382 research outputs found

    The effect of host population heterogeneity on epidemic outbreaks

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    In the first part of this paper, we review old and new results about the influence of host population heterogeneity on (various characteristics of) epidemic outbreaks. In the second part we highlight a modelling issue that so far has received little attention: how do contact patterns, and hence transmission opportunities, depend on the size and the composition of the host population? Without any claim on completeness, we offer a range of potential (quasi-mechanistic) submodels. The overall aim of the paper is to describe the state-of-the-art and to catalyse new work.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    The effect of host population heterogeneity on epidemic outbreaks

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    In the first part of this paper, we review old and new results about the influence of host population heterogeneity on (various characteristics of) epidemic outbreaks. In the second part we highlight a modelling issue that so far has received little attention: how do contact patterns, and hence transmission opportunities, depend on the size and the composition of the host population? Without any claim on completeness, we offer a range of potential (quasi-mechanistic) submodels. The overall aim of the paper is to describe the state-of-the-art and to catalyse new work

    Transmission routes of antibiotic resistant bacteria : a systematic review

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    Background: Quantification of acquisition routes of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) is pivotal for understanding transmission dynamics and designing cost-effective interventions. Different methods have been used to quantify the importance of transmission routes, such as relative risks, odds ratios (OR), genomic comparisons and basic reproduction numbers. We systematically reviewed reported estimates on acquisition routes’ contributions of ARB in humans, animals, water and the environment and assessed the methods used to quantify the importance of transmission routes. Methods: PubMed and EMBASE were searched, resulting in 6054 articles published up until January 1st, 2019. Full text screening was performed on 525 articles and 277 are included. Results: We extracted 718 estimates with S. aureus (n = 273), E. coli (n = 157) and Enterobacteriaceae (n = 99) being studied most frequently. Most estimates were derived from statistical methods (n = 560), mainly expressed as risks (n = 246) and ORs (n = 239), followed by genetic comparisons (n = 85), modelling (n = 62) and dosage of ARB ingested (n = 17). Transmission routes analysed most frequently were occupational exposure (n = 157), travelling (n = 110) and contacts with carriers (n = 83). Studies were mostly performed in the United States (n = 142), the Netherlands (n = 87) and Germany (n = 60). Comparison of methods was not possible as studies using different methods to estimate the same route were lacking. Due to study heterogeneity not all estimates by the same method could be pooled. Conclusion: Despite an abundance of published data the relative importance of transmission routes of ARB has not been accurately quantified. Links between exposure and acquisition are often present, but the frequency of exposure is missing, which disables estimation of transmission routes’ importance. To create effective policies reducing ARB, estimates of transmission should be weighed by the frequency of exposure occurrence

    gplas : a comprehensive tool for plasmid analysis using short-read graphs

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    aSummary: Plasmids can horizontally transmit genetic traits, enabling rapid bacterial adaptation to new environments and hosts. Short-read whole-genome sequencing data are often applied to large-scale bacterial comparative genomics projects but the reconstruction of plasmids from these data is facing severe limitations, such as the inability to distinguish plasmids from each other in a bacterial genome. We developed gplas, a new approach to reliably separate plasmid contigs into discrete components using sequence composition, coverage, assembly graph information and network partitioning based on a pruned network of plasmid unitigs. Gplas facilitates the analysis of large numbers of bacterial isolates and allows a detailed analysis of plasmid epidemiology based solely on short-read sequence data.Peer reviewe

    Modelling the impact of preventive measures on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools in the Netherlands

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    Het model onderzoekt het effect op het aantal besmettingen in scholen (docenten en leerlingen) en vaccinatie (van docenten en leerlingen) bij halve en bij volledige bezetting van de school. Het model beschrijft een gemiddelde school in het voortgezet onderwijs

    Genome-wide association reveals host-specific genomic traits in Escherichia coli

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    Background Escherichia coli is an opportunistic pathogen which colonizes various host species. However, to what extent genetic lineages of E. coli are adapted or restricted to specific hosts and the genomic determinants of such adaptation or restriction is poorly understood. Results We randomly sampled E. coli isolates from four countries (Germany, UK, Spain, and Vietnam), obtained from five host species (human, pig, cattle, chicken, and wild boar) over 16 years, from both healthy and diseased hosts, to construct a collection of 1198 whole-genome sequenced E. coli isolates. We identified associations between specific E. coli lineages and the host from which they were isolated. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified several E. coli genes that were associated with human, cattle, or chicken hosts, whereas no genes associated with the pig host could be found. In silico characterization of nine contiguous genes (collectively designated as nan-9) associated with the human host indicated that these genes are involved in the metabolism of sialic acids (Sia). In contrast, the previously described sialic acid regulon known as sialoregulon (i.e. nanRATEK-yhcH, nanXY, and nanCMS) was not associated with any host species. In vitro growth experiments with a Δnan-9 E. coli mutant strain, using the sialic acids 5-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) as sole carbon source, showed impaired growth behaviour compared to the wild-type. Conclusions This study provides an extensive analysis of genetic determinants which may contribute to host specificity in E. coli. Our findings should inform risk analysis and epidemiological monitoring of (antimicrobial resistant) E. coli

    Time is of the essence: impact of delays on effectiveness of contact tracing for COVID-19, a modelling study

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    Summary Background With confirmed cases of COVID-19 declining in many countries, lockdown measures are gradually being lifted. However, even if most social distancing measures are continued, other public health measures will be needed to control the epidemic. Contact tracing via conventional methods or mobile app technology is central to control strategies during deescalation of social distancing. We aimed to identify key factors for a contact tracing strategy (CTS) to be successful. Methods We evaluated the impact of timeliness and completeness in various steps of a CTS using a stochastic mathematical model with explicit time delays between time of infection and symptom onset, and between symptom onset, diagnosis by testing, and isolation (testing delay). The model also includes tracing of close contacts (e.g. household members) and casual contacts, followed by testing regardless of symptoms and isolation if positive, with different delays (tracing delay) and coverages (tracing coverage). We computed effective reproduction numbers of a CTS (R cts ) for a population with social distancing measures and various scenarios for isolation of index cases and tracing and quarantine of its contacts. Findings For the best-case scenario (testing and tracing delays of 0 days and tracing coverage of 80%), and assuming that around 40% of transmission occur before symptom onset, the model predicts that the effective reproduction number of 1.2 (with social distancing only) will be reduced to 0.8 by adding contact tracing. A testing delay of 2 days requires tracing delay to be at most 1 day, or tracing coverage to be at least 80% to keep R cts below 1. With a testing/isolation delay of 3 days, even the most efficient CTS cannot reach R cts values below 1. The effect of minimizing tracing delay (e.g., with app-based technology) declines with decreasing coverage of app use, but app-based tracing alone remains more effective than conventional tracing alone even with 20% coverage. The proportion of transmissions per index case that can be prevented depends on testing and tracing delays, and ranges from up to 80% in the best-case scenario (testing and tracing delays of 0 days) to 42% with a 3-day testing delay and 18% with a 5-day testing delay. Interpretation In our model, minimizing testing delay had the largest impact on reducing onward transmissions. Optimizing testing and tracing coverage and minimizing tracing delays, for instance with app-based technology, further enhanced CTS effectiveness, with a potential to prevent up to 80% of all transmissions. Access to testing should therefore be optimized, and mobile app technology may reduce delays in the CTS process and optimize contact tracing coverage. Research in context Evidence before this study We searched PubMed, bioRxiv, and medRxiv for articles published in English from January 1, 2020, to June 20, 2020, with the following keywords: (“2019-nCoV” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “COVID-19” OR “SARS-CoV-2”) AND “contact tracing” AND “model*”. Population-level modelling studies of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have suggested that isolation and tracing alone might not be sufficient to control outbreaks and additional measures might be required. However, few studies have focused on the effects of lifting individual measures once the first wave of the epidemic has been controlled. Lifting measures must be accompanied by effective contact tracing strategies (CTS) in order to keep the effective reproduction number below 1. A detailed analysis, with special emphasis on the effects of time delays in testing of index patients and tracing of contacts, has not been done. Added value of this study We performed a systematic analysis of the various steps required in the process of testing and diagnosing an index case as well as tracing and isolating possible secondary cases of the index case. We then used a stochastic transmission model which makes a distinction between close contacts (e.g. household members) and casual contacts to assess which steps and (possible) delays are crucial in determining the effectiveness of CTS. We evaluated how delays and the level of contact tracing coverage influence the effective reproduction number, and how fast CTS needs to be to keep the reproduction number below 1. We also analyzed what proportion of onward transmission can be prevented for short delays and high contact tracing coverage. Assuming that around 40% of transmission occurs before symptom onset, we found that keeping the time between symptom onset and testing and isolation of an index case short (Implications of all the available evidence Our analyses highlight that CTS will only contribute to containment of COVID-19 if it can be organised in a way that time delays in the process from symptom onset to isolation of the index case and his/her contacts are very short. The process of conventional contact tracing should be reviewed and streamlined, while mobile app technology may offer a tool for gaining speed in the process. Reducing delay in testing subjects for SARS-CoV-2 should be a key objective of CTS
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