2,744 research outputs found

    Peer Participation and Software

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    An examination of Mozilla's unique approach to software development considers how this model of participation might be applied to political and civic engagement. Firefox, a free Web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation, is used by an estimated 270 million people worldwide. To maintain and improve the Firefox browser, Mozilla depends not only on its team of professional programmers and managers but also on a network of volunteer technologists and enthusiasts—free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) developers—who contribute their expertise. This kind of peer production is unique, not only for its vast scale but also for its combination of structured, hierarchical management with open, collaborative volunteer participation. In this MacArthur Foundation Report, David Booth examines the Mozilla Foundation's success at organizing large-scale participation in the development of its software and considers whether Mozilla's approach can be transferred to government and civil society. Booth finds parallels between Mozilla's collaboration with Firefox users and the Obama administration's philosophy of participatory governance (which itself amplifies the much older Jeffersonian ideal of democratic participation). Mozilla's success at engendering part-time, volunteer participation that produces real marketplace innovation suggests strategies for organizing civic participation in communities and government. Mozilla's model could not only show us how to encourage the technical community to participate in civic life but also teach us something about how to create successful political democracy

    More modeling but still no stages: Reply to Borowsky and Besner.

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    The future for Advanced level

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    There is an increasingly diverse group of students opting for at Advanced level work in design and technology and GNVQ Manufacturing. Broadening the range of students means, in particular, that more academically successful ones are joining manufacturing and design and technology courses, increasing the demand on teachers for versatility. This article begins by considering how to offer appropriate courses for academically successful students, and the teaching and learning styles to which such students respond

    Some old movies become classics - a case study determining the scientific value of ROV inspection footage on a platform on Australia\u27s North West Shelf

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    The global oil and gas industry holds a vast archive of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) inspection footage potentially containing useful long-term data on marine biological communities. With the upcoming era of decommissioning of oil and gas structures, it is timely to assess the usefulness of this footage for researching these communities. We used ROV inspection footage to characterize the sessile invertebrates and fishes associated with the Goodwyn Alpha Production Platform (GWA) on the North West Shelf of Australia between depths of 10 and 125 m during 2006 and 2008. Depth was a major driver of invertebrate assemblages, most likely due to specific requirements such as light, and differences between years were most likely from the physical detachment of species by cyclones and internal waves. Phototrophic species were mostly limited to the upper 50 m of the platform, including the hard coral Pocillopora sp. and the soft corals Nephthea sp. and Scleronephthya sp. In contrast, heterotrophic species including sponges, anemones, bryozoans, hydroids, bivalves such as Lopha folium and the hard coral Tubastrea spp., were distributed across all depths. We observed 1791 fish from at least 10 families and 19 species, including commercial species such as crimson seaperch (Lutjanus erythropterus), red emperor (L. sebae), saddle-tailed seaperch (L. malabaricus), mangrove jack (L. argentimaculatus) and trevally (Caranx spp.). Fish density increased significantly with depth during 2008, from a mean of 23 fish/50 m2 between 10 and 25 m to 3373 fish/50 m2 at 125 m, where small unidentified baitfish were abundant. The highest densities of commercial species occurred between 25 and 75 m depth, suggesting that mid-depth platform sections had high habitat value, a consideration when selecting decommissioning options. The greatest difficulties using the video were the poor lighting and resolution that inhibited our ability to identify sessile species with high taxonomic precision. However, the footage was useful for evaluating high-level biodiversity of the platform, understanding how fish and invertebrate communities changed with depth and comprehending the dynamic nature of the invertebrate community over time. Understanding the habitat value of structures will be necessary for making environmentally sound decommissioning decisions in the future

    A Retrospective Analysis of Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites among School Children in the Palajunoj Valley of Guatemala

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    This study retrospectively analyzed demographic factors that may affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites among Guatemalan school children. The findings of the study showed that young age, wet season, female gender, and severe malnutrition all correlated positively with increased rates of infection. Clinical visits were performed on 10,586 school children aged 5-15 years over a four-year period (2004-2007) in the Palajunoj Valley of Guatemala, during which 5,705 viable stool samples were screened for infection with the following parasites: Ascaris lumbricoides, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Hymenolepis nana, and Blastocystis hominis. The average overall prevalences of infection for specific parasites were A. lumbricoides 17.7%, E. histolytica 16.1%, G. lamblia 10.9%, H. nana 5.4%, and B. hominis 2.8%. Statistical analysis showed significantly higher rates of infection among younger children with G. lamblia (odds ratio [OR]=0.905, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.871-0.941, p<0.0001) and E. histolytica (p=0.0006), greater prevalence of H. nana among females (OR=1.275, CI 1.010-1.609, p=0.0412), higher infection rates during the wet season for E. histolytica (p=0.0003) and H. nana (OR=0.734, CI 0.557-0.966, p=0.0275), and greater rates of infection with G. lamblia among malnourished children (for moderately malnourished children OR=1.498, CI 1.143-1.963, p<0.0001) and E. histolytica (for mildly malnourished children OR=1.243, CI 1.062-1.455, p=0.0313). The results suggest that the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among young Guatemalan children is highly dependent on the specific species of the parasite

    The interaction of multiple sclerosis risk loci with Epstein-Barr virus phenotypes implicates the virus in pathogenesis

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    Translating the findings of genome wide association studies (GWAS) to new therapies requires identification of the relevant immunological contexts to interrogate for genetic effects. In one of the largest GWAS, more than 200 risk loci have been identified for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) susceptibility. Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) appears to be necessary for the development of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Many MS risk loci are associated with altered gene expression in EBV infected B cells (LCLs). We have interrogated this immunological context to identify interaction between MS risk loci and EBV DNA copy number, intrinsic growth rate and EBV encoded miRNA expression. The EBV DNA copy number was associated with significantly more risk alleles for MS than for other diseases or traits. EBV miRNAs BART4-3p and BART3-5p were highly associated with EBV DNA copy number and MS risk loci. The poliovirus receptor (PVR) risk SNP was associated with EBV DNA copy number, PVR and miRNA expression. Targeting EBV miRNAs BART4-3p and BART3-5p, and the gene PVR, may provide therapeutic benefit in MS. This study also indicates how immunological context and risk loci interactions can be exploited to validate and develop novel therapeutic approaches. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Pharmacogenomics of hepatitis C infections: personalizing therapy

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    It is a widely held view that drug response genes have not proved as useful in clinical practice as anticipated at the start of the genomic era. An exception is in the treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 infection with pegylated interferon α and ribavirin. In 2009, four independent genome-wide analyses identified IL28B polymorphisms that predict drug response in chronic hepatitis C (CHC). This discovery had immediate clinical impact. First, the IL28B genotype could be used to personalize therapy. In the 2 years since discovery, most of the more than 100,000 CHC patients commencing therapy for CHC in the West will have considered IL28B genotype testing. Second, the discovery has supported clinical trials for the use of the protein encoded by the gene known as interferon lambda. Third, it is expected that new insights into HCV pathogenesis will follow from studies of how IL28B affects HCV viral clearance and, ultimately, this will lead to new therapeutic strategies for CHC. This review discusses how IL28B genotyping is now used in personalizing therapy and, with the dramatically changing clinical landscape in CHC, with the advent of direct-acting antivirals, the prospects ahead

    Boosting and lassoing new prostate cancer SNP risk factors and their connection to selenium

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    We begin by arguing that the often used algorithm for the discovery and use of disease risk factors, stepwise logistic regression, is unstable. We then argue that there are other algorithms available that are much more stable and reliable (e.g. the lasso and gradient boosting). We then propose a protocol for the discovery and use of risk factors using lasso or boosting variable selection. We then illustrate the use of the protocol with a set of prostate cancer data and show that it recovers known risk factors. Finally, we use the protocol to identify new and important SNP based risk factors for prostate cancer and further seek evidence for or against the hypothesis of an anticancer function for Selenium in prostate cancer. We find that the anticancer effect may depend on the SNP-SNP interaction and, in particular, which alleles are present