7,210 research outputs found

    A slip model for micro/nano gas flows induced by body forces

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    A slip model for gas flows in micro/nano-channels induced by external body forces is derived based on Maxwell's collision theory between gas molecules and the wall. The model modifies the relationship between slip velocity and velocity gradient at the walls by introducing a new parameter in addition to the classic Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient. Three-dimensional Molecular Dynamics simulations of helium gas flows under uniform body force field between copper flat walls with different channel height are used to validate the model and to determine this new parameter

    General Algorithm For Improved Lattice Actions on Parallel Computing Architectures

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    Quantum field theories underlie all of our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature. The are relatively few first principles approaches to the study of quantum field theories [such as quantum chromodynamics (QCD) relevant to the strong interaction] away from the perturbative (i.e., weak-coupling) regime. Currently the most common method is the use of Monte Carlo methods on a hypercubic space-time lattice. These methods consume enormous computing power for large lattices and it is essential that increasingly efficient algorithms be developed to perform standard tasks in these lattice calculations. Here we present a general algorithm for QCD that allows one to put any planar improved gluonic lattice action onto a parallel computing architecture. High performance masks for specific actions (including non-planar actions) are also presented. These algorithms have been successfully employed by us in a variety of lattice QCD calculations using improved lattice actions on a 128 node Thinking Machines CM-5. {\underline{Keywords}}: quantum field theory; quantum chromodynamics; improved actions; parallel computing algorithms

    The Potts-q random matrix model : loop equations, critical exponents, and rational case

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    In this article, we study the q-state Potts random matrix models extended to branched polymers, by the equations of motion method. We obtain a set of loop equations valid for any arbitrary value of q. We show that, for q=2-2 \cos {l \over r} \pi (l, r mutually prime integers with l < r), the resolvent satisfies an algebraic equation of degree 2 r -1 if l+r is odd and r-1 if l+r is even. This generalizes the presently-known cases of q=1, 2, 3. We then derive for any 0 \leq q \leq 4 the Potts-q critical exponents and string susceptibility.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Phys. Letters

    Electromagnetic Hadronic Form-Factors

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    We present a calculation of the nucleon electromagnetic form-factors as well as the pion and rho to pion transition form-factors in a hybrid calculation with domain wall valence quarks and improved staggered (Asqtad) sea quarks.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, Lattice2004(spectrum

    Estimations for the Single Diffractive production of the Higgs boson at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    The single diffractive production of the standard model Higgs boson is computed using the diffractive factorization formalism, taking into account a parametrization for the Pomeron structure function provided by the H1 Collaboration. We compute the cross sections at next-to-leading order accuracy for the gluon fusion process, which includes QCD and electroweak corrections. The gap survival probability () is also introduced to account for the rescattering corrections due to spectator particles present in the interaction, and to this end we compare two different models for the survival factor. The diffractive ratios are predicted for proton-proton collisions at the Tevatron and the LHC for the Higgs boson mass of MHM_H = 120 GeV. Therefore, our results provide updated estimations for the diffractive ratios of the single diffractive production of the Higgs boson in the Tevatron and LHC kinematical regimes.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Improved Smoothing Algorithms for Lattice Gauge Theory

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    The relative smoothing rates of various gauge field smoothing algorithms are investigated on O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved \suthree Yang--Mills gauge field configurations. In particular, an O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved version of APE smearing is motivated by considerations of smeared link projection and cooling. The extent to which the established benefits of improved cooling carry over to improved smearing is critically examined. We consider representative gauge field configurations generated with an O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved gauge field action on \1 lattices at β=4.38\beta=4.38 and \2 lattices at β=5.00\beta=5.00 having lattice spacings of 0.165(2) fm and 0.077(1) fm respectively. While the merits of improved algorithms are clearly displayed for the coarse lattice spacing, the fine lattice results put the various algorithms on a more equal footing and allow a quantitative calibration of the smoothing rates for the various algorithms. We find the relative rate of variation in the action may be succinctly described in terms of simple calibration formulae which accurately describe the relative smoothness of the gauge field configurations at a microscopic level

    A consistent nonlocal scheme based on filters for the homogenization of heterogeneous linear materials with non-separated scales

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    AbstractIn this work, the question of homogenizing linear elastic, heterogeneous materials with periodic microstructures in the case of non-separated scales is addressed. A framework if proposed, where the notion of mesoscopic strain and stress fields are defined by appropriate integral operators which act as low-pass filters on the fine scale fluctuations. The present theory extends the classical linear homogenization by substituting averaging operators by integral operators, and localization tensors by nonlocal operators involving appropriate Green functions. As a result, the obtained constitutive relationship at the mesoscale appears to be nonlocal. Compared to nonlocal elastic models introduced from a phenomenological point of view, the nonlocal behavior has been fully derived from the study of the microstructure. A discrete version of the theory is presented, where the mesoscopic strain field is approximated as a linear combination of basis functions. It allows computing the mesoscopic nonlocal operator by means of a finite number of transformation tensors, which can be computed numerically on the unit cell
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