159 research outputs found

    Inhibition of TXNRD or SOD1 overcomes NRF2-mediated resistance to Ī²-lapachone

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    Alterations in the NRF2/KEAP1 pathway result in the constitutive activation of NRF2, leading to the aberrant induction of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes, including NQO1. The NQO1 bioactivatable agent Ī²-lapachone can target cells with high NQO1 expression but relies in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are actively scavenged in cells with NRF2/KEAP1 mutations. However, whether NRF2/KEAP1 mutations influence the response to Ī²-lapachone treatment remains unknown. To address this question, we assessed the cytotoxicity of Ī²-lapachone in a panel of NSCLC cell lines bearing either wild-type or mutant KEAP1. We found that, despite overexpression of NQO1, KEAP1 mutant cells were resistant to Ī²-lapachone due to enhanced detoxification of ROS, which prevented DNA damage and cell death. To evaluate whether specific inhibition of the NRF2-regulated antioxidant enzymes could abrogate resistance to Ī²-lapachone, we systematically inhibited the four major antioxidant cellular systems using genetic and/or pharmacologic approaches. We demonstrated that inhibition of the thioredoxin-dependent system or copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) could abrogate NRF2-mediated resistance to Ī²-lapachone, while depletion of catalase or glutathione was ineffective. Interestingly, inhibition of SOD1 selectively sensitized KEAP1 mutant cells to Ī²-lapachone exposure. Our results suggest that NRF2/KEAP1 mutational status might serve as a predictive biomarker for response to NQO1-bioactivatable quinones in patients. Further, our results suggest SOD1 inhibition may have potential utility in combination with other ROS inducers in patients with KEAP1/NRF2 mutations

    Cytology for PD-L1 testing : A systematic review

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    Medical writing support, which was in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines, was provided by Craig Turner, MSc, of Cirrus Communications (Macclesfield, UK), an Ashfield company, and was funded by AstraZenecaPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Microbial impacts on 99mTc migration through sandstone under highly alkaline conditions relevant to radioactive waste disposal

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    Geological disposal of intermediate level radioactive waste in the UK is planned to involve the use of cementitious materials, facilitating the formation of an alkali-disturbed zone within the host rock. The biogeochemical processes that will occur in this environment, and the extent to which they will impact on radionuclide migration, are currently poorly understood. This study investigates the impact of biogeochemical processes on the mobility of the radionuclide technetium, in column experiments designed to be representative of aspects of the alkali-disturbed zone. Results indicate that microbial processes were capable of inhibiting 99mTc migration through columns, and X-ray radiography demonstrated that extensive physical changes had occurred to the material within columns where microbiological activity had been stimulated. The utilisation of organic acids under highly alkaline conditions, generating H2 and CO2, may represent a mechanism by which microbial processes may alter the hydraulic conductivity of a geological environment. Column sediments were dominated by obligately alkaliphilic H2-oxidising bacteria, suggesting that the enrichment of these bacteria may have occurred as a result of H2 generation during organic acid metabolism. The results from these experiments show that microorganisms are able to carry out a number of processes under highly alkaline conditions that could potentially impact on the properties of the host rock surrounding a geological disposal facility for intermediate level radioactive waste

    Extracting Gene Networks for Low-Dose Radiation Using Graph Theoretical Algorithms

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    Genes with common functions often exhibit correlated expression levels, which can be used to identify sets of interacting genes from microarray data. Microarrays typically measure expression across genomic space, creating a massive matrix of co-expression that must be mined to extract only the most relevant gene interactions. We describe a graph theoretical approach to extracting co-expressed sets of genes, based on the computation of cliques. Unlike the results of traditional clustering algorithms, cliques are not disjoint and allow genes to be assigned to multiple sets of interacting partners, consistent with biological reality. A graph is created by thresholding the correlation matrix to include only the correlations most likely to signify functional relationships. Cliques computed from the graph correspond to sets of genes for which significant edges are present between all members of the set, representing potential members of common or interacting pathways. Clique membership can be used to infer function about poorly annotated genes, based on the known functions of better-annotated genes with which they share clique membership (i.e., ā€œguilt-by-associationā€). We illustrate our method by applying it to microarray data collected from the spleens of mice exposed to low-dose ionizing radiation. Differential analysis is used to identify sets of genes whose interactions are impacted by radiation exposure. The correlation graph is also queried independently of clique to extract edges that are impacted by radiation. We present several examples of multiple gene interactions that are altered by radiation exposure and thus represent potential molecular pathways that mediate the radiation response

    Targeting NAD+ Metabolism to Enhance Radiation Therapy Responses

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    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) metabolism is integrally connected with the mechanisms of action of radiation therapy and is altered in many radiation-resistant tumors. This makes NAD+ metabolism an ideal target for therapies that increase radiation sensitivity and improve patient outcomes. This review provides an overview of NAD+ metabolism in the context of the cellular response to ionizing radiation, as well as current therapies that target NAD+ metabolism to enhance radiation therapy responses. Additionally, we summarize state-of-the-art methods for measuring, modeling, and manipulating NAD+ metabolism, which are being used to identify novel targets in the NAD+ metabolic network for therapeutic interventions in combination with radiation therapy

    Oncogene advance online publication

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    Inadvertent mammalian tissue exposures to low doses of ionizing radiation (IR) after radiation accidents, remediation of radioactive-contaminated areas, space travel or a dirty bomb represent an interesting trauma to an organism. Possible low-dose IR-induced bystander effects could impact our evaluation of human health effects, as cells within tissue are not equally damaged after doses of IR p10 cGy. To understand tissue responses after low IR doses, we generated a reporter system using the human clusterin promoter fused to firefly luciferase (hCLUp-Luc). Secretory clusterin (sCLU), an extracellular molecular chaperone, induced by low doses of cytotoxic agents, clears cell debris. Low-dose IR (X2 cGy) exposure induced hCLUp-Luc activity with peak levels at 96 h, consistent with endogenous sCLU levels. As doses increased (X1 Gy), sCLU induction amplitudes increased and time-to-peak response decreased. sCLU expression was stimulated by insulin-like growth factor-1, but suppressed by p53. Responses in transgenic hCLUp-Luc reporter mice after low IR doses showed that specific tissues (that is, colon, spleen, mammary, thymus and bone marrow) of female mice induced hCLUp-Luc activity more than male mice after whole body (X10 cGy) irradiation. Tissue-specific, non-linear dose-and time-responses of hCLUp-Luc and endogenous sCLU levels were noted. Colon maintained homeostatic balance after 10 cGy. Bone marrow responded with delayed, but prolonged and elevated expression. Intraperitoneal administration of a-transforming growth factor (TGF)b1 (1D11), but not control (13C4) antibodies, immediately following IR exposure abrogated CLU induction responses. Induction in vivo also correlated with Smad signaling by activated TGFb1 after IR. Mechanistically, media with elevated sCLU levels suppressed signaling, blocked apoptosis and increased survival of TGFb1-exposed tumor or normal cells. Thus, sCLU is a pro-survival bystander factor that abrogates TGFb1 signaling and most likely promotes wound healing

    Retargeted adenoviruses for radiation-guided gene delivery

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    The combination of radiation with radiosensitizing gene delivery or oncolytic viruses promises to provide an advantage that could improve the therapeutic results for glioblastoma. X-rays can induce significant molecular changes in cancer cells. We isolated the GIRLRG peptide that binds to radiation-inducible 78ā€‰kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), which is overexpressed on the plasma membranes of irradiated cancer cells and tumor-associated microvascular endothelial cells. The goal of our study was to improve tumor-specific adenovirus-mediated gene delivery by selectively targeting the adenovirus binding to this radiation-inducible protein. We employed an adenoviral fiber replacement approach to conduct a study of the targeting utility of GRP78-binding peptide. We have developed fiber-modified adenoviruses encoding the GRP78-binding peptide inserted into the fiber-fibritin. We have evaluated the reporter gene expression of fiber-modified adenoviruses in vitro using a panel of glioma cells and a human D54MG tumor xenograft model. The obtained results demonstrated that employment of the GRP78-binding peptide resulted in increased gene expression in irradiated tumors following infection with fiber-modified adenoviruses, compared with untreated tumor cells. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of adenoviral retargeting using the GRP78-binding peptide that selectively recognizes tumor cells responding to radiation treatment
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