8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of modal shift in freight transport : case study of Poland

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    PURPOSE: This paper aimed to assess the degree of implementation of the modal shift concept in international transport flows to/from Poland.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The first stage of the research study included the literature review indicating the Polish and EU projects aimed at promoting the transport modes being an alternative for road transport. Next, data regarding Poland’s international trade were prepared and confronted with the assumed targets.FINDINGS: In international freight transport to/from Poland, i.e., transportation of both imported and exported cargoes, an increase in the significance of road transport is noticeable. It is possible to discern periods when the share of road transport dropped (imports in 2005- 2010 and exports in 2010-2015), nevertheless, despite measures taken at the national and supranational level, a desired modal shift from road transport to rail transport or inland shipping or short sea shipping was not achieved. It can also be noticed that rail transport was more often used in imports than in exports.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The obtained findings, which specified the degree of implementation of the modal shift concept on the example of Poland, may be an indication for the entities that set priorities in economic policies regarding the level of effectiveness of measures included in the prepared documents/programs.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The literature still lacks comprehensive research studies that verify the implementation of the modal shift concept at the level of individual countries. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of implemented strategies and programs in the example of Poland. Moreover, it proposes changes to be considered by decision-makers who shape the goals and tools of economic policies and differences regarding management decisions.The project is financed within the framework of the Minister of Science and Higher Education program under the name “Regional Excellence Initiative” in the years 2019-2022; project number 001/RID/2018/19; the amount of financing: PLN 10,684,000.00.peer-reviewe

    Modal choice preferences in inland container transport in Poland

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    Purpose: As part of this paper, three research goals were set. The first one concerns the identification of factors influencing the modal choice to carry intermodal transport units by inland transport. The second goal is related to determining what conditions would have to exist for a given operator to agree to shift the cargo from road to rail transport as part of the modal shift concept. The third goal is to specify the influence of COVID-19 on the modal choice. Design/Methodology/Approach: Earlier studies have confirmed the difficulty in determining modal choice preferences due to their complexity. The complexity of the problem makes the use of quantitative methods ineffective. On the basis of the qualitative research conducted with the use of the in-depth semi structured interview, the authors identified the factors influencing the modal choice, at the same time defining the conditions that would have to be met in order to encourage cargo operators to make greater use of rail transport. Findings: The conducted research study indicated differences in the factors determining the choice of transport modes, mainly depending on the size of the surveyed company. The above-mentioned factors in relation to the entire study group included the time and cost of transport, as well as the availability and quality of transport infrastructure. The surveyed enterprises agreed that the factors that would have to occur to increase the use of rail transport included: increasing the number of reloading points at railway connections and increasing the timeliness of transport. Practical Implications: The results of the research can be used by decision-makers in formulating the directions of development of the transport system, and the entities responsible for the implementation of specific transport infrastructure investments, covering both linear and nodal elements. Originality/Value: The added value of this article is predicated on original research related to the determination of the premises for the selection of the transport mode in freight container transport in Poland. Requirements that could be a stimulus for implementing the modal shift idea in Polish companies. The authors confronted the research results achieved with the current scientific knowledge in this area, in addition, they also raised the topic of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on modal choice.peer-reviewe

    Cooperation of competitors as an element of construction of intermodal transport chains

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    W artykule omówiono zastosowanie idei współdzielenia zasobów logistycznych w łańcuchach transportowych wykorzystujących transport intermodalny. Uwaga skoncentrowana została na wpływie kooperacji konkurentów na możliwości zwiększenia udziału transportu intermodalnego w towarowych przewozach ładunków. Autor, omawiając istniejące przypadki wyżej wymienionej współpracy, wskazuje możliwości zastosowania koncepcji sharing economy na rynku usług transportu intermodalnego i zwiększenia przez to jego udziału w całości przewozów. W artykule określono również warunki (m.in. organizacyjne), jakie muszą być spełnione dla utworzenia lub zwiększenia współpracy w omawianych łańcuchach transportowych. Autor stwierdza, że koopetycja małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw potęguje ich możliwości konkurencyjne na globalnym rynku. Jednocześnie, w przypadku zastosowania koopetycji w celu zmiany sposobu transportu na transport intermodalny, oprócz korzyści jakościowych oraz ekonomicznych pojawiają się korzyści środowiskowe. Autor stwierdza także, że istnieje potrzeba tworzenia programów wspierających i promujących koopetycję w określonych obszarach gospodarki.The article discusses the application of the idea of sharing logistics resources in transport chains using intermodal transport. Attention was focused on the impact of competitors cooperation on the possibility of increasing the share of intermodal transport of cargo transports. By presenting the existing cases of the above-mentioned cooperation, the author shows the possibilities of applying the concept of ‘sharing economy’ on the market of intermodal transport services and thereby increasing its share in overall transport. The article also sets up the conditions (inter alia organizational) that must be met to create, or increase cooperation in transport chains. The author states that the coopetition of small and medium-sized enterprises increases their competitive potential in the global market. At the same time, when coopetition is used to change the mode of transport to intermodal transport, in addition to qualitative and economic benefits, there are also wide range of environmental benefits. The author also states that there is a need to create programs supporting and promoting coopetition in specific areas

    The independent contributions (%) of the variables to the population densities.

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    <p>Contributions were calculated in the hierarchical partitioning analysis. Variables that had the strongest statistically significant (<i>P</i> < 0.05) impact on the local densities of (a) <i>Phengaris teleius</i> and (b) <i>P</i>. <i>nausithous</i> are shown with gray bars.</p

    Relative Contribution of Matrix Structure, Patch Resources and Management to the Local Densities of Two Large Blue Butterfly Species.

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    The type of matrix, the landscape surrounding habitat patches, may determine the distribution and function of local populations. However, the matrix is often heterogeneous, and its various components may differentially contribute to metapopulation processes at different spatial scales, a phenomenon that has rarely been investigated. The aim of this study was to estimate the relative importance of matrix composition and spatial scale, habitat quality, and management intensity on the occurrence and density of local populations of two endangered large blue butterflies: Phengaris teleius and P. nausithous. Presence and abundance data were assessed over two years, 2011-12, in 100 local patches within two heterogeneous regions (near Kraków and Tarnów, southern Poland). The matrix composition was analyzed at eight spatial scales. We observed high occupancy rates in both species, regions and years. With the exception of area and isolation, almost all of the matrix components contributed to Phengaris sp. densities. The different matrix components acted at different spatial scales (grassland cover within 4 and 3 km, field cover within 0.4 and 0.3 km and water cover within 4 km radii for P. teleius and P. nausithous, respectively) and provided the highest independent contribution to the butterfly densities. Additionally, the effects of a 0.4 km radius of forest cover and a food plant cover on P. teleius, and a 1 km radius of settlement cover and management intensity on P. nausithous densities were observed. Contrary to former studies we conclude that the matrix heterogeneity and spatial scale rather than general matrix type are of relevance for densities of butterflies. Conservation strategies for these umbrella species should concentrate on maintaining habitat quality and managing matrix composition at the most appropriate spatial scales