252 research outputs found

    Turning the Tide: A Thoughtful and Developmentally Appropriate Approach to Teaching Mathematics

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    Describes the Bank Street School for Children program and approach to teaching mathematics, including the importance of undoing math phobia, a phenomenon in our society in which math is often viewed as unappealing, mysterious, and inaccessible.https://educate.bankstreet.edu/progressive/1017/thumbnail.jp

    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with and without Incentives in a Community Mental Health Setting

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    Disruptive behavior disorders (e.g., oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder) are the leading cause of referrals for children in mental health settings. Significant advancements in the implementation and dissemination of evidence-based family therapies have yielded successful reductions in these problem behaviors while also promoting long-term outcomes. Unfortunately, effective interventions such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) are plagued with high rates of attrition and low rates of homework completion in community clinics. The current research study focused on evaluating the use of low cost incentives to increase retention and homework adherence in PCIT for a sample of low income, largely Hispanic families. Eighty-four families were randomly assigned to two groups: PCIT as usual or PCIT plus incentives. Findings indicated no significant differences between groups in rates of attendance, homework completion, or attainment of therapeutic skill mastery or graduation from treatment. Significant within-group outcomes were found for child behavior problems, internalizing and externalizing child behaviors, and parental stress, but no between-group differences were detected. A cost analysis between groups also was not significant. Exploratory analyses were conducted on factors contributing to early termination from treatment, therapy attitudes, and barriers to treatment participation. These analyses found that families who terminated from treatment early reported more difficulties with their children refusing to come to sessions, children developing new or different problems since starting treatment, and partners disagreeing with going to treatment. Additional analyses compared Hispanic and non-Hispanic families. Implications and future directions using innovative approaches to address attrition are discussed

    Substituent effects of the stability of metal chelates

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    The stability constants of the chelate compounds of a series of substituted diaroylmethanes with several divalent metals in 75 per cent by volume dioxan-water were measured. The data were treated with the Hammett relationship

    Further relationships in the grunwald treatment of acid-base equilibria in hydroxylic solvents

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    The problem under consideration is an attempt to establish a quantitative relationship among the basicities of a series of compounds. such a problem is trivial in the case in which all of the compounds of interest can be observed in the same medium. However, it frequently occurs that considerations of solubility and leveling effect of a solvent make it difficult or impossible to carry out suitable experiments. In these cases the experimenter\u27s only recourse generally has been to find a more suitable solvent

    Formulation, Casting, and Evaluation of Paraffin-Based Solid Fuels Containing Energetic and Novel Additives for Hybrid Rockets

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    This investigation studied the inclusion of various additives to paraffin wax for use in a hybrid rocket motor. Some of the paraffin-based fuels were doped with various percentages of LiAlH4 (up to 10%). Addition of LiAlH4 at 10% was found to increase regression rates between 7 - 10% over baseline paraffin through tests in a gaseous oxygen hybrid rocket motor. Mass burn rates for paraffin grains with 10% LiAlH4 were also higher than those of the baseline paraffin. RDX was also cast into a paraffin sample via a novel casting process which involved dissolving RDX into dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent and then drawing a vacuum on the mixture of paraffin and RDX/DMF in order to evaporate out the DMF. It was found that although all DMF was removed, the process was not conducive to generating small RDX particles. The slow boiling generated an inhomogeneous mixture of paraffin and RDX. It is likely that superheating the DMF to cause rapid boiling would likely reduce RDX particle sizes. In addition to paraffin/LiAlH4 grains, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) were cast in paraffin for testing in a hybrid rocket motor, and assorted samples containing a range of MWNT percentages in paraffin were imaged using SEM. The fuel samples showed good distribution of MWNT in the paraffin matrix, but the MWNT were often agglomerated, indicating that a change to the sonication and mixing processes were required to achieve better uniformity and debundled MWNT. Fuel grains with MWNT fuel grains had slightly lower regression rate, likely due to the increased thermal conductivity to the fuel subsurface, reducing the burning surface temperature

    Family-based treatments for serious juvenile offenders: A multilevel meta-analysis

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    __Objective:__ Researchers have identified several family-based treatments that hold considerable promise in reducing serious juvenile offending; however, these treatments remain underutilized by youth service systems. In the present study, we used meta-analysis to summarize the findings of research on family-based treatments for serious juvenile offenders. __Method:__ We conducted a multilevel meta-analysis that modeled dependencies between multiple effect sizes from the same study. The meta-analysis synthesized 324 effect sizes from 28 studies that met inclusion criteria. Potential moderators (e.g., characteristics of samples, treatments, methods, and measures) were entered as fixed effects in the meta-analytic model. __Results:__ Across studies, family-based treatments produced modest, yet long-lasting, treatment effects (mean d = 0.25 for antisocial behavior, 0.24 overall) relative to comparison conditions. Furthermore, certain characteristics moderated the magnitude of treatment effects; for example, measures of substance use showed the largest effects and measures of peer relationships showed the smallest effects. __Conclusions:__ Policymakers, administrators, and treatment providers may find it useful to consider the effects of family-based treatments for serious juvenile offenders in their selection of treatments for this population. In addition, investigators who seek to develop and study such treatments may wish to consider the current findings in their future research efforts