258 research outputs found

    Compaction dynamique des poudres céramiques

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    Les comprimés céramiques sont conventionnellement mis en forme par pressage uniaxial (pressage conventionnel) dans des matrices acier ou carbure. Les pressions de mise en forme sont toutefois limitées et il peut y avoir des gradients de densité dans certains cas. Récemment, une technique employée dans la métallurgie des poudres, la Compaction Grande Vitesse (CGV), a été utilisée pour la mise en forme d'objets céramiques. De fortes pressions (supérieures à 1 GPa) sont facilement atteintes pour des diamètres de matrice élevés (50mm) sans provoquer l'endommagement de l'équipement. Différentes poudres d'alumine (de différentes tailles de grain) sont formulées avec diverses phases organiques servant de liant et de plastifiant (PVA et PEG1500). Des essais conventionnels effectués avec ces poudres servent de référence à l'optimisation des paramètres clefs de la presse grande vitesse

    Formulation d'une poudre d'alumine et formation par compaction grande vitesse : influence sur les propriétés du comprimé - Formulation of an alumina powder and high velocity compaction forming: influence on compact properties.

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    La compression de poudre céramique nécessite l'incorporation de molécules organiques assurant la cohésion des grains entre eux. Comprimer des poudres céramiques formulées revient à leur fournir une certaine énergie. En fonction de la formulation de la poudre, on peut mesurer l'énergie stockée par unité de masse, caractéristique de la poudre. Récemment, une technique employée dans la métallurgie des poudres, la Compaction Grande Vitesse (CGV), a été utilisée pour la mise en forme d'objets céramiques. Cette méthode apporte des particularités au niveau des propriétés physiques des comprimés, notamment en terme d'homogénéité par rapport au pressage uniaxial dit conventionnel. Des comprimés issus des deux méthodes de mise en forme, et élaborés à partir de poudres formulées différemment, seront comparés en terme de comportement à la compression et via l'utilisation d'un modèle mathématique. - The compression of ceramic powders requires the addition of organic materials to insure tablet cohesion. For the compaction of formulated ceramic powders it is necessary to supply them energy. As a function of the formulation of ceramic powders, one can measure the specific energy acquired during the tablet compression. Recently, a technique used in powder metallurgy, High Velocity Compaction (HVC), has been studied to form ceramic compacts. This method brings special physical properties to tablets in terms of homogeneity compared to conventional uniaxial pressing. The properties of tablets prepared by the two processes are compared and discussed through a phenomenological model

    Influence of the formulation of an alumina powder on compaction

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    International audienceThe compression of ceramic powders requires the addition of organic materials to insure tablet cohesion. For the compaction of formulated ceramic powders it is necessary to supply them energy. As a function of the formulation of ceramic powders, one can measure the specific energy acquired during the tablet compression. Recently, a technique used in powder metallurgy, High Velocity Compaction (HVC), has been studied to form ceramic compacts. This method brings special physical properties to tablets in terms of homogeneity compared to conventional uniaxial pressing. The properties of tablets prepared by the two processes are compared and discussed through a phenomenological model

    Formulation d'une poudre d'alumine et formation par Compaction Grande Vitesse : influence sur les propriétés du comprimé

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    National audienceLa compression de poudre céramique nécessite l'incorporation de molécules organiques assurant la cohésion des grains entre eux. Comprimer des poudres céramiques formulées revient à leur fournir une certaine énergie. En fonction de la formulation de la poudre, on peut mesurer l'énergie stockée par unité de masse, caractéristique de la poudre. Récemment, une technique employée dans la métallurgie des poudres, la Compaction Grande Vitesse (CGV), a été utilisée pour la mise en forme d'objets céramiques. Cette méthode apporte des particularités au niveau des propriétés physiques des comprimés, notamment en terme d'homogénéité par rapport au pressage uniaxial dit conventionnel. Des comprimés issus des deux méthodes de mise en forme, et élaborés à partir de poudres formulées différemment, seront comparés en terme de comportement à la compression et via l'utilisation d'un modèle mathématiqu

    HELIOS-Retrieval: An Open-source, Nested Sampling Atmospheric Retrieval Code, Application to the HR 8799 Exoplanets and Inferred Constraints for Planet Formation

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    We present an open-source retrieval code named HELIOS-Retrieval (hereafter HELIOS-R), designed to obtain chemical abundances and temperature-pressure profiles from inverting the measured spectra of exoplanetary atmospheres. In the current implementation, we use an exact solution of the radiative transfer equation, in the pure absorption limit, in our forward model, which allows us to analytically integrate over all of the outgoing rays (instead of performing Gaussian quadrature). Two chemistry models are considered: unconstrained chemistry (where the mixing ratios are treated as free parameters) and equilibrium chemistry (enforced via analytical formulae, where only the elemental abundances are free parameters). The nested sampling algorithm allows us to formally implement Occam's Razor based on a comparison of the Bayesian evidence between models. We perform a retrieval analysis on the measured spectra of the HR 8799b, c, d and e directly imaged exoplanets. Chemical equilibrium is disfavored by the Bayesian evidence for HR 8799b, c and d. We find supersolar C/O, C/H and O/H values for the outer HR 8799b and c exoplanets, while the inner HR 8799d and e exoplanets have substellar C/O, substellar C/H and superstellar O/H values. If these retrieved properties are representative of the bulk compositions of the exoplanets, then they are inconsistent with formation via gravitational instability (without late-time accretion) and consistent with a core accretion scenario in which late-time accretion of ices occurred differently for the inner and outer exoplanets. For HR 8799e, we find that spectroscopy in the K band is crucial for constraining C/O and C/H. HELIOS-R is publicly available as part of the Exoclimes Simulation Platform (ESP; www.exoclime.org).Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables, published in A

    Comparison of conventional and High Velocity Compaction of alumina powders

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    International audienceCeramic compacts can be usually prepared by uniaxial pressing in a die made of stainless steel, but the pressure applied is limited and density gradients occur in many cases. Recently a new forming method in powder metallurgy, the High Velocity Compaction (HVC) has been applied to ceramic powders. This method is similar to conventional pressing but consists in making an ram falling down at a very high speed to the upper punch. The kinetic energy is converted into a strike that produces a high pressure in a really short time. By controlling the kinetic energy, it is possible to apply a desired pressure that can be extremely high (up to 1 GPa) without any damage for the tool. The aim of the study is to compare the process conditions and the properties of green compacts elaborated by the two methods (conventional and HVC) for a similar forming pressure: forming pressure, green density (homogeneity), pore size distribution of the tablets, and then the sintering behavior, the shrinkage, the final density and microstructure of the ceramic material are studied

    Precise radial velocities of giant stars IX. HD 59686 Ab: a massive circumstellar planet orbiting a giant star in a ~13.6 au eccentric binary system

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    Context: For over 12 yr, we have carried out a precise radial velocity survey of a sample of 373 G and K giant stars using the Hamilton \'Echelle Spectrograph at Lick Observatory. There are, among others, a number of multiple planetary systems in our sample as well as several planetary candidates in stellar binaries. Aims: We aim at detecting and characterizing substellar+stellar companions to the giant star HD 59686 A (HR 2877, HIP 36616). Methods: We obtained high precision radial velocity (RV) measurements of the star HD 59686 A. By fitting a Keplerian model to the periodic changes in the RVs, we can assess the nature of companions in the system. In order to discriminate between RV variations due to non-radial pulsation or stellar spots we used infrared RVs taken with the CRIRES spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. Additionally, to further characterize the system, we obtain high-resolution images with LMIRCam at the Large Binocular Telescope. Results: We report the likely discovery of a giant planet with a mass of mp sini=6.920.24+0.18 MJupm_{p}~\sin i=6.92_{-0.24}^{+0.18}~M_{Jup} orbiting at ap=1.08600.0007+0.0006a_{p}=1.0860_{-0.0007}^{+0.0006} au from the giant star HD 59686 A. Besides the planetary signal, we discover an eccentric (eB=0.7290.003+0.004e_{B}=0.729_{-0.003}^{+0.004}) binary companion with a mass of mB sini=0.52960.0008+0.0011 MSunm_{B}~\sin i=0.5296_{-0.0008}^{+0.0011}~M_{Sun} orbiting at a semi-major axis of just aB=13.560.14+0.18a_{B}=13.56_{-0.14}^{+0.18} au. Conclusions: The existence of the planet HD 59686 Ab in a tight eccentric binary system severely challenges standard giant planet formation theories and requires substantial improvements to such theories in tight binaries. Otherwise, alternative planet formation scenarios such as second generation planets or dynamical interactions in an early phase of the system's lifetime should be seriously considered in order to better understand the origin of this enigmatic planet.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Updated version to match the published pape

    Extending the models for iron and sulfur oxidation in the extreme Acidophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans </it>gains energy from the oxidation of ferrous iron and various reduced inorganic sulfur compounds at very acidic pH. Although an initial model for the electron pathways involved in iron oxidation has been developed, much less is known about the sulfur oxidation in this microorganism. In addition, what has been reported for both iron and sulfur oxidation has been derived from different <it>A. ferrooxidans </it>strains, some of which have not been phylogenetically characterized and some have been shown to be mixed cultures. It is necessary to provide models of iron and sulfur oxidation pathways within one strain of <it>A. ferrooxidans </it>in order to comprehend the full metabolic potential of the pangenome of the genus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bioinformatic-based metabolic reconstruction supported by microarray transcript profiling and quantitative RT-PCR analysis predicts the involvement of a number of novel genes involved in iron and sulfur oxidation in <it>A. ferrooxidans </it>ATCC23270. These include for iron oxidation: <it>cup </it>(copper oxidase-like), <it>ctaABT </it>(heme biogenesis and insertion), <it>nuoI </it>and <it>nuoK </it>(NADH complex subunits), <it>sdrA1 </it>(a NADH complex accessory protein) and <it>atpB </it>and <it>atpE </it>(ATP synthetase F0 subunits). The following new genes are predicted to be involved in reduced inorganic sulfur compounds oxidation: a gene cluster (<it>rhd, tusA, dsrE, hdrC, hdrB, hdrA, orf2, hdrC, hdrB</it>) encoding three sulfurtransferases and a heterodisulfide reductase complex, <it>sat </it>potentially encoding an ATP sulfurylase and <it>sdrA2 </it>(an accessory NADH complex subunit). Two different regulatory components are predicted to be involved in the regulation of alternate electron transfer pathways: 1) a gene cluster (<it>ctaRUS</it>) that contains a predicted iron responsive regulator of the Rrf2 family that is hypothesized to regulate cytochrome <it>aa</it><sub>3 </sub>oxidase biogenesis and 2) a two component sensor-regulator of the RegB-RegA family that may respond to the redox state of the quinone pool.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bioinformatic analysis coupled with gene transcript profiling extends our understanding of the iron and reduced inorganic sulfur compounds oxidation pathways in <it>A. ferrooxidans </it>and suggests mechanisms for their regulation. The models provide unified and coherent descriptions of these processes within the type strain, eliminating previous ambiguity caused by models built from analyses of multiple and divergent strains of this microorganism.</p

    Search for cool extrasolar giant planets combining coronagraphy, spectral and angular differential imaging

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    Spectral differential imaging (SDI) is part of the observing strategy of current and on-going high-contrast imaging instruments on ground-based telescopes. Although it improves the star light rejection, SDI attenuates the signature of off-axis companions to the star, just like angular differential imaging (ADI). However, the attenuation due to SDI has the peculiarity of being dependent on the spectral properties of the companions. To date, no study has investigated these effects. Our team is addressing this problem based on data from a direct imaging survey of 16 stars combining the phase-mask coronagraph, the SDI and the ADI modes of VLT/NaCo. The objective of the survey is to search for cool (Teff<1000-1300 K) giant planets at separations of 5-10 AU orbiting young, nearby stars (<200 Myr, <25 pc). The data analysis did not yield any detections. As for the estimation of the sensitivity limits of SDI-processed images, we show that it requires a different analysis than that used in ADI-based surveys. Based on a method using the flux predictions of evolutionary models and avoiding the estimation of contrast, we determine directly the mass sensitivity limits of the survey for the ADI processing alone and with the combination of SDI and ADI. We show that SDI does not systematically improve the sensitivity due to the spectral properties and self-subtraction of point sources.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic RNA profiling in Plasmodium falciparum synchronized blood stages exposed to lethal doses of artesunate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Translation of the genome sequence of <it>Plasmodium sp</it>. into biologically relevant information relies on high through-put genomics technology which includes transcriptome analysis. However, few studies to date have used this powerful approach to explore transcriptome alterations of <it>P. falciparum </it>parasites exposed to antimalarial drugs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The rapid action of artesunate allowed us to study dynamic changes of the parasite transcriptome in synchronous parasite cultures exposed to the drug for 90 minutes and 3 hours. Developmentally regulated genes were filtered out, leaving 398 genes which presented altered transcript levels reflecting drug-exposure. Few genes related to metabolic pathways, most encoded chaperones, transporters, kinases, Zn-finger proteins, transcription activating proteins, proteins involved in proteasome degradation, in oxidative stress and in cell cycle regulation. A positive bias was observed for over-expressed genes presenting a subtelomeric location, allelic polymorphism and encoding proteins with potential export sequences, which often belonged to subtelomeric multi-gene families. This pointed to the mobilization of processes shaping the interface between the parasite and its environment. In parallel, pathways were engaged which could lead to parasite death, such as interference with purine/pyrimidine metabolism, the mitochondrial electron transport chain, proteasome-dependent protein degradation or the integrity of the food vacuole.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The high proportion of over-expressed genes encoding proteins exported from the parasite highlight the importance of extra-parasitic compartments as fields for exploration in drug research which, to date, has mostly focused on the parasite itself rather than on its intra and extra erythrocytic environment. Further work is needed to clarify which transcriptome alterations observed reflect a specific response to overcome artesunate toxicity or more general perturbations on the path to cellular death.</p