2,077 research outputs found

    Comparing the performance of stellar variability filters for the detection of planetary transits

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    We have developed a new method to improve the transit detection of Earth-sized planets in front of solar-like stars by fitting stellar microvariability by means of a spot model. A large Monte Carlo numerical experiment has been designed to test the performance of our approach in comparison with other variability filters and fitting techniques for stars of different magnitudes and planets of different radius and orbital period, as observed by the space missions CoRoT and Kepler. Here we report on the results of this experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, Transiting Planets Proceeding IAU Symposium No.253, 200

    Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO II. Detection of molecular absorption in the dayside spectrum of HD 102195b

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    The study of exoplanetary atmospheres is key to understand the differences between their physical, chemical and dynamical processes. Up to now, the bulk of atmospheric characterization analysis has been conducted on transiting planets. On some sufficiently bright targets, high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS) has also been successfully tested for non-transiting planets. We study the dayside of the non-transiting planet HD 102195b using the GIANO spectrograph mounted at TNG, demonstrating the feasibility of atmospheric characterization measurements and molecular detection for non-transiting planets with the HRS technique using 4-m class telescopes. The Doppler-shifted planetary signal changes on the order of many km/s during the observations, in contrast with the telluric absorption which is stationary in wavelength, allowing us to remove the contamination from telluric lines while preserving the features of the planetary spectrum. The emission signal from HD 102195b's atmosphere is then extracted by cross-correlating the residual spectra with atmospheric models. We detect molecular absorption from water vapor at 4.4σ\sigma level. We also find convincing evidence for the presence of methane, which is detected at the 4.1σ\sigma level. The two molecules are detected with a combined significance of 5.3σ\sigma, at a semi-amplitude of the planet radial velocity KP=128±6K_P=128\pm 6 km/s. We estimate a planet true mass of MP=0.46±0.03 MJM_P=0.46\pm 0.03~M_J and orbital inclination between 72.5 and 84.79^{\circ} (1σ\sigma). Our analysis indicates a non-inverted atmosphere for HD 102195b, as expected given the relatively low temperature of the planet, inefficient to keep TiO/VO in gas phase. Moreover, a comparison with theoretical expectations and chemical model predictions corroborates our methane detection and suggests that the detected CH4CH_4 and H2OH_2O signatures could be consistent with a low C/O ratio.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Neighborhood based computational approaches for the prediction of lncRNA-disease associations

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    Motivation: Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a class of molecules involved in important biological processes. Extensive efforts have been provided to get deeper understanding of disease mechanisms at the lncRNA level, guiding towards the detection of biomarkers for disease diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention. Unfortunately, due to costs and time complexity, the number of possible disease-related lncRNAs verified by traditional biological experiments is very limited. Computational approaches for the prediction of disease-lncRNA associations allow to identify the most promising candidates to be verified in laboratory, reducing costs and time consuming. Results: We propose novel approaches for the prediction of lncRNA-disease associations, all sharing the idea of exploring associations among lncRNAs, other intermediate molecules (e.g., miRNAs) and diseases, suitably represented by tripartite graphs. Indeed, while only a few lncRNA-disease associations are still known, plenty of interactions between lncRNAs and other molecules, as well as associations of the latters with diseases, are available. A first approach presented here, NGH, relies on neighborhood analysis performed on a tripartite graph, built upon lncRNAs, miRNAs and diseases. A second approach (CF) relies on collaborative filtering; a third approach (NGH-CF) is obtained boosting NGH by collaborative filtering. The proposed approaches have been validated on both synthetic and real data, and compared against other methods from the literature. It results that neighborhood analysis allows to outperform competitors, and when it is combined with collaborative filtering the prediction accuracy further improves, scoring a value of AUC equal to 0966

    Remediation actions by a risk assessment approach: a case study of mercury contamination

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    The risk assessment procedure for identifying the remediation actions which may be adopted at a mercury contaminated site, when the plants are upgraded in the future, is proposed. The potentially active exposure/migration pathways in the future arrangement of the area will be due to Hg contaminated subsoil as a primary source (vapor inhalation and groundwater leaching) and to groundwater as a possible secondary source (transport to the point of compliance). The data of mercury concentration in the soil were acquired through environmental monitoring campaigns, and were processed to establish the three-dimensional distribution of contamination in subsoil, to locate sources and to define their geometrical and chemical characteristics. Speciation tests of mercury in the soil indicated that the most abundant species present were poorly leachable under the site-specific environmental conditions, confirming the coefficient distribution value obtained by the leaching tests. Analytical and numerical fate and transport modeling tools were used to locate digging zones in the contaminated subsoil, so as to reduce the possible groundwater contaminant loading and to avoid the down-gradient exceeding the concentration limit according to regulations. Remediation actions additional to civil works were required, which consists of soil digging within one contamination source, for about 22,200 m3 of soil. In order to evaluate the Hazard Index (HI) for human receptors due to Hg vapor inhalation, the air concentration of volatile mercury at the exposure point was estimated, based on direct measurements carried out at the site. Simulation gave HI values below 1 for all tested scenarios, suggesting that public health is protected without any additional actions to the already scheduled plant upgrading and digging for groundwater protection

    A giant impact as the likely origin of different twins in the Kepler-107 exoplanet system

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    Measures of exoplanet bulk densities indicate that small exoplanets with radius less than 3 Earth radii (R⊕) range from low-density sub-Neptunes containing volatile elements1 to higher-density rocky planets with Earth-like2 or iron-rich3 (Mercury-like) compositions. Such astonishing diversity in observed small exoplanet compositions may be the product of different initial conditions of the planet-formation process or different evolutionary paths that altered the planetary properties after formation4. Planet evolution may be especially affected by either photoevaporative mass loss induced by high stellar X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) flux5 or giant impacts6. Although there is some evidence for the former7,8, there are no unambiguous findings so far about the occurrence of giant impacts in an exoplanet system. Here, we characterize the two innermost planets of the compact and near-resonant system Kepler-107 (ref. 9). We show that they have nearly identical radii (about 1.5–1.6R⊕), but the outer planet Kepler-107 c is more than twice as dense (about 12.6 g cm–3) as the innermost Kepler-107 b (about 5.3 g cm−3). In consequence, Kepler-107 c must have a larger iron core fraction than Kepler-107 b. This imbalance cannot be explained by the stellar XUV irradiation, which would conversely make the more-irradiated and less-massive planet Kepler-107 b denser than Kepler-107 c. Instead, the dissimilar densities are consistent with a giant impact event on Kepler-107 c that would have stripped off part of its silicate mantle. This hypothesis is supported by theoretical predictions from collisional mantle stripping10, which match the mass and radius of Kepler-107 c

    Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO. I. Water in the transmission spectrum of HD 189733b

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    High-resolution spectroscopy (R \ge 20,000) at near-infrared wavelengths can be used to investigate the composition, structure, and circulation patterns of exoplanet atmospheres. However, up to now it has been the exclusive dominion of the biggest telescope facilities on the ground, due to the large amount of photons necessary to measure a signal in high-dispersion spectra. Here we show that spectrographs with a novel design - in particular a large spectral range - can open exoplanet characterisation to smaller telescope facilities too. We aim to demonstrate the concept on a series of spectra of the exoplanet HD 189733 b taken at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo with the near-infrared spectrograph GIANO during two transits of the planet. In contrast to absorption in the Earth's atmosphere (telluric absorption), the planet transmission spectrum shifts in radial velocity during transit due to the changing orbital motion of the planet. This allows us to remove the telluric spectrum while preserving the signal of the exoplanet. The latter is then extracted by cross-correlating the residual spectra with template models of the planet atmosphere computed through line-by-line radiative transfer calculations, and containing molecular absorption lines from water and methane. By combining the signal of many thousands of planet molecular lines, we confirm the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b at the 5.5-σ\sigma level. This signal was measured only in the first of the two observing nights. By injecting and retrieving artificial signals, we show that the non-detection on the second night is likely due to an inferior quality of the data. The measured strength of the planet transmission spectrum is fully consistent with past CRIRES observations at the VLT, excluding a strong variability in the depth of molecular absorption lines.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. v2 includes language editin

    Prediction of User-Brand Associations Based on Sentiment Analysis

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    Finding the right users to be chosen as targets for advertising campaigns is not a trivial task, and it may allow important commercial advantages. A novel approach is presented here for the recommendation of new possible consumers to brands interested in distributing advertising campaigns, ranked according to the “compatibility” between users and brands. A database containing both descriptions associated with different brands, and textual information about users' opinions on different topics, is required in input. Then, sentiment analysis techniques are applied to measure to what extent the users match with the brands, based on the texts associated with their opinions. The approach has been tested on both synthetic and real datasets, and with two different formulations, showing promising results in all the considered experiments