom na Mađarsku. Daju se općeniti podaci o jeziku i nekim kulturno-civilizacijskim osobitostima Roma u proÅ”losti. NekadaÅ”nje asimilacijske težnje formulirane u ozračju prosvijećenog apsolutizma povezuju se s takvim i sličnim težnjama koje su se javile i dijelom provodile u djelo u mnogim europskim zemljama u novije doba. Posebna pozornost posvećena je ekonomskom, druÅ”tvenom i obrazovnom aspektu romske problematike u Mađarskoj, a daju se i neke naznake o predodžbi koju mađarska većina ima o romskoj manjini. Do određene se mjere analizira struktura predrasuda o Romima s obzirom na druÅ”tvene slojeve iz kojih dolaze. Većina podataka crpljena je iz rezultata istraživanja provođenih na romsku tematiku u Mađarskoj u posljednjih petnaestak godina. Pitanje obrazovne strukture romskog stanovniÅ”tva obrađeno je ponajprije s obzirom na to koliko ona utječe na mogućnosti zapoÅ”ljavanja. Slaba obrazovna struktura i nemogućnost zapoÅ”ljavanja ističu se kao glavni činioci koji priječe potpunu integraciju Roma u danaÅ”nje mađarsko druÅ”tvo. Na koncu se analizira i uloga udruga civilnog druÅ”tva u razrjeÅ”avanju romske problematike, s posebnim osvrtom na striktno romske organizacije kao Å”to su manjinske samouprave. Navode se i primjeri prodora nekih oblika suvremene masovne kulture u kolektivni kulturni identifikacijski kod romske manjine. Ti novi kulturoloÅ”ki elementi, pored romske tradicije koja se i dalje čuva i njeguje, pomažu većem samoosvjeŔćivanju Roma, ali i bude interes u ostatku stanovniÅ”tva koje se na taj način senzibilizira za romsku tematiku.In this paper the author examines the situation of the Roma minority in present-day Hungary. First he gives a short overview, summarizing Roma history in all of Europe from the time of their arrival, especially in regard to Hungary. He presents general information on the language and on some cultural-civilisational traits of the Roma in the past and compares former assimilational tendencies formulated in the atmosphere of enlightened absolutism with similar tendencies that appeared and were implemented in many European countries in the more recent period. The author directs special attention to the economic, social and educational aspects of the Roma theme in Hungary, and presents some indications concerning the images the Hungarian majority has of the Roma minority. To a certain degree he analyses the structure of prejudices towards the Roma, in relation to the social strata from which they come. Most of his data derives from research conducted on the theme of the Roma in Hungary during the last fifteen years. The question of the educational structure of the Roma population is analysed primarily in regard to how much it enables employment. A poor educational structure and the impossibility to find employment are indicated as the main problems preventing the full integration of the Roma into present-day Hungarian society. Finally, the author analyses the role of civil society associations in resolving the problems of the Roma, with a special note on strictly Roma organisations as forms of minority self-government. Some examples are given also of the penetration of modern mass culture into the collective cultural identificational code of the Roma minority. These cultural elements, alongside Roma traditions that are still maintained and nurtured, help to increase the self-consciousness of the Roma, but they also stimulate interests in the rest of the population and in this way sensitivise the general population towards the Roma theme

    Document on the structure of the Ottoman court by Nikola Matija Iljanović

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    U ovom radu govori se o jednom od opisa Osmanskog Carstva iz 17. stoljeća iz pera Nikole Matije Iljanovića, časnika carske vojske, koji je mnogo godina kao zarobljenik proboravio na sultanovu dvoru u Istanbulu. Svoja iskustva i znanja o toj državi stečena za vrijeme zarobljeniÅ”tva pretočio je u spis koji je posvetio caru Leopoldu I. U članku se pokuÅ”avaju otkriti pojedinosti iz piŔčeva života, ali isto tako i kritički vrednovati podaci o Osmanskom Carstvu koje iznosi.In his essay the author discusses the life and work of Nikola Matija Iljanović, an imperial soldier from the 17th century and the author of a short document on the Ottoman Empire published in Vienna in 1679. Until now nothing has been written on Iljanović, which can be explained by the fact his work on the Ottoman Empire isnā€™t large and it doesnā€™t give any new or interesting views on the internal structure of the Empire during the 17th century. As a result of the fact that nobody has concerned himself with IljanoviƊ there is absolutely no mention of him in any special literature. The only place where you can find any facts concerning his person is a list of Croatian authors that wrote in latin, that was made by Å ime Jurić, Zlatko Herkov and Dane Čučković. Even the life of the author remained until recent a complete mystery. However, the author of this article has found in the archives of Vienna (the Kriegsarchiv and the Hofkammerarchiv) a lot of material concerning the last period of Iljanovićā€™s life (late 17th century). Documents on Iljanović tell us a very fascinating tale of his life in that period of time and mention contacts he had with famous people who had excellent contacts at court (Kollonitsch, Meninski), people with whom he also occasionally disagreed. Al that material, nevertheless, does not help us to unrevel the life and ways of the author of Relatio status Ottomanicae domus. Since it was already very difficult, in spite of all archival research, to unrevel the myterious life of Iljanović, the author of this article has tried to analize each and every part of his work and critically evaluate it by placing it in a historical context. After the part where the author gives an overview of most important literal works on the Ottoman Empire, that were existed in Croatia from the 15th century until the end of the 17th century, the author concentrates on fact concerning the Ottoman Empire that are mentioned in Iljanovićā€™s work. In doing so he tries to compare them with facts that are mentioned by contemporary Ottoman literature. It is very interesting to notice that Iljanović in fact does mention rather accurately different court-services of the Serail, with their names in the Turco-Ottoman language. The geographical discription of the Ottoman empire, nevertheless, has a lot of faults and wrongly written names of places and regions. At the end of Iljanovićā€™s work is the Exhortatio contra Turcam, a belligent speech by Iljanović with which he urges emperor Leopold I - to whom he has dedicated his work - to make war against the Turks and expel them from Europe. This speech is written in the classical humanist sense of the ā€œanti-Turkish speechesā€ and contains all stereotypes that are usually mentioned in simular works from the first time they began to appear as a specific genre at the beginning of the 15th century. The author of this article was especially struck by the simularity between this speech by Iljanović and one from another Croat from the 16th century Bartol Jurjević. In the end the author of this article concludes, that although Iljanovićā€™s work in inself may not be so important, it clearly shows that his life and works - in the light of further, deeper investigations on the subject - may prove itself to be a valuable piece in the mosaic of historical events that precedented the Turkish war of 1683-1699