259 research outputs found

    Hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon - a preliminary study

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    Hoverflies are holometabolic insects, whose adults are pollinators feeding on nectar and pollen. Frequently, they are confused with wasps, bees and bumblebees. In the larval stage, some of them prey other insects, specially aphids (Hemiptera), and others are saprophagous. For this reason, they are important biological control agents. In this study, we carried out the prospection and specific identification of hoverflies in four habitats in Tapada da Ajuda (olive grove, a field of Apiaceae, herbaceous vegetation near Lagoa Branca and plum orchard), between March and May 2017. Hoverfly adults were mostly captured with an entomologic net, but also with jar and plastic bags. A preliminary evaluation on the importance of ecologic infrastructure fava bean inter-row in the plum orchard was also performed. For this purpose, we observed fava plants and plum trees, collecting eggs, larvae and pupae of hoverflies that we reared in the laboratory until the emergence of the adult of hoverfly or parasitoid. A total of 12 species were identified, being the most frequent and abundant Episyrphus balteatus and Sphaerophoria scripta. Species richness was higher in the Apiaceae field although this habitat was sampled only during the last fortnight of the study. In the hoverfly immature collected in the plum orchard we detected hymenopteran parasitoids belonging to Diplazontinae and Pteromalidaeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presenteeism in Non-Academic Staff in a Public University Context: Prevalence, Associated Factors, and Reasons to Work While Sick during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract: Presenteeism negatively affects worker performance. We aimed to know the prevalence of presenteeism in non-academic university staff, identify health problems and associated factors, as well as explore the reasons that led to presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of 332 non-academic staff. The Portuguese version of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) was used, and socio-demographic and occupational data were collected. Participants were divided into groups according to the presenteeism cut-off score (no presenteeists, presenteeists with high job performance, presenteeists with low job performance). Multinomial regression was used to identify occupational and demographic characteristics associated with presenteeism. An open question replies analysis made it possible to explore the reasons for going to work while sick. Presenteeism was experienced by 30.1%. Presenteeism with high job performance was not associated with socio-demographic and work factors. Professionals who performed only physical work (OR = 9.4; 95% CI: 1.7; 51.0) and those who conducted hybrid work (OR = 4.1; 95% CI: 1.8; 9.6) showed a higher risk of belonging to the presenteeist group with low job performance. Financial reasons led professionals to work while sick. This study raises the importance of evaluating presenteeism in non-academic staff to create conditions for them to maintain high performance despite presenteeism and to intervene when there is low performance due to presenteeism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bullying and engagement among nurses

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    Workplace bullying has become a growing issue among nurses, which can have a negative impact on engagement. Due to the relevance of this matter, the purpose of this study was to identify the presence of workplace bullying and engagement and to analyze the relationship between the two and the sociodemographic and professional variables among nurses. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational study. The sample consisted of 173 primary care nurses from one of Azores’ Islands (Portugal). The sample was of 88.4% female nurses; 58.4% of which 38 years old or older and with an average of 16.1 years of professional experience. A questionnaire was applied respecting the nurses' con+dentiality, consisting of three groups for the nurses' sociodemographic, workplace bullying (NAQ-R) and engagement (UWES) evaluation. Among the results, there was a prevalence of workplace bullying of 9.2%. Nurses 37 years old or younger, working a rotating shifts and with stressful work, were more exposed to workplace bullying. Good levels of engagement were identi+ed (Mean = 4.3). Female nurses with partners and children, working +xed shifts, with 14 or more years of professional experience and who did not perceive their work stressful, presented higher levels of engagement. There was a negative relationship between workplace bullying and engagement. The results of this study suggest the need to invest in antibullying policies / procedures and occupational health programs to minimize the impact of workplace bullying and to promote the maintenance of good levels of engagement among nurses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between presenteeism, quality of life and social support in higher education professionals: A cross-sectional path analysis

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    Presenteeism is the practice of being present at workplace, but not being able to carry out all the tasks due to health problems. Social support globally associated with health and wellbeing might positively influence presenteeism and consequently, the quality of life of these professionals. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between presenteeism, quality of life and social support in the work of non-teaching and non-research professionals within the context of higher education. A cross-sectional study was conducted, in which sociodemographic data were collected and the Portuguese versions of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) (which includes the dimensions workcompleted and distraction avoided) and Quality of Life Index (EUROSHIS-QOL-8) and the subscales of Supervisor’s Social Support and Peers’ Social Support of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) were used. The questionnaire was applied online, and 322 professionals from a public university higher education institution in Northern Portugal participated in the study. Presenteeism was reported by 97 (30.1%) professionals. The peers’ social support was positively associated with quality of life. The supervisor’s social support was positively associated with distraction avoided and work completed and positively indirectly associated with quality of life, and the association was mediated by distraction avoided. We conclude that implementing strategies that can promote social support in the work context, namely strengthening networks between colleagues and competent and well-trained supervisors may prevent or reduce presenteeism in higher education professionals, as well as, provide a better quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shorted Happiness at Work Scale: Psychometric Proprieties of the Portuguese Version in a Sample of Nurses

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    Abstract: In the last decades, happiness at work has been studied due to social changes; increased workload; stress; and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Happiness at work is considered an umbrella concept as it covers individual and organizational aspects of working life. The aim of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Shorted Happiness at Work Scale (SHAW) in a sample of Portuguese nurses. A cross-sectional study with 113 Portuguese nurses, from one of the islands of the Azores, was selected through a convenience sample. A sociodemographic/professional questionnaire and the SHAW scale were applied. Through the CFA, the SHAW trifactorial model was tested according to its theoretical reference, having obtained a general tolerable adjustment index. After respecification of the model through the correlation of the errors of two items, a better adjustment was obtained, but the RMSEA value remains problematic. Additionally, the values of the coefficient of internal consistency were indicative of good fidelity. The analysis of the psychometric characteristics of the SHAW scale, in the sample of Portuguese nurses, suggests a theoretical adaptation to the model of happiness at work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Omissão de prescrição de fármacos na população idosa da Beira Interior

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    Introdução: Os problemas relacionados com medicação (PRMs) são frequentes nos idosos e na maioria dos casos evitáveis. Diversos estudos identificam a prescrição excessiva e/ou inapropriada de medicamentos como causas de PRMs, contudo os estudos sobre omissões de medicação considerada benéfica são escassos. Objectivo: Quantificar e caracterizar eventuais omissões de prescrição na população idosa internada com doença aguda, utilizando os critérios START (Secreening Tool to Alert Doctors to The Right Treatement) e analisando a utilidade destes na sua detecção e prevenção precoces. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo observacional descritivo, na Unidade de Acidentes Vasculares Cerebrais (UAVC) do Centro Hospitalar da Cova da Beira (CHCB). Os processos clínicos de todos os doentes idosos (idade> 65 anos) internados entre 1 de Outubro e 31 de Dezembro de 2009 forma revistos e os critérios START aplicados à medicação nos momentos de admissão e alta clínica. Resultados: Durante o período de estudo foram admitidos na UAVC 56 doentes idosos. No momento de internamento detectaram-se 67 omissões de prescrição em 66.1% dos idosos (média 1,26 omissões por doente), que em 77,61% (n=52) dos casos foram corrigidas no momento de alta. Nos doentes medicados com 5 ou mais medicamentos diários detectaram-se omissões de prescrição à admissão em 81,0% dos casos. Em 11 doentes, 15 omissões detectadas à entrada, permaneciam por corrigir e em 3 doentes registaram-se 3 novas omissões de prescrição. Os critérios START identificaram, tanto na entrada hospitalar como na alta clínica, omissões de prescrição sobretudo de medicação do sistema cardiovascular e do sistema endócrino. Conclusões: A omissão de fármacos em idosos admitidos no hospital com doença aguda é frequente. Os critérios START revelaram-se um instrumento útil de validação da prescrição farmacológica, de acordo com a evidência das normas de orientação clínica actuais, sobretudo em termos de prevenção cardiovascular.Introduction: Drugs related problems (DRPs) are common in elderly patients, the majority being preventable. Several studies identify excessive and/or inappropriate prescribing as major causes of DRPs; however, there are few epidemiological studies about prescribing omissions. Goals: To quantify and characterize prescribing omissions in elderly people hospitalized with acute disease, using START (Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to the Right Treatment) criteria. Methods: A descriptive observational study was conducted in the Stroke Unity of the “Centro Hospitalar da Cova da Beira (CHCB)”. Medical records from elderly patients (age> 65 years) admitted between October and December 2009 were consulted and the START criteria applied to data on prescribed medicines. Results: Our study included 56 elderly in-patients. We detected 67 prescribing omissions in 66.1% of elderly (average of 1.26 omissions by patient); from which 77,61% (n=52) were corrected. Prescribing omissions were also detected in 81.0% of Patients taking 5 or more medications simultaneously. In 11 patients, 15 omissions detected at hospital admission were not corrected and in 3 patients, 3 new prescribing omission were detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of prescribing omission in acutely-ill hospitalized elderly patients is high. START criteria are a useful, evidence-based, instrument to validate essential drug therapy, particularly in relation to cardiovascular disease prevention

    Burnout among Italian and Portuguese nurses

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    Presentismo em enfermagem

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    Satisfação dos alunos com a pós graduação em educação especial – domínio cognitivo e motor

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    Orientação: Paulo SequeiraPercebendo os aumentos expressivos no número de cursos de pós-graduação na área de Educação Especial, esta dissertação tem como objectivo problematizar a satisfação dos alunos em relação ao curso de Pós graduação em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor, ministrado pelo ISCIA, pólo de Baião. Neste sentido, escolheu-se a 1.ª e 6.ª edição como objecto de análise para este trabalho. A satisfação dos consumidores/clientes não é uma opção organizacional, mas uma questão de sobrevivência para qualquer instituição de ensino ou organização. As empresas que promovem educação, procuram a satisfação dos seus alunos quanto ao curso que eles oferecem a fim de identificar indicadores que favoreçam a melhoria no ensino. A finalidade deste trabalho consiste em entender qual das edições está mais satisfeita, com que aspectos e porquê. Para tal foi aplicado um questionário, entre Março e Abril de 2011, envolvendo itens para avaliação da satisfação do curso a uma amostra de 48 alunos, 25% de cada edição. O presente trabalho constitui um estudo exploratório sobre a satisfação dos discentes com o estudo pós-graduado em Educação Especial, visando os principais aspectos associados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram perceber que a 1ª edição encontra-se globalmente mais satisfeita do que a 6ª edição.Realizing the significant increase in the number of graduate courses in special education, this paper aims to discuss the student’s satisfaction about the ISCIA’s (pole Baião) Masters Degree in Special Education - cognitive and motor domain. For this purpose, the first and 6th editions were selected as object of analysis for this work. Consumer/customer satisfaction is not an organizational option, but a matter of survival for any educational institution or organization. Companies that promote education, seek satisfaction of their students on the course they offer in order to identify trends that encourage improvement in teaching. The purpose of this work is to understand what issues obtain more satisfaction among the students, and why does that happen. For this purpose a questionnaire was administered between March and April 2011, involving assessment items to the satisfaction of the course to a sample of 48 students, 25% of each edition. This exploratory study represents an exploratory approach on student’s satisfaction with postgraduate study in Special Education, and the general results shows different levels of satisfaction since the first edition students appear more satisfied than the 6th edition students