2,318 research outputs found

    Marriage, Partnership and Sexual Orientation: A Study of British University Academics and Administrators

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    Using a unique data source on marital status, partnership and sexual orientation of academics and administrators at British universities, we estimate the impact of personal relationships upon earnings for men and women. While university data cover a relatively homogeneous group of workers, the two sides of the university are very different, with administrative jobs being more like the general job market in the economy. We find a large and significant married male premium, but only on the administrative side of the university. There is no female marriage premium, and no partnership return to gay men or to either heterosexual or homosexual women.sexual orientation, marriage, partnership, academic labour markets

    Outside Offers and the Gender Pay Gap: Empirical Evidence from the UK Academic Labour Market

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    Using a unique data source on academic economists' labour market experiences, we explore gender, pay and promotions. In addition to earnings and productivity measures, we have information on outside offers and perceptions of discrimination. In contrast to the existing literature, we find both a gender promotions gap and a within-rank gender pay gap. A driving factor may be the role of outside offers: men receive more outside offers than women of comparable characteristics, and gain higher pay increases in response to outside offers. This may arise due to discrimination, and we find that perceptions of discrimination and also outside job applications correlate with an individual receiving earnings below that expected, given their characteristics.gender, promotions, earnings, discrimination

    Temporary Jobs: Stepping Stones or Dead Ends?

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    In Britain about 7% of male employees and 10% of female employees are in temporary jobs. In contrast to much of continental Europe - with stricter employment protection provisions - this proportion has been relatively stable over the 1990s. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey, and informed by relevant theory relating to probation, sorting and human capital investment, we find that temporary workers report lower levels of job satisfaction, receive less work-related training, and are less well-paid than their counterparts in permanent employment. However, there is some evidence that fixed-term contracts are a stepping stone to permanent work. Women (but not men) who start in fixed-term employment and move to permanent jobs fully catch up to those who start in permanent jobs.temporary jobs, fixed term contracts, individual unobserved heterogeneity, job-specific effects.

    A cross-sectional pilot study of the Scottish early development instrument : a tool for addressing inequality

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    Early childhood is recognised as a key developmental phase with implications for social, academic, health and wellbeing outcomes in later childhood and indeed throughout the adult lifespan. Community level data on inequalities in early child development are therefore required to establish the impact of government early years' policies and programmes on children's strengths and vulnerabilities at local and national level. This would allow local leaders to target tailored interventions according to community needs to improve children's readiness for the transition to school. The challenge is collecting valid data on sufficient samples of children entering school to derive robust inferences about each local birth cohort's developmental status. This information needs to be presented in a way that allows community stakeholders to understand the results, expediting the improvement of preschool programming to improve future cohorts' development in the early years. The aim of the study was to carry out a pilot to test the feasibility and ease of use in Scotland of the 104-item teacher-administered Early Development Instrument, an internationally validated measure of children's global development at school entry developed in Canada. Phase 1 was piloted in an education district with 14 Primary 1 teachers assessing a cohort of 154 children, following which the instrument was adapted for the Scottish context (Scottish Early Development Instrument: SEDI). Phase 2 was then carried out using the SEDI. Data were analysed from a larger sample of 1090 participants, comprising all Primary 1 children within this school district, evaluated by 68 teachers. The SEDI displayed adequate psychometric and discriminatory properties and is appropriate for use across Scotland without any further modifications. Children in the lowest socioeconomic status quintiles were 2-3 times more likely than children in the most affluent quintile to score low in at least one developmental domain. Even in the most affluent quintile though, 17% of children were 'developmentally vulnerable', suggesting that those in need cannot be identified by socioeconomic status alone. The SEDI offers a feasible means of providing communities with a holistic overview of school readiness for targeting early years' interventions

    The focal plane instrumentation for the DUNE mission

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    DUNE (Dark Universe Explorer) is a proposed mission to measure parameters of dark energy using weak gravitational lensing The particular challenges of both optical and infrared focal planes and the DUNE baseline solution is discussed. The DUNE visible Focal Plane Array (VFP) consists of 36 large format red-sensitive CCDs, arranged in a 9x4 array together with the associated mechanical support structure and electronics processing chains. Four additional CCDs dedicated to attitude control measurements are located at the edge of the array. All CCDs are 4096 pixel red-enhanced e2v CCD203-82 devices with square 12 μ\mum pixels, operating from 550-920nm. Combining four rows of CCDs provides a total exposure time of 1500s. The VFP will be used in a closed-loop system by the spacecraft, which operates in a drift scan mode, in order to synchronize the scan and readout rates. The Near Infrared (NIR) FPA consists of a 5 x 12 mosaic of 60 Hawaii 2RG detector arrays from Teledyne, NIR bandpass filters for the wavelength bands Y, J, and H, the mechanical support structure, and the detector readout and signal processing electronics. The FPA is operated at a maximum temperature of 140 K for low dark current of 0.02e-/s. Each sensor chip assembly has 2048 x 2048 square pixels of 18 μ\mum size (0.15 arcsec), sensitive in the 0.8 to 1.7 μ\mum wavelength range. As the spacecraft is scanning the sky, the image motion on the NIR FPA is stabilized by a de-scanning mirror during the integration time of 300 s per detector. The total integration time of 1500 seconds is split among the three NIR wavelengths bands. DUNE has been proposed to ESA's Cosmic Vision program and has been jointly selected with SPACE for an ESA Assessment Phase which has led to the joint Euclid mission concept.Comment: 9 pages; To appear in Proc. of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation (23 - 28 June 2008, Marseille, France

    Gene Regions Responding to Skeletal Muscle Atrophy

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    Our stated specific aims for this project were: 1) Identify the region(s) of the mouse IIb myosin heavy chain (MHC) promoter necessary for in vivo expression in mouse fast-twitch muscle, and 2) Identify the region(s) of the mouse IIb MHC promoter responsive to immobilization in mouse slow-twitch muscle in vivo. We sought to address these specific aims by introducing various MHC IIb promoter/reporter gene constructs directly into the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles of living mice. Although the method of somatic gene transfer into skeletal muscle by direct injection has been successfully used in our laboratory to study the regulation of the skeletal alpha actin gene in chicken skeletal muscle, we had many difficulties utilizing this procedure in the mouse. Because of the small size of the mouse soleus and the difficulty in obtaining consistent results, we elected not to study this muscle as first proposed. Rather, our MHC IIb promoter deletion experiments were performed in the gastrocnemius. Further, we decided to use hindlimb unloading via tail suspension to induce an upregulation of the MHC IIb gene, rather than immobilization of the hindlimbs via plaster casts. This change was made because tail suspension more closely mimics spaceflight, and this procedure in our lab results in a smaller loss of overall body mass than the mouse hindlimb immobilization procedure. This suggests that the stress level during tail suspension is less than during immobilization. This research has provided an important beginning point towards understanding the molecular regulation of the MHC lIb gene in response to unweighting of skeletal muscle Future work will focus on the regulation of MHC IIb mRNA stability in response to altered loading of skeletal muscl

    The Choice Among Non-Callable and Callable Bonds

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    This paper examines the choice and the pricing of callable and non-callable bonds. The popularity of callable and non-callable bonds is significantly related to the economic environment. Callable bonds are also more likely to be issued via a shelf prospectus and are more likely to be issued by banks than non-callable bonds. Evidently, firms that prefer to issue callable bonds seek to take advantage of their ability to process economic information but must pay a premium relative to straight bonds for the call feature. Firms that issue callable bonds do not consistently display the characteristics associated with severe agency problems

    Cost and Consequences of Sedentary Living: New Battleground for an Old Enemy

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    The purpose of this review is to update our earlier review by itemizing, as best we can, the costs and consequences of sedentary living, and thus provide cost reasons to fight a war against sedentary lifestyles

    Sedentary death syndrome is what researchers now call America's second largest threat to public health

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    Press release.Obesity has doubled, Type 2 diabetes has increased nine-fold, and heart disease remains the number one cause of death for Americans. Sedentary Death Syndrome, or "SeDS," is a growing list of health disorders that are exacerbated by lack of physical activity, causing premature disability and death. Sixty percent of all Americans are at risk, including children. SeDS is expected to add as much as $3 trillion to healthcare costs over ten years, more than twice the tax cut passed by the US Senate

    Ownership of Developed Water: A Property Right Threatened.

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    Abstract Forthcoming