414 research outputs found

    Extensible Knowledge Representation: the Case of Description Reasoners

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    This paper offers an approach to extensible knowledge representation and reasoning for a family of formalisms known as Description Logics. The approach is based on the notion of adding new concept constructors, and includes a heuristic methodology for specifying the desired extensions, as well as a modularized software architecture that supports implementing extensions. The architecture detailed here falls in the normalize-compared paradigm, and supports both intentional reasoning (subsumption) involving concepts, and extensional reasoning involving individuals after incremental updates to the knowledge base. The resulting approach can be used to extend the reasoner with specialized notions that are motivated by specific problems or application areas, such as reasoning about dates, plans, etc. In addition, it provides an opportunity to implement constructors that are not currently yet sufficiently well understood theoretically, but are needed in practice. Also, for constructors that are provably hard to reason with (e.g., ones whose presence would lead to undecidability), it allows the implementation of incomplete reasoners where the incompleteness is tailored to be acceptable for the application at hand

    The Description Logic for Relational Databases

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    Information integration using logical views

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    Towards intelligent distributed computing : cell-oriented computing

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    Distributed computing systems are of huge importance in a number of recently established and future functions in computer science. For example, they are vital to banking applications, communication of electronic systems, air traffic control, manufacturing automation, biomedical operation works, space monitoring systems and robotics information systems. As the nature of computing comes to be increasingly directed towards intelligence and autonomy, intelligent computations will be the key for all future applications. Intelligent distributed computing will become the base for the growth of an innovative generation of intelligent distributed systems. Nowadays, research centres require the development of architectures of intelligent and collaborated systems; these systems must be capable of solving problems by themselves to save processing time and reduce costs. Building an intelligent style of distributed computing that controls the whole distributed system requires communications that must be based on a completely consistent system. The model of the ideal system to be adopted in building an intelligent distributed computing structure is the human body system, specifically the body’s cells. As an artificial and virtual simulation of the high degree of intelligence that controls the body’s cells, this chapter proposes a Cell-Oriented Computing model as a solution to accomplish the desired Intelligent Distributed Computing system

    A framework for explaining query answers in dl-lite

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    An Ontology-based Data Access system is constituted by an ontology, namely a description of the concepts and the relations in a domain of interest, a database storing facts about the domain, and a mapping between the data and the ontology. In this paper, we consider ontologies expressed in the popular DL-Lite family of Description Logic, and we address the problem of computing explanations for answers to queries in an OBDA system, where queries are either positive, in particular conjunctive queries, or negative, i.e., negation of conjunctive queries. We provide the following contributions: (i) we propose a formal, comprehensive framework of explaining query answers in OBDA systems based on DL-Lite; (ii) we present an algorithm that, given a tuple returned as an answer to a positive query, and given a weighting function, examines all the explanations of the answer, and chooses the best explanation according to such function; (iii) we do the same for the answers to negative queries. Notably, on the way to get the latter result, we present what appears to be the first algorithm that computes the answers to negative queries in DL-Lite

    Exome-wide association study of pancreatic cancer risk

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    We conducted a case-control exome-wide association study to discover germline variants in coding regions that affect risk for pancreatic cancer, combining data from 5 studies. We analyzed exome and genome sequencing data from 437 patients with pancreatic cancer (cases) and 1922 individuals not known to have cancer (controls). In the primary analysis, BRCA2 had the strongest enrichment for rare inactivating variants (17/437 cases vs 3/1922 controls) (P=3.27x10(-6); exome-wide statistical significance threshold P<2.5x10(-6)). Cases had more rare inactivating variants in DNA repair genes than controls, even after excluding 13 genes known to predispose to pancreatic cancer (adjusted odds ratio, 1.35, P=.045). At the suggestive threshold (P<.001), 6 genes were enriched for rare damaging variants (UHMK1, AP1G2, DNTA, CHST6, FGFR3, and EPHA1) and 7 genes had associations with pancreatic cancer risk, based on the sequence-kernel association test. We confirmed variants in BRCA2 as the most common high-penetrant genetic factor associated with pancreatic cancer and we also identified candidate pancreatic cancer genes. Large collaborations and novel approaches are needed to overcome the genetic heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer predisposition

    Reasoning on a network of aligned ontologies

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    zimmermann2008bInternational audienceIn the context of the Semantic Web or semantic peer to peer systems, many ontologies may exist and be developed independently. Ontology alignments help integrating, mediating or reasoning with a system of networked ontologies. Though different formalisms have already been defined to reason with such systems, they do not consider ontology alignments as first class objects designed by third party ontology matching systems. Correspondences between ontologies are often asserted from an external point of view encompassing both ontologies. We study consistency checking in a network of aligned ontologies represented in Integrated Distributed Description Logics (IDDL). This formalism treats local knowledge (ontologies) and global knowledge (inter-ontology semantic relations, i.e., alignments) separately by distinguishing local interpretations and global interpretation so that local systems do not need to directly connect to each other. We consequently devise a correct and complete algorithm which, although being far from tractable, has interesting properties: it is independent from the local logics expressing ontologies by encapsulating local reasoners. This shows that consistency of a IDDL system is decidable whenever consistency of the local logics is decidable. Moreover, the expressiveness of local logics does not need to be known as long as local reasoners can handle at least ALC