726 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of oligonucleotides containing an O6 -deoxyguanosine-alkyl-O6 -deoxyguanosine interstrand cross-link

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    Studies have shown that resistance to bifunctional alkylating agents used in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia can result in diminished effectiveness of these therapeutics. To further understand this process we have developed clinically relevant models of cross-linked DNA duplexes to study the structure and repair of lesions induced by the bifunctional alkylating agents: busulfan and hepsulfam. To emulate the known deoxyguanosine- N 7 -alkyl- N 7 -deoxyguanosine lesion formed by hepsulfam and the unidentified lesion(s) formed by busulfan, we have designed three synthetic approaches leading to the synthesis of six stable deoxyguanosine dimers. General mono, bi and tripartite syntheses were developed for the preparation of 1,1 and l,3-deoxyguanosine- O 6 -alkyl- O 6 -deoxyguanosine cross-links employing 'fast-deprotecting' phenoxyacetyl protection at the N 2 position for facile removal. The O 6 -alkyl couplings are performed via a Mitsunobu reaction between a nucleoside and a mono-protected diol. The phosphoramidites of synthesized dimers were incorporated into one helical turn and 'sticky-end' DNA duplexes via solid-phase synthesis employing a DNA synthesizer. All duplexes were of defined structure and sequence for the purpose of further conformational analysis and enzymatic repair studies. Sequence composition was confirmed via enzymatic digestion and purity by subsequent HPLC analysis. A variety of methods including ultraviolet transition thermal denaturation (T m ), circular dichroism (CD) and gel electrophoretic studies were employed to characterize the cross-linked duplexes. CD and T m studies suggest little deformation from native B-form conformation for the hepsulfam mimics. Sufficient quantities of the mono and bipartate heptyl cross-linked duplexes were obtained for various structural studies with required quantities for biological investigations obtained for the monopartate synthesis

    Pair creation of anti-de Sitter black holes on a cosmic string background

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    We analyze the quantum process in which a cosmic string breaks in an anti-de Sitter (AdS) background, and a pair of charged or neutral black holes is produced at the ends of the strings. The energy to materialize and accelerate the pair comes from the strings tension. In an AdS background this is the only study done in the process of production of a pair of correlated black holes with spherical topology. The acceleration AA of the produced black holes is necessarily greater than (|L|/3)^(1/2), where L<0 is the cosmological constant. Only in this case the virtual pair of black holes can overcome the attractive background AdS potential well and become real. The instantons that describe this process are constructed through the analytical continuation of the AdS C-metric. Then, we explicitly compute the pair creation rate of the process, and we verify that (as occurs with pair creation in other backgrounds) the pair production of nonextreme black holes is enhanced relative to the pair creation of extreme black holes by a factor of exp(Area/4), where Area is the black hole horizon area. We also conclude that the general behavior of the pair creation rate with the mass and acceleration of the black holes is similar in the AdS, flat and de Sitter cases, and our AdS results reduce to the ones of the flat case when L=0.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, ReVTeX

    Localization by disorder in the infrared conductivity of (Y,Pr)Ba2Cu3O7 films

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    The ab-plane reflectivity of (Y{1-x}Prx)Ba2Cu3O7 thin films was measured in the 30-30000 cm-1 range for samples with x = 0 (Tc = 90 K), x = 0.4 (Tc = 35 K) and x = 0.5 (Tc = 19 K) as a function of temperature in the normal state. The effective charge density obtained from the integrated spectral weight decreases with increasing x. The variation is consistent with the higher dc resistivity for x = 0.4, but is one order of magnitude smaller than what would be expected for x = 0.5. In the latter sample, the conductivity is dominated at all temperatures by a large localization peak. Its magnitude increases as the temperature decreases. We relate this peak to the dc resistivity enhancement. A simple localization-by-disorder model accounts for the optical conductivity of the x = 0.5 sample.Comment: 7 pages with (4) figures include

    The extremal limits of the C-metric: Nariai, Bertotti-Robinson and anti-Nariai C-metrics

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    In two previous papers we have analyzed the C-metric in a background with a cosmological constant, namely the de Sitter (dS) C-metric, and the anti-de Sitter (AdS) C-metric, following the work of Kinnersley and Walker for the flat C-metric. These exact solutions describe a pair of accelerated black holes in the flat or cosmological constant background, with the acceleration A being provided by a strut in-between that pushes away the two black holes. In this paper we analyze the extremal limits of the C-metric in a background with generic cosmological constant. We follow a procedure first introduced by Ginsparg and Perry in which the Nariai solution, a spacetime which is the direct topological product of the 2-dimensional dS and a 2-sphere, is generated from the four-dimensional dS-Schwarzschild solution by taking an appropriate limit, where the black hole event horizon approaches the cosmological horizon. Similarly, one can generate the Bertotti-Robinson metric from the Reissner-Nordstrom metric by taking the limit of the Cauchy horizon going into the event horizon of the black hole, as well as the anti-Nariai by taking an appropriate solution and limit. Using these methods we generate the C-metric counterparts of the Nariai, Bertotti-Robinson and anti-Nariai solutions, among others. One expects that the solutions found in this paper are unstable and decay into a slightly non-extreme black hole pair accelerated by a strut or by strings. Moreover, the Euclidean version of these solutions mediate the quantum process of black hole pair creation, that accompanies the decay of the dS and AdS spaces

    Significance testing testate amoeba water table reconstructions

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    Transfer functions are valuable tools in palaeoecology, but their output may not always be meaningful. A recently-developed statistical test ('randomTF') offers the potential to distinguish among reconstructions which are more likely to be useful, and those less so. We applied this test to a large number of reconstructions of peatland water table depth based on testate amoebae. Contrary to our expectations, a substantial majority (25 of 30) of these reconstructions gave non-significant results (P > 0.05). The underlying reasons for this outcome are unclear. We found no significant correlation between randomTF P-value and transfer function performance, the properties of the training set and reconstruction, or measures of transfer function fit. These results give cause for concern but we believe it would be extremely premature to discount the results of non-significant reconstructions. We stress the need for more critical assessment of transfer function output, replication of results and ecologically-informed interpretation of palaeoecological data

    Strong Decays of Strange Quarkonia

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    In this paper we evaluate strong decay amplitudes and partial widths of strange mesons (strangeonia and kaonia) in the 3P0 decay model. We give numerical results for all energetically allowed open-flavor two-body decay modes of all nsbar and ssbar strange mesons in the 1S, 2S, 3S, 1P, 2P, 1D and 1F multiplets, comprising strong decays of a total of 43 resonances into 525 two-body modes, with 891 numerically evaluated amplitudes. This set of resonances includes all strange qqbar states with allowed strong decays expected in the quark model up to ca. 2.2 GeV. We use standard nonrelativistic quark model SHO wavefunctions to evaluate these amplitudes, and quote numerical results for all amplitudes present in each decay mode. We also discuss the status of the associated experimental candidates, and note which states and decay modes would be especially interesting for future experimental study at hadronic, e+e- and photoproduction facilities. These results should also be useful in distinguishing conventional quark model mesons from exotica such as glueballs and hybrids through their strong decays.Comment: 69 pages, 5 figures, 39 table

    Effective Lagrangian Approach to the Theory of Eta Photoproduction in the N(1535)N^{*}(1535) Region

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    We investigate eta photoproduction in the N(1535)N^{*}(1535) resonance region within the effective Lagrangian approach (ELA), wherein leading contributions to the amplitude at the tree level are taken into account. These include the nucleon Born terms and the leading tt-channel vector meson exchanges as the non-resonant pieces. In addition, we consider five resonance contributions in the ss- and uu- channel; besides the dominant N(1535)N^{*}(1535), these are: N(1440),N(1520),N(1650)N^{*}(1440),N^{*}(1520),N^{*}(1650) and N(1710)N^{*}(1710). The amplitudes for the π\pi^\circ and the η\eta photoproduction near threshold have significant differences, even as they share common contributions, such as those of the nucleon Born terms. Among these differences, the contribution to the η\eta photoproduction of the ss-channel excitation of the N(1535)N^{*}(1535) is the most significant. We find the off-shell properties of the spin-3/2 resonances to be important in determining the background contributions. Fitting our effective amplitude to the available data base allows us to extract the quantity χΓηA1/2/ΓT\sqrt{\chi \Gamma_\eta} A_{1/2}/\Gamma_T, characteristic of the photoexcitation of the N(1535)N^{*}(1535) resonance and its decay into the η\eta-nucleon channel, of interest to precise tests of hadron models. At the photon point, we determine it to be (2.2±0.2)×101GeV1(2.2\pm 0.2)\times 10^{-1} GeV^{-1} from the old data base, and (2.2±0.1)×101GeV1(2.2\pm 0.1) \times 10^{-1} GeV^{-1} from a combination of old data base and new Bates data. We obtain the helicity amplitude for N(1535)γpN^{*}(1535)\rightarrow \gamma p to be A1/2=(97±7)×103GeV1/2A_{1/2}=(97\pm 7)\times 10^{-3} GeV^{-1/2} from the old data base, and A1/2=(97±6)×103GeV1/2A_{1/2}=(97\pm 6)\times 10^{-3} GeV^{-1/2} from the combination of the old data base and new Bates data, compared with the results of the analysis of pion photoproduction yielding 74±1174\pm 11, in the same units.Comment: 43 pages, RevTeX, 9 figures available upon request, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    P-wave excited baryons from pion- and photo-induced hyperon production

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    We report evidence for N(1710)P11N(1710)P_{11}, N(1875)P11N(1875)P_{11}, N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13}, Δ(1600)P33\Delta(1600)P_{33}, Δ(1910)P31\Delta(1910)P_{31}, and Δ(1920)P33\Delta(1920)P_{33}, and find indications that N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13} might have a companion state at 1970\,MeV. The controversial Δ(1750)P31\Delta(1750)P_{31} is not seen. The evidence is derived from a study of data on pion- and photo-induced hyperon production, but other data are included as well. Most of the resonances reported here were found in the Karlsruhe-Helsinki (KH84) and the Carnegie-Mellon (CM) analyses but were challenged recently by the Data Analysis Center at GWU. Our analysis is constrained by the energy independent πN\pi N scattering amplitudes from either KH84 or GWU. The two πN\pi N amplitudes from KH84 or GWU, respectively, lead to slightly different πN\pi N branching ratios of contributing resonances but the debated resonances are required in both series of fits.Comment: 22 pages, 28 figures. Some additional sets of data are adde

    Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays of Charm and Bottom Hadrons

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    We review the experimental measurements and theoretical descriptions of leptonic and semileptonic decays of particles containing a single heavy quark, either charm or bottom. Measurements of bottom semileptonic decays are used to determine the magnitudes of two fundamental parameters of the standard model, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements VcbV_{cb} and VubV_{ub}. These parameters are connected with the physics of quark flavor and mass, and they have important implications for the breakdown of CP symmetry. To extract precise values of Vcb|V_{cb}| and Vub|V_{ub}| from measurements, however, requires a good understanding of the decay dynamics. Measurements of both charm and bottom decay distributions provide information on the interactions governing these processes. The underlying weak transition in each case is relatively simple, but the strong interactions that bind the quarks into hadrons introduce complications. We also discuss new theoretical approaches, especially heavy-quark effective theory and lattice QCD, which are providing insights and predictions now being tested by experiment. An international effort at many laboratories will rapidly advance knowledge of this physics during the next decade.Comment: This review article will be published in Reviews of Modern Physics in the fall, 1995. This file contains only the abstract and the table of contents. The full 168-page document including 47 figures is available at http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu/papers/slrevtex.p