238 research outputs found

    Cancer: New needs, new models. is it time for a community oncologist? another brick in the wall

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    Over the last few decades, thanks to early detection, effective drugs, and personalized treatments, the natural history of cancer has radically changed. Thanks to these advances, we have observed how survival of cancer patients has increased, becoming an ever more important goal in cancer care. Effective clinical governance of survivorship care is essential to ensure a successful transition between active and post-treatment life, identifying optimization of healthcare outcomes and quality of life for patients as the primary objectives. For these reasons, potential intervention models must consider these differences to rationalize the available resources, including economic aspects. In this perspective, analyzing the different models proposed in the literature to manage this type of patients, we focus on the possible role of the so-called “community oncologist”. As a trained health professional, also focused on longevity, he could represent the right management solution in all those “intermediate” clinical conditions that arise between the hospital specialist, frequently overworked, and the general practitioner, often biased by the lack of specific expertise

    Genome-wide population structure, homozygosity, and heterozygosity patterns of Nero Siciliano pig in the framework of Italian and cosmopolitan breeds

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    Analysis of genomic data is becoming more and more common for the effective management of livestock breeding programmes, even in the case of local populations. In this work, the genome-wide data of Nero Siciliano pig breed were compared to that of wild boar, Italian local and cosmopolitan breeds to investigate its genetic structure, and runs of homozygosity (ROH) and heterozygosity patterns. The Nero Siciliano has been reported to have the highest rate of genetic diversity among the Italian breeds, and a genetic variability comparable to that of the cosmopolitan breeds. Analyses of genomic structure and relationships underlined its proximity to wild boar, and an internal substructure probably linked to different family lines. The breed showed a low value of inbreeding estimated from ROH, and the highest diversity index among the Italian breeds, even if lower than that of the cosmopolitans. Four ROH islands in three chromosomes (SSC8, SSC11, and SSC14) and one heterozygosity-rich region (SSC1) were identified in Nero Siciliano, highlighting genomic regions related to productive QTL. Across breeds, SSC8 and SSC14 were the chromosomes with most ROH islands, with Mora Romagnola and wild boar showing the highest level of autozygosity. Chromosomes SSC2, SSC6, SSC8 and SSC13 showed the majority of runs of heterozygosity regions, mainly found in the cosmopolitan pig breeds, which reported several genes associated with health-related QTL. The outlined results can help to better identify the genomic profile of this local breed in order to plan matings, maintain adequate internal diversity and exploit the production system

    genetic diversity and relationship among the three autochthonous sicilian donkey populations assessed by microsatellite markers

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    AbstractIn the developed countries donkey has lost its main function as draft animal because of the mechanization in agri-culture; as a consequence donkey population was greatly reduced. According to SAVE monitoring institute, three of the eight Italian endangered donkey breeds are native of Sicily (Ragusano, Pantesco, Grigio Siciliano). Urgent safeguard plans are required. The aim of this work is to investigate the distribution of genetic diversity and the relationships among the three Sicilian autochthonous donkey breeds using a set of microsatellite markers. A total of 116 blood samples (61 Ragusano, 39 Pantesco, 16 Grigio Siciliano) were collected in 9 herds all over Sicily. Representative samples of Ragusano and Grigio donkey populations consist of unrelated individuals, whereas the sample of Pantesco represents nearly the entire studbook-registered population managed by "Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Erice (TP)" in the "Azienda S. Matteo". Genomic DNA was amplified at 11 microsatellite..

    Protein fraction heterogeneity in donkey's milk analysed by proteomic methods

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    Donkey's milk is often well tolerate by patients affected by cow's milk protein allergy, probably thanks to its protein composition. This empiric evidence, confirmed by some clinical trials, needs to be better investigated. A preliminary survey on the protein fraction of donkey's milk was carried out: fifty-six individual milk samples have been collected and analysed by IEF and SDS-PAGE. Five different IEF patterns have been identified, showing a marked heterogeneity both in casein and whey protein fractions. A single IEF pattern showed an apparent reduced amount of casein fraction highlighted by SDS. Three of the five IEF patterns have been further investigated by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)

    High-density SNP markers elucidate the genetic divergence and population structure of Noticiana sheep breed in the Mediterranean context

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    Among livestock species, sheep have played an early major role in the Mediterranean area. Italy has a long history of sheep breeding and, despite a dramatic contraction in numbers, still raise several local populations that may represent a unique source of genetic diversity. The Noticiana is a breed of the south-eastern part of Sicily appreciated both for its dairy products and for its resistance to harsh environment. In this study, the high-density Illumina Ovine SNP600K BeadChip array was used for the first genome-wide characterization of 48 individuals of Noticiana sheep to investigate its diversity, the genome structure and the relationship within the context of worldwide and Italian breeds. Moreover, the runs of homozygosity (ROH) pattern and the pairwise FST-outliers were examined. Noticiana reported moderate levels of genetic diversity. The high percentage of short and medium length ROH segments (93% under 4 Mb) is indicative of a within breed relatedness dating back to ancient times, despite the absence of management for the mating plans and the reduced population size. In the worldwide context, the Southern Italian, Spanish and Albanian breeds overlapped in a macro cluster which also included the Noticiana sheep. The results highlighted ancestral genetic components of Noticiana shared with Comisana breed, and showed the clear separation from the other Italian sheep. This is likely the consequence of the combined effects of genetic drift, small population size and reproductive isolation. ROH islands and FST-outliers approaches in Noticiana identified genes and QTLs involved in milk and meat production, as well as related to the local adaptation, and therefore are consistent with the phenotypic traits of the studied breed. Although a wider sampling could be useful to deepen the genomic survey on Noticiana, these results represent a crucial starting point for the characterization of an important local genetic resource, with a view of supporting the local economy and preserving the biodiversity of the sheep species

    Mitochondrial DNA control region variation in Sanfratellano horse and two other Sicilian autochthonous breeds

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    Mitochondrial D-loop hypervariable region was analysed in 20 Sanfratellano and two other Sicilian autochthonous horse breeds (20 Sicilian Oriental Purebred and 20 Sicilian Indigenous) in order to investigate matrilineal genetic diversity. A total of 20 different haplotypes were identified sequencing a fragment of 397 bp; overall, haplotypes showed 31 polymorphic sites (7.8%). High diversity was detected in Sanfratellano (11 haplotypes) and Sicilian Indigenous (13 haplotypes), whereas only one haplotype was found in Sicilian Oriental Purebred. Sanfratellano sequences were compared with those belonging to the other Sicilian autochthonous horses and 118 sequences selected from the GenBank database in order to calculate the statistics of molecular diversity. Six haplotypes were exclusive of Sanfratellano which shares haplotype C, D, H, and O with the Sicilian Indigenous and haplotype U with the Sicilian Oriental Purebred; not significant differentiation was found between Sanfratellano and Sicilian Indigenous. BLAST search showed Sicilian haplotypes overlap with the database sequences but for three. Phylogenetic analysis did not show monophyletic group for Sanfratellano samples or the other breeds included in this analysis

    Paclitaxel, carboplatin and gemcitabine combination as induction chemotherapy for stage IIIA N2 bulky non-small cell lung cancer

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    Background: Induct ion chemotherapy followed by surgical resection or definitive radiotherapy for patients affected by stage IIIA N2 bulky non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been investigated in several trials. Patients and Methods: In this present study, 52 patients with stage IIIA N2 bulky NSCLC with cytologically or histologically confirmed mediastinal lymph node involvement received paclitaxel 175 mg/mq on day 1, carboplatin AUC 5 on day 1 and gemcitabine 1,000 mg/mq on day 1 and 8 every 3 weeks for three cycles as induction chemotherapy. Results: Objective response (4 complete remission and 36 partial remission) was achieved in 40/52 patients. No early or toxic deaths were observed. Twenty-two patients were surgically explored. Fifteen were excluded for resection for biopsy-proven residual tumour in mediastinal nodes. Complete surgical resection was performed in 15 patients with confirmed pathological downstaging. Pathological complete response was achieved in 4 patients. No surgery-related mortality or significant morbidity was reported. Adjuvant radiotherapy was delivered in 15 patients, and 30 patients received definitive radiotherapy. Conclusion: In the present study, the combination of paclitaxel, carboplatin and gemcitabine has been a safe and active regimen in poor-prognosis stage IIIA N2 bulky NSCLC

    Oral temozolomide in heavily pre-treated brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer: phase II study

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    Introduction: The primary tumour type most likely to metastasize to the brain is lung cancer. In heavily pre-treated patients, limited therapeutic option is available and the results of availability therapies reported in literature are disappointing. The present phase II study was designed to assess the efficacy and safety of temozolomide (TMZ) as palliative treatment for brain metastases (BrM) in NSCLC patients pre-treated with WBRT and at least one line of chemotherapy for metastatic brain disease. Material and methods: Temozolomide was administered orally at 150 mg/mq/day for five consecutive days for the first cycle, doses were increased to 200 mg/mq/day for 5 days every 28 days for subsequent cycles if no grade 3/4 haematological toxicity was observed. Eligibility criteria included cytological or histological confirmed NSCLC; BrM, recurrent or progressing after WBRT and at least one line of chemotherapy. A total of 30 consecutive patients entered the study and received the allocated treatment. Results: Three patients (10%) achieved an objective response (OR) of BrM with two complete remission. Stable disease and progressive disease were achieved in 3 (10%) and 24 patients (80%), respectively. A correlation between response to TMZ and sensitivity to the previous first line chemotherapy was reported. Time to progression and overall survival were examined both for responder patients and for all included patients. For long-term survivors, we considered the patients who survived >12 months after the start of TMZ. According to this definition, three patients resulted long-term survivors: 2 with OR and 1 with stable brain disease. No grades 3 or 4 toxicity occurred. The total of treatment-related adverse events were mild or moderate (G1-2) in intensity. No patients discontinued TMZ as a result of treatment-related toxicity. Discussion: The results of the present trial clearly demonstrates that TMZ is active and safe in BrM NSCLC patients previously treated with WBRT and at least one line of chemotherapy. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Hematologic toxicity of radium-223 in elderly patients with metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer: a real-life experience

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    Background: Treatment with radium-223 has been shown to increase survival and to delay skeletal events related to bone metastases of patients with metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC). This treatment has also proved to be well tolerated, and hematological toxicity, in particular anemia, represents the most represented adverse event. Materials and methods: We evaluated the hematologic toxicity of Ra-223 treatment in a real-life experience of 38 patients from two Italian cancer centers, with bone metastases from mCRPC. The main endpoint of the study was the evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of treatment with radium-223, with greater reference to hematological toxicity (especially anemia) as the cause of interruption of treatment, specifically in the elderly patient. Results: From August 2016 to October 2017, a total of 38 consecutive nonselected patients, 20 of them aged >75 years, with mCRPC symptomatic bone metastases, were enrolled for radium-223 at standard doses. Hematologic adverse events were recorded more frequently (72.4% with AE), and 36.8% had anemia. The most frequent cause of treatment discontinuation due to AEs was anemia [8/10 patients (80%)], followed by thrombocytopenia (2 patients) and neutropenia (1 patient). Hematologic AEs were more represented in elderly patients with greater disease burden and previously treated with docetaxel. Conclusions: Anemia is the most represented AE related to radium-223 treatment in elderly patients with greater disease burden and previously treated with docetaxel, besides representing the main reason for interruption of treatment. Correct patient selection, appropriate timing, and adequate supportive care are elements that could facilitate successful treatment with radium-223, preventing premature interruption of the same. The results of this experience support the opportunity to propose treatment with radium-223 mostly in patients in the earliest stages
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