811 research outputs found

    Promoting Justice in the Classroom: Looking Beyond the Label to See the Individual

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    Christian educators are faced with the task of promoting and encouraging justice from the viewpoint of Christ as they encounter the broad strokes of diversity within their classrooms and schools. Following Christ means that the Christian educator must look beyond the labels that have been applied by the religious and secular to see each student as made in the image of God. This article presents a paradigm that recognizes the worth of each individual within the context of the student’s background knowledge, language abilities, academic achievement, and behavior (BLAB) instead of the singularly focused labels that marginalize students

    Building a Community of Christ in a Mathematics Classroom

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    The prevalence of mathematics anxiety and math phobia is an accepted phenomenon in our culture today (Boaler, 2013; Kimball & Smith, 2013). Multiple research studies have been conducted investigating the levels of mathematics anxiety present in both preservice and in-service elementary education teachers (Bekdemir, 2010; Mizala, Martínez, & Martínez, 2015). This article describes how the creation of a learning community within a two-course sequence of mathematics content courses for elementary teachers addressed the fears and anxieties of a cohort of prospective female teachers. The learning community was founded on three perspectives: Palmer’s (1989) community of truth, Paul’s description of the church as a human body in 1 Corinthians 12, and Jolliff’s (2009) reinterpretation of Guthrie’s (1963) lonesome valley experience by a solitary traveler. Themes expressed by the students in their reflections after the second course included greater conceptual understanding, an emphasis on both individual and community learning, reduced anxiety, attention to multiple perspectives, and the ability to learn as both a teacher and a student

    Studies of the physiology, pharmacology, and biochemistry of the auxins

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    Several excellent reviews of auxin matters have appeared during the past few years dealing broadly with the subject as a whole, such as the Wisconsin Symposium on Plant Growth Substances whleh is referred to repeatedly below, as well as reviews of more restricted scope such as those of Thimann (116) and of the previous volumes in this series. The present review need not, therefore, attempt to cover the entire spectrum of auxin physiology. It will concern a few aspects of the subject only, aspects in which particular progress has been made in recent years. It will attempt to evaluate the work which has been done in each of the several fields, to see in how far an integrated picture can be made of each and to make a few suggestions

    Planning 3-D collision-free paths using spheres

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    A scheme for the representation of objects, the Successive Spherical Approximation (SSA), facilitates the rapid planning of collision-free paths in a 3-D, dynamic environment. The hierarchical nature of the SSA allows collision-free paths to be determined efficiently while still providing for the exact representation of dynamic objects. The concept of a freespace cell is introduced to allow human 3-D conceptual knowledge to be used in facilitating satisfying choices for paths. Collisions can be detected at a rate better than 1 second per environment object per path. This speed enables the path planning process to apply a hierarchy of rules to create a heuristically satisfying collision-free path

    BLAB: Changing the Way that We Look At Students

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    Educational labels frequently impede student success rather than empower student success, as the labels become the defining attributes of each student and define the expectations of student failure or success. The classroom teacher must adopt a new paradigm that focuses on the whole child rather than on an educational label. The BLAB paradigm emphasizes that each child must be considered on the basis of social, educational, familial, & cultural heritages (B); proficiencies in English language and academic language recognizing that all students are on a continuum of language development in both dimensions (L); academic abilities that can differ from one content area to another (A); and behavior, whether that behavior is that of the perfect student or the disruptive student (B). The paradigm emphasizes that the interrelationships of these dimensions is dynamic and are influenced by both the content and classroom context of the classroom

    Masters of the Big House: Elite Slaveholders of the Mid-Nineteenth Century South

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    For over forty years, William Scarborough\u27s collective portrait of plantation overseers has been the authoritative study of that topic. His new book, which focuses on southern masters who owned 250 slaves or more in the decade before the Civil War, promises to have a similarly lasting influence. I...

    Auxin-induced growth inhibition a natural consequence of two-point attachment

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    It is characteristic of a great number of biologically active substances that the responses which they elicit are twofold, low concentrations of the material promoting a particular activity, and higher concentrations inhibiting it. This is the case with the auxin-induced growth responses of plants. An active auxin such as indole acetic acid (IAA) brings about and is essential to growth in length of stems, hypocotyls and other plant organs including the Avena coleoptile

    Diary of a Christian Soldier: Rufus Kinsley and the Civil War

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    Cuban freedom fighter South Carolinian bombardier In 1861, Mary Chesnut was immediately charmed by the protagonist of Rafl de la Cova\u27s new book, noting in her diary that Cubans must be very nice if Señor Gonzales is a sample. His stories of fighting in another heroic (and losin...

    Using Direct-Sequenced Spread Spectrum in a Wired Local Area Network

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    Code division multiple access provides an ability to share channel bandwidth amongst users at the same time. Individual user performance is not degraded with the addition of more users, unlike traditional Ethernet. Using direct sequenced spread spectrum in a wired local area network, network performance is improved. For a network in overload conditions, individual station throughput is increased by nearly 212% while mean end-to-end delay was reduced by 800%. The vast improvement demonstrated by this research has the capability to extend legacy-cabling infrastructures for many years to come while easily accommodating new bandwidth intensive multimedia applications
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