1,936 research outputs found

    Lithium abundances in extremely metal-poor turn-off stars

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    We discuss the current status of the sample of Lithium abundances in extremely metal poor (EMP) turn-off (TO) stars collected by our group, and compare it with the available literature results. In the last years, evidences have accumulated of a progressive disruption of the Spite plateau in stars of extremely low metallicity. What appears to be a flat, thin plateau above [Fe/H]\sim-2.8 turns, at lower metallicities, into a broader distribution for which the plateau level constitutes the upper limit, but more and more stars show lower Li abundances. The sample we have collected currently counts abundances or upper limits for 44 EMP TO stars between [Fe/H]=-2.5 and -3.5, plus the ultra-metal poor star SDSS J102915+172927 at [Fe/H]=-4.9. The "meltdown" of the Spite plateau is quite evident and, at the current status of the sample, does not appear to be restricted to the cool end of the effective temperature distribution. SDSS J102915+172927 displays an extreme Li depletion that contrasts with its otherwise quite ordinary set of [X/Fe] ratios.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the "Lithium in the Cosmos" conference, Paris, 27-29 February 201

    Effects of atomic diffraction on the Collective Atomic Recoil Laser

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    We formulate a wave atom optics theory of the Collective Atomic Recoil Laser, where the atomic center-of-mass motion is treated quantum mechanically. By comparing the predictions of this theory with those of the ray atom optics theory, which treats the center-of-mass motion classically, we show that for the case of a far off-resonant pump laser the ray optics model fails to predict the linear response of the CARL when the temperature is of the order of the recoil temperature or less. This is due to the fact that in theis temperature regime one can no longer ignore the effects of matter-wave diffraction on the atomic center-of-mass motion.Comment: plain tex, 10 pages, 10 figure

    Optical bistability in sideband output modes induced by squeezed vacuum

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    We consider NN two-level atoms in a ring cavity interacting with a broadband squeezed vacuum centered at frequency ωs\omega_{s} and an input monochromatic driving field at frequency ω\omega . We show that, besides the central mode (at \o), many other {\em sideband modes} are produced at the output, with frequencies shifted from ω\omega by multiples of 2(ω−ωs) 2(\omega -\omega_{s}). Here we analyze the optical bistability of the two nearest sideband modes, one red-shifted and the other blue-shifted.Comment: Replaced with final published versio

    Chemical composition of the stellar cluster Gaia1: No surprise behind Sirius

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.We observed six He-clump stars of the intermediate-Age stellar cluster Gaia1 with the MIKE/Magellan spectrograph. A possible extra-galactic origin of this cluster, recently discovered thanks to the first data release of the ESA Gaia mission, has been suggested, based on its orbital parameters. Abundances for Fe, α, proton-And neutron-capture elements have been obtained. We find no evidence of intrinsic abundance spreads. The iron abundance is solar ([FeI/H] = + 0.00 ± 0.01; σ = 0.03 dex). All the other abundance ratios are generally solar-scaled, similar to the Galactic thin disk and open cluster stars of similar metallicity. The chemical composition of Gaia1 does not support an extra-galactic origin for this stellar cluster, which can be considered as a standard Galactic open cluster.https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2017/07/aa31009-17/aa31009-17.htm

    MyGIsFOS: an automated code for parameter determination and detailed abundance analysis in cool stars

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    The current and planned high-resolution, high-multiplexity stellar spectroscopic surveys, as well as the swelling amount of under-utilized data present in public archives have led to an increasing number of efforts to automate the crucial but slow process to retrieve stellar parameters and chemical abundances from spectra. We present MyGIsFOS, a code designed to derive atmospheric parameters and detailed stellar abundances from medium - high resolution spectra of cool (FGK) stars. We describe the general structure and workings of the code, present analyses of a number of well studied stars representative of the parameter space MyGIsFOS is designed to cover, and examples of the exploitation of MyGIsFOS very fast analysis to assess uncertainties through Montecarlo tests. MyGIsFOS aims to reproduce a ``traditional'' manual analysis by fitting spectral features for different elements against a precomputed grid of synthetic spectra. Fe I and Fe II lines can be employed to determine temperature, gravity, microturbulence, and metallicity by iteratively minimizing the dependence of Fe I abundance from line lower energy and equivalent width, and imposing Fe I - Fe II ionization equilibrium. Once parameters are retrieved, detailed chemical abundances are measured from lines of other elements. MyGIsFOS replicates closely the results obtained in similar analyses on a set of well known stars. It is also quite fast, performing a full parameter determination and detailed abundance analysis in about two minutes per star on a mainstream desktop computer. Currently, its preferred field of application are high-resolution and/or large spectral coverage data (e.g UVES, X-Shooter, HARPS, Sophie).Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication by A&
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