17,415 research outputs found

    Becoming Borg

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    Students' Conceptions of Scale Regarding Groundwater

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    Provides pedagogical insight concerning learners' pre-conceptions and misconceptions about groundwater The resource being annotated is: http://www.dlese.org/dds/catalog_SERC-STARTINGPOINT-000-000-000-337.htm

    Cross-intersecting families and primitivity of symmetric systems

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    Let XX be a finite set and p2X\mathfrak p\subseteq 2^X, the power set of XX, satisfying three conditions: (a) p\mathfrak p is an ideal in 2X2^X, that is, if ApA\in \mathfrak p and BAB\subset A, then BpB\in \mathfrak p; (b) For A2XA\in 2^X with A2|A|\geq 2, ApA\in \mathfrak p if {x,y}p\{x,y\}\in \mathfrak p for any x,yAx,y\in A with xyx\neq y; (c) {x}p\{x\}\in \mathfrak p for every xXx\in X. The pair (X,p)(X,\mathfrak p) is called a symmetric system if there is a group Γ\Gamma transitively acting on XX and preserving the ideal p\mathfrak p. A family {A1,A2,,Am}2X\{A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_m\}\subseteq 2^X is said to be a cross-p\mathfrak{p}-family of XX if {a,b}p\{a, b\}\in \mathfrak{p} for any aAia\in A_i and bAjb\in A_j with iji\neq j. We prove that if (X,p)(X,\mathfrak p) is a symmetric system and {A1,A2,,Am}2X\{A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_m\}\subseteq 2^X is a cross-p\mathfrak{p}-family of XX, then i=1mAi{Xif mXα(X,p),mα(X,p)if mXα(X,p),\sum_{i=1}^m|{A}_i|\leq\left\{ \begin{array}{cl} |X| & \hbox{if $m\leq \frac{|X|}{\alpha(X,\, \mathfrak p)}$,} \\ m\, \alpha(X,\, \mathfrak p) & \hbox{if $m\geq \frac{|X|}{\alpha{(X,\, \mathfrak p)}}$,} \end{array}\right. where α(X,p)=max{A:Ap}\alpha(X,\, \mathfrak p)=\max\{|A|:A\in\mathfrak p\}. This generalizes Hilton's theorem on cross-intersecting families of finite sets, and provides analogs for cross-tt-intersecting families of finite sets, finite vector spaces and permutations, etc. Moreover, the primitivity of symmetric systems is introduced to characterize the optimal families.Comment: 15 page

    On the C4C_4-isolation number of a graph

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    Let CkC_k be the cycle of length kk. For any graph GG, a subset DV(G)D \subseteq V(G) is a CkC_k-isolating set of GG if the graph obtained from GG by deleting the closed neighbourhood of DD contains no CkC_k as a subgraph. The CkC_k-isolation number of GG, denoted by ι(G,Ck)\iota(G,C_k), is the cardinality of a smallest CkC_k-isolating set of GG. Borg (2020) and Borg et al. (2022) proved that if GC3G \ncong C_3 is a connected graph of order nn and size mm, then ι(G,C3)n4\iota(G,C_3) \leq \frac{n}{4} and ι(G,C3)m+15\iota(G,C_3) \leq \frac{m+1}{5}. Very recently, Bartolo, Borg and Scicluna showed that if GG is a connected graph of order nn that is not one of the determined nine graphs, then ι(G,C4)n5\iota(G,C_4) \leq \frac{n}{5}. In this paper, we prove that if GC4G \ncong C_4 is a connected graph of size mm, then ι(G,C4)m+16\iota(G,C_4) \leq \frac{m+1}{6}, and we characterize the graphs that attain the bound. Moreover, we conjecture that if GCkG \ncong C_k is a connected graph of size mm, then ι(G,Ck)m+1k+2\iota(G,C_k) \leq \frac{m+1}{k+2}.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Assessment of an international breaststroke swimmer using a race readiness test

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    Competitive swimmers routinely undertake a 7 x 200-m incremental step test to evaluate their fitness and readiness to compete.An exercise protocol more closely replicating competition swimming speeds may provide further insight into the swimmer’s physiological and technical readiness for competition. This case study reports data over a 3-year period from 11 Race Readiness Tests, which were completed, in addition to the 7 x 200-m test, as an attempt to provide the swimmer and coach with a fuller assessment. For this individual, data provided objective information from which to assess training status and race readiness following a transition from 200-m to 100-m race training. Data also raised a question as to whether a 100-m maximal effort 10 minutes before another one actually enhances performance owing to a priming effect

    The male to female ratio at birth in different regions in Malta

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    Males are usually born in excess of females and the ratio of male births to female births is conventionally referred to as M/F. Many factors, including stress, privation and natural disasters are associated with a lowering of M/F. Malta has a North-South divide, with a more affluent North as opposed to a more industrialised and less prosperous South. This study was carried out in order to ascertain whether regional economic differences influenced M/F in Malta. Births by gender, year of birth and locality from 1999 to 2013 were subdivided into ten regions in a geographic distribution devised by the Department of Health Information and Research. Regions were also amalgamated into two groups of five which represented North-West and South-East Malta. The island of Gozo was considered separately. There were no statistically significant differences in M/F between the ten regions nor between North-West, South-East and Gozo regions. There were no significant secular trends in M/F in these regions. M/F declines under adverse environmental factors (including economic stress) but despite the overall poorer economic circumstances in the South of the Island, this study failed to show a significant difference in M/F by region. This may be due at least in part to the relatively small numbers involved. Alternatively, the purported socio-economic differences may not have been sufficiently large so as to skew M/F to statistically significant levels.peer-reviewe

    “Resistance is futile.” Or is it?:the characterization of the Borg in Star Trek: The Next Generation

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    Abstract. This study analyzes how the Borg are characterized and depicted and how this characterization develops in the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994). The focus of this study is not to cover the entirety of this series, but instead focus on a few episodes relevant to the study. Furthermore, the study focuses also on what kind of different themes are represented and reflected with the depiction and characterization of the Borg and how these occur. The Borg are an alien, cybernetic humanoid species, typically depicted as antagonists in the Star Trek world. The Borg are also typically depicted as machine-like automatons, linked into a hive mind that is shared within their entire Borg Collective. Therefore, they are typically represented as lacking a sense of individuality. The methodology applied in the study for analyzing the characters and their actions is functional semiotic approach, which is a character-based approach to film and TV analysis. Comprehension of the characters and their interaction with each other are considered to be one of the most important elements in the narrative comprehension and interpretation. Functional semiotic approach can also be used to apply a delicate framework for analyzing the relationships between the characters. The study also adopts the notion of the theory of de-villainization, which includes the concepts of geopolitics and empathic reading. These are used to complement the theoretical framework for the analysis. The process of de-villainization blurs the line between the threshold of a protagonist and an antagonist. Empathic reading requires the understanding of the historical context surrounding a villainized group or population. In the concept of geopolitics, the role of an individual representative of an antagonized group is considered to be of significant importance in how outsiders perceive them. This study suggests that the Borg are first depicted as a nearly indestructible, dangerous threat to humans and other cultures in the world of Star Trek, as they assimilate other species into their collective. However, the Borg are later humanized and depicted in a more ambiguous manner. Eventually, an individual Borg character, Hugh, is even portrayed as a protagonist in the episode “I Borg.” This is done with the characterization of Hugh after he is detached from the Borg Collective. Hugh begins to develop a sense of individuality and appreciation of it. Hugh is also depicted to be an outsider in his appearance in the episode “I Borg.” As an outsider, he questions the actions and behavior of the human characters. This is used to reflect an optimistic view of humanity and traditional humanistic values that are typically seen in a positive light, such as forgiveness, individuality and empathy. Star Trek has often reflected different contemporary and relevant social issues and humanistic values, and this TV series aims to convey these issues and values to the viewer in the characterization of Hugh.Tiivistelmä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma analysoi, kuinka Borg-nimisten hahmojen hahmon kuvaus toteutetaan ja esitetään ja kuinka tämä hahmon kuvaus kehittyy scifi-televisiosarjassa Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994). Tutkimuksen tarkoitus ei ole kattaa Borgien esiintymistä koko sarjassa, vaan sen sijaan keskittyä muutamaan tutkimukselle relevanttiin jaksoon. Tutkimus keskittyy lisäksi siihen, minkälaisia teemoja Borgien esittämisellä ja hahmon kuvauksella ilmaistaan ja heijastetaan, sekä kuinka nämä tulevat esille. Borgit ovat maapallon ulkopuolinen, teknologialla vahvistettu, kyberneettinen ihmismäinen laji, jotka esitetään tyypillisesti antagonisteina Star Trekin maailmassa. Borgit esitetään tyypillisesti myös konemaisina, robotteja muistuttavina olentoina, jotka ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa jaetussa tajunnassa ja kollektiivissa. Siitä syystä Borgeilta tyypillisesti puuttuu yksilöllisyyden taju. Tutkimuksessa käytetty metodologia hahmojen analyysiin ja heidän toimimiseensa on toiminnallinen semioottinen lähestymistapa, joka on hahmopohjainen lähestymistapa elokuva- ja TV analyysiin. Hahmojen ja heidän keskinäisen vuorovaikutuksensa ymmärtämistä pidetään yhtenä tärkeimmistä elementeistä narratiivisessa ymmärryksessä ja tulkinnassa. Toiminnallista semioottista lähestymistapaa voidaan käyttää myös tarkan kehyksen luomiseen hahmojen keskinäisten suhteiden analysoinnissa. Tutkimus käyttää myös antagonistien inhimillistämisen teoriaa, johon sisältyy geopolitiikan ja empaattisen lukemisen käsitteet. Näitä käytetään täydentävänä teoreettisena kehyksenä tutkimuksen analyysissä. Antagonistin inhimillistämistä voidaan käyttää protagonistin ja antagonistin rajan sumentamiseen. Empaattinen tulkinta vaatii historiallisen kontekstin ymmärtämistä koskien ryhmää tai populaatiota, jotka tyypillisesti nähdään antagonisteina. Geopolitiikan käsitteessä nähdään, että yksittäisellä edustajalla on merkittävä rooli siinä, kuinka ulkopuoliset mieltävät ryhmän, joka tyypillisesti nähdään antagonisteina. Tutkimuksen analyysi osoittaa, että Borgit kuvataan ensin lähes tuhoutumattomana, vaarallisena uhkana ihmisille ja muille Star Trekin maailman kulttuureille, koska Borgit sulauttavat muita lajeja osaksi heidän kollektiiviaan. Borgit kuitenkin inhimillistetään ja esitetään myöhemmin monitulkinnaisella tavalla. Yksittäistä Borg-hahmoa esitetään jopa protagonistina jaksossa ”I Borg.” Tämä toteutetaan Hugh-nimisen Borgin hahmon kuvauksella sen jälkeen, kun hän erkaantuu Borgien kollektiivista. Tälle hahmolle alkaa kehittyä yksilöllisyyden tunne ja arvostus sitä kohtaan. Hugh kuvataan myös ulkopuolisena hahmona hänen esiintymisessään jaksossa ”I Borg.” Hugh kyseenalaistaa ulkopuolisena hahmona usein ihmishahmojen toimintaa ja käytöstä. Tätä käytetään sellaisten perinteisten humanististen arvojen heijastamiseen, mitkä nähdään tyypillisesti positiivisessa valossa, kuten anteeksiantaminen, yksilöllisyys ja empatia. Star Trek on usein heijastanut erilaisia aikakauden mukaisia ja relevantteja sosiaalisia ongelmia sekä humanistisia arvoja, ja tämä TV-sarja pyrkii ilmaisemaan näitä ongelmia ja arvoja katsojalle Hugh’n hahmon kuvauksella ja esittämisellä

    The Breeding Birds of Malta

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    Sultana J., Borg J.J., Gauci C. & Falzon V. (con la coll. di Cachia D., Coleiro C., Galea R. & Gauci M.), 2011. The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta, 380 pp., € 33. Acquistabile tramite www.birdlifemalta.org o www.bdlbooks.com