2,574 research outputs found

    Treatment of bimodality in proficiency test of pH in bioethanol matrix

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    The pH value in bioethanol is a quality control parameter related to its acidity and to the corrosiveness of vehicle engines when it is used as fuel. In order to verify the comparability and reliability of the measurement of pH in bioethanol matrix among some experienced chemical laboratories, reference material (RM) of bioethanol developed by Inmetro - the Brazilian National Metrology Institute - was used in a proficiency testing (PT) scheme. There was a difference of more than one unit in the value of the pH measured due to the type of internal filling electrolytic solutions (potassium chloride, KCl or lithium chloride, LiCl) from the commercial pH combination electrodes used by the participant laboratories. Therefore, bimodal distribution has occurred from the data of this PT scheme. This work aims to present the possibilities that a PT scheme provider can use to overcome the bimodality problem. Data from the PT of pH in bioethanol were treated by two different statistical approaches: kernel density model and the mixture of distributions. Application of these statistical treatments improved the initial diagnoses of PT provider, by solving bimodality problem and contributing for a better performance evaluation in measuring pH of bioethanol.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Accreditation and Quality Assurance (ACQUAL

    Phenomenology Tools on Cloud Infrastructures using OpenStack

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    We present a new environment for computations in particle physics phenomenology employing recent developments in cloud computing. On this environment users can create and manage "virtual" machines on which the phenomenology codes/tools can be deployed easily in an automated way. We analyze the performance of this environment based on "virtual" machines versus the utilization of "real" physical hardware. In this way we provide a qualitative result for the influence of the host operating system on the performance of a representative set of applications for phenomenology calculations.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures; information on memory usage included, as well as minor modifications. Version to appear in EPJ

    Prediction of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune disease associated with major obstetrical complications such as gestational loss, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction (FGR) and preeclampsia. Published literature is not consensual regarding the main risk factors for each of these outcomes. Our goal with this study was to determine the most important predictors for each of the main adverse pregnancy outcomes in this population. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of unifetal pregnancies of women with the diagnosis of SLE followed in our unit between January 1994 and December 2016. We excluded elective terminations of pregnancy and cases lost to follow-up and we analyzed 157 pregnancies (128 women). Multiple logistic regression models for the outcomes gestational loss, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction, and preeclampsia were built. Two-sided p-values of < 0.05 were used to determine statistical significance, and two-sided confidence intervals of 95% are reported. In our cohort, the main risk factors for gestational loss were maternal age and the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies. Lupic nephritis was predictive of a preterm delivery and preeclampsia. Renal involvement and lupus flares during pregnancy were risk factors for FGR. Overall, the main risk factor for an adverse pregnancy outcome were lupus flares during pregnancy. Despite optimal pregnancy monitoring, women with SLE are still at risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Risk stratification for each of these outcomes is crucial for an effective counselling and tailored monitoring.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Scattering and Bound State Green's Functions on a Plane via so(2,1) Lie Algebra

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    We calculate the Green's functions for the particle-vortex system, for two anyons on a plane with and without a harmonic regulator and in a uniform magnetic field. These Green's functions which describe scattering or bound states (depending on the specific potential in each case) are obtained exactly using an algebraic method related to the SO(2,1) Lie group. From these Green's functions we obtain the corresponding wave functions and for the bound states we also find the energy spectra.Comment: 21 Latex pages. Typos corrected. Results unchanged. Version to appear in JM

    Exigências em energia e proteína líquida para ovelhas da raça Santa Inês em lactação.

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    Objetivou-se determinar as necessidades de proteína e energia líquida de ovelhas em lactação submetidas a dois manejos nutricionais na gestação e dois tipos de gestação. Os ensaios experimentais foram conduzidos nas instalações do Laboratório de Metabolismo e Calorimetria Animal do Departamento de Zootecnia da Escola de Veterinária da UFMG. Foram utilizadas 28 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 2x2, e considerou-se dois tipos de gestação (simples e gemelar) e dois tipos de manejo nutricional (com e sem restrição). As ovelhas eram colocadas sobre plataforma e contidas para realização da ordenha. Para análise dos dados referentes às semanas em lactação utilizou-se o modelo de medidas repetidas no tempo. Os grupos experimentais foram avaliados mediante utilização do teste SNK a 5% de significância. A produção de leite não foi afetada pelo manejo nutricional, bem como a quantidade de gordura, proteína, energia e as necessidades em energia e proteína. Portanto, ficou evidenciado neste estudo que somente o manejo nutricional não foi capaz de alterar as variáveis estudadas. Ovelhas com gestação dupla apresentaram maior produção de leite, maiores teores de gordura e proteína no leite bem como maior valor energético do mesmo. As necessidades em energia e proteína foram maiores para ovelhas com gestação dupla. A produção de leite e as necessidades em energia e proteína foram maiores até a décima semana de lactação. A exigência nutricional em energia e proteína acompanhou a curva de produção de leite. [Net requirement of protein and energy of Santa Inês ewe in lactation]. Abstract: This study aimed to obtain the protein and liquid energy requirements from lactating ewes under two nutritional managements during pregnancy and under two types of pregnancy. Experimental tests were conducted at the Animal Metabolism and Calorimetry Laboratory on Department of Animal Science from Veterinary School of UFMG. For the experimental testing, were used 28 Santa Ines sheeps in a completely randomized design under 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, considering two pregnancy types (single and double) and two nutritional managements (with and without restriction). Sheeps were placed on the platform and contained for milking. To analyse data regarding milking weeks it was used the model of repeated measures in time. The experimental groups were evaluated using the SNK test at 5% significance level. (1) Diets were compound of corn meal (Zea mays), soybean meal (Glycine max), chopped Tifton grass hay (Cynodon spp.) and limestone. Sheep?s specific mineralsupplement was offered ad libitum to the animals Milk production was not affected by nutritional management, as the amount of fat, protein and, energy from milk. The same results were observed to energy and protein requirements. This fact shows that the nutritional management, per se, was not able to change the variables studied. The double pregnancy produced more milk, fat and protein in milk increasing its energy value. Energy and protein requirements were higher in ewes with double pregnancy. Milk production, energy and protein requirements were higher until the tenth week of lactation. Energy and protein nutritional requirement followed the milk production curve

    Produção e composição do leite de ovelhas Santa Inês e mestiças Lacaune e Santa Inês e desenvolvimento de seus cordeiros.

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    Na ovinocultura, a raça Santa Inês, amplamente explorada no território brasileiro, possui índices de produção compatíveis com sistemas europeus de exploração leiteira (Susin et al., 2005), e o bom desempenho de animais na fase de cria está diretamente relacionado com a produção de leite das mães (Peeters et al., 1992). A raça Lacaune tem sua origem atrelada à produção de animais de boa carcaça em diversas regiões da França e passou por um programa de melhoramento genético que resultou em aumento da produção de leite e melhora da composição da carcaça dos cordeiros destinados ao abate (Barillet et al., 2001). O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a produção e a composição do leite de três genótipos de ovelhas Santa Inês, ½ Lacaune x ½ Santa Inês e ¾ Lacaune x ¼ Santa Inês ? e o desenvolvimento de seus cordeiros durante os quatro primeiros meses de lactação

    Desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de ovelhas do grupo "Nativo Pantaneiro" selecionadas como resistentes e susceptíveis a verminose no Mato Grosso do Sul: resultados parciais.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os índices zootécnicos e o parasitismo em ovelhas selecionadas pelo OPG pertencentes ao grupo "nativo pantaneiro". Estão sendo utilizadas 180 ovelhas, oriundas do Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, estratificadas por peso e pela média de OPG, e classificadas em resistentes (RR), susceptíveis (SS) e intermediárias (RS), submetidas a dois níveis de suplementação proteica: (P) e (P+). A proporção macho/fêmea foi de 1:30, com estação de monta de 30 dias, sincronização do cio e repasse com 14 dias. O anti-helmíntico foi usado, individualmente de acordo com o OPG e o VG. Quanto às médias de natalidade, mortalidade de ovelhas e desmame, o grupo das ovelhas RR apresentou 88%, 6,7% e 78,3%; e das ovelhas SS 85%, 25% e 60%, respectivamente (P<0,05). A taxa de mortalidade de cordeiros até o desmame foi de 11% e 29%, respectivamente para RR e SS (P<0,05). A média de OPG das ovelhas RR (789) foi significativamente menor que do grupo SS (1896) (P<0,05). Em relação ao peso ao nascer e peso aos 30 dias não houve diferenças significativas para o efeito de grupo selecionado, mostrando efeito apenas para OPG (P<0,05). Conforme o resultado parcial dos dados obtidos no primeiro ano de produção observa-se que a seleção dos animais pela contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) se mostra muito importante nos resultados zootécnicos e econômicos do sistema de produção de ovinos. [Reproductive and productive performance of the "Nativo Pantaneiro" genetic group sheep selected as resistant and susceptible to worms in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Partial results]. Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the performance indexes and parasitism rates by selecting animals for eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) in sheep of the "Nativo Pantaneiro" genetic group. A total of 180 ewe originating from the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, were stratified by weight and the average of EPG, and classified as resistant (RR), susceptible (SS) and intermediate (RS). These groups were supplemented with two different protein levels: (P) and (P +). The male:female ratio was 1:30, with breeding season, estrus synchronization and return to breeding in 14 days. The anthelmintic was used individually according to the EPG and PVC. Sheep of the group RR had average birth rate, ewe mortality and weaning, respectively as 88%, 6.7% and 78.3%. Sheep from SS group had 85%, 60% and 25%, respectively (P<0 05). The mortality rate of lambs to weaning was 11% in RR group and 29% in SS group (P<0.05). In relation to birth at weight and weight at 30 days there were no significant differences between selected group, showing an effect only for EPG levels (P<0.05). These partial results suggests that animal selection for reproduction by EPG is very important and useful to reach better economic results in ewes production systems