502 research outputs found

    Governance in RĂ€umen begrenzter Staatlichkeit aus außenpolitischer Perspektive

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    In seiner Rede zum Auftakt der Eröffnungskonferenz des Sonderforschungsbereiches (SFB) 700 "Governance in RĂ€umen begrenzter Staatlichkeit" beleuchtet Georg Boomgaarden, StaatssekretĂ€r des AuswĂ€rtigen Amtes, das Forschungsprogramm des SFB 700 aus außenpolitischer Perspektive.n his speech held at the Opening Conference of the Research Center (SFB) 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood", Georg Boomgaarden, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office, discusses the research program of the Research Center (SFB) 700

    Governance in RĂ€umen begrenzter Staatlichkeit aus außenpolitischer Perspektive

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    In seiner Rede zum Auftakt der Eröffnungskonferenz des Sonderforschungsbereiches (SFB) 700 "Governance in RĂ€umen begrenzter Staatlichkeit" beleuchtet Georg Boomgaarden, StaatssekretĂ€r des AuswĂ€rtigen Amtes, das Forschungsprogramm des SFB 700 aus außenpolitischer Perspektive.n his speech held at the Opening Conference of the Research Center (SFB) 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood", Georg Boomgaarden, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office, discusses the research program of the Research Center (SFB) 700

    Identifying critical service issues in the service encounter – a first step in the development of a conceptual model for the shipping industry

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    Title Identifying critical service issues in the service encounter – a first step in the development of a conceptual for the shipping industry Author Claas Boomgaarden Key Words Service Quality, Service Encounter, SERVQUAL, INDSERV, PDSQ, LSQM, Shipping Industry, Service Science, Service Dominant Logic, Relationship Marketing Purpose The purpose of this research is to provide a first step in the development of a conceptual model for service quality in the shipping industry. Theoretical Perspectives This study is embedded in the theoretical field of service quality. Due to the lack of applicable models for the shipping industry, the existing literature of service quality for the business-to-consumer as well as business-to-business sector where combined to provide the theoretical framework for this study. Even though other models were analysed and considered in the theoretical background, eventually models like the SERVQUAL model, the INDSERV model, as well as the Physical Distribution Service Quality (PDSQ) model and the Logistics Service Quality (LSQ) model built the guideline for the data collection process. Methodology In accordance with the explorative purpose of this research, a qualitative case study, with German freight forwarders as the unit of interest, was set up. The collection of empirical data and their analysis followed the abductive hermeneutic approach. Empirical Data The empirical data for this study was derived from eight semi-structured interviews with industry experts, which lasted between twenty minutes and one hour. Conclusion The study has shown that critical service issues are depending on the value and the implied requirements of the shipped product. Nevertheless, availability, time and price as well as a flawless and fast service and good contact to contact personnel were identified as critical service issues. In order to provide a first step in the development of a conceptual model for service quality in the shipping industry, the dimensions of responsiveness, reliability/discrepancy handling, flexibility and contact to contact personnel are proposed. Further, the study shows the interconnectivity of these dimensions and proposes enabler dimensions in the form of contact person quality and process quality. By identifying these critical service issues as well as the service dimensions and their interconnectivity, the partial adaptation of established service quality measurement systems is confirmed. However, also their shortcomings are presented and this gap is closed through modification or adaptation of new dimensions

    An Edition of One: Xerographic Replacements to Meet Continuing Demand for Brittle Books in Book Format

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    Some books' lives in academic libraries resemble a paraphrased version of Thomas Hobbes's state of Nature: Their lives are nasty, brutish, and short. This is a fact of library life, and we routinely replace this category of common, heavily-used, worn out stock with reprint copies from whichever publishers can provide them, and we write it off as the cost of conducting the business of our educational enterprise. Unfortunately, we too often find another category of book for which a dismaying trio of circumstances makes the routine of simple replacement-with-reprint impossible. This sad triangle is bound on one side by the fact that the book is out of print (o.p.) or out of stock indefinitely (o.s.i.). Secondly, the paper of the copy in hand is too inflexible, or brittle, to allow for routine repair. The third and most important line completing the triangle is that the book, common or obscure, continues to be in demand as a book for a number of reasons. The resultant problem - or "challenge" to those preferring more positive euphemisms - is an irreparable book, reported o.p. or o.s.i. by the Acquisition Department, still needed in book format by the library's readers. A solution: The creation of a replacement edition of one or a few to meet demand. Although this solution is no longer a new idea, it remains a practical option that requires a systematic approach to work wel

    Real-world indicators and the coverage of immigration and integration issues in Dutch newspapers

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    can be found at:European Journal of CommunicationAdditional services and information fo

    The news coverage of the 2004 European Parliamentary Election Campaign in 25 countries

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    This article analyzes the news coverage of the 2004 European Parliamentary\ud (EP) elections in all 25 member states of the European Union (EU). It\ud provides a unique pan-European overview of the campaign coverage based\ud on an analysis of three national newspapers and two television newscasts in\ud the two weeks leading up to the elections. On average, the elections were\ud more visible in the new 10 member states than in the 15 old EU member\ud states. The political personalities and institutional actors featured in news\ud stories about the elections were generally national political actors and not EU\ud actors. When it was evaluative, the news in the old EU-15 was generally\ud negative towards the EU, while in the new countries a mixed pattern was\ud found. The findings of the study are discussed in the light of the literature on\ud the EU’s legitimacy and communication deficit

    Disproportionality in media representations of campaign negativity

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    We explore mediated representations of parties' campaign interactions in multi-party systems. Actors in multi-party systems can engage with different actors on multiple issues. One crucial aspect of such engagement is the element of negativity - voicing criticisms of other actors' actions and policy proposals. This contribution argues that the media systematically exaggerate patterns of negativity based on issue ownership structures, such that attacks originating from or targeting issue owners are significantly more likely to be covered. We analyze a broad sample of news content from the 2013 Austrian national election campaign with generalized exponential random graph models to capture the complexities of mediated campaign negativity in a multi-party system while controlling for non-mediated campaign negativity. The results show that issue owners are more likely to be featured as attackers and targets in owned policy domains, suggesting a violation of the normative ideal of a fair representation of campaign interactions. Copyright © The European Political Science Association 2020

    The strength of exclusive national identity is the most important indicator of Euroscepticism

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    Who is most likely to have scepticism toward European integration? Marijn van Klingeren and Hajo Boomgaarden write that in the early years of studies on public Euroscepticism explanations tended to focus on ‘hard’ factors such as citizens’ economic status. Taking issue with this approach, they argue that an individual’s strength of national identity is more important than economic status for determining their tendency to hold Eurosceptic views. Based on a survey of Eurobarometer data, they suggest that national identity is not only the most important indicator of Euroscepticism today, but that this was also the case in previous decades
