54 research outputs found

    Correlated trends of coexisting magnetism and superconductivity in optimally electron-doped oxy-pnictides

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    We report on the recovery of the short-range static magnetic order and on the concomitant degradation of the superconducting state in optimally F-doped SmFe_(1-x)Ru_(x)AsO_0.85F_0.15 for 0.1< x<0.6. The two reduced order parameters coexist within nanometer-size domains in the FeAs layers and finally disappear around a common critical threshold x_c=0.6. Superconductivity and magnetism are shown to be closely related to two distinct well-defined local electronic environments of the FeAs layers. The two transition temperatures, controlled by the isoelectronic and diamagnetic Ru substitution, scale with the volume fraction of the corresponding environments. This fact indicates that superconductivity is assisted by magnetic fluctuations, which are frozen whenever a short-range static order appears, and totally vanish above the magnetic dilution threshold x_c.Comment: Approved for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    The onset of magnetism peaked around x=1/4 in optimally electron-doped LnFe(1-x)Ru(x)AsO(1-y)F(y) (Ln = La, Nd or Sm) superconductors

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    The appearance of static magnetism, nanoscopically coexisting with superconductivity, is shown to be a general feature of optimally electron-doped LnFe(1-x)Ru(x)AsO(1-y)F(y) superconductor (Ln - lanthanide ion) upon isovalent substitution of Fe by Ru. The magnetic ordering temperature T_N and the magnitude of the internal field display a dome-like dependence on x, peaked around x=1/4, with higher T_N values for those materials characterized by a larger z cell coordinate of As. Remarkably, the latter are also those with the highest superconducting transition temperature (T_c) for x=0. The reduction of T_c(x) is found to be significant in the x region of the phase diagram where the static magnetism develops. Upon increasing the Ru content superconductivity eventually disappears, but only at x=0.6.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    High pressure magnetic state of MnP probed by means of muon-spin rotation

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    We report a detailed μ\muSR study of the pressure evolution of the magnetic order in the manganese based pnictide MnP, which has been recently found to undergo a superconducting transition under pressure once the magnetic ground state is suppressed. Using the muon as a volume sensitive local magnetic probe, we identify a ferromagnetic state as well as two incommensurate helical states (with propagation vectors Q{\bf Q} aligned along the crystallographic cc- and bb-directions, respectively) which transform into each other through first order phase transitions as a function of pressure and temperature. Our data appear to support that the magnetic state from which superconductivity develops at higher pressures is an incommensurate helical phase.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Slow magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in fluorine-doped NdFeAsO

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    Among the widely studied superconducting iron-pnictide compounds belonging to the Ln1111 family (with Ln a lanthanide), a systematic investigation of the crossover region between the superconducting and the antiferromagnetic phase for the Ln = Nd case has been missing. We fill this gap by focusing on the intermediate doping regime of NdFeAsO(1-x)F(x) by means of dc-magnetometry and muon-spin spectroscopy measurements. The long-range order we detect at low fluorine doping is replaced by short-range magnetic interactions at x = 0.08, where also superconductivity appears. In this case, longitudinal-field muon-spin spectroscopy experiments show clear evidence of slow magnetic fluctuations that disappear at low temperatures. This fluctuating component is ascribed to the glassy-like character of the magnetically ordered phase of NdFeAsO at intermediate fluorine doping

    Understanding the μ\muSR spectra of MnSi without magnetic polarons

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    Transverse-field muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR) experiments were performed on a single crystal sample of the non-centrosymmetric system MnSi. The observed angular dependence of the muon precession frequencies matches perfectly the one of the Mn-dipolar fields acting on the muons stopping at a 4a position of the crystallographic structure. The data provide a precise determination of the magnetic dipolar tensor. In addition, we have calculated the shape of the field distribution expected below the magnetic transition temperature TCT_C at the 4a muon-site when no external magnetic field is applied. We show that this field distribution is consistent with the one reported by zero-field μ\muSR studies. Finally, we present ab initio calculations based on the density-functional theory which confirm the position of the muon stopping site inferred from transverse-field μ\muSR. In view of the presented evidence we conclude that the μ\muSR response of MnSi can be perfectly and fully understood without invoking a hypothetical magnetic polaron state.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Magnetic ground state and spin fluctuations in MnGe chiral magnet as studied by Muon Spin Rotation

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    We have studied by muon spin resonance ({\mu}SR) the helical ground state and fluctuating chiral phase recently observed in the MnGe chiral magnet. At low temperature, the muon polarization shows double period oscillations at short time scales. Their analysis, akin to that recently developed for MnSi [A. Amato et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 184425 (2014)], provides an estimation of the field distribution induced by the Mn helical order at the muon site. The refined muon position agrees nicely with ab initio calculations. With increasing temperature, an inhomogeneous fluctuating chiral phase sets in, characterized by two well separated frequency ranges which coexist in the sample. Rapid and slow fluctuations, respectively associated with short range and long range ordered helices, coexist in a large temperature range below TN_{N} = 170 K. We discuss the results with respect to MnSi, taking the short helical period, metastable quenched state and peculiar band structure of MnGe into account.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic properties of RECoPO (RE = La, Pr)

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    We report a detailed investigation of RECoPO (RE = La, Pr) and LaCoAsO materials performed by means of muon spin spectroscopy. Zero-field measurements show that the electrons localized on the Pr3+^{3+} ions do not play any role in the static magnetic properties of the compounds. Magnetism at the local level is indeed fully dominated by the weakly-itinerant ferromagnetism from the Co sublattice only. The increase of the chemical pressure triggered by the different ionic radii of La3+^{3+} and Pr3+^{3+}, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in enhancing the value of the magnetic critical temperature and can be mimicked by the application of external hydrostatic pressure up to 24 kbar. A sharp discontinuity in the local magnetic field at the muon site in LaCoPO at around 5 kbar suggests a sizeable modification in the band structure of the material upon increasing pressure. This scenario is qualitatively supported by \emph{ab-initio} density-functional theory calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Magnetic glassy phase in FeSeTe single crystals

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    The evolution of the magnetic order in FeSeTe crystals as a function of Se content was investigated by means of ac/dc magnetometry and muon-spin spectroscopy. Experimental results and self-consistent DFT calculations both indicate that muons are implanted in vacant iron-excess sites, where they probe a local field mainly of dipolar origin, resulting from an antiferromagnetic (AFM) bicollinear arrangement of iron spins. This long-range AFM phase disorders progressively with increasing Se content. At the same time all the tested samples manifest a marked glassy character that vanishes for high Se contents. The presence of local electronic/compositional inhomogeneities most likely favours the growth of clusters whose magnetic moment "freezes" at low temperature. This glassy magnetic phase justifies both the coherent muon precession seen at short times in the asymmetry data, as well as the glassy behaviour evidenced by both dc and ac magnetometry.Comment: Approved for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Fast recovery of the pristine magnetic and structural phases in superconducting LaFeAsO0.89_{0.89}F0.11_{0.11} by Mn/Fe substitution

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    We report on an experimental study of the effect of Mn impurities in the optimally doped LaFeAsO0.89_{0.89}F0.11_{0.11} compound. The results show that a very tiny amount of Mn, of the order of 0.1\%, is enough to destroy superconductivity and to recover at low temperatures both the magnetic ground state and the orthorhombic structure of the pristine LaFeAsO parent compound. The results are discussed within a model where electron correlations enhance the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction among impurities

    Charge doping versus disorder in CeFeAsO: do the in- and out-of-plane dilutions play the same role?

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    We provide direct experimental evidence for the identical effect of the in-plane Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_{x} and of the out-of-plane O1x_{1-x}Fx_{x} chemical dilutions on the itinerant spin-density-wave (SDW) magnetic phase in CeFeAsO. Remarkably, the suppression of SDW is not sensitive at all to the different kinds of disorder introduced in the two cases. Still, it is clearly shown that the sizeable in-plane disorder induced by the Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_{x} substitution is highly effective in suppressing TcT_{\textrm{c}}. Differently from what is observed in CeFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_{x}, the ordered magnetic phase of the Ce sublattice is preserved throughout the whole phase diagram in CeFe1x_{1-x}Cox_{x}AsO (x0.2x \leq 0.2). An intriguing effect is encountered, whereby the magnetic coupling among Ce3+^{3+} ions is enhanced by the superconducting phase.Comment: 8 pages (Main text: 4 pages. Paper merged with supplemental information