6 research outputs found

    MĂ€tning av metanpotentialen hos slam pĂ„ Henriksdal och Bromma : Metodutveckling och utvĂ€rdering av labutrustningen ”BCS-CH4 Biogas”

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    I april 1999 satte Sveriges regering upp 15 miljömĂ„l (utökades till 16 under 2005) vilka strĂ€var efter att lösa Sveriges stora miljöproblem till nĂ€sta generation. Det första miljömĂ„let Ă€r ”begrĂ€nsad klimatpĂ„verkan” och ett av dess delmĂ„l Ă€r att utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser under perioden 2008-2012 skall vara minst 4 procent lĂ€gre Ă€n utslĂ€ppen var Ă„r 1990. Ett sĂ€tt att minska utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser Ă€r att byta ut de fossila fordonsbrĂ€nslena mot förnyelsebara. Inom EU Ă€r mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen att andelen förnyelsebart brĂ€nsle skall vara 5,75 procent av allt fordonsdrivmedel Ă„r 2010 och 20 procent Ă„r 2020. Etanolinblandningen uppgĂ„r till ca hĂ€lften av de förnyelsebara brĂ€nslena pga. att all 95-oktanig bensin i Stockholms lĂ€n innehĂ„ller 5 procent etanol. Det brĂ€nsle som ökade mest i Stockholm under perioden 2001- 2006 Ă€r dock biogasen. Detta Ă€r bra dĂ„ biogasen klassas som det miljövĂ€nligt bĂ€sta fordonsbrĂ€nslet. Detta examensarbete utförs för Stockholm Vatten AB som i dagslĂ€get producerar biogas frĂ„n det slam som blir restprodukten vid rening av avloppsvatten. Syftet för examensarbete Ă€r att undersöka hur stor metanpotentialen Ă€r i detta slam samt att granska den nyinköpta laborationsutrustning, ”BCS-CH4-biogas” med vilken försöken görs. Slammet som beskickas till rötkammarna vid Henriksdals reningsverk bestĂ„r av primĂ€rslam, förtjockat överskottslam samt fettslam. En sammansĂ€ttning av detta slam, med vĂ€rden frĂ„n Ă„r 2006, exklusive fettslammet gav en biogas- respektive metangasproduktion pĂ„ 0,50 Nm3 biogas/kg VSin respektive 0,30 Nm3 CH4/VSin efter 35 dagar. Ett jĂ€mförande försök vid JTI med samma sammansĂ€ttning av slam, taget vid samma tidpunkt, gav en biogas- respektive metangasproduktion pĂ„ ca 0,65 Nm3 biogas/kg VSin respektive ca 0,33 Nm3 CH4/kg VSin efter 31 dagar. En jĂ€mförelse mellan dessa tvĂ„ metoder och utrustningar gav följande fördelar och nackdelar för BCS-utrustningen: Fördelar - Enkel att handskas med, nĂ€r man vĂ€l lĂ€rt sig - Sköter sig sjĂ€lv, tar inte mycket tid - Mycket data att laborera med - Relativt robust - LĂ€tt att starta upp och avsluta - God repeterbarhet inom ett försök Nackdelar - Kan köra vĂ€ldigt fĂ„ flaskor Ă„t gĂ„ngen, max Ă„tta per BACVis, jĂ€mfört med JTI dĂ€r man kan köra sĂ„ mĂ„nga man hinner analysera. - Kan inte köra försöken lika lĂ€nge som Hansen dĂ„ flödesmĂ€taren inte klarar mindre flöden Ă€n 1 ml per timme, varför de slutgiltiga vĂ€rdena antagligen Ă€r lite mindre Ă€n de skulle kunna vara. Efterrötning av rötslammet frĂ„n primĂ€rslambehandlingen pĂ„ Bromma reningsverk gav en ökning pĂ„ 8,6 % pĂ„ biogasproduktionen frĂ„n primĂ€rslammet rĂ€knat pĂ„ medelvĂ€rden frĂ„n Ă„r 2006In April 1999 the Swedish government established 15 environmental goals (increased to 16 during 2005) that strive to solve Sweden’s largest environmental issues until the next generation. The first of these goals are “limited climate change” and one of its sub goals is that the greenhouse gas emissions should decrease by 4 percent, compared to the emissions of 1990, during the period 2008-2012. One way of decreasing the emissions of greenhouse gas is to shift from fossil fuels to renewable. Within the European Union the goal is that the portion of renewable fuels should amount to 5, 75 percent of all fuels for vehicles before 2010 and 20 percent by the year 2020. In the district of Stockholm all of the 95-octane petrol is mixed with 5 percent ethanol, and this sums up to half of all the renewable fuels used in Stockholm. However biogas is the fuel that increased the most in Stockholm during the period 2001-2006. This is good because the biogas is classified as the most environmental vehicle fuel. This master thesis is written for Stockholm Vatten AB who amongst other things clean the sewage water and from the sludge they produce biogas. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the methane potential of different sewage sludge’s and to develop a method to do this with new laboratory equipment, “BCS-CH4-biogas”, designed for this function. The sewage sludge in the Henriksdal waste-water treatment plant is composed of primary, secondary (biosludge) and external fat sludge. A composition of this sludge given as a mean value from 2006, excluding the fat sludge, gave a biogas and methane production of 0,50 Nm3 biogas/kg VSin and 0,30 Nm3 CH4/kg VSin after 35 days. As a comparison the same sludge was digested at JTI and they got a biogas and methan potential of 0,65 Nm3 biogas/kg VSin and 0,33 Nm3 CH4/kg VSin after 31 days. An assessment of these to methods and equipments gave “BCS-CH4-biogas” the following advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: - Easy to handle ones you know how it works - Takes care of it self, doesn’t take a lot of time - A lot of data - Relatively robust - Easy to start and shut down - Repeatable results Disadvantages: - One can run very few flasks at a time, maximum eight per BACvis, compared to JTI where you can run as many flasks as you have time to check on. - It is not possible to run the experiment all the way till there is no organic matter left at all since the flow counter doesn’t work when the flow count is lower than 1 mL per hour. Post digestion of digested primary sludge from Bromma waste-water treatment plant showed an increase of 8,6 % of the biogas production, counted from the mean value of year 2006.www.ima.kth.s

    Taula rodona a cĂ rrec de tots els ponents del primer dia

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    Taula rodona a cĂ rrec dels ponents Pau Blasco, Joan Trujillo Arias, Flora Ridaura Isern, Jaume BorrĂ s BernadĂł, MercĂš LeĂłn i Carles Riba i GironĂšs, moderada pel Dr. Gabriel Barbet

    Pappersbok och elektronisk bok pÄ lÀsplatta : en jÀmförande miljöbedömning

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    Appendices in English available at http://sustainablecommunications.org/bok/ QC 20101013Books from an environmental perspectiv

    KlimatpÄverkan frÄn konceptet Klimatsmart pocket

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    Influence of adverse working factors on contact lens wear

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    Diplomdarbs ir uzrakstÄ«ts latvieĆĄu valodā uz 58 lappusēm. Tas satur 12 attēlus, 14 tabulas, 30 atsauces uz literatĆ«ras avotiem. Darba mērÄ·is ir novērtēt, vai kaitÄ«gie darba vides faktori ir savietojami ar kontaktlēcu valkāƥanu. Subjekti: Tika izmeklēti 9 kontaktlēcu lietotāji (7 sievietes un 2 vÄ«rieĆĄi, vidējais vecums 26 gadi), kuriem darba vietā ir saskare ar kaitÄ«go vides faktoru (Ä·Ä«mija, putekÄŒi, UV vai IS starojums). Papildus anketēơanā piedalÄ«jās 8 LU Ķīmijas fakultātes 3. kursa studenti (vidējais vecums 21 gads), kuri ikdienā lieto kontaktlēcas. Izmeklēơana: Tika novērtētas pacientu redzes funkcijas un acs struktĆ«ras atbilstoĆĄi darba un obligātās veselÄ«bas pārbaudes (OVP) prasÄ«bām un veikta kontaktlēcu novērtēơana. Secinājumi: 1.Visiem izmeklētajiem kontaktlēcu lietotājiem redzes funkcijas un acs struktĆ«ru stāvoklis ir piemērots darba pienākumu veikĆĄanai, atbilstoĆĄi darba un OVP prasÄ«bām. 2.Katrs cilvēks ir jāizvērtē individuāli, atkarÄ«bā no darba specifikas un kaitÄ«gā faktora. Kontaktlēcu lietoĆĄana var bĆ«t veiksmÄ«ga vidē, kurā ir kaitÄ«gie darba vides faktori, ja darbinieks izmanto atbilstoĆĄu acu aizsardzÄ«bu, ievēro kontaktlēcu lietoĆĄanas un kopĆĄanas norādÄ«jumus, veic regulāras acu pārbaudes. 3.No literatĆ«ras datiem un izmeklējot pacientus bĆ«tu ieteicams: a)Ķīmiskā vidē izmantot vienas dienas kontaktlēcas; b)PutekÄŒainā vidē lietot kontaktlēcas ar lielāku diametru; c)Vidēs ar IS starojumu izmantot silikona hidrogēla kontaktlēcas; d)Vidēs ar UV starojumu izmantot ikdienas lietoĆĄanai UV starojumu bloķējoƥās kontaktlēcas. 4.Ir nepiecieĆĄams pievērst lielāku uzmanÄ«bu jauno speciālistu informētÄ«bai darba droĆĄÄ«bas jautājumos, jo Ä«paĆĄi lietojot kontaktlēcas. 5.Optometrists varētu bĆ«t kā viens no speciālistiem, kas informē cilvēku par kaitÄ«gajiem faktoriem un rÄ«cÄ«bu negadÄ«juma laikā. Atslēgas vārdi: mÄ«kstās kontaktlēcas, Ä·Ä«mija, putekÄŒi, UV starojums, IS starojumsStudy is written in Latvian, it contains 58 pages, 12 figures, 14 tables and 30 literature references. Purpose: the aim of the work is to assess whether adverse working conditions are compatible with wearing contact lenses. Subjects: 9 subjects were examined (7 women and 2 men, average age 26 years). The subjects were exposed to adverse working conditions in their workplace (chemicals, dust, UV or IR radiation). In addition 8 students of Faculty of Chemistry (3rd year students) took part in completing questionnaire. Students were 21 years old on average and wear contact lenses daily. Examination: Visual functions and ocular health were examined as required by compolsory health check. Fitting of the contact lens was also assessed. Conclusions: 1.For all contact lens wearers examined visual functions and ocular health was suited for the performance of duties according to requirements of compolsory health check. 2.Each subject must be assessed individually depending on specificity of the work and adverse conditions. Wearing contact lenses can be successful in an adverse environment if he/she uses appropriate eye protection, follow contact lens use and care instructions, examines health of eyes regularly. 3.According to the data found in literature and investigation of patients would be recommended: a)to wear one-daily contact lenses in an environment exposed to chemical substances. b)to wear contact lenses of increased diameter in a dusty environment. c)to wear silicone-hydrogel contact lenses in an environment exposed to IR radiation. d)to wear UV radiation blocking contact lenses daily in an environment exposed to UV radiation. 4.It is necessary to pay increased attention to educating new professionals in questions regarding work safety, especially when wearing contact lenses. 5.An optometrist might be a specialist providing information about adverse conditions and actions that should be taken if an accident occurs. Keywords: contact lenses, chemistry, dust, UV radiation, IR radiatio

    Effects of a total change from paper invoicing to electronic invoicing in Sweden

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    Electronic invoicing is a current alternative to traditional invoices distributed on paper.There are reasons to believe that electronic invoicing is environmentally preferable totraditional invoicing, as the production of paper and envelopes, the printing process andthe physical distribution can be avoided. However, there are additional needs for servers,etc. when electronic invoices are used. To assess the environmental performance of aproduct or a service or to compare two alternative ways of providing a service, a life cycleperspective should preferably be used. The study presented here is a screening life cycle assessment (LCA) aimed at assessingthe consequences of a complete transition from all paper invoicing to all electronicinvoicing in Sweden. Readily accessible data were used and the focus was on cumulativeenergy demand and emissions of greenhouse gases. The main purpose of the study wasto increase our knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of such a transition.An additional aim was to identify areas with a lack of data and major uncertainties. In an LCA, environmental impacts are related to the function provided by the product orservice studied. The function provided by invoices is to distribute information aboutpayment obligations from supplier to customer. This may be business-to business (B-to-B) or business-to-consumer (B-to-C). (lÀs vidare i rapporten)Appendices available at http://cesc.kth.se/effects-of-a-total-change-from-paper-invoicing-to-electronic-invoicing-in-sweden/QC 2010101