87 research outputs found

    Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is the most common motor neuron disease in adults and primarily targets upper and lower motor neurons. The progression of the disease is mostly mediated by altered intercellular communication in the spinal cord between neurons and glial cells. One of the possible ways by which intercellular communication occurs is through extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are responsible for the horizontal transfer of proteins and RNAs to recipient cells. EVs are nanoparticles released by the plasma membrane and this review will describe all evidence connecting ALS, intercellular miscommunication and EVs. We mainly focus on mutant proteins causing ALS and their accumulation in EVs, along with the propensity of mutant proteins to misfold and propagate through EVs in prion-like behavior. EVs are a promising source of biomarkers and the state of the art in ALS will be discussed along with the gaps and challenges still present in this blooming field of investigation

    The importance of gravity vector on adult mammalian organisms: Effects of hypergravity on mouse testis

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    In the age of space exploration, the effect of hypergravity on human physiology is a relatively neglected topic. However, astronauts have several experiences of hypergravity during their missions. The main disturbance of altered gravity can be imputed to cell cytoskeleton alteration and physiologic homeostasis of the body. Testis has proved to be a particularly sensible organ, subject to environmental alteration and physiological disturbance. This makes testis an organ eligible for investigating the alteration following exposure to altered gravity. In our study, mice were exposed to hypergravity (3g for 14 days) in the Large Diameter Centrifuge machine (ESA, Netherland). We have observed a morphological alteration of the regular architecture of the seminiferous tubules of testis as well as an altered expression of factors involved in the junctional complexes of Sertoli cells, responsible for ensuring the morpho-functional integrity of the organ. The expression of key receptors in physiological performance, such as Androgen Receptors and Interstitial Cells Stimulating Hormone receptors, was found lower expressed. All these findings indicate the occurrence of altered physiological organ performance such as the reduction of the spermatozoa number and altered endocrine parameters following hypergravity exposure

    Synthetic miniprion PrP106.

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    Elucidation of structure and biological properties of the prion protein scrapie (PrP(Sc)) is fundamental to an understanding of the mechanism of conformational transition of cellular (PrP(C)) into disease-specific isoforms and the pathogenesis of prion diseases. Unfortunately, the insolubility and heterogeneity of PrP(Sc) have limited these studies. The observation that a construct of 106 amino acids (termed PrP106 or miniprion), derived from mouse PrP and containing two deletions (Delta 23-88, Delta 141-176), becomes protease-resistant when expressed in scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells and sustains prion replication when expressed in PrP(0/0) mice prompted us to generate a corresponding synthetic peptide (sPrP106) to be used for biochemical and cell culture studies. sPrP106 was obtained successfully with a straightforward procedure, which combines classical stepwise solid phase synthesis with a purification strategy based on transient labeling with a lipophilic chromatographic probe. sPrP106 readily adopted a beta-sheet structure, aggregated into branched filamentous structures without ultrastructural and tinctorial properties of amyloid, exhibited a proteinase K-resistant domain spanning residues 134-217, was highly toxic to primary neuronal cultures, and induced a remarkable increase in membrane microviscosity. These features are central properties of PrP(Sc) and make sPrP106 an excellent tool for investigating the molecular basis of the conformational conversion of PrP(C) into PrP(Sc) and prion disease pathogenesis

    Diagnostic and prognostic values of PBMC proteins in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal motor neuron disease for which there are no validated biomarkers. Previous exploratory studies have identified a panel of candidate protein biomarkers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) that include peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA), heat shock cognate protein 71 kDa (HSC70), heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 (hnRNPA2B1) and TDP-43. It has also been found that PPIA plays a key role in the assembly and dynamics of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes and interacts with TDP-43. Its absence accelerates disease progression in a SOD1 mouse model of ALS, and low levels of PPIA in PBMCs are associated with early-onset ALS. However, the diagnostic and prognostic values of PPIA and the other candidate protein biomarkers have not been established. We analyzed the PBMC proteins in a well-characterized cohort of ALS patients (n=93), healthy individuals (n=104) and disease controls (n=111). We used a highly controlled sample processing procedure that implies two-step differential detergent fractionation. We found that the levels of the selected PBMC proteins in the soluble and insoluble fraction, combined, have a high discriminatory power for distinguishing ALS from controls, with PPIA, hnRNPA2B1 and TDP-43 being the proteins most closely associated with ALS. We also found a shift toward increased protein partitioning in the insoluble fraction in ALS and this correlated with a worse disease phenotype. In particular, low PPIA soluble levels were associated with six months earlier death. In conclusion, PPIA is a disease modifier with prognostic potential. PBMC proteins indicative of alterations in protein and RNA homeostasis are promising biomarkers of ALS, for diagnosis, prognosis and patient stratification

    Prolonged exposure to simulated microgravity promotes stemness impairing morphological, metabolic and migratory profile of pancreatic cancer cells: a comprehensive proteomic, lipidomic and transcriptomic analysis

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    Background: The impact of the absence of gravity on cancer cells is of great interest, especially today that space is more accessible than ever. Despite advances, few and contradictory data are available mainly due to different setup, experimental design and time point analyzed. Methods: Exploiting a Random Positioning Machine, we dissected the effects of long-term exposure to simulated microgravity (SMG) on pancreatic cancer cells performing proteomic, lipidomic and transcriptomic analysis at 1, 7 and 9 days. Results: Our results indicated that SMG affects cellular morphology through a time-dependent activation of Actin-based motility via Rho and Cdc42 pathways leading to actin rearrangement, formation of 3D spheroids and enhancement of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Bioinformatic analysis reveals that SMG may activates ERK5/NF-κB/IL-8 axis that triggers the expansion of cancer stem cells with an increased migratory capability. These cells, to remediate energy stress and apoptosis activation, undergo a metabolic reprogramming orchestrated by HIF-1α and PI3K/Akt pathways that upregulate glycolysis and impair β-oxidation, suggesting a de novo synthesis of triglycerides for the membrane lipid bilayer formation. Conclusions: SMG revolutionizes tumor cell behavior and metabolism leading to the acquisition of an aggressive and metastatic stem cell-like phenotype. These results dissect the time-dependent cellular alterations induced by SMG and pave the base for altered gravity conditions as new anti-cancer technology

    Characterization of Detergent-Insoluble Proteins in ALS Indicates a Causal Link between Nitrative Stress and Aggregation in Pathogenesis

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    BACKGROUND:Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive and fatal motor neuron disease, and protein aggregation has been proposed as a possible pathogenetic mechanism. However, the aggregate protein constituents are poorly characterized so knowledge on the role of aggregation in pathogenesis is limited. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We carried out a proteomic analysis of the protein composition of the insoluble fraction, as a model of protein aggregates, from familial ALS (fALS) mouse model at different disease stages. We identified several proteins enriched in the detergent-insoluble fraction already at a preclinical stage, including intermediate filaments, chaperones and mitochondrial proteins. Aconitase, HSC70 and cyclophilin A were also significantly enriched in the insoluble fraction of spinal cords of ALS patients. Moreover, we found that the majority of proteins in mice and HSP90 in patients were tyrosine-nitrated. We therefore investigated the role of nitrative stress in aggregate formation in fALS-like murine motor neuron-neuroblastoma (NSC-34) cell lines. By inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis the amount of insoluble proteins, particularly aconitase, HSC70, cyclophilin A and SOD1 can be substantially reduced. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Analysis of the insoluble fractions from cellular/mouse models and human tissues revealed novel aggregation-prone proteins and suggests that nitrative stress contribute to protein aggregate formation in ALS

    Calcineurin Inhibitor-Based Immunosuppression and COVID-19: Results from a Multidisciplinary Cohort of Patients in Northern Italy

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    The role of immunosuppression in SARS-CoV-2-related disease (COVID-19) is a matter of debate. We here describe the course and the outcome of COVID-19 in a cohort of patients undergoing treatment with calcineurin inhibitors. In this monocentric cohort study, data were collected from the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy up to April 28th 2020. Patients were followed at our hospital for solid organ transplantation or systemic rheumatic disorders (RMDs) and were on calcineurin inhibitor (CNI)-based therapy. Selected patients were referred from the North of Italy. The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical course of COVID-19 in this setting. We evaluated 385 consecutive patients (220 males, 57%; median age 61 years, IQR 48-69); 331 (86%) received solid organ transplantation and 54 (14%) had a RMD. CNIs were the only immunosuppressant administered in 47 patients (12%). We identified 14 (4%) COVID-19 patients, all transplanted, mainly presenting with fever (86%) and diarrhea (71%). Twelve patients were hospitalized and two of them died, both with severe comorbidities. No patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome or infectious complications. The surviving 10 patients are now fully recovered. The clinical course of COVID-19 patients on CNIs is generally mild, and the risk of superinfection seems low

    The Molecular Assembly of Amyloid Aβ Controls Its Neurotoxicity and Binding to Cellular Proteins

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    Accumulation of β-sheet-rich peptide (Aβ) is strongly associated with Alzheimer's disease, characterized by reduction in synapse density, structural alterations of dendritic spines, modification of synaptic protein expression, loss of long-term potentiation and neuronal cell death. Aβ species are potent neurotoxins, however the molecular mechanism responsible for Aβ toxicity is still unknown. Numerous mechanisms of toxicity were proposed, although there is no agreement about their relative importance in disease pathogenesis. Here, the toxicity of Aβ 1–40 and Aβ 1–42 monomers, oligomers or fibrils, was evaluated using the N2a cell line. A structure-function relationship between peptide aggregation state and toxic properties was established. Moreover, we demonstrated that Aβ toxic species cross the plasma membrane, accumulate in cells and bind to a variety of internal proteins, especially on the cytoskeleton and in the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER). Based on these data we suggest that numerous proteins act as Aβ receptors in N2a cells, triggering a multi factorial toxicity
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