64 research outputs found

    C-3 Examination of Anodized Aluminum for Surface Defects after Thermal Cycles

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    A major cost in the fabrication of test sockets is the interposer, an interface layer that reroutes one connection to another. The interposer must have high resistivity with low loss, a smooth surface finish, high strength, resistance to chemicals involved in the process, and be extremely thin. Currently, the most common materials used for interposer are plastics, such as Torlon, Semitron, and PEEK. While these satisfy the requirements for test sockets, they do not perform well under higher ambient temperatures. Finding a less expensive, alternative material would be preferable. In this study, anodized aluminum samples were subjected to repeat thermal cycling between 22°C -150°C for over 10,000 cycles. At certain intervals, 2000, 5000, 7500 and 10,000 cycles, the surface of the anodized aluminum samples were examined for tears or cracks that may result due to the differences in the thermal expansion rates between the aluminum matrix and the oxide layers. Results showed no critical defects that would compromise the oxide layer, and therefore reduce resistivity and its viability as an alternative interposer material

    P-33 Evaluation of Anodized Aluminum for Potential Use as Interposer for Test Socket Industry

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    Anodized aluminum displays desirable qualities as an interposer in test sockets, as it is more dimensionally accurate than traditional polymers and less expensive than alternatives. However, the metal must withstand extensive heating and cooling cycles. Using a scanning electron microscope, we can compare the surface of the anodized aluminum before and after cycling to ensure that the difference in thermal expansion rates of the oxide and aluminum is not enough to cause critical defects. Initial observations suggest that the difference in expansion rates does not compromise the oxide layer, making anodized aluminum a strong candidate as a new interposer material

    Microstructural Evaluation of DEAP Material after Stress Relaxation

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    Dielectric Electro Active Polymers (DEAP) has the potential of converting mechanical energy into useful electrical energy. This material consists of a silicone dielectric film material with a special corrugated surface and a very thin layer of metallic electrodes on both sides of the surface. As these materials allow large mechanical deformations with low operating forces, potential applications include using this material to convert the energy from the ocean waves, and wind. This work examined the capacitance to provide useful information in optimizing the electrical properties for specific applications, and to investigate how the electrical properties are affected by electrical and/or mechanical breakdown


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    A major cost in the fabrication of test sockets is the interposer, an interface layer that reroutes one connection to another.   The interposer must have high resistivity with low loss, a smooth surface finish, high strength, resistance to chemicals involved in the process, and be extremely thin.  Currently, the most common materials used for interposer are plastics, such as Torlon, Semitron, and PEEK. While these satisfy the requirements for test sockets, they do not perform  well under higher ambient temperatures. Finding a less expensive, alternative material would be preferable. In this study, anodized aluminum 6061, a potential alternative interposer material, samples were subjected to repeat thermal cycling between 22°C -150°C for over 5,000 cycles.  After 500, 1000, 2850, and 5100 cycles, the surfaces of the anodized aluminum were examined for tears or cracks that may result due to the differences in the thermal expansion rates between the aluminum matrix and the oxide layers. Results showed no critical defects that would compromise the oxide layer, and therefore reduce resistivity and its viability as an alternative interposer material

    Failure in Internally Pressurized Bent Tubes

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    The analysis and modeling of tube-hydroformed components is more complicated than that employed for sheet-metal panels, due to the lengthier process sequence and variable strain path - from flat-rolled sheet to tube; from straight tube to bent tube; and from bent tube to hydroformed component. These additional process steps make it difficult to determine whether post mortem analyses of tube failure during hydroforming can, and should, be conducted with the same tools and databases as used for simple stampings. To provide a partial answer, the properties of commercially fabricated welded straight tubes were evaluated using a free-expansion internal pressure test and compared with those of free-expansion internal pressure tests on bent tubes. The results demonstrated that the behavior of the bent tube was consistent with the mechanical properties of the as-received tube, provided due notice was accorded to the complex strain history of the bent tube. However, due to the strain-path changes occurring at the failure location, conventional approaches for monitoring strain history would yield (apparently) anomalous results

    Medicinska gljiva Lignosus rhinocerus svojim imunomodulacijskim učinkom i reguliranjem signalnog puta posredovanog faktorom nekroze tumora uzrokuje apoptozu i zaustavlja stanični ciklus stanica karcinoma usne šupljine ORL-204

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    Research background. Tiger milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerus) is a medicinal mushroom that is geographically distributed in the region of South China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Consumption of its sclerotium has been reported to treat various ailments. However, its anticancer potential towards oral cancer cell lines is yet to be determined considering the traditional method of its consumption by biting/chewing of the sclerotium. Experimental approach. Mushroom sclerotial powder of cultivar TM02® was extracted and fractionated in a chromatographic column prior to cytotoxicity testing against a panel of human oral cancer cell lines. The capability of the identified bioactive fraction in regulating several molecules associated with its tumour necrosis factor (TNF) pathway was investigated. Results and conclusions. 2,5-Diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) proliferation assay indicated that cell lines ORL-48 (derived from gingiva), ORL-188 (derived from the tongue) and ORL-204 (derived from buccal mucosa) were inhibited by cold water extract of L. rhinocerus sclerotia and its high-molecular-mass fraction (HMM) in varying degrees with ORL-204 being most affected. Hence, the treatment of ORL-204 with HMM mushroom extract was further investigated. HMM mushroom extract induced apoptosis and G0/G1 phase cell cycle arrest through caspase-3/7 cleavage. Activities of MIP2 and COX-2 were downregulated by 0.2- and 4.6-fold respectively in the HMM mushroom extract-treated ORL-204 cells. Novelty and scientific contribution. Using ORL-204, we showed that HMM mushroom extract may act via the TNF pathway at various network sites as a potential dietary compound for cancer prevention and natural adjunct therapeutic to conventional cancer treatment.Pozadina istraživanja. Medicinska gljiva Lignosus rhinocerus rasprostranjena je na području južne Kine, Tajlanda, Malezije, Indonezije, Filipina i Papua Nove Gvineje. Sklerocij gljive koristi se za liječenje različitih oboljenja. Međutim, dosad još nije ispitan antikacerogeni učinak sklerocija ove medicinske gljive, koja se tradicionalno konzumira tako da se grize odnosno žvače, na stanice karcinoma usne šupljine. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ekstrakt praha sklerocija kultivara gljive TM02® frakcioniran je pomoću kromatografske kolone, te je zatim ispitan njegov citokosični učinak na različite stanične linije humanih karcinoma usne šupljine. Ispitana je sposobnost bioaktivne frakcije da regulira molekule koje sudjeluju u sintezi faktora nekroze tumora (TNF). Rezultati i zaključci. Ispitivanjem proliferacije stanica pomoću testa redukcije 2,5-difenil-2H-tetrazolijeva bromida (MTT) utvrđeno je da ekstrakt sklerocija L. rhinocerus dobiven hladnom vodom, i to frakcija velike molekulske mase, u različitoj mjeri inhibira rast staničnih linija ORL-48 (izoliranih iz desni), ORL-188 (izoliranih ih jezika), a ponajviše onih linije ORL-204 (izoliranih iz sluznice obraza). Stoga smo dodatno istražili učinak ekstrakta gljive velike molekulske mase na staničnu liniju ORL-204. Ektrakt je potaknuo apoptozu i zaustavio stanični ciklus u fazi G0/G1 cijepanjem kaspaze 3/7. U stanicama ORL-204 tretiranim ekstraktom gljive velike molekulske mase smanjila se aktivnost enzima MIP2 za 0,2 puta, a enzima COX-2 za 4,6 puta. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Pomoću stanične linije ORL-204 pokazali smo da ekstrakt medicinske gljive velike molekulske mase može djelovati na sintezu faktora nekroze tumora, te se upotrijebiti kao prirodni dodatak prehrani za prevenciju razvoja karcinoma ili kao dodatak konvencionalnom liječenju karcinoma

    Challenges of quantity surveyors in Klang Valley to work from home

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    With the uprising trend of modern management systems adoption, the enthusiasm for corporates to exercise the working culture of work from home are seemingly proliferated to fit in the recent corporate world. However, the published research papers and statistics regarding the information and comprehension of quantity surveyor to work from home are unexpectedly sporadic. Therefore, this research reviews the insights of quantity surveyor to work from home while drawing discussion and conclusion on the uprising challenges of work from home for quantity surveyors to execute their roles. The paper compiles the responses obtained from the methodology of surveying 145 related professions in construction industry around Klang Valley area. The questionnaire was designed with five-point Likert scale, and the data was analyzed by using SPSS software. The study displayed reduced supervision and direction as the greatest challenge, followed by significant challenges which include communication and coordination challenges, organization performance and productivity, job performance and productivity, and unclear performance metrics. Hence, personnel in the industry should be aware of the potential challenges of a quantity surveyor to work from home due to their roles, in order to indicate the potential effects that may incur to the individual and organization

    Factors Influencing COVID-19 Vaccination Intention among University Students : A Cross-Sectional Study in Malaysia

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    Vaccination is crucial in controlling the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that triggered the pandemic, but herd immunity can only work with high vaccination coverage in the population. This study aims to measure the COVID-19 knowledge level and determine the factors influencing COVID-19 vaccination intention among university students in Malaysia. A cross-sectional online survey was carried out with 1,274 Malaysian university students in July 2021. Univariate and multivariate analyses were employed to examine the relationships between the study variables. Results showed that the majority of university students had an acceptable level of knowledge of COVID-19. The knowledge, risk perception of COVID-19, social norms, and perceived benefit of COVID-19 vaccination were positively associated with vaccination intention. However, perceived trust in information sources of COVID-19 vaccination and the government's response to COVID-19 did not affect the university students’ desire to receive the vaccination. These findings are essential for health policymakers and healthcare providers to implement evidence-based interventions to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake among university students

    E-1 Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance and Capacitance of a Di-Electric Electro-Active Polymer

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    Dielectric Electro Active Polymers (DEAP) have the potential of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. DEAP consists of a silicone dielectric film material with a special corrugated surface and a very thin layer of metallic electrodes on both sides of the surface allowing for large mechanical deformations with low operating forces. This work examined how the DEAP capacitance and the electrode resistance were affected by repeated stress relaxation cycles