19 research outputs found

    Lower bounds on Betti numbers

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    We survey recent results on bounds for Betti numbers of modules over polynomial rings, with an emphasis on lower bounds. Along the way, we give a gentle introduction to free resolutions and Betti numbers, and discuss some of the reasons why one would study these

    On generators of bounded ratios of minors for totally positive matrices

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    We provide a method for factoring all bounded ratios of the form detA(I1I1)detA(I2I2)/detA(J1J1)detA(J2J2)\det A(I_1|I_1')\det A(I_2|I_2')/\det A(J_1|J_1')\det A(J_2|J_2') where AA is a totally positive matrix, into a product of more elementary ratios each of which is bounded by 1, thus giving a new proof of Skandera's result. The approach we use generalizes the one employed by Fallat et al. in their work on principal minors. We also obtain a new necessary condition for a ratio to be bounded for the case of non-principal minors.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure


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    We survey recent results on bounds for Betti numbers of modules over polynomial rings, with an emphasis on lower bounds. Along the way, we give a gentle introduction to free resolutions and Betti numbers, and discuss some of the reasons why one would study these

    On the growth of deviations

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    The deviations of a graded algebra are a sequence of integers that determine the Poincare series of its residue field and arise as the number of generators of certain DG algebras. In a sense, deviations measure how far a ring is from being a complete intersection. In this paper we study extremal deviations among those of algebras with a fixed Hilbert series. In this setting, we prove that, like the Betti numbers, deviations do not decrease when passing to an initial ideal and are maximized by the Lex-segment ideal. We also prove that deviations grow exponentially for Golod rings and for certain quadratic monomial algebras.Comment: Corrected some minor typos in the version published in PAM

    Edge ideals and DG algebra resolutions

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    Let R=S/IR= S/I where S=k[T1,,Tn]S=k[T_1, \ldots, T_n] and II is a homogeneous ideal in SS. The acyclic closure RYR \langle Y \rangle of kk over RR is a DG algebra resolution obtained by means of Tate's process of adjoining variables to kill cycles. In a similar way one can obtain the minimal model S[X]S[X], a DG algebra resolution of RR over SS. By a theorem of Avramov there is a tight connection between these two resolutions. In this paper we study these two resolutions when II is the edge ideal of a path or a cycle. We determine the behavior of the deviations εi(R)\varepsilon_i(R), which are the number of variables in RYR\langle Y \rangle in homological degree ii. We apply our results to the study of the kk-algebra structure of the Koszul homology of RR