213 research outputs found

    Structure and superconductivity of LiFeAs

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    The lithium ions in Lithium iron arsenide phases with compositions close to LiFeAs have been located using powder neutron diffraction. These phases exhibit superconductivity at temperatures at least as high as 16 K demonstrating that superconductivity in compounds with [FeAs]- anti-PbO-type anionic layers occurs in compounds with at least three different structure types and occurs for a wide range of As-Fe-As bond angles.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Restoration of the third law in spin ice thin films.

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    A characteristic feature of spin ice is its apparent violation of the third law of thermodynamics. This leads to a number of interesting properties including the emergence of an effective vacuum for magnetic monopoles and their currents - magnetricity. Here we add a new dimension to the experimental study of spin ice by fabricating thin epitaxial films of Dy2Ti2O7, varying between 5 and 60 monolayers on an inert substrate. The films show the distinctive characteristics of spin ice at temperatures >2 K, but at lower temperature we find evidence of a zero entropy state. This restoration of the third law in spin ice thin films is consistent with a predicted strain-induced ordering of a very unusual type, previously discussed for analogous electrical systems. Our results show how the physics of frustrated pyrochlore magnets such as spin ice may be significantly modified in thin-film samples

    Magnetic monopole density and antiferromagnetic domain control in spin-ice iridates.

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    Magnetically frustrated systems provide fertile ground for complex behaviour, including unconventional ground states with emergent symmetries, topological properties, and exotic excitations. A canonical example is the emergence of magnetic-charge-carrying quasiparticles in spin-ice compounds. Despite extensive work, a reliable experimental indicator of the density of these magnetic monopoles is yet to be found. Using measurements on single crystals of Ho2Ir2O7 combined with dipolar Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the isothermal magnetoresistance is highly sensitive to the monopole density. Moreover, we uncover an unexpected and strong coupling between the monopoles on the holmium sublattice and the antiferromagnetically ordered iridium ions. These results pave the way towards a quantitative experimental measure of monopole density and demonstrate the ability to control antiferromagnetic domain walls using a uniform external magnetic field, a key goal in the design of next-generation spintronic devices

    Thermally induced rotation of 3d orbital stripes in Pr(Sr0.1Ca0.9)(2)Mn2O7

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    We have investigated orbital ordering in the bilayer manganite, Pr(Sr0.1Ca0.9)2Mn2O7, using synchrotron x-ray diffraction techniques, in particular resonant soft x-ray diffraction. Diffraction signals are observed at (0,12,0) above 300 K and (12,0,0) below 300 K, corresponding to orbital stripes along the a and b axes, respectively. The previously observed transition at 300 K is evidence of a rotation of the orientation of the 3d orbital stripes. Large resonances of the orbital signals are observed at the Mn L edges, with a complex dependence on incident photon energy indicative of a weakly Jahn-Teller distorted system. A structural transition observed at 92 K is found not to involve a further change in the orbital order

    All-in all-out magnetic order and propagating spin-waves in Sm2Ir2O7

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    Using resonant magnetic x-ray scattering we address the unresolved nature of the magnetic groundstate and the low-energy effective Hamiltonian of Sm2Ir2O7, a prototypical pyrochlore iridate with a finite temperature metal-insulator transition. Through a combination of elastic and inelastic measurements, we show that the magnetic ground state is an all-in all-out (AIAO) antiferromagnet. The magnon dispersion indicates significant electronic correlations and can be well-described by a minimal Hamiltonian that includes Heisenberg exchange (J = 27:3(6) meV) and Dzyaloshinskii- Moriya interaction (D = 4:9(3) meV), which provides a consistent description of the magnetic order and excitations. In establishing that Sm2Ir2O7 has the requisite inversion symmetry preserv- ing AIAO magnetic groundstate, our results support the notion that pyrochlore iridates may host correlated Weyl semimetals

    Direct evidence for charge stripes in a layered cobalt oxide

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    Recent experiments indicate that static stripe-like charge order is generic to the hole-doped copper oxide superconductors and competes with superconductivity. Here we show that a similar type of charge order is present in La5/3 Sr1/3 CoO4 , an insulating analogue of the copper oxide superconductors containing cobalt in place of copper. The stripe phase we have detected is accompanied by short-range, quasi-one-dimensional, antiferromagnetic order, and provides a natural explanation for the distinctive hour- glass shape of the magnetic spectrum previously observed in neutron scattering mea- surements of La2−xSrx CoO4 and many hole-doped copper oxide superconductors. The results establish a solid empirical basis for theories of the hourglass spectrum built on short-range, quasi-static, stripe correlations

    Real Space Imaging of Spin Stripe Domain Fluctuations in a Complex Oxide

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    Understanding the formation and dynamics of charge and spin-ordered states in low-dimensional transition metal oxide materials is crucial to understanding unconventional high-temperature superconductivity. La2−xSrxNiO4þδ (LSNO) has attracted much attention due to its interesting spin dynamics. Recent x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy studies have revealed slow dynamics of the spin order (SO) stripes in LSNO. Here, we applied resonant soft x-ray ptychography to map the spatial distribution of the SO stripe domain inhomogeneity in real space. The reconstructed images show the SO domains are spatially anisotropic, in agreement with previous diffraction studies. For the SO stripe domains, it is found that the correlation lengths along different directions are strongly coupled in space. Surprisingly, fluctuations were observed in the real space amplitude signal, rather than the phase or position. We attribute the observed slow dynamics of the stripe domains in LSNO to thermal fluctuations of the SO domain boundaries

    Circularly Polarized X Rays as a Probe of Noncollinear Magnetic Order in Multiferroic TbMnO3 (vol 102, 237205, 2009)

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    Erratum: Circularly Polarized X Rays as a Probe of Noncollinear Magnetic Order in Multiferroic TbMnO3 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 237205 (2009)
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