8 research outputs found

    Una propuesta de transformación M2M para el análisis de la fase ASM de MoWebA

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    En este trabajo presentamos cómo la adopción del ASM apoya la portabilidad del PIM y mantiene el modelo arquitectónico independiente de la plataforma de implementación. Para el efecto, adoptamos MoWebA, con sus reglas de transformación M2M que permiten la correcta generación de múltiples ASM partiendo del mismo PIM y múltiples PSM partiendo del mismo ASM. Así, el alcance de este trabajo es presentar las reglas de transformación PIM-ASM definidas en MoWebA para dos arquitecturas diferentes (Aplicaciones Enriquecidas de Internet y móviles) y mostrar su relevancia en pos de la reducción del problema de la portabilidad del PIM. Hemos seleccionado RIA y arquitecturas móviles debido a la relevancia y el impacto actual de ambas. Con este trabajo se logró comprobar que mediante transformaciones M2M es posible obtener modelos ASM para diferentes arquitecturas partiendo de un único PIM sin necesidad de modificarlo previamente. A pesar de que sólo fueron considerados dos modelos ASM (i.e., uno para RIA y otro para persistencia móvil), se concluyó que es completamente posible obtener modelos ASM para otras arquitecturas. La principal ventaja de obtener varios modelos ASM partiendo de un único modelo PIM es que la portabilidad del PIM se conserva de manera considerable y significativa. Es importante recordar que este enfoque (es decir, la captura de los elementos arquitectónicos en el modelo ASM), es muy diferente al de la mayoría de las metodologías actuales que, a diferencia de MoWebA, tienden a agregar los elementos específicos de la arquitectura al PIM (mediante la adaptación/extensión del mismo). Adicionalmente, este estudio muestra que mediante el uso de archivos de configuración externos es posible mejorar en gran medida el grado de automatización de las transformaciones PIM-ASM, más aún cuando es posible procesar estos archivos invocando código Java nativo.This study focuses on a model-to-model (M2M) transformation approach as a possible contribution for the portability problem, mainly at the conceptual modeling level. Therefore, we show as the adoption of Architectural Specific Model (ASM), an intermediate model between Platform Independent Model (PIM) and Platform Specific Model (PSM), supports the PIM portability and maintains the architectural model independent from the implementation platform. To exemplify the concept, we defined M2M transformation rules for MoWebA in order to automate transformations from PIM to ASM for different architectures. We show how to obtain different ASM models for two architectures (Rich Internet Applications and mobile) starting from the same PIM model with a semi-automatic process. Thus, we show the approach relevance to reduce the portability problem.Facultad de Informátic

    Exploring Model-to-Model Transformations for RIA Architectures by means of a Systematic Mapping Study

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    This study focuses on model-to-model – M2M – transformations, as part of the Model-Driven Development – MDD – approach, for Rich Internet Applications – RIA. The main aim of this study is to identify fields that require further contributions, and/or research opportunities in the previously mentioned context.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Exploring Model-to-Model Transformations for RIA Architectures by means of a Systematic Mapping Study

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    This study focuses on model-to-model – M2M – transformations, as part of the Model- Driven Development – MDD – approach, for Rich Internet Applications – RIA. The main aim of this study is to identify fields that require further contributions, and/or research opportunities in the previously mentioned context. We applied mapping studies techniques, since these techniques use the same basic methodology as reviews but are more general and aimed at discovering what the research trends are, allowing to identify gaps in the literature. From an initial set of 132 papers, we selected 30 papers first. Then, thanks to experts’ suggestion, we added 3 additional papers. Therefore, we considered 33 research papers. The performed analysis led to various considerations. Among the important ones, we can mention: there are many newly proposed methods, the scarcity of rigorous and formal validation of such methods, the problem of the portability of Platform Independent Models – PIM, and the low number of tools available for MDD.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Model-to-Model Transformations for RIA Architectures: a Systematic Mapping Study

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    This study focuses on model-to-model transformations, as part of the Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach, for Rich Internet Applications (RIA). The main aim of this study is to identify fields that require further contributions, and/or research opportunities in the previously mentioned context.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Exploring Model-to-Model Transformations for RIA Architectures by means of a Systematic Mapping Study

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    This study focuses on model-to-model – M2M – transformations, as part of the ModelDriven Development – MDD – approach, for Rich Internet Applications – RIA. The main aim of this study is to identify fields that require further contributions, and/or research opportunities in the previously mentioned context. We applied mapping studies techniques, since these techniques use the same basic methodology as reviews but are more general and aimed at discovering what the research trends are, allowing to identify gaps in the literature. From an initial set of 132 papers, we selected 30 papers first. Then, thanks to experts’ suggestion, we added 3 additional papers. Therefore, we considered 33 research papers. The performed analysis led to various considerations. Among the important ones, we can mention: there are many newly proposed methods, the scarcity of rigorous and formal validation of such methods, the problem of the portability of Platform Independent Models – PIM, and the low number of tools available for MDD

    Exploring Model-to-Model Transformations for RIA Architectures by means of a Systematic Mapping Study

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    This study focuses on model-to-model -- M2M -- transformations, as part of the Model-Driven Development -- MDD -- approach, for Rich Internet Applications -- RIA. The main aim of this study is to identify fields that require further contributions, and/or research opportunities in the previously mentioned context. We applied mapping studies techniques, since these techniques use the same basic methodology as reviews but are more general and aimed at discovering what the research trends are, allowing to identify gaps in the literature. From an initial set of 132 papers, we selected 30 papers first. Then, thanks to experts' suggestion, we added 3 additional papers. Therefore, we considered 33 research papers. The performed analysis led to various considerations. Among the important ones, we can mention: there are many newly proposed methods, the scarcity of rigorous and formal validation of such methods, the problem of the portability of Platform Independent Models -- PIM, and the low number of tools available for MDD

    A Model-Driven Approach to develop Rich Web Applications

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    Many Web applications have among their features the possibility of distributing their data and their business logic between the client and the server, also allowing an asynchronous communication between them. These features, originally associated with the arrival of Rich Internet Applications (RIA), remain particularly relevant and desirable. In the area of RIA, there are few proposals that simultaneously consider these features, adopt Model-Driven Development (MDD), and use implementation technologies based on scripting. In this work, we start from MoWebA, an MDD approach to web application development, and we extend it by defining a specific architecture model with RIA functionalities, supporting the previously mentioned features. We have defined the necessary metamodels and UML profiles, as well as transformation rules that allow you to generate code based on HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, jQuery Datatables and jQuery UI. The preliminary validation of the proposal shows positive evidences regarding the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of the users with respect to the modeling and code generation processes of the proposal