44 research outputs found

    Renaissance Europe and the population of America

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    (1st paragraph of the article) The Renaissance has aptly been characterized as the “Age of Reconnaissance”, for behind the revival of interest in classical learning which has given its name to the age was the outpouring of energy in Western Europe that came from the creation of a new technology and new forms of organization. Improvements in ship design and navigation together with application of men and capital enabled Europe to explore deep into the oceans and to reach the shores of the greater part of the inhabited lands on the globe. For most of Asia and Africa it was a charting of coasts and exploration inland, the establishment of factories or posts on shores as foci of trade, with little conquest of the interior. Only in the Western Hemisphere did the Europeans of the Renaissance establish relatively permanent dominion far inland, subject to their rule great native states, and embark upon settlement with relatively substantial numbers. To the middle of the seventeenth century that was the effort of the Portuguese and most of all of the Spanish(1st paragraph of the article) The Renaissance has aptly been characterized as the “Age of Reconnaissance”, for behind the revival of interest in classical learning which has given its name to the age was the outpouring of energy in Western Europe that came from the creation of a new technology and new forms of organization. Improvements in ship design and navigation together with application of men and capital enabled Europe to explore deep into the oceans and to reach the shores of the greater part of the inhabited lands on the globe. For most of Asia and Africa it was a charting of coasts and exploration inland, the establishment of factories or posts on shores as foci of trade, with little conquest of the interior. Only in the Western Hemisphere did the Europeans of the Renaissance establish relatively permanent dominion far inland, subject to their rule great native states, and embark upon settlement with relatively substantial numbers. To the middle of the seventeenth century that was the effort of the Portuguese and most of all of the Spanis

    Historiografia econÎmica do dízimo agrårio na Ibero-América: os casos do Brasil e Nova Espanha, século XVIII

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    Fronteira, cana e tråfico: escravidão, doenças e mortes em Capivari, SP, 1821-1869

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    Juzgado General de Indios del PerĂș o Juzgado Particular de Indios de el cercado de Lima

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    For students of colonial institutions in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and in particular the Audiencia of Mexico, reports of the existence in Peru of a Juzgado General de Zndios del PerĂș paralleling the Juzgaclo General & Indios de la Nueva España in nature and function have presented something of a puzle

    Latin American Cities in the Eighteenth Century: A Sketch

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    En AmĂ©rique latine, au XVIIIe siĂšcle, la population double plus ou moins, et l’économie, qui s’oriente dans de nouvelles directions, est en plein essor. L’urbanisation porte l’empreinte de ces transformations. La croissance urbaine se traduit surtout, dans les nouvelles rĂ©gions ouvertes Ă  la colonisation, par la reproduction de modĂšles existants. Les villes plus anciennes connaissent une certaine expansion accompagnĂ©e d’un renforcement des fonctions urbaines. Buenos Aires, La Havane et Rio de Janeiro bĂ©nĂ©ficient de la rĂ©orientation des Ă©conomies rĂ©gionales, mais Lima ne rĂ©ussit pas Ă  progresser. Dans les villes, vieilles ou neuves, les anciens bĂątiments sont remplacĂ©s par de nouvelles constructions en matĂ©riaux plus durables et, dans les plus grandes, les habitations collectives Ă  Ă©tages multiples font leur apparition. On innove, Ă  l’instar de l’Europe : revĂȘtement des rues, Ă©clairage, Ă©gouts, etc. Nullement en reste, l’administration entreprend des rĂ©formes et la sĂ©curitĂ© sociale est rĂ©organisĂ©e afin de mieux parer aux catastrophes naturelles. On voit mĂȘme les premiers cafĂ©s, rĂ©pliques, comme en bien d’autres domaines culturels, de ceux qui existent en Europe.In Latin America the eighteenth century was a time of approximate doubling of the population and considerable economic development and reorientation of the economy. Urban settlement reflected these changes. The bulk of urban growth was by replication of existing patterns into areas of new settlement. Some expansion of older cities and heightening of urban functions took place. In the reordering of regional economies, Buenos Aires, Havana, and Rio de Janeiro profited; Lima failed to prosper. Within existing and new cities, much building replaced older structures in more durable materials, and, in the largest, multi-family, multi-storied structures appeared. Following developments in Europe, beginnings were made in paving streets, providing lighting, installing drains, and so-forth. In similar wise, administration adopted new forms and social welfare was reorganized for more efficient response to natural disasters. Cultural models, copied from Europe, even included the beginning of cafĂ©s

    Juzgado General de Indios del PerĂș o Juzgado Particular de Indios de el cercado de Lima

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    For students of colonial institutions in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and in particular the Audiencia of Mexico, reports of the existence in Peru of a Juzgado General de Zndios del PerĂș paralleling the Juzgaclo General & Indios de la Nueva España in nature and function have presented something of a puzle

    HipĂłlito Villarroel: some unanswered questions

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    The aura of mystery surrounding the Enfermedades politicas que padece la capital de esta Nueva España and its author has been dispelled only in part by the research of half a century. Composed two hundred years ago, the work is an acid description of Mexico in the closing years of the Bourbon administration, brilliantly written and displaying an intimate knowledge of Church, state, and people. For a century it was known, except to readers of the manuscript copies, only in the less than faithf..