36 research outputs found

    Gadda before Contini. From early projects to "Castello di Udine"

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    Questo lavoro si propone di ricostruire, dal punto di vista archivistico-documentario, filologico e critico, l'esordio letterario di Gadda, attraverso uno studio comparato di testi editi, progetti abbandonati e lavori pubblicati anni più tardi. Estremi cronologici dell'indagine sono il 1924, anno in cui Gadda, di ritorno dall'Argentina, può finalmente iniziare a dedicarsi alla scrittura, attraverso il composito cantiere operativo del cahier d'études, e seguire i corsi dell'Accademia Scientifico-letteraria; e il 1934, anno della pubblicazione del secondo volume di prose, Il castello di Udine, preceduta dall'uscita, sul fascicolo gennaio-febbraio di «Solaria», di una recensione di Gianfranco Contini, in cui viene impiegata per la prima volta la categoria letteraria di pastiche. L'analisi della prima produzione dell'autore è stata condotta adottando un approccio al tempo stesso cronologico e di genere. L'arco temporale considerato è stato scandito in due blocchi - 1924-1929 (Parte I) e 1930-1934 (Parte II) - marcati sia da vicende biografiche di rilievo, che da evidenti fratture nel percorso letterario. La prima parte si articola in tre sezioni: gli studi universitari (cap. 1), l'incontro con la dimensione narrativa (cap. 2) e le prose descrittive (cap. 3). Nel blocco cronologico successivo, prendendo a prestito le parole dello stesso scrittore, i testi obbligativi composti "su commissione" per quotidiani e riviste, sono stati distinti dai lavori di genere narrativo.This work aims to rebuild the literary beginnings of Gadda from a philological and critical point of view, by comparing published and unpublished projects. Cronological limits of the survey are the years 1924 - when the writer, back from Argentina, can finally devote himself to writing, and attend the courses of the Accademia Scientifico-Letteraria - and 1934 - when the publication of his second book, Il castello di Udine, is preceded by a review written by Gianfranco Contini, in which the category of pastiche is used for the first time. The analysis of the author's first production has been conducted with a cronologic and thematic approach. The span considered has been divided into two blocks - 1924-1929 (Part I) and 1930-1934 (Part II) - highlighted by both relevant biographic events and clear breaks in the artistic path. The first part is organized into three sections: the academic studies, the encounter with the narrative dimension, and the descriptive proses. In the second part instead the works realized on a commision basis for magazines and newspapers have been separated by those of narrative genre

    Clostridium difficile infection in children: epidemiology and risk of recurrence in a low-prevalence country

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    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is increasingly found in children worldwide, but limited data are available from children living in southern Europe. A 6-year retrospective study was performed to investigate the epidemiology, clinical features, treatment, and risk of recurrence in Italy. Data of children with community- and hospital-acquired CDI (CA-CDI and HA-CDI, respectively) seen at seven pediatric referral centers in Italy were recorded retrospectively. Annual infection rates/10,000 hospital admissions were calculated. Logistic regression was used to investigate risk factors for recurrence. A total of 177 CDI episodes was reported in 148 children (83 males, median age 55.3 months), with a cumulative infection rate of 2.25/10,000 admissions, with no significant variability over time. The majority of children (60.8 %) had CA-CDI. Children with HA-CDI (39.2 %) had a longer duration of symptoms and hospitalization (p = 0.003) and a more common previous use of antibiotics (p = 0.0001). Metronidazole was used in 70.7 % of cases (87/123) and vancomycin in 29.3 % (36/123), with similar success rates. Recurrence occurred in 16 children (10.8 %), and 3 (2 %) of them presented a further treatment failure. The use of metronidazole was associated with a 5-fold increase in the risk of recurrence [odds ratio (OR) 5.18, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.1-23.8, p = 0.03]. Short bowel syndrome was the only underlying condition associated with treatment failure (OR 5.29, 95 % CI 1.17-23.8, p = 0.03). The incidence of pediatric CDI in Italy is low and substantially stable. In this setting, there is a limited risk of recurrence, which mainly concerns children treated with oral metronidazole and those with short bowel syndrome

    Case report: Gastroenterological management in a case of cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome

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    Backgroundcardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome is a rare genetic disorder affecting less than 900 people in the world. It is mainly characterized by craniofacial, dermatologic and cardiac defects, but also gastroenterological symptoms may be present, ranging from feeding difficulties to gastroesophageal reflux and constipation.In this report we describe a case of this syndrome characterized by severe feeding and growth difficulties, with a particular focus on the management of gastroenterological complications.Case presentationthe patient was a caucasian male affected by Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous syndrome who presented feeding difficulties already a few hours after birth. These symptoms worsened in the following months and lead to a complete growth arrest and malnutrition. He was first treated with a nasogastric tube placement. Subsequently, a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and a laparoscopic Stamm gastrostomy were performed. The child was fed with nocturnal enteral nutrition and diurnal oral and enteral nutrition. Eventually the patient resumed feeding validly and regained adequate growth.Conclusionthis paper aims to bring to light a complex rare syndrome that infrequently comes to the attention of the pediatricians and whose diagnosis is not always straightforward. We also highlight the possible complications under a gastroenterologic point of view. Our contribution can be helpful to the pediatrician in the first diagnostic suspect of this syndrome. In particular, it is worth highlighting that -in an infant with Noonan-like features- symptoms like suction or swallowing problems, vomiting and feeding difficulties should orient towards the diagnosis of a Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome. It is also important to stress that its related gastroenterological issues may lead to severe growth failure and therefore the role of the gastroenterologist is key to manage supplemental feeding and to establish whether a nasogastric or gastrostomic tube placement is necessary

    Recensione a Maria Antonietta Terzoli, Commento a \u201cQuer Pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana\u201d di Carlo Emilio Gadda

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    Recensione a Maria Antonietta Terzoli Commento a \u201cQuer Pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana\u201d di Carlo Emilio Gadd

    Recensione a AA. VV., La rete dei modernismi europei

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    Recensione a AA. VV., La rete dei modernismi europei

    Recensione a Tommaso Munari, L'Einaudi in Europa

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    Recensione a Tommaso Munari, L'Einaudi in Europ

    Recensione a Mauro Bignamini, Per fatto (quasi) personale. Considerazioni su un commento al \uabPasticciaccio\ubb

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    Recensione a Mauro Bignamini, Per fatto (quasi) personale. Considerazioni su un commento al \uabPasticciaccio\ub

    Dalla «Madonna dei filosofi» al «Castello di Udine». Due raccolte gaddiane a confronto

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    This essay analyses Gadda’s first two collections of writings, La Madonna dei filosofi (1931) and Il castello di Udine (1934), both composed of texts previously edited in newspapers and magazines. Comparing two volumes published a few years apart, from the same publisher, and intended for the same, elitist, circle of readers it is possible to study the different modalities adopted by the author to approach a macro-textual structure. Whereas in Madonna dei filosofi the creation of an overall system is almost exclusively entrusted to the texts’ disposition, in Castello di Udine, numerous paratextual elements contribute to it. In particular, the rich apparatus of annotations here employed appears really interesting in the author’s approach to the genre of collection. Studi imperfetti, a sections of Madonna dei filosofi, were already equipped with a series of notes, then eliminated and still unpublished, whose aim was to clarify their structure. This effort to connect the single pieces in a homogeneous whole reaches though its climax in the notes of the second collection, attributed to the fictitious editor Feo Averrois.Questo contributo esamina le prime due raccolte gaddiane, La Madonna dei filosofi (1931) e Il castello di Udine (1934), entrambe composte da brani anticipati in rivista. Mettendo a confronto due volumi editi a pochi anni di distanza dalla stessa casa editrice e destinati alla medesima cerchia di lettori ancora elitaria, si intendono analizzare le modalità con le quali lo scrittore si approccia alla struttura macro-testuale. Mentre nella Madonna dei filosofi la creazione di un impianto complessivo è affidata quasi esclusivamente alla disposizione dei brani, nel Castello di Udine numerosi elementi paratestuali concorrono a creare un dialogo tra parti e tutto. In particolare, il ricco sistema annotativo qui impiegato si rivela di grande interesse nella parabola di avvicinamento alla forma della raccolta. Già gli Studi imperfetti, sezione della Madonna dei filosofi, erano corredati da una serie di note, poi espunte e tuttora inedite, volte a chiarirne la struttura. Questo ‘sforzo coesivo’ raggiunge però il suo compimento nelle note della seconda raccolta, attribuite al redattore fittizio Feo Averrois

    Efficiency of vermicomposting for compost of urban organic waste combined with waste of meat derivative processing of beef and pork, enriched with mineral fertilizers

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    A produção de fertilizantes organominerais envolve o uso de matéria-prima orgânica e mineral, onde as reações químicas desenvolvidas por microrganismos promovem a solubilização dos nutrientes minerais necessários à plantas. O processo de vermicompostagem da matéria orgânica é regido por reações químicas realizadas no sistema digestivo das minhocas, promovendo assim, melhora física, química e biológica do material original, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes pelas plantas. Procura-se obter uma maximização do processo de vermicompostagem, enriquecendo a matéria-prima original com fertilizantes minerais, possibilitando assim, a busca de um melhor processo de reações químicas que promova maior disponibilidade dos nutrientes minerais à plantas.The production of organomineral fertilizer involves the use of organic end mineral raw-materials where chemical reactions developed by microrganisms promote dissolving of necessary mineral nutrients for plants. The vermicomposting of organic material is ruled by chemical reactions made in the digestive system of the earthworns. In this way, that original material is improved physically, chemically and biologically and nutrient absovation by plant is made easier. Optimization of the vermicomposting is armed to be obtained. Enriching the original raw-materials with mineral fertilizers, makes the search for better process of chemical reactions that promot greater avaliability of mineral nutrients to plants

    Efficiency of vermicomposting for compost of urban organic waste combined with waste of meat derivative processing of beef and pork, enriched with mineral fertilizers

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    A produção de fertilizantes organominerais envolve o uso de matéria-prima orgânica e mineral, onde as reações químicas desenvolvidas por microrganismos promovem a solubilização dos nutrientes minerais necessários à plantas. O processo de vermicompostagem da matéria orgânica é regido por reações químicas realizadas no sistema digestivo das minhocas, promovendo assim, melhora física, química e biológica do material original, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes pelas plantas. Procura-se obter uma maximização do processo de vermicompostagem, enriquecendo a matéria-prima original com fertilizantes minerais, possibilitando assim, a busca de um melhor processo de reações químicas que promova maior disponibilidade dos nutrientes minerais à plantas.The production of organomineral fertilizer involves the use of organic end mineral raw-materials where chemical reactions developed by microrganisms promote dissolving of necessary mineral nutrients for plants. The vermicomposting of organic material is ruled by chemical reactions made in the digestive system of the earthworns. In this way, that original material is improved physically, chemically and biologically and nutrient absovation by plant is made easier. Optimization of the vermicomposting is armed to be obtained. Enriching the original raw-materials with mineral fertilizers, makes the search for better process of chemical reactions that promot greater avaliability of mineral nutrients to plants