553 research outputs found

    Zur Qualität der Applikation von Wurzelkanalmedikationen in Gelform und als Paste in Abhängigkeit von der Aufbereitungsgröße

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    Einleitung: Medikamentöse Zwischeneinlagen in initial oder definitiv aufbereiteten Wurzelkanälen sollen homogen und möglichst bis zum Apex eingebracht werden. Dieses Ziel ist mit der klassischen Technik (Paste & Füllspirale) nicht immer leicht zu erreichen. Alternative Einlagemedikamente in Gelform legen die Applikation mittels Kanüle nahe. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es zu untersuchen, ob mit der Kombination Gel/Kanüle eine zumindest gleichwertige Einlagemedikation zu erreichen ist. Material und Methode: Die Wurzelkanäle von 40 extrahierten und einkanaligen Frontzähnen wurden nach der Crown-Down-Technik maschinell aufbereitet. Je 20 Zähne wurden auf einen apikalen Durchmesser der ISO-Größe 04/25 und ISO 04/35 aufbereitet. Alle 40 Zähne wurden danach randomisiert in 4 Gruppen eingeteilt. Drei verschieden Formulierungen (CHX/BaSo4, CHX/Ca(OH)2/BaSo4, Ca(OH)2/BaSo4) wurden mit zwei unterschiedlichen Methoden (Kanüle mit Durchmesser 0.4 mm, Füllspirale ISO 25) in die Wurzelkanäle eingebracht. Dabei entstanden folgende Versuchsgruppen: Gruppe 1: CHX/BaSo4 mit Kanüle und Druckanästhesiespritze appliziert, Gruppe 2: CHX/Ca(OH)2/BaSo4 mit gleicher Methode, Gruppe 3: CHX/Ca(OH)2/BaSo4 mit Füllspirale gefüllt, Kontrollgruppe: Ca(OH)2/BaSo4 mit Füllspirale gefüllt (Goldstandard). Nach jeder Applikation wurden Röntgenbilder in 2 Ebenen angefertigt und ausgewertet. Bestimmt wurde die Füllungstiefe als Distanz der Einlage vom Apex sowie die Homogenität der Füllung. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgte mittels zweifaktorieller Varianzanalyse (Signifkanzniveau p=0,05). Ergebnisse: Die Bestimmung der Eindringtiefe der unterschiedlichen Formulierungen zeigte keinen statistisch signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den Versuchsgruppen und der Kontrollgruppe. Die Aufbereitungsgröße 04/35 und 04/25 hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Eindringtiefe. Die verschiedenen Applikationsmethoden zeigten keinen signifikanten Unterschied in Bezug auf die Blasenbildung im Wurzelkanal. Schlussfolgerung: CHX-Gel kann mit einer Kanüle (Durchmesser 0,4 mm) in die gesamte Wurzelkanallänge eingebracht werden. Weiterhin kann eine Formulierung von CHX/Ca(OH)2 mittels einer Kanüle, genauso eingebracht werden wie mit konventionellen Methoden (Füllspirale)

    Landscape genomics of a widely distributed snake, Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin, 1789) across Eastern Europe and Western Asia

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    Across the distribution of the Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius), populations have become increasingly disconnected due to habitat alteration. To understand population dynamics and this widespread but locally endangered snake’s adaptive potential, we investigated population structure, admixture, and effective migration patterns. We took a landscape-genomic approach to identify selected genotypes associated with environmental variables relevant to D. caspius. With double-digest restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing of 53 samples resulting in 17,518 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we identified 8 clusters within D. caspius reflecting complex evolutionary patterns of the species. Estimated Effective Migration Surfaces (EEMS) revealed higher-than-average gene flow in most of the Balkan Peninsula and lower-than-average gene flow along the middle section of the Danube River. Landscape genomic analysis identified 751 selected genotypes correlated with 7 climatic variables. Isothermality correlated with the highest number of selected genotypes (478) located in 41 genes, followed by annual range (127) and annual mean temperature (87). We conclude that environmental variables, especially the day-to-night temperature oscillation in comparison to the summer-to-winter oscillation, may have an important role in the distribution and adaptation of D. caspius

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three genomic nomenclature systems to all sequence data from the World Health Organization European Region available until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation, compare the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2

    Agreement of Bioluminescence Measurements and Visual Assessment in Monitoring Occlusal Surfaces of Permanent Teeth

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    Background: Caries lesion activity is typically assessed by visual–tactile criteria. Regular monitoring is required to detect the transition of lesions and to ensure that the initial assessment was valid. This clinical study aimed to evaluate the agreement of bioluminescence measurements (Calcivis imaging system, Cis) with visual examination to assess caries lesion activity and to monitor occlusal surfaces. Methods: The occlusal surfaces of ninety-one permanent posterior teeth were assessed for the presence or absence of active caries lesions with ICCMS criteria and Cis measurements at three visit times: baseline (t1) and six months (t2) and 12 months (t3) after baseline. Results: At the baseline visit, 70% of the included occlusal sites were assessed visually as active lesions (ICCMS codes 1 and 2). At t3, 64.8% of the sites showed signs of an active lesion. The percentage agreements between the visual and Cis methods were 87.8% (t1), 89.9% (t2) and 88.6% (t3). The corresponding κ-values were 0.71 (95% CI 0.52;0.87), 0.75 (95% CI 0.59;0.89) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.61;0.90), respectively. No significant difference between the visual and bioluminescence systems was found at any visit (p > 0.05). The results based on cluster randomization (generalized estimation equations) showed no significant differences between the visual and Cis findings for all visits (p = 0.108, Wald Χ2 with 1 df = 2.587). Conclusion: The bioluminescence system demonstrated substantial agreement for the activity assessment of occlusal lesions compared to the findings obtained by visual assessment over twelve months

    Zur Qualität der Applikation von Wurzelkanalmedikationen in Gelform und als Paste in Abhängigkeit von der Aufbereitungsgröße

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    Einleitung: Medikamentöse Zwischeneinlagen in initial oder definitiv aufbereiteten Wurzelkanälen sollen homogen und möglichst bis zum Apex eingebracht werden. Dieses Ziel ist mit der klassischen Technik (Paste & Füllspirale) nicht immer leicht zu erreichen. Alternative Einlagemedikamente in Gelform legen die Applikation mittels Kanüle nahe. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es zu untersuchen, ob mit der Kombination Gel/Kanüle eine zumindest gleichwertige Einlagemedikation zu erreichen ist. Material und Methode: Die Wurzelkanäle von 40 extrahierten und einkanaligen Frontzähnen wurden nach der Crown-Down-Technik maschinell aufbereitet. Je 20 Zähne wurden auf einen apikalen Durchmesser der ISO-Größe 04/25 und ISO 04/35 aufbereitet. Alle 40 Zähne wurden danach randomisiert in 4 Gruppen eingeteilt. Drei verschieden Formulierungen (CHX/BaSo4, CHX/Ca(OH)2/BaSo4, Ca(OH)2/BaSo4) wurden mit zwei unterschiedlichen Methoden (Kanüle mit Durchmesser 0.4 mm, Füllspirale ISO 25) in die Wurzelkanäle eingebracht. Dabei entstanden folgende Versuchsgruppen: Gruppe 1: CHX/BaSo4 mit Kanüle und Druckanästhesiespritze appliziert, Gruppe 2: CHX/Ca(OH)2/BaSo4 mit gleicher Methode, Gruppe 3: CHX/Ca(OH)2/BaSo4 mit Füllspirale gefüllt, Kontrollgruppe: Ca(OH)2/BaSo4 mit Füllspirale gefüllt (Goldstandard). Nach jeder Applikation wurden Röntgenbilder in 2 Ebenen angefertigt und ausgewertet. Bestimmt wurde die Füllungstiefe als Distanz der Einlage vom Apex sowie die Homogenität der Füllung. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgte mittels zweifaktorieller Varianzanalyse (Signifkanzniveau p=0,05). Ergebnisse: Die Bestimmung der Eindringtiefe der unterschiedlichen Formulierungen zeigte keinen statistisch signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den Versuchsgruppen und der Kontrollgruppe. Die Aufbereitungsgröße 04/35 und 04/25 hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Eindringtiefe. Die verschiedenen Applikationsmethoden zeigten keinen signifikanten Unterschied in Bezug auf die Blasenbildung im Wurzelkanal. Schlussfolgerung: CHX-Gel kann mit einer Kanüle (Durchmesser 0,4 mm) in die gesamte Wurzelkanallänge eingebracht werden. Weiterhin kann eine Formulierung von CHX/Ca(OH)2 mittels einer Kanüle, genauso eingebracht werden wie mit konventionellen Methoden (Füllspirale)

    Slovak section of the Danube has its well-established breeding ground of marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax f. virginalis

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    Established populations of the non-indigenous parthenogenetically reproducing marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax f. virginalis have been recently reported from various European countries. The colonised sites are usually lentic and relatively isolated from major watercourses and in such cases the immediate threat of the spread of this taxon is limited. Here we report on a marbled crayfish population that is likely to become a seed for colonisation of the Danube in Slovakia. It is located in a channel within the Slovak capital Bratislava in the immediate vicinity of a pumping station that occasionally releases significant amounts of water into the side arm of the Danube. The population is well established with a high growth potential: numerous adult marbled crayfish individuals were observed at the site in September and October 2016 and the progeny (eggs or first two developmental stages) of 27 berried females exceeded 11 000 individuals. The maximum observed fecundity per female reached 647 juveniles in the second developmental stage. The Danube side arm downstream of the pumping station harbours a population of spiny-cheek crayfish Orconectes limosus infected with the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci. We presume that marbled crayfish is already present below the pumping station and it is just a matter of effort and time until it is discovered. The investigated specimens of marbled crayfish were found free of A. astaci, but horizontal transmission from infected spiny-cheek crayfish may be expected, as well as further spread of marbled crayfish in the Danube

    Slovak section of the Danube has its well-established breeding ground of marbled crayfish

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    Established populations of the non-indigenous parthenogenetically reproducing marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax f. virginalis have been recently reported from various European countries. The colonised sites are usually lentic and relatively isolated from major watercourses and in such cases the immediate threat of the spread of this taxon is limited. Here we report on a marbled crayfish population that is likely to become a seed for colonisation of the Danube in Slovakia. It is located in a channel within the Slovak capital Bratislava in the immediate vicinity of a pumping station that occasionally releases significant amounts of water into the side arm of the Danube. The population is well established with a high growth potential: numerous adult marbled crayfish individuals were observed at the site in September and October 2016 and the progeny (eggs or first two developmental stages) of 27 berried females exceeded 11 000 individuals. The maximum observed fecundity per female reached 647 juveniles in the second developmental stage. The Danube side arm downstream of the pumping station harbours a population of spiny-cheek crayfish Orconectes limosus infected with the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci. We presume that marbled crayfish is already present below the pumping station and it is just a matter of effort and time until it is discovered. The investigated specimens of marbled crayfish were found free of A. astaci, but horizontal transmission from infected spiny-cheek crayfish may be expected, as well as further spread of marbled crayfish in the Danube

    The biogeography of Elaphe sauromates (Pallas, 1814), with a description of a new rat snake species

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    Background The rat snake genus Elaphe once comprised several dozens of species distributed in temperate through tropical zones of the New and Old World. Based on molecular-genetic analyses in early 2000s, the genus was split into several separate genera, leaving only 15 Palearctic and Oriental species as its members. One of the three species also occurring in Europe is Elaphe sauromates, a robust snake from the Balkans, Anatolia, Caucasus, Ponto-Caspian steppes, and Levant that has been suspected to be composed of two or more genetically diverse populations. Here, we studied the genetic structure and morphological variation of E. sauromates, aiming to better understand its inter-population relationships and biogeography, and subsequently revise its taxonomy. Methods We reconstructed the phylogeography and analyzed the genetic structure of E. sauromates populations originating from most of its geographic range using both mitochondrial (COI, ND4) and nuclear (C-MOS, MC1R, PRLR, RAG1) DNA gene fragments. We employed Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods for the phylogenetic tree reconstructions, supplemented with species delimitation methods, analysis of haplotype networks, and calculation of uncorrected p-distances. Morphological variation in 15 metric and 18 meristic characters was studied using parametric univariate tests as well as multivariate general linearized models. In total, we analyzed sequences originating from 63 specimens and morphological data from 95 specimens of E. sauromates sensu lato. Results The molecular phylogeny identified two clearly divergent sister lineages within E. sauromates, with both forming a lineage sister to E. quatuorlineata. The genetic distance between them (5.80–8.24% in mtDNA) is similar to the distances among several other species of the genus Elaphe. Both lineages are also moderately morphologically differentiated and, while none of the characters are exclusively diagnostic, their combination can be used for confident lineage identification. Here, following the criteria of genetic and evolutionary species concepts, we describe the lineage from eastern Anatolia and parts of the Lesser and Great Caucasus as a new species E. urartica sp. nov. Discussion Elaphe urartica sp. nov. represents a cryptic species whose ancestors presumably diverged from their common ancestor with E. sauromates around the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. The intraspecific genetic structure indicates that the recent diversity of both species has been predominantly shaped by Pleistocene climatic oscillations, with glacial refugia mainly located in the Balkans, Crimea, and/or Anatolia in E. sauromates and Anatolia and/or the Caucasus in E. urartica sp. nov