193 research outputs found

    A Note on the Relation between Income and Welfare

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    This notes shows how intertemporal and cross-section welfare are related in a general class of stochastic continuous time models. In the steady state intertemporal welfare is shown to be proportional to cross-sectional income. This result holds for economies where each agent maximizes his own expected discounted utility. That is, we do not assume that aggregate utility is maximized. We provide an application to search in the labor market and one to pollution externalities.

    PACIOLI 17; Innovation in the management and use of Micro Economic Databases in Agriculture

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    The PACIOLI network explores the need for and feasibility of innovation in farm accounting and its consequences for data gathering for policy analysis in Farm Accountancy Data Networks (FADNs). PACIOLI 17 took place in Ettenhausen, Switzerland, in June 2009. The theme of the workshop was 'Innovation in the management and use of Micro Economic Databases in Agriculture'

    Pacioli 16 : changing agricultural markets: consequences for FADN

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    The PACIOLI network explores the need for and feasibility of innovation in farm accounting and its consequences for data gathering for policy analysis in Farm Accountancy Data Networks (FADNs). PACIOLI 16 took place in Zagreb, Croatia in June 2008. The theme of the workshop was 'Changing agricultural markets: Consequences for FADN'

    Kosten melkquotum in Nederland veruit het hoogst

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    De verhandelingsmogelijkheden van melkquotum en de kosten die aan het quotum verbonden zijn, verschillen sterk tussen Nederland en de ons omringende landen

    Samen rekenen aan duurzaamheid

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    Internationale bedrijven, van Walmart en Ahold tot Unilever en McDonalds, gaan samen standaardmethoden vaststellen voor het meten van de duurzaamheid van hun producten. Wageningen UR wordt het Europese centrum van de samenwerking

    Methodologies for prices and production costs in dairy farming

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    A Note on the Relation between Income and Welfare

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    This notes shows how intertemporal and cross-section welfare are related in a general class of stochastic continuous time models. In the steady state intertemporal welfare is shown to be proportional to cross-sectional income. This result holds for economies where each agent maximizes his own expected discounted utility. That is, we do not assume that aggregate utility is maximized. We provide an application to search in the labor market and one to pollution externalities.