16 research outputs found
Phenotypic traits
Phenotypic traits for the genotyped individuals
Pairwise relatedness obtained from social pedigree
plink bfiles
Plink files (bed, bim, fam) containing genomic data for the 494 individuals
BLUPS for the four phenotypic traits studied. Each row corresponds to one individual
Data Morphology
This file corresponds to the morphological data. All the variables required to perform the morphological animal models are contained in this table
This file corresponds to the life-history trait data. All the variables required to perform the life-history animal models are contained in this table
Pedigree Morphology
This table contains the pedigree for the individuals used in the morphological animal models
Pedigree LHT
This table contains the pedigree for the individuals used in the life history animal models
Phased DNA sequences and aminoacids
This file contains all the phased sequences used in the study, with heterozygous gaps resolved. Fasta containing aminoacids translations are also provided for markers used in MK tests
Informations about individuals
This file contains for each individual included in the study its identifier, its color form/morph, the locality where it was sampled and its sex