944 research outputs found

    Effect of injection depth of digestate liquid fraction on soil carbon dioxide emission and maize biomass production

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate, in open field conditions, the effect of injection depth of digestate liquid fraction (10 cm, 25 cm and 35 cm) in clay loam soil, on CO2 emission. An un-amended soil was considered as control. The study was performed in 2014 on a farm located in Terrasa Padovana, Veneto region (Italy) distributing digestate before maize sowing. Digestate injection determined a high soil CO2 emission in the first hour after application, followed by a progressive reduction in as early as 24 h, reaching significantly lower values, similar to those measured in the un-amended control, after 48 h. Gas emissions measured 1 h after digestate application decreased as injection depth increased with significantly higher emission values in the 10 cm treatment (median value 23.7 g CO2 m\u20132 h\u20131) than in the 35 cm one (median value 2.5 g CO2 m\u20132 h\u20131). In the 3 days between digestate distribution and maize sowing, soil CO2 emission was significantly higher in the amended treatments than un-amended one, with median values of 1.53 g CO2 m\u20132 h\u20131 and 0.46 g CO2 m\u20132 h\u20131 respectively. During maize growing season, no significant soil CO2 emission difference was monitored among treatments, with a median value of 0.33 g CO2 m\u20132 h\u20131. Digestate application significantly improved maize aboveground dry biomass with an average yield of 22.0 Mg ha\u20131 and 16.2 Mg ha\u20131 in amended and un-amended plots, respectively, due to the different amount of nutrients supplied

    Effect of stocking density of fish on water quality and growth performance of European Carp and leafy vegetables in a low-tech aquaponic system

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    Aquaponics (AP) is a semi-closed system of food production that combines aquaculture and hydroponics and represents a new agricultural system integrating producers and consumers. The aim of this study was to test the effect of stocking densities (APL, 2.5 kg m-3; APH, 4.6 kg m-3) on water quality, growth performance of the European Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), and yield of leafy vegetables (catalogna, lettuce, and Swiss Chard) in a low-technology AP pilot system compared to a hydroponic cultivation. The AP daily consumption of water due to evapotranspiration was not different among treatments with an average value of 8.2 L d-1, equal to 1.37% of the total water content of the system. Dissolved oxygen was significantly (p < 0.05) different among treatments with the lowest median value recorded with the highest stocking density of fish (5.6 mg L-1) and the highest median value in the hydroponic control (8.7 mg L-1). Marketable yield of the vegetables was significantly different among treatments with the highest production in the hydroponic control for catalogna (1.2 kg m-2) and in the APL treatment for Swiss Chard (5.3 kg m-2). The yield of lettuce did not differ significantly between hydroponic control and APL system (4.0 kg m-2 on average). The lowest production of vegetables was obtained in the APH system. The final weight (515 g vs. 413 g for APL and APH, respectively), specific growth rate (0.79% d-1 vs. 0.68% d-1), and feed conversion (1.55 vs. 1.86) of European Carp decreased when stocking density increased, whereas total yield of biomass was higher in the APH system (4.45 kg m-3 vs. 6.88 kg m-3). A low mortality (3% on average) was observed in both AP treatments. Overall, the results showed that a low initial stocking density at 2.5 kg m-3 improved the production of European Carp and of leafy vegetables by maintaining a better water quality in the tested AP system

    Role of C3 plant species on carbon dioxide and methane emissions in Mediterranean constructed wetland

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    C3 plant species are widely used to vegetate constructed wetlands (CW), but so far no information is available on their effect on CW CO 2(eq) balance in the Mediterranean climate. The aim of this research was to study carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) emissions and CO 2(eq) budgets of CW horizontal sub-surface flow pilot-plant beds vegetated with Arundo donax L. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. compared with an unvegetated bed in Sicily. The highest total plant biomass production was measured in the bed vegetated with A. donax (17.0 kg m –2 ), whereas P. australis produced 7.6 kg m –2 . CO 2 and CH 4 emissions and showed significant correlation with average air temperature and solar radiation for each bed. The CO 2 emission values ranged from 0.8±0.1 g m –2 d –1 , for the unvegetated bed in April, to 24.9±0.6 g m –2 d –1 for the bed with P. australis in August. The average CO 2 emissions of the whole monitored period were 15.5±7.2, 15.1±7.1 and 3.6±2.4 g m –2 d –1 for A. donax , P. australis and unvegetated beds respectively. The CH 4 fluxes differed significantly over the monitored seasons, with the highest median value being measured during spring (0.963 g m –2 d –1 ). No statistical differences were found for CH 4 flux among the studied beds. Cumulative estimated CH 4 emissions during the study period (from April to December) were 159.5, 134.1 and 114.7 g m –2 for A. donax , P. australis and unvegetated beds respectively. CO 2(eq) balance showed that the two vegetated beds act as CO 2(eq) sinks, while the unvegetated bed, as expected, acts as a CO 2(eq) source. Considering only the above-ground plant biomass in the CO 2(eq) budgets, P. australis and A. donax determined uptakes of 1.30 and 8.35 kg CO 2(eq) m –2 respectively

    Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and digestate fertilisation on triticale biomass production using fungicide-coated seeds

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    peer-reviewedCrop fertilisation management using organic wastes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation can play a crucial role in the sustainability of agroecosystems. However, in conventional agricultural systems, agrochemicals like fungicides could reduce the positive effect of AMF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic (biomass production) and environmental (soil CO2 emission) effects of AMF inoculation and digestate spreading on triticale cultivation using commercial seeds coated with fungicide. The field experiment was conducted in 2014–2015 at the University of Padua’s experimental farm (Italy), adopting a split-plot design, where the main plot factor was AMF inoculation (inoculated vs. uninoculated) and the subplot factor was fertilisation treatment (no fertilisation (NF), digestate liquid fraction (DL), digestate solid fraction (DS), mineral fertilisation (MF)). Low AMF root colonization was observed, likely due to the effect of fungicide; the only significant effect of AMF inoculation was a lower shoot density. Dry biomass production was significantly higher in the MF treatment (21.8 ± 1.04 Mg/ha) and lower in the NF treatment (14.5 ± 0.73 Mg/ha) compared to DS and DL treatments, which were not significantly different with an average yield of 17.2 ± 2.10 Mg/ha. During the cropping season, soil CO2 emissions were not significantly affected by either AMF inoculation or fertilisation treatment. The median value of soil CO2 emissions was 447.3 mg/m2 per hour

    Long-term employment outcomes among female cancer survivors

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    Advances in early detection and treatment have led to a growing population of female cancer survivors, many of whom are of working age. We examined the relationship between cancer and long-term (\u3e5 years) employment outcomes in a nationally representative sample of working-age women in the United States. Data from nine waves of the Health and Retirement Study were used to examine employment status and weekly hours worked among cancer survivors

    Delivering COBie data - Focus on curtain walls and building envelopes

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    COBie is a standard data framework whose main purpose is to transmit useful, reliable and us-able information collected throughout the whole building process and to be consumed in order to properly maintain the facility. Focusing on Facility Management information exchanges and considering the UK BIM policies and requirements, this paper shows the results obtained applying COBie to complex products such as curtain walls. Two Information Delivery Manuals (IDMs) were also developed, in order to provide a com-monly known and standardized framework, which can regulate the COBie-based information exchanges. Fu-ture developments of this study could concern the application of the developed IDMs to different case studies in order to overtake that specificity characterizing each single project and verify the validity of the proposal

    Adubação NPK do algodoeiro adensado de safrinha no cerrado de Goiás.

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    Esse estudo foi realizado com dois experimentos de campo conduzidos na safra 2009/10 com o objetivo de definir doses e níveis de adubação NPK para o algodão de safrinha adensado, nas condições do Cerrado de Goiás. O primeiro experimento constou de um fatorial NPK 3x3x3+3 resultante da combinação de três doses de nitrogênio (40, 80 e 120 kg/ha de N), três doses de fósforo (30, 60 e 90 kg/ha de P2O5) e três doses de potássio (40, 80 e 120 kg/ha de K2O), mais três tratamentos adicionais (0-0-0 N-P-K, 60-60-60 N-P-K, e 60-0-60 N-P-K). O outro experimento foi disposto no campo em esquema fatorial 4x4: 4 densidades de plantas (8, 10, 12 e 14 plantas por metro) e 4 níveis de adubação NPK (50, 75, 100 e 125 % da adubação recomendada para a cultura de algodão safra). Utilizou-se delineamento de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. Concluiu-se que: 1) Não há influência de população de plantas na resposta da cultura à adubação; e 2) A adubação de manutenção com 60 a 90 kg/ha de N, 60 kg/ha de P2O5 e 60 kg/ha de K2O garantem produtividade de até 3.500 kg/ha de algodão em caroço, em solos com a fertilidade corrigida

    Toxicidade do inseticida Organofosforado Abate® em alevinos de Poecilia reticulata.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2011-04-09T19:01:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 7FINALIZADOv5n23a01361.pdf: 365343 bytes, checksum: 0b87260ac17945400ce7ade7dc2de29c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-26201

    Resposta do algodoeiro à adubação fosfatada comparando fertilizante de liberação lenta com fertilizante convencional.

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    A baixa recuperação pelas culturas do fósforo (P) aplicado nas adubações tem despertado o interesse por produtos que anunciam o aumento da eficiência de fertilizantes convencionais. Esse estudo foi realizado em condições de campo na safra 2008/2009, em área de Latossolo Vermelho argiloso com teor médio de P, no município de Perolândia, Goiás. O objetivo foi comparar fertilizante fosfatado revestido com polímero de liberação lenta com fertilizante fosfatado convencional para a adubação do algodoeiro. O experimento foi constituído por 9 tratamentos resultantes da combinação de duas fontes (MAP e MAP recoberto com polímero de liberação lenta) e quatro doses de fósforo (40, 80, 120 e 160 kg/ha de P2O5), além de um tratamento testemunha (sem fósforo). Os tratamentos foram dispostos no campo em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, utilizando-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. No primeiro ano de avaliação, o fertilizante fosfatado revestido com polímero de liberação lenta apresentou desempenho semelhante ao fertilizante fosfatado convencional na adubação do algodoeiro cultivado em solo argiloso com 5 mg/dm3 de P. Independente das fontes usadas, houve resposta em produtividade de algodão em caroço até a dose de 115 kg/ha de P2O5
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